View Full Version : Is Monavie a scam? Anyone ever heard of them?

04-30-2011, 04:30 PM

Someone I know has recently become a distibutor for Mona Vie, a juice which purports to give you increased energy, boost your immune system, rid you of any joint pain, feed the hungry and bring peace to the Middle East.

She has encouraged me to try it and become a distributor, but I have politely declined. The distributor part. I tried the juice. It's tasty. I didn't really stick with it long enough to see any noticeable health or energy benefits, so I can't speak to that part.

It's sold through a Multi-Level Marketing program. Let's face it, I'm weary with the idea of MLMs. I pretty much assume they are scams, unless proven otherwise. There have been too many, from Amway to Quixtar, there were the long distance phone ones from about ten years ago, and the super blue green algae. Remember all that crap?

So, I did a bit of digging. Not a lot, but I wanted to know what the fuss was all about. Online, there were a lot of positive things said about the juice itself. How many of those online comments were by distributors of the stuff, we have no way of knowing.

04-30-2011, 04:41 PM
MLM is trash. Don't even bat an eye considering it.

04-30-2011, 04:56 PM
Key ingredient is water. :rofl:

04-30-2011, 05:08 PM
Whenever I hear MLM I cringe...

I have a friend who is a HUGE distributor for this stuff. He's invited me to countless events, etc... It's annoying as shit but I finally got him to stop bugging me about it...

Regularly he posts pictures and videos talking about how much money you can make, again annoying as shit...

The other day, on facebook, a video from Monavie came across my newsfeed. "My friend has cancer and needs help".

Watching it, some doctor was saying science was bullshit, and that in life there are 3 elements or some shit, fire earth and water or something... Went on to say that cancer is caused because of body burning too much carbon in the body... etc.. and monavie cleans the carbon...

I've already lost all respect for people involved in MLMs about 9 years ago, and after watching this video got super angry... The doc probably got his PhD online...

This is like that arab doctor in the middle east that said that earthquakes are being caused by too much cleavage being shown...

Bottom line, if you want to take advantage of people and get involved in a pyramid type "program", go for it, just make sure you have lot's of friends who u can annoy to force to buy this shit...

Or the other choice is keep your real job, this way you won't lose friends.

04-30-2011, 09:42 PM
No amount of money is worth exploiting your friends for a fruit drink.

Safeway has a whole section of healthy trendy fruit drinks, all of which have the same effect.

If you have major health issues, the wost thing in the world you can do is look for a pill or drink that can solve all your problems or convince yourself that a miracle product exists.
You need to put in the leg work and really look at your diet as a whole, not just be a slob and drink some trendy marketing scam drink.

I don't think it's a scam, but I think it exploits people that are easily exploited, and it exploits materialistic people that can be persuaded into selling their integrity for materials goods.

04-30-2011, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

If you have major health issues, the wost thing in the world you can do is look for a pill or drink that can solve all your problems or convince yourself that a miracle product exists.
You need to put in the leg work and really look at your diet as a whole, not just be a slob and drink some trendy marketing scam drink.

I don't think it's a scam, but I think it exploits people that are easily exploited, and it exploits materialistic people that can be persuaded into selling their integrity for materials goods.

^ How is that not a scam?:confused:

My old room mate, who I haven't spoken to in years, recently got involved in this "all juiced team" and, surprise surprise, he's now contacting me out of the blue to "hang out".

This has to be the most annoying thing people can possibly do. I immediately lose respect for someone who's willing to be that pushy to sell over-priced "miracle products".

05-01-2011, 01:55 PM
I was getting pursued quite a bit to become a part of this pyramid scheme.. I broke it down to a few of the people trying to lure me in pretty simple..

