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05-02-2011, 12:08 PM
Website: http://15percent.tumblr.com/

Article: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/bad-tippers-beware-you-could-be-outed/article2006686/comments/

Thanks to the power of the Internet, bad tippers may no longer be able to get away with leaving stingy gratuities.

Frustrated by some of the tips he’s received, Brooklyn designer and developer Larry Fox, who works as a restaurant delivery person as a side job, has created the blog 15 Percent to record the worst tipping offenses he and others have seen.

According to the web site Gothamist, the aim of Mr. Fox’s blog is to shame the miserly. In some entries, he even publishes customers’ first names and streets.

Accompanying a photo of a receipt showing a $1.55 tip on a $17.88 bill, for instance, is the text: “Eric at Olive St. Not even 10%.”

(In an entry over the weekend, Mr. Fox explained he has removed the actual addresses of individuals after being asked to do so by the hosting platform Tumblr.) “I am still going to be operating the site, and will still gladly shame companies and institutions by name,” he writes.

Mr. Fox told Gothamist he was irked by customers who, theoretically, have deep pockets but won’t share the wealth.

“I just got tired of all these big companies, these TV shows and movie sets giving us two or three dollar tips on a $90 order,” he said. “The excuse is that ‘we can't tip because that's what corporate says’ is wrong. I find it disrespectful. And I wanted to make people aware of that.”

05-02-2011, 12:18 PM
Here's a thought: get a real fucking job so you can be the guy ordering out.

I tip my delivery guy $3 for any order under $30, and $5 for any order under $50, etc. etc. If that's not enough you can pound sand.

05-02-2011, 12:19 PM
or he could get himself a real job...

D'z Nutz
05-02-2011, 12:19 PM

That website's gonna look like a Chinese and Indian directory.

05-02-2011, 12:21 PM
i do my job and i dont get tipped for it? why should a delivery person? thats there job..they get paid to deliver...weather it by hour or by km...they chose the job...and how do you become wealthy if u constantly throw away money like that...if i tipped 5 dollars every time i ordered food... that would add up to alot of money wasted in one year.. just my opinion...

962 kid
05-02-2011, 12:24 PM
What a whiny bitch. I hope he never receives another tip in his life. "Boo hoo, working a job that relies on the graciousness and beliefs of other people doesn't always provide me with a steady and plentiful income :cry:"

If you’re visiting a new country, it should be your responsibility to research the culture you are going in to. That includes proper tipping amounts, if there is any at all.

Tip a MINIMUM of $5.00. There is no reason why somebody two blocks away who tips $5 to your 2 miles and $2 should tip better than you.

They are taking a risk to deliver your lazy ass food.

What a little slimeball. Who in their right mind would tip a little dbag who a) has a website dedicated to humiliating customers, and b) considers all his customers to be lazy asses.

05-02-2011, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by r32skyline15
i do my job and i dont get tipped for it? why should a delivery person? thats there job..they get paid to deliver...weather it by hour or by km...they chose the job...and how do you become wealthy if u constantly throw away money like that...if i tipped 5 dollars every time i ordered food... that would add up to alot of money wasted in one year.. just my opinion...

I instinctively read that entire post with a chinese accent. Weird.


05-02-2011, 12:29 PM
Heh. I used to tip all the time when I was a young lad, even when the service was crap, because I didn't want to look cheap. As I get older, unless the service is totally outstanding, I have no problem leaving the bare amount, or even nothing.

05-02-2011, 12:32 PM
If he has the time to constantly update a website, he has the time to find a better/real job.

05-02-2011, 12:39 PM
lolll :rofl:

I can only speak for the baristas out there, but I worked my way through undergrad as a barista and here’s the deal: $1 tip per drink is minimum. I grew up in the NW (Seattle/Portland) and when I moved out to the NE (Boston/NYC), I kept noticing that people don’t tip AT ALL??? I’m no longer in the service industry, but if I see you do this, I’m going to spill my latte on you and smile. Again, if you can’t afford the tip, don’t order your item.

05-02-2011, 12:58 PM
if he's getting bad tips, he's probably a bad delivery boy. what a dick move to go posting people's personal info all over the internet, just becauze you suck at delivering pizzaq.

05-02-2011, 01:11 PM
God I hate the tipping system

05-02-2011, 01:26 PM
Wow lol

I think most people in the service industry can agree to this much, tips usually will balance out. One guy might leave you nothing and then you have another generous customer who will over tip.

This applies to tables and deliveries. I don't know what that dude's problem is. Creating the website, drawing all the attention is not cool. Does he have a commercial license for delivery and does he report 100% of his tips? He should really stfu!

Perhaps it should be like Hong Kong where 10% is automatically added to your bill. Or other countries where tipping isn't necessary and will run after you to give you your change back.

Personally I'm a 20% guy and I usually go to the same restaurants so in a way it's like paying to ensure good service since the servers remember you. :D

05-02-2011, 01:29 PM
I saw this posted on Gawker last week, and I think his Tumblr is stupid. But like a lot of posters stated there, he does have a point.

Delivery is different in NYC than in Calgary..you're not just driving from house to house..you're biking that food through heavy rain, brutal snowpocalypses and -10c in the winter to 28-33c++ weather in the summer (all with heavy humidity). If you're delivering to a walk up, the delivery guy generally has to walk up the 5 flights to get your food to you (sucks).

For me, my tip is based on the weather and how far the restaurant is from me - so base is about 10% +. A $20 pizza is going to get like $2ish from me (simple delivery), but $90 will get probably $10-$12 since it takes a lot more effort to assemble and try to bike it over in one piece.

And I think some people forget - you're PAYING for a service. If you don't want to to pay for it, go pickup the food yourself.

05-02-2011, 01:30 PM
If I am paying $5 for delivery already, I dont see why I should tip anymore:thumbsup:

05-02-2011, 01:33 PM
It appears to me the site is more of an outlet for him. Its not like saying Resident X is a shitty tipper is going to stop places from delivering there, nor is a delivery driver going to check his site before making a delivery.

But in the end, the site makes the guy look like a bitch and is a lesson to be careful what you do on the internet

05-02-2011, 01:38 PM
I don't see what he's bitchin about, he must be a shitty delivery guy. I delivered pizza a couple years back in highschool. I made $8 an hour + tips and .25 cents per km I drove. I made awesome money usually worked out I was making $20-$25 an hour and my gas tank was always full.
If someone didn't tip it'd even itself out after a couple of generous tippers.

05-02-2011, 01:40 PM
ya pizza 73 already charges you a fee for delivery so keep the change

05-02-2011, 01:41 PM
The whole tipping system is just a garbage excuse for business owners to pay their employees to work for minimum wage, yet work like they're being paid a reasonable amount.

05-02-2011, 01:41 PM
For me to tip the service does not have to be outstanding but my order needs to be correct, attentive staff (drink refills etc) and timely service. Anything under that gets nothing, if they go over that without being annoying they get more.

I agree though if I am already paying for you to deliver my food then what have you done to make me want to give you more money. That being said if the guy is a good guy and friendly I will reward him for that.

05-02-2011, 01:49 PM
I'm a generous tipper, but he should be happy he's getting anything at all, I know I would be.

05-02-2011, 01:56 PM
You also have to understand that some people will not tip no matter what lol I think this has to do with either they don't know or they know but just don't tip. I get a lot of regular traffic where I work and when certain customers come to pay I just omit the tip line when I do their credit card slip. Great people but they just don't tip and that's fine lol I don't treat them any differently haha

05-02-2011, 02:00 PM
Typical attitude of the newest generations.

05-02-2011, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by jsn
If he has the time to constantly update a website, he has the time to find a better/real job.

My thought exactly, he is more concerned about his website than his service I assume

05-02-2011, 02:17 PM
The sad thing is that I shared a similar attitude at one time. I blame it on youth plus a misguided sense of entitlement.

I wonder if he fits that demographic: young, little/no education, smart (or, at the very least, thinks he is), and is bitter at the fact that he is "not in control" of his income. I'm sure at one point he'll experience a heightened sense of lucidity and realize that it's his own choices that have bound him to his financial fate.

05-02-2011, 02:29 PM
I only tip well for exemplary service. Otherwise 10-15%. I don't make tips for doing my job. They could pressure the service industry to pay a couple more bucks per hour. I would have him SEO'd into being someone who puts pubes on food or something.

05-02-2011, 02:30 PM
At my work theres no delivery charge as long as its close, but we still get paid for the delivery + tips. On average I would say 5 dollars a tip. Theres some people if the orders like 19.95 they give you a 20 and say keep the change... :banghead: Then theres the people who on a 22 dollar order give you 40 and say to keep the change.

We remember what houses are cheap, and lets say if we get 3 orders to do, we always take the cheap ones last.

05-02-2011, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Troll-ol
At my work theres no delivery charge as long as its close, but we still get paid for the delivery + tips. On average I would say 5 dollars a tip. Theres some people if the orders like 19.95 they give you a 20 and say keep the change... :banghead: Then theres the people who on a 22 dollar order give you 40 and say to keep the change.

We remember what houses are cheap, and lets say if we get 3 orders to do, we always take the cheap ones last.

I had a 'confusing' house and they would get lost a few times. We lived on 4th st NE (bridgeland) and they would always end up in Sunny Side. We usually had to call and find out where they hell they were at. The first time I didnt tip the guy, it took him an hour and a half. Second time we ordered we told him bridgeland and he didnt show for an hour. Didnt tip again. Second last time he couldnt find the house so just drove back to the shop. Didnt even try to call us. Last time it took him an hour and a half, I asked him why he took so long, he told me because he remembered we dont tip well so he wasnt in a rush. I told him to F off because he had never delivered our food within an hour. We never ordered from there again.

Just to warn you that what you are doing is a bit of a dangerous thing. If you screw over your customers because they dont tip well, that is making it worse. What if you rushed to their house one time and were supper friendly. Maybe they would be better customers?

05-02-2011, 02:37 PM

I don't even know how drivers get lost because everyone has a smart phone and gps nowadays and not like you were in a new community where it hasn't hit the maps yet.

I'm surprised he actually said that to you lol I would have just said it's super busy and couldn't get around to your order.

Just curious which restaurant was this? You should have just went to pick it up :D

05-02-2011, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

I don't even know how drivers get lost because everyone has a smart phone and gps nowadays and not like you were in a new community where it hasn't hit the maps yet.

I'm surprised he actually said that to you lol I would have just said it's super busy and couldn't get around to your order.

Just curious which restaurant was this? You should have just went to pick it up :D

We usually ordered on snowy days, lol. Usually we went to the restaurant on nice days. It was a sushi place at the top of the hill on Center Street besides starbucks. I lived near the 7-11 in bridgeland. Really isnt that hard to find. He was 'busy' and nice the first few times. He usually blamed us or the shop for the screw up, we always had them put a note on the order that said BRIDGELAND but it either wasnt there or it was obscure.

I think he felt that he wasnt at fault for the delivery problems and was pissed we blamed him for it.

05-02-2011, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by schocker

I can only speak for the baristas out there, but I worked my way through undergrad as a barista and here’s the deal: $1 tip per drink is minimum. I grew up in the NW (Seattle/Portland) and when I moved out to the NE (Boston/NYC), I kept noticing that people don’t tip AT ALL??? I’m no longer in the service industry, but if I see you do this, I’m going to spill my latte on you and smile. Again, if you can’t afford the tip, don’t order your item.

I think this would be one of those times where it would be strictly reflect to punch someone in the face.

I wouldn't say I'm a cheap bastard but when people do just their job and expect some grandiose tip, I'm so tempted to give them nothing just to spite them.

05-02-2011, 03:03 PM
I am surprised homeslice doesn't get canned for that kind of thing. If my delivery driver or server ever made a comment like that I would go right to the manager. I would also let them know that my business would never be seen again.

If I have terrible service I tell the server straight up. " I am not tipping because you gave terrible service."

05-02-2011, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Cos

I had a 'confusing' house and they would get lost a few times. We lived on 4th st NE (bridgeland) and they would always end up in Sunny Side. We usually had to call and find out where they hell they were at. The first time I didnt tip the guy, it took him an hour and a half. Second time we ordered we told him bridgeland and he didnt show for an hour. Didnt tip again. Second last time he couldnt find the house so just drove back to the shop. Didnt even try to call us. Last time it took him an hour and a half, I asked him why he took so long, he told me because he remembered we dont tip well so he wasnt in a rush. I told him to F off because he had never delivered our food within an hour. We never ordered from there again.

Just to warn you that what you are doing is a bit of a dangerous thing. If you screw over your customers because they dont tip well, that is making it worse. What if you rushed to their house one time and were supper friendly. Maybe they would be better customers? All of the drivers have tried to get there quick and still don't get anything, so we gave up on a few people. To make it worse, this house is about as far as we go without adding a delivery charge on.

05-02-2011, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Cos

We usually ordered on snowy days, lol. Usually we went to the restaurant on nice days. It was a sushi place at the top of the hill on Center Street besides starbucks. I lived near the 7-11 in bridgeland. Really isnt that hard to find. He was 'busy' and nice the first few times. He usually blamed us or the shop for the screw up, we always had them put a note on the order that said BRIDGELAND but it either wasnt there or it was obscure.

I think he felt that he wasnt at fault for the delivery problems and was pissed we blamed him for it.

Oh Maruju. Salmon sashimi for $1.25! :drool:

Originally posted by Troll-ol
All of the drivers have tried to get there quick and still don't get anything, so we gave up on a few people. To make it worse, this house is about as far as we go without adding a delivery charge on.

I don't mind if the customers are at least nice but if they are demanding/rude customers, I just tell them we are short staff, and it's up to a 2 hour wait for deliveries so it's best they come pick up (in the nicest way possible).


05-02-2011, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Oh Maruju. Salmon sashimi for $1.25! :drool:

I don't mind if the customers are at least nice but if they are demanding/rude customers, I just tell them we are short staff, and it's up to a 2 hour wait for deliveries so it's best they come pick up (in the nicest way possible).

:D Yes like one guy in particular, I always take his last because of the no tip and then he was like "it better not be fucking cold" and then he tells me not to work too hard...

05-02-2011, 03:42 PM
I feel expected tipping from the service industry is getting out of hand. When I was a kid going out with my parents they'd usually tip 10% for competent friendly service. But now friends of mine who work in the industry seem to expect and average of 15%, and I know when we go out as a large group, we usually and up leaving 15-20 sometimes more.

05-02-2011, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Troll-ol
Yes like one guy in particular, I always take his last because of the no tip and then he was like "it better not be fucking cold" and then he tells me not to work too hard...
You seem familiar.