"This is a pyramid scheme"
No it isn't.. You're your own boss - you pick up from someone else, and get people under you..
"... So you make someone else money, right? And they make more money when you make more money.. Right? And there is someone above them.. And someone above that person.. And someone at the very top - right?"
Yeah, and we're all getting SUPER rich..
"... That's called a pyramid scheme.."
When you get double black diamond you get a Mercedes Benz !!
"Oh yeah? Where's yours.."
It isn't all about that.. Monavie isn't about making money for itself, it's about making money for people like us..
"Really? Because if Monavie wasn't a business out to make money, they wouldn't exist.. And if this was a legit business you would find it everywhere - if it was such a miracle cure I could get it at Metro.."
It cures cancer !
"Really? That's great - maybe I can give it to my grandma with cancer and she wont die?"
Well.. uh.. It'll help her fingernails grow better..

.......... This shit is a joke.. The "Acai" berry is the main part that makes this drink "awesome".. Walk through a grocery store and you'll find 600 products with Acai berry that don't taste like complete shit.

05-01-2011, 04:39 PM

05-01-2011, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by maxwinedog

She has encouraged me to try it and become a distributor, but I have politely declined. The distributor part. I tried the juice. It's tasty. I didn't really stick with it long enough to see any noticeable health or energy benefits, so I can't speak to that part.

yea I don't get what is so wrong with marketing it as a healthy, tasty fruit drink rather then some miracle juice that will solve all your problems.

Works the same way for everything like that. Don't know about anyone else but I love girl guide cookies, and if they were to come to my door claiming they had miracle biscuits for sale I'd politely tell them to eff off. Don't know what the Mona vie "reps" don't understand about this.

Almost as bad as that lady that went on dragon's den with bottled water labeled with stuff like tranquility etc and when asked what it meant she replied that she had meditated with the water and passed her positive energy into the water.

05-02-2011, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis
I don't think it's a scam, but I think it exploits people that are easily exploited, and it exploits materialistic people that can be persuaded into selling their integrity for materials goods.
Originally posted by Mattloaf
^ How is that not a scam?:confused: Sounds like people who buy Bose speakers.

05-02-2011, 11:04 AM
For the most part people who will actually see benefit out of this Juice is people who eat like shit and dont get their suggested fruits and veggies.. If you are one of those people, it will help.

05-02-2011, 11:23 AM
If you are good at sales you might as well get into a retail job that is commission based and try your luck there.

Nothing will alienate friends and family faster than you calling them out of the blue and trying to sell them on some drink and then trying to get them sign up and find others etc.

05-04-2011, 12:42 AM
my mom, my sister and my aunts got into it. They tried to get me to do it and i kept telling them it's just a pyramid scheme and they refuse to believe me. They were saying how much money they were making simply by doing nothing and blah blah blah. My dad and i looked at them and went :facepalm: . My cousin even took pictures of him next to a lambo with monavie sticker on it saying they give that out to people who are double black diamond. And yes, I am Asian and Asians love miracle fruits and juices and crap. If i wanted to make millions selling juice, I would have opened Jumba Juice or something.

Its been two years since they've started it, every time i ask them where is their Benz or luxurious houses they have no explanation and get angry at me.

Im sure the juice is good in some sort of way, but i think picking up a piece of fruit and eating it daily will benefit you more.

05-04-2011, 04:36 AM
Yes its a scam, and it tastes like shit

05-04-2011, 05:30 PM
Its all the same sh**. Amway, Quixtar, Nutralite, Monavie, Youthjuice, the list goes on and on. I have never been involved with crap like this, nor will I ever. Its funny how everyone that is in this type of so called business always claims the same things. All the money they make or have(which 99 percent dont have anything to show for it, because you cant show what you dont have).

I recall this guy that was with my buddy one time telling me how great it is, how much money he is making, etc. I then said to him, well if its so good for you, what do you need me for? LOL...the guy had no response. I know if i was making the kind of money he claimed he was making, why would i want to share it with someone else.

Bottom line, dont waste your time. You will just come off as an annoying person, who talks big. Lose all your friends and your money at the same time.

05-05-2011, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by TorqueDog
Sounds like people who buy Bose speakers.

Sounds like an overcompensating speaker buyer.