Have I banned you before?

05-02-2011, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by A790

You seem familiar.

Have I banned you before?

Not for a few days:nut:

05-02-2011, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Freeskier
I feel expected tipping from the service industry is getting out of hand. When I was a kid going out with my parents they'd usually tip 10% for competent friendly service. But now friends of mine who work in the industry seem to expect and average of 15%, and I know when we go out as a large group, we usually and up leaving 15-20 sometimes more.

I completely agree. And not just the expected amount but the sense of entitlement some seem to have about tipping.

$1 minimum for making a coffee? What's next $1 minimum tip for making a sub?

Need to be more like Australia and Japan where there is no tipping at all.

05-02-2011, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by SilverGS

Need to be more like Australia and Japan where there is no tipping at all.

Then you get shit service and have nothing to fight with other than if you're willing to actually make a stink with the manager/refuse payment.

The tip is SUPPOSED to be like a hold back. You pay 85% of the bill, and 15% is your discretion if the service/timing/whatever was good. That way there's incentive for the low man to get the shit done. If the companies just turned around and charged the full 100% (even if they paid the 15% to the employee) do you think the service would even be close? No, because they're getting paid no matter what so as long as they don't actually slack to the point of getting fired, they're golden.

Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service SUCKS.

05-02-2011, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

Then you get shit service and have nothing to fight with other than if you're willing to actually make a stink with the manager/refuse payment.

The tip is SUPPOSED to be like a hold back. You pay 85% of the bill, and 15% is your discretion if the service/timing/whatever was good. That way there's incentive for the low man to get the shit done. If the companies just turned around and charged the full 100% (even if they paid the 15% to the employee) do you think the service would even be close? No, because they're getting paid no matter what so as long as they don't actually slack to the point of getting fired, they're golden.

Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service SUCKS.

I disagree, service in Europe was fine wherever I went. In fact better, because the servers were more relaxed.

Tips should be included.

05-02-2011, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

Then you get shit service and have nothing to fight with other than if you're willing to actually make a stink with the manager/refuse payment.

The tip is SUPPOSED to be like a hold back. You pay 85% of the bill, and 15% is your discretion if the service/timing/whatever was good. That way there's incentive for the low man to get the shit done. If the companies just turned around and charged the full 100% (even if they paid the 15% to the employee) do you think the service would even be close? No, because they're getting paid no matter what so as long as they don't actually slack to the point of getting fired, they're golden.

Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service SUCKS.

So you are saying the service in Canada, or Calgary is better than Australia and Japan?

05-02-2011, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Khyron

Then you get shit service and have nothing to fight with other than if you're willing to actually make a stink with the manager/refuse payment.

The tip is SUPPOSED to be like a hold back. You pay 85% of the bill, and 15% is your discretion if the service/timing/whatever was good. That way there's incentive for the low man to get the shit done. If the companies just turned around and charged the full 100% (even if they paid the 15% to the employee) do you think the service would even be close? No, because they're getting paid no matter what so as long as they don't actually slack to the point of getting fired, they're golden.

Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service SUCKS.

A sad indication of what our society is all about. I had the best service I have ever had in Japan and when I even attempted to tip was completely rejected being almost insulted by the gesture and my Australian friends don't have problems where they are from where tipping is non-existent.

Tipping has never been a "Hold Back". It was encouraged to ensure prompt service or extra service not customary with a position. Unfortunately has become so normal in today's society that people now expect them irregardless of speedy service or extra attention.

It used to be you work hard to get that extra tip. Now it's give me a tip or else I will go out of my way to give you terrible service. Proven by Troll-ol's posts.

05-02-2011, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

Oh Maruju. Salmon sashimi for $

Yeah that is it, they are great dont get me wrong, it is always this one delivery dude and I think he was a contractor.

Originally posted by Khyron

Then you get shit service and have nothing to fight with other than if you're willing to actually make a stink with the manager/refuse payment.

The tip is SUPPOSED to be like a hold back. You pay 85% of the bill, and 15% is your discretion if the service/timing/whatever was good. That way there's incentive for the low man to get the shit done. If the companies just turned around and charged the full 100% (even if they paid the 15% to the employee) do you think the service would even be close? No, because they're getting paid no matter what so as long as they don't actually slack to the point of getting fired, they're golden.

Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service SUCKS.

Errr not true at all, I found the service in england far superior to canada. Also one day I got a barmaid drunk because she was so good I had to start tipping her, I found out later you don't tip so she kept drinking half pints on my behalf.

05-02-2011, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Khyron
Careful what you wish for - tipless/all-included service in North America - where servers are dumbass teenagers with an entitlement complex or disgruntled middle aged people who hate their life - SUCKS.

There, now it's accurate.

05-02-2011, 05:24 PM
Pissed me off when i was looking into wedding stuff, and all of the caterers, etc, DEMAND gratuity. Basically you are forced to pay the 15%, no matter what. So, to sum it up, they can be complete shit heads, and its part of the bill...give me a break. That really pissed me off. Well, just had a small wedding, 10 people, no caterers, or photographers, etc...just family. Went to a restaraunt, and the service was great, so i tipped the waitress 20% or more. Money well spent.

05-02-2011, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by sr20s14zenki
Pissed me off when i was looking into wedding stuff, and all of the caterers, etc, DEMAND gratuity. Basically you are forced to pay the 15%, no matter what. So, to sum it up, they can be complete shit heads, and its part of the bill...give me a break. That really pissed me off. Well, just had a small wedding, 10 people, no caterers, or photographers, etc...just family. Went to a restaraunt, and the service was great, so i tipped the waitress 20% or more. Money well spent. exactly the auto tip is becoming really no tip at all.

05-02-2011, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by SilverGS
It used to be you work hard to get that extra tip. Now it's give me a tip or else I will go out of my way to give you terrible service.

The unfortunate part, this is exactly how it is.

One thing that I don't understand and maybe someone in the biz' can chime in, why is there a 15-18% gratuity when in large groups? For the sake of the server, typically I find people leave a far bigger tip because everyone is just throwing in bills rather than change and the tip is much more. What is worse, the meal typically is less organized than if it were just two people.

05-02-2011, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by mucat

So you are saying the service in Canada, or Calgary is better than Australia and Japan?

YES to Australia.

No to Japan.

Australia has the most piss poor service, at least in brisbane. and waiters/waitresses there make $40k a year, plus their employer is required to contribute into superannuations (retirement plans)

05-02-2011, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by A790
Here's a tip: get a real fucking job so you can be the guy ordering out.


05-02-2011, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by msommers

The unfortunate part, this is exactly how it is.

One thing that I don't understand and maybe someone in the biz' can chime in, why is there a 15-18% gratuity when in large groups? For the sake of the server, typically I find people leave a far bigger tip because everyone is just throwing in bills rather than change and the tip is much more. What is worse, the meal typically is less organized than if it were just two people.

I was a server for a few years when I was just out of high school.

I never gave intentionally bad service because someone was a shitty tipper. But you can bet your ass that if I was working a 10 table section the other 9 would be getting more of my attention.

The automatic tip on a large table is because servers have to tip out the kitchen/bar. Everywhere I worked it was 3% of TOTAL daily sales. So for every $100 worth of food a table orders you're paying $3 out of your tips whether the table tips or not.

So if you have a $1000-1500 table that decides not to leave a tip you're out $30-45 dollars.

This is the reason why tips are EXPECTED now. Because as a server you need to tip out.

05-02-2011, 06:24 PM
I always tip $4. If the pizza is late then I'll call the pizza place cause I have friends who deliver and I know that its usually not the delivery guys fault. Also, why screw him out of a tip and save 4 bucks when I can get a free pizza :D

Yeah, regardless of distance order size or anything. $4.

05-02-2011, 06:30 PM
fuck what a whiny bitch.. our tipping system should be the same as in Dubai when i went down there couple months ago.. your tip.. NOTHING, they wouldnt even let me tip.. i gave a waitress there 15 bucks for a 11 dollar meal and started walking away.. she ran up the street to give my 4 bucks back? i was like :confused:

D'z Nutz
05-02-2011, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by A790
I wonder if he fits that demographic: young, little/no education, smart (or, at the very least, thinks he is), and is bitter at the fact that he is "not in control" of his income. I'm sure at one point he'll experience a heightened sense of lucidity and realize that it's his own choices that have bound him to his financial fate.

Hmm... (http://www.larrythefox.com)

I'm a 20 year old designer and developer, living in Brooklyn, New York. For inquiries and to tell me how awesome I am, drop me a line or hit me up @larrythefox

Sounds about right.

05-02-2011, 06:46 PM
Screw tipping. I only tip well at places I frequent, or when my server is attractive. Any other time its like 10%.

05-02-2011, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by A790

You seem familiar.

Have I banned you before?

Off topic, but I thought registration was closed?
Isnt this like his 4th account?

05-02-2011, 07:56 PM
I used to deliver alot and with tips you barely made any money. That was back when gas was much cheaper as well so i don't know how they can afford to deliver with their vehicles at all. if you don't tip it wouldn't be economical for someone to do it at all, then the companies will have to charge more delivery charge or raise food prices.
so, don't be cheap and tip the driver.
I usually just tip 3 or 4 dollars, doesn't matter what the bill is unless it's a huge order. it's not usually more or less work for a driver if it's a $20 order or a $45 order.

05-02-2011, 08:26 PM
I hate it when I go with large groups and since the tip will be added automatically, the servers give us shitty service. So not only am I stuck with a 18% tip, but I didn't get any service at all! Then you have to argue with the management to get that money back.

I understand servers get paid very little and rely on tips. But seriously, without repeat customers, then where is the tip source going to come from? If I'm going to get bad service, then don't expect me to tip great. Same with Korean BBQ places in the states. You cook your own dam food, you get your own meat, why the hell am I tipping?

I don't buy into the "I tip 20% so I don't look like a cheap ass." Why do I need to impress them? Obviously they weren't trying to impress me to get 20% legitimately. Then again, if she is pretty hot, that gets 20% automatically....

05-02-2011, 08:38 PM
I wanna beat this douche canoe up and then leave him a $1.

05-02-2011, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by Zephyr
I hate it when I go with large groups and since the tip will be added automatically, the servers give us shitty service. So not only am I stuck with a 18% tip, but I didn't get any service at all! Then you have to argue with the management to get that money back.

I understand servers get paid very little and rely on tips. But seriously, without repeat customers, then where is the tip source going to come from? If I'm going to get bad service, then don't expect me to tip great. Same with Korean BBQ places in the states. You cook your own dam food, you get your own meat, why the hell am I tipping?

I don't buy into the "I tip 20% so I don't look like a cheap ass." Why do I need to impress them? Obviously they weren't trying to impress me to get 20% legitimately. Then again, if she is pretty hot, that gets 20% automatically....

The auto-gratuity for large groups usually comes from, in my experiences anyways, because there are often douche-canoes who underpay figuring someone is going to overpay. Often enough, that doesn't happen and the person left holding the bag is the server.

Having said that, I think the auto-gratuity should be more like a suggestion rather than the real total. As in:
Real total: $XXXX
With Grat: $YYYY
Pay at least $XXXX and tip whatever you see fit. That way, if service wasn't up to your standard, you're at least paying what you actually owe and you tip what YOU deem is fair given your level of service.

Just my opinion

05-02-2011, 10:29 PM
I tip for good or great service…never out of a forced feeling of obligation. It’s just one more case of people having a wrong sense of entitlement.
(…and yes, I did my time in the service industry)

05-02-2011, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

I was a server for a few years when I was just out of high school.

I never gave intentionally bad service because someone was a shitty tipper. But you can bet your ass that if I was working a 10 table section the other 9 would be getting more of my attention.

The automatic tip on a large table is because servers have to tip out the kitchen/bar. Everywhere I worked it was 3% of TOTAL daily sales. So for every $100 worth of food a table orders you're paying $3 out of your tips whether the table tips or not.

So if you have a $1000-1500 table that decides not to leave a tip you're out $30-45 dollars.

This is the reason why tips are EXPECTED now. Because as a server you need to tip out.

You contradicted yourself in the same paragraph. You didn't intentionally give bad service but then go on to say the other 9/10 tables would get more of your attention. So the person you considered a bad tipper has now gotten sub par service and probably even more pissed and will give even less.

I also was a server and a restaurant manager. Not saying it couldn't happen but you would have to have some pretty shitty ass service to have a $1000-$1500 table give you $0 Tip. I have never ever seen that ever. The vast majority of the time it is 10%+ generally closer to 20%. Sorry if I don't feel sorry for you when you have to tip out $30-$45 on your $150-$200 tip.

It is not the customers job to guarantee coverage of the tip out that the restaurant has setup. Do a good job and you will always come out on top. I never had a server lose money after tipping out the kitchen even on a bad night. So to say that is the reason for an automatic 18% gratuity is absolute BS.

Originally posted by sexualbanana

The auto-gratuity for large groups usually comes from, in my experiences anyways, because there are often douche-canoes who underpay figuring someone is going to overpay. Often enough, that doesn't happen and the person left holding the bag is the server.

Having said that, I think the auto-gratuity should be more like a suggestion rather than the real total. As in:
Real total: $XXXX
With Grat: $YYYY
Pay at least $XXXX and tip whatever you see fit. That way, if service wasn't up to your standard, you're at least paying what you actually owe and you tip what YOU deem is fair given your level of service.

Just my opinion

You are right there are some people that may underpay and there are people who overpay. The balance generally works out. In my experience the good servers rarely get completely screwed if ever. Very few people will tell you if you didn't do a good job and some people just have high expectations but in the long run a good server will end up on top with no problems.

I don't think anyone would have any issues with a suggested tip amount. Even a 15% tip = $$$ this amount so everyone isn't always whipping out a cell phone calc but I agree a tip should always be voluntary.

Some of the worst service I have gotten are from the fancy places with auto-gratuity where I have to get up to find a couple servers chatting it up behind a wall to get one of them to even fill a glass of water.

05-02-2011, 11:12 PM
One time I sat down for over 20 minutes didn't even get a drink order. So the bus boy saw that and came over and got my drinks and order. Then the waitress rushed over and yelled at the bus boy for doing so, then she decided to do her job (she was standing by the host table talking to the host the entire time). Every time the waitress came to "help" us, she had a bitchy attitude and just rudely dropped our plates on the table. Later that night I snuck the bus boy a nice tip, $10 and my bill was only $25, but I saw him busting his ass for several tables, and gave the waitress two cents. As I left, she came outside to complain to me about my two cents.

I understand there are good waiters and waitresses out there, but it's your fellow coworkers that give you a bad rap, so regulate them! :banghead: :banghead:

05-03-2011, 12:51 AM
Tipping in general is getting fucking ridiculous in North America.
It's not solely the service industry anymore.
Almost everywhere I go, when I pay via Debit or Credit there's an option to tip.
Just in the last week I've noticed that the following have either tip options on their debit machines or Tip Jars in front of their tills.
Pet Groomer
Fast Food joints
Gas station attendants
Convenient stores
Chiropractor... The last few I listed I understand that they can use a few extra dollars but seriously even Chiropractors expect tips now? As if they don't get paid enough?

The general response is that tipping is a way to reward an individual for doing a good job. uhh, Isn't keeping your job a reward for doing a good job?

I work as technical support for an airline company and I am expected to provide both internal and external customers with the very best service, If I went to work tomorrow and just started being a prick to everyone who didn't hand me a 5 I would lose my job.

I will always tip waiters, waitresses, and hair dressers. anyone else I will tip if they've really earned it.

Bottom line
Just because your particular job involves the exchange of money face to face does not entitle you to keep any of it


05-03-2011, 10:12 AM
I didn't bother reading this thread but I'm in Poland right now and there is no such thing as "tipping"

However with about 500ml of vodka in me I start throwing money around and usually tip like no tmorrow but when I'm sober I've only tipped a few times here, only becuase I feel very weird not tipping...

05-03-2011, 10:48 AM
edit: ^ +1 in most of S.E Asia its almost illegal in a sense to tip in some parts. i mean the servers with start an argument with you in refusing the tip while others just look at you like you're crazy in the sense that you're throwing away money.

is tipping the law? i mean i tip but afaik you really only have to pay for what you buy right?

always think back to the grizzly house inn in banff, where i was surprised to see that the little shit who didn't even offer good service wrote on the side a 'suggested' gratuity number with a smiley face, fk that shit, i will pay my bill for what i owe with a minimum of 15% tip and if you were awesome and put hard work into service then much more than that.

05-03-2011, 12:02 PM
I HATE how places like fast food places have tipping now on the debit/credit machines. Fuck off, I'm not giving you a few bucks just because you punched in my order and then handed it to me. That's your fucking job.

I also HATE tipping fucking bathroom attendants in clubs. Won't let you wash your hands without tipping them, fuck off, you're not entitled to a buck or 2 because you gave me a fucking paper towel and turned on the water...

05-03-2011, 12:06 PM
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl
$2 to the coat check girl
$2 to the bathroom guy


05-03-2011, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by psycoticclown
I also HATE tipping fucking bathroom attendants in clubs. Won't let you wash your hands without tipping them, fuck off, you're not entitled to a buck or 2 because you gave me a fucking paper towel and turned on the water...

I hate that fucker at the Rhino... mostly because I can't respect any part of what he does. I have never, and never will tip him, and I hope no one else does either.

05-03-2011, 12:23 PM
haha The dude at Rhino seems chill though? Never had the problem where he wouldn't let me wash my hands lol

05-03-2011, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by t-im
I saw this posted on Gawker last week, and I think his Tumblr is stupid. But like a lot of posters stated there, he does have a point.

Delivery is different in NYC than in Calgary..you're not just driving from house to house..you're biking that food through heavy rain, brutal snowpocalypses and -10c in the winter to 28-33c++ weather in the summer (all with heavy humidity). If you're delivering to a walk up, the delivery guy generally has to walk up the 5 flights to get your food to you (sucks).

For me, my tip is based on the weather and how far the restaurant is from me - so base is about 10% +. A $20 pizza is going to get like $2ish from me (simple delivery), but $90 will get probably $10-$12 since it takes a lot more effort to assemble and try to bike it over in one piece.

And I think some people forget - you're PAYING for a service. If you don't want to to pay for it, go pickup the food yourself.

I was a bike courier for many years, and rode through shit weather year-round; I never got a tip, not did I ever expect one.
What a little bitch.

05-03-2011, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by rotten42
It’s just one more case of people having a wrong sense of entitlement.
(…and yes, I did my time in the service industry)


In Vancouver once, I was using debit at the front to pay for the meal, when the girl noticed I put zero as a tip, she rudely called me out on it very loudly "What, no tip????"

I told her it was on the table in cash, but don't bother looking for it, because I'm going to take it back now, lol.

05-03-2011, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl
$2 to the coat check girl
$2 to the bathroom guy

:rofl: And the guy at the alley, every time I go
To the washroom he's like "hook a brotha up"

05-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl
$2 to the coat check girl
$2 to the bathroom guy


i hate when coat check hands you a $5 bill and a loonie and toonies instead of a $10 bill... its winter, im not going out without a jacket, you wont let me keep my jacket, you charge me to check my jacket and i know you wont give it back to me in a timely manner when i want it back and you want a fucking tip?!

05-03-2011, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by ercchry

i hate when coat check hands you a $5 bill and a loonie and toonies instead of a $10 bill... its winter, im not going out without a jacket, you wont let me keep my jacket, you charge me to check my jacket and i know you wont give it back to me in a timely manner when i want it back and you want a fucking tip?! This part I don't have any problem with, sure 2 dollars for a coat check, but you shouldn't have to tip everyone when you're already paying for overpriced drinks. As for not letting you keep your coat, that's fine with me since it's a safety concern having people sneak in weapons and such.

05-03-2011, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Troll-ol
This part I don't have any problem with, sure 2 dollars for a coat check, but you shouldn't have to tip everyone when you're already paying for overpriced drinks. As for not letting you keep your coat, that's fine with me since it's a safety concern having people sneak in weapons and such.

then have free coat check and i will give you a tip, giving me a pocket full of change will infuriate me, give me the proper amount back in the largest bill you have in the till. if i need change i will ask for it

05-03-2011, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by psycoticclown
I HATE how places like fast food places have tipping now on the debit/credit machines. Fuck off, I'm not giving you a few bucks just because you punched in my order and then handed it to me. That's your fucking job.

I also HATE tipping fucking bathroom attendants in clubs. Won't let you wash your hands without tipping them, fuck off, you're not entitled to a buck or 2 because you gave me a fucking paper towel and turned on the water...

No doubt man, I used to live in Chaparal and would goto the Subway by the Canadian Tire in shawnessy almost daily and always wondered if they hated me cause id pay debit and see "Tip?" on the machine and skip it.

Its fucking fast food...

I usually tip 15-20% when I'm out at a sit down restaurant... service pending of course. If the service is complete shit I'll tip 8-10%. If it's exemplary service I'll tip 25-30%.

I came back from China about a month ago and I was instructed not to tip there and got better service there than I have at almost anywhere in North America... aside from California... any time I go to California I get AMAZING service at every restaurant I go to.

05-03-2011, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl
$2 to the coat check girl
$2 to the bathroom guy


And 10 x $2 to the gape in front of you...

05-03-2011, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

No doubt man, I used to live in Chaparal and would goto the Subway by the Canadian Tire in shawnessy almost daily and always wondered if they hated me cause id pay debit and see "Tip?" on the machine and skip it.

Its fucking fast food...

I usually tip 15-20% when I'm out at a sit down restaurant... service pending of course. If the service is complete shit I'll tip 8-10%. If it's exemplary service I'll tip 25-30%.

I came back from China about a month ago and I was instructed not to tip there and got better service there than I have at almost anywhere in North America... aside from California... any time I go to California I get AMAZING service at every restaurant I go to.

haha yes I agree. Don't want to pull the race card but a lot of the restaurants I went to in LA area had Mexican table staff and the attention was spot on. Take a sip of water, immediately refilled. Done with a plate, immediately taken away etc. It was awesome.

Yes in China you do NOT tip. It's part of their job. I had to ask even when I went to some of the nicer restaurants and hotels. The girl could have easily said yes but she said no, they don't accept tips. :eek:

05-03-2011, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok


In Vancouver once, I was using debit at the front to pay for the meal, when the girl noticed I put zero as a tip, she rudely called me out on it very loudly "What, no tip????"

I told her it was on the table in cash, but don't bother looking for it, because I'm going to take it back now, lol.

haha love it! good thread.

05-03-2011, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
any time I go to California I get AMAZING service at every restaurant I go to.

Cali is one of the few states that still has to pay tippable service industry staff the minimum wage, around $8/hr. Most other states can pay their staff about $4/hr and let them make up the difference in tips. If the tips don't cut it, the employer has to "top up" the employee's annual earnings to bump them up to minimum wage.

Originally posted by max_boost
haha yes I agree. Don't want to pull the race card but a lot of the restaurants I went to in LA area had Mexican table staff and the attention was spot on. Take a sip of water, immediately refilled. Done with a plate, immediately taken away etc. It was awesome.

Messicans is awesome, nothing in the USA would get done without them.

05-03-2011, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by max_boost

haha yes I agree. Don't want to pull the race card but a lot of the restaurants I went to in LA area had Mexican table staff and the attention was spot on. Take a sip of water, immediately refilled. Done with a plate, immediately taken away etc. It was awesome.

Yes in China you do NOT tip. It's part of their job. I had to ask even when I went to some of the nicer restaurants and hotels. The girl could have easily said yes but she said no, they don't accept tips. :eek:

Haha well I was speaking about the non-mexicans , but yes, the mexicans work ethic is INSANE. I've never seen such hard working people!

Was funny in China when I got out of the cab the guy was driving after me yelling out his window to give me my change and I told him to keep it and he kept saying "NO NO NO NO NO NO!" waving money at me. I ended up stopping and taking half of it and tossed the rest in his passenger window and he kept shaking his head and saying "no!!" but I just went back into my hotel. I could tell he was grateful but it was just funny seeing that he could have just driven away and thought "stupid white people..." :rofl:

05-03-2011, 03:32 PM
X3 for California service. Never had better, more consistent, restaurant or retail service in my life. It was all Mexicans at the outlet malls and they were some of the most helpful employee's I've dealt with. No Mexicans at the restaurants I happened to go to but service was top notch regardless of who was helping me.

05-03-2011, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
I could tell he was grateful but it was just funny seeing that he could have just driven away and thought "stupid white people..." :rofl:

Dude that's because we are stupid for tipping anything. I tip for things that are expected because that's North American culture. I'll never agree with it though. It follows no logic at all and therefore fucking stupid.

05-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by SilverGS

You contradicted yourself in the same paragraph. You didn't intentionally give bad service but then go on to say the other 9/10 tables would get more of your attention. So the person you considered a bad tipper has now gotten sub par service and probably even more pissed and will give even less.

I also was a server and a restaurant manager. Not saying it couldn't happen but you would have to have some pretty shitty ass service to have a $1000-$1500 table give you $0 Tip. I have never ever seen that ever. The vast majority of the time it is 10%+ generally closer to 20%. Sorry if I don't feel sorry for you when you have to tip out $30-$45 on your $150-$200 tip.

It is not the customers job to guarantee coverage of the tip out that the restaurant has setup. Do a good job and you will always come out on top. I never had a server lose money after tipping out the kitchen even on a bad night. So to say that is the reason for an automatic 18% gratuity is absolute BS.

You are right there are some people that may underpay and there are people who overpay. The balance generally works out. In my experience the good servers rarely get completely screwed if ever. Very few people will tell you if you didn't do a good job and some people just have high expectations but in the long run a good server will end up on top with no problems.

I don't think anyone would have any issues with a suggested tip amount. Even a 15% tip = $$$ this amount so everyone isn't always whipping out a cell phone calc but I agree a tip should always be voluntary.

Some of the worst service I have gotten are from the fancy places with auto-gratuity where I have to get up to find a couple servers chatting it up behind a wall to get one of them to even fill a glass of water.

I did not contradict myself. I never once said the no tip table would have had sub par service. But for the other 9 I would be focusing more of my attention. That does not mean by any means I am giving shitty service to that one table.

Also I was not asking for fucking sympathy when I explained about the automatic gratuity. You should go back and re-read my post. It was in response to someone asking why it would even be added.

In the restaurant where I worked adding the gratuity was a personal choice of the server (for large parties) I almost never added the gratuity because I found I got tipped more without it.

Next time you reply to one of my posts do me a favor and understand what I'm saying before you make yourself look like more of an ass.

05-03-2011, 05:48 PM
What a douchebag. If I'm paying $13 for a fucking hamburger, I don't want to pay the waitress' wages too. Or $30 for a pizza. Bring the prices down to something reasonable and maybe I'll add extra for great service but you don't get things for doing your job.....I certainly don't. I've tipped twice in the last few years, the last time I actually pulled the server aside and told him how outstanding he was....and when I said that, the guy next to me piped up and agreed that he was awesome. I think that's worth more than $3 in their pocket.

And Asians are the worst, I used to go to Fat Kee once a week for a year and one day they followed me to the front door asking me if I was going to leave a tip. WTF? That was last year, I haven't been back there since. Be grateful you're getting $6.50 for a plate of rice, Jesus.


05-03-2011, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl
$2 to the coat check girl
$2 to the bathroom guy


what the fuck these people actually expect a tip from me?

05-03-2011, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by know1edge

what the fuck these people actually expect a tip from me?

It's a pretty tough job to sit behind a kiosk and put cover charges in a till :rofl: Maybe we should all be tipping cashiers at walmart too?

05-03-2011, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by Mar
I've tipped twice in the last few years

Wow that's a bit extreme. As much as I disagree with the whole western tipping system and how every service worker feels entitled to a 20% tip, the only reason why I tip when eating out is because I usually go out with other people and dont want to look like a complete cheap ass lol.

05-03-2011, 07:55 PM
Non-Starbucks coffee guy here

I don't pine for tips, but if you've gone out of your way to make my time with you shitty (a super-complicated coffee order, for instance), I'd appreciate you dropping your 35 cents of change in the tip jar. Sadly, this typically isn't the case — usually the more steps in the coffee order, the less I will get in a tip. But that's OK, I guess.

Here's the thing: if you're a customer that doesn't bother to tip, I'll treat you with respect and typical kindness. If you tip, I'll go out of my way to remember your name, regular order (if you have one) and ensure you're comfortable. I'm a coffee guy, not a waiter, so I don't really expect tips.

I'm an above-average tipper, though. My barber charges $15 for a cut, but I give him a $20. He remembers what I like, ensures I'm comfortable and generally goes out of his way to be extra awesome. I typically tip 20%+ for awesome service at a restaurant; average service on a slow night will only earn a 15% tip, maximum. Not bragging or anything, but having worked a low-paying service job, I understand the value of tips.

To all those people saying "if you don't like working for minimum wage, find another job" — if enough people follow your advice, you'll get shitty service everywhere. People who provide great service are more valuable. On the plus side, you won't feel compelled to tip.

tl;dr: If you like being treated pretty well, don't bother tipping. If you like being treated like a VIP, tip. I don't get paid enough to treat everyone that well.

05-03-2011, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by nobb

Wow that's a bit extreme. As much as I disagree with the whole western tipping system and how every service worker feels entitled to a 20% tip, the only reason why I tip when eating out is because I usually go out with other people and dont want to look like a complete cheap ass lol.
My friends bitch at me every time we go out which is at least once a week. I guarantee you if people stopped tipping, restaurants would start paying more. They're able to cut back on wages because they know the tipping revenue will be there. They're relying on YOU to pay their staff instead of them so basically you're putting money in the pockets of the owners, not the employees.

If someone waits 4 tables an hour and gets a $5 tip at each table, they're making freaking $20 an hour above their wage. No thank you.

05-03-2011, 08:00 PM
Money talks. The more money you give someone, the more they like you. True story. Just the way it is.

05-03-2011, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by nich148_9
Non-Starbucks coffee guy here

I don't pine for tips, but if you've gone out of your way to make my time with you shitty (a super-complicated coffee order, for instance), I'd appreciate you dropping your 35 cents of change in the tip jar. Sadly, this typically isn't the case — usually the more steps in the coffee order, the less I will get in a tip. But that's OK, I guess.

Here's the thing: if you're a customer that doesn't bother to tip, I'll treat you with respect and typical kindness. If you tip, I'll go out of my way to remember your name, regular order (if you have one) and ensure you're comfortable. I'm a coffee guy, not a waiter, so I don't really expect tips.

I'm an above-average tipper, though. My barber charges $15 for a cut, but I give him a $20. He remembers what I like, ensures I'm comfortable and generally goes out of his way to be extra awesome.

tl;dr: If you like being treated pretty well, don't bother tipping. If you like being treated like a VIP, tip. I don't get paid enough to treat everyone that well.

Your franchise's owner already expects you to do that so it's not like it's anything extra. If your boss or their associates came in, I bet you give them the VIP treatment, right? Yes, because that's what they expect and you want to show them you're treating customers like that. Which you're not. I'm a business owner, if I found out any of my employees were just doing whatever they had to and not making any attempt at making my clients feel good about spending their money here, they can find a job elsewhere.

*- I didn't necessarily mean you in particular to pick on you, I just say you generically to mean an average person in your situation. From my experiences anyway.

When I get good service, I reward the business, not the individual. I keep returning even if they're more expensive or out of the way, I give them my loyalty. Which would you rather have......$5 extra or a return customer every week? The business doing better in turn rewards the employee with job security and possibly better pay in the long run.

As a result, there is a Vietnamese restaurant in Calgary that's far out of my way and I've been going there every weekend for 5 years. I've spent a lot of money there.

05-03-2011, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Mar

As a result, there is a Vietnamese restaurant in Calgary that's far out of my way and I've been going there every weekend for 5 years. I've spent a lot of money there.

Just wondering which restaurant this is and if you tip them or not lol

05-03-2011, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
I find myself going to the club with a bunch of toonies just for that scenario.

$2 to the cover charge girl

Originally posted by know1edge
what the fuck these people actually expect a tip from me?

Originally posted by Tik-Tok
It's a pretty tough job to sit behind a kiosk and put cover charges in a till :rofl: Maybe we should all be tipping cashiers at walmart too?
I usually tip the cover charge girl a lot, sometimes bouncers too. As a result I never wait in line at the clubs I frequent, get in right away, regardless of how packed it is. Well worth it.

05-03-2011, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Mar
Your franchise's owner already expects you to do that so it's not like it's anything extra. If your boss or their associates came in, I bet you give them the VIP treatment, right? Yes, because that's what they expect and you want to show them you're treating customers like that. Which you're not. I'm a business owner, if I found out any of my employees were just doing whatever they had to and not making any attempt at making my clients feel good about spending their money here, they can find a job elsewhere.

*- I didn't necessarily mean you in particular to pick on you, I just say you generically to mean an average person in your situation. From my experiences anyway.

When I get good service, I reward the business, not the individual. I keep returning even if they're more expensive or out of the way, I give them my loyalty. Which would you rather have......$5 extra or a return customer every week? The business doing better in turn rewards the employee with job security and possibly better pay in the long run.

As a result, there is a Vietnamese restaurant in Calgary that's far out of my way and I've been going there every weekend for 5 years. I've spent a lot of money there.

Non-Starbucks. Not a franchise. Little independent shop. And, no, I don't give my boss the VIP treatment. We have a really snarky relationship because we both have the same dry sense of humour, which I really can't use on customers.

Personally, between a non-tipping return customer and a one-time $5 tipper, I'd probably rather the latter. My boss would probably prefer the former. That said, most people that pass through are pretty good tippers, and a return customer might be tempted to tip if I remember their order, etc.

05-04-2011, 05:39 AM
Originally posted by Mar

My friends bitch at me every time we go out which is at least once a week.

I'm surprised you cheap pieces of crap even have friends. :rofl: It's weird, we had this thread when the economy was booming, and non-tippers were the minority and got called out.

Now suddenly everyone is justifying their shitty behavior.

Originally posted by rage2

I usually tip the cover charge girl a lot, sometimes bouncers too. As a result I never wait in line at the clubs I frequent, get in right away, regardless of how packed it is. Well worth it.

Haha, drinks too. I don't pay for doubles. After a few good tips, you get served first and they start doing free-pour-and-look-the-other-way.

If any of you non-tippers go to Vegas, try discreetly tipping the front desk person a $20 while they are looking up your room at check-in. It'll probably change your philosophy.

BTW, tipping 10% is considered an insult in north america. Understand that you are probably hated wherever you go, no one will want to help you, and you've probably eaten someone's pubes at some point.

05-04-2011, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by googe

I'm surprised you cheap pieces of crap even have friends. :rofl: It's weird, we had this thread when the economy was booming, and non-tippers were the minority and got called out.

Now suddenly everyone is justifying their shitty behavior.

Haha, drinks too. I don't pay for doubles. After a few good tips, you get served first and they start doing free-pour-and-look-the-other-way.

If any of you non-tippers go to Vegas, try discreetly tipping the front desk person a $20 while they are looking up your room at check-in. It'll probably change your philosophy.

BTW, tipping 10% is considered an insult in north america. Understand that you are probably hated wherever you go, no one will want to help you, and you've probably eaten someone's pubes at some point.
Do you think you're part of the solution.........or part of the problem?

05-04-2011, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by A790
Here's a thought: get a real fucking job so you can be the guy ordering out.

I tip my delivery guy $3 for any order under $30, and $5 for any order under $50, etc. etc. If that's not enough you can pound sand.

Now that's hilarious, because:


Originally posted by A790
Well everyone, since tipping seems to be in debate regarding specific situations, I thought I would go over it in general. Basically, there is only one general rule:

Unless your food, service, and experience sucked... DO NOT BE A CHEAP ASS

Am I a bit biased? Sure, working in a family owned restaurant can do that. Is there merit to what I'm saying? Absolutely - if you are a lousey tipper, and you get lousey service... two and two go together.

Let's get down to business.

1. Tipping for brunch/lunch.
Your server does not expect the same level of tip for a brunch/lunch as they would for dinner service. That doesn't mean that a low-tip is a good thing. This is especially true if you ever expect to go there again. Trust me, your service WILL be top-notch each and every time you go if you tip fairly. I'm not talking a huge tip, but a fair one (typically 12-16% of the total bill, including GST).

I read one guy say something about tipping 10% of the GST. Do me a favour and never, ever even dream about coming to my restaurant if that's how you plan to tip.

Your server makes minimum wage, and works a (at times) difficult job serving people. People are not easy to please.

For lunch/brunch, if your bill was $30, a $4-$6 would be spot on. For a $60 bill, $8-$10 would be just skippy. If you want to tip more, go for it... your server will remember you.

2. Tipping for dinner.
Dinner is where it's at. Your server probably budgets on a 14%-20% tip on your bill. If your evening was pleasant, and you enjoyed yourself, what's wrong with tipping 20%? I do all the time. Your server has to tip out the bar-tender and kitchen out of their tips, so they're not actually taking home all that money. I'll break it down a bit later.

One thing to mention is that if your food sucks, but your service was good, still leave AT LEAST a 10% tip. The server can't control how the kitchen sends out food. Trust me, if they could, they would. As well, your server can't control the wait time. If you have to wait a while, don't take all of your frustration out on the server. This is especially true if your server has come and talked to you about what has been happening, and kept the service top-notch while you were waiting. If they just avoid you, then they probably deserve a crappy tip.

For the evening, you should tip 14%-20% including GST and alcohol. If your meal was $60, a tip of $9-$12 would be spot on. If you want to tip more, go for it. Your server will appreciate it, and if they serve you again, you can bet it will be top-notch.

One thing to note is that if you make the server run around like a dog when they've got nine or ten other tables, the tip should reflect that.

3. Buffets.
This one is pretty short, but typically for a buffet I always tip 12% or so. There is still plenty of work that goes into a buffet, so don't be cheap.

Where does that tip go?
Let's say you just left a nice place (Jacqueline Suzanne's, or Sugo for example) and you just tipped your server $15. Of that $15, how much will they get to keep? Probably about... $11 or so.

Typically, 1% of the servers ringout goes to the kitchen. 10% of their tips get split between the bartender/bus staff, but sometimes it's actuall 10% to each.

This means that if your server was tipped $200, and their ringout (total sales) was $1,500, their tips were probably broken down like this:

$20 to the bartender.
$20 to the bussing/hosting staff.
$15 to the kitchen.
$145 to themselves.

That is assuming they didn't make any misorders. Typically they have to pay for a portion of any mistakes.

As well, most places charge the servers $2 a shift as a "Beverage Charge".

Your server wants you to have a good time. Assuming that you've gone to a nice place (not Moxies, Rickis, etc.), the service will probably be a bit on the personal side and you'll see some personality there.

The biggest thing in keeping your brunch/lunch/dinner/whatever enjoyable is communication. If something is bugging you, tell them. Don't be rude about it, just kindly let them know. If you're not happy, your server would love to change that. Trust me, they want you to have a good time for more than one reason.

I've met tons of people through the restaurant, and some of them are good friends of mine today. Getting a good tip isn't everything, and neither is getting a bad tip. The tips are a big plus, and usually are higher than the minimum wage a server gets paid. I enjoy serving because of its flexibility, and because of its interactivity. I love making peoples evening more enjoyable, especially when it's a birthday or anniversary etc.

If service was memorable, giving a fair tip lets them know to keep doing what they're doing.

To Recap.
1) Always tip 12%-20% of your total bill, including GST and alcohol. The only exception is if the food was bad, or if the service was bad. If the food was bad, a 10% tells them that. If the service was bad, use your discretion... but don't be a dick about it.

2) Your service reflects your attitude and your tip. If you are a happy guy, and leave a fair tip, the next time you come in you can expect good service. If you are a dick and leave a bad tip... well, don't expect the best service as they probably won't be looking forward to serving you.

3) Just because you went to a buffet doesn't mean you shouldn't tip. Don't be cheap.

4) A person who is nice to you but mean to their waiter is not a nice person. Seriously.

5) Communicate with the server whatever's on your mind, and your evening will be much more enjoyable.

Most importantly...

6) Use your discretion. If the evening was a total write off, the food sucked, the service sucked... leaving no tip tells them that they mucked up. This goes hand in hand with communication. However, if you're just in a bad mood don't take it out on them. Common sense...

:) That's all I have to say about that. I've got a million and one stories from my restaurant...

haha, my post from 5 years ago:

Originally posted by googe

okay guys, here is how it works. in our society, its fairly well established what types of services a tip is expected. yes, serving is one of them. their employer knew that when they set their wage, they knew that when they took the job, and you knew it when you ate there.

cashier at a grocery store does not get tips. nor does mcdonalds. their employers knew that when they set their wage, they knew that when they took the job, and you knew that when you shopped/ate there.

dont want to tip? eat somewhere else. think you should be earning tips? work a job that makes tips. its simple.

that being said, any restaurant owner understands the economics of tipping and factors that into their bottom line. the less people tip, the more food prices go up. the money has to come from somewhere. if profits slide, business owners arent going to just take it in the ass. theyre going to lower the cost of overhead (use shitty quality food), or increase the costs.

so basically, the percentage of you lowlifes that give 0 tip because "someone else pays their wage" are covered by the rest of canadians that have a bit of decency and understand etiquette. so when I eat out, part of the cost of my meal in a sense is to cover part of your meal. i dont really have a problem with that, but feel free to step up to the rest of society at any time :thumbsup:

05-04-2011, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by Mar
[B]What a douchebag. If I'm paying $13 for a fucking hamburger, I don't want to pay the waitress' wages too. Or $30 for a pizza. Bring the prices down to something reasonable and maybe I'll add extra for great service but you don't get things for doing your job.....I certainly don't. I've tipped twice in the last few years, the last time I actually pulled the server aside and told him how outstanding he was....and when I said that, the guy next to me piped up and agreed that he was awesome. I think that's worth more than $3 in their pocket.

And Asians are the worst, I used to go to Fat Kee once a week for a year and one day they followed me to the front door asking me if I was going to leave a tip. WTF? That was last year, I haven't been back there since. Be grateful you're getting $6.50 for a plate of rice, Jesus.

Wow... Like fair enough and all but wtf do you not understand the dynamics of running a business? Ya, food is a huge markup but Jesus Christ dude profit is the name of the game. If you can't deal with that cook your own rice at home.

I always tip good since I eat out a lot. I think that most people on here make a lot of $$$ so either you get what I'm saying or you're just a cheapo on the grind. Even tho I'm not a baller by any means 15-20$ for a meal isn't gonna have me losing sleep. I eat a lot of Viet food at many different places several times a week and even tho pho and salad rolls comes out to 12-14$ depending where I go I have no problem leaving 18-20$, those people work hard too and have to put up with all kinds of fussy cheapskates, me I never complain unless something is horribly wrong and you should see how fast I get a seat and my food.

Giving the doorman/coat check girl 20-30$ at a club is probably the smartest thing you can do these days and if 20$ affects your life then you shouldn't be going out IMO. If you're going to a club not prepared to drop a couple hun anyways you might as well stay the fuck home.

But I do agree, that asking for a tip is bullshit and I will '86 any place where the wait staff complains about my tipping. Was at a Viet place one time, came to like 11$, gave her $15 and she flat out bitched about it. Never been back, never going to.