View Full Version : Wild rabbit question...

05-03-2011, 08:30 PM
Hey guy's

Yesterday we found 5 baby jackrabbits under our pine tree. Didn't know what to do with them, so wife called the cities wild life line to see if they can come and pick them up.

The lady said mom rabbit should be around to take care of them and not to worry.

So today we go and check the baby rabbits and found two passed away. The mom is nowhere to be found.(prob. got ran over by a car)

Phoned the city back, they said to put the dead babies in a bag and leave it in the front of the house for them to pick it up.

My wife than asked about the other 3 baby rabbits still under the tree. They said they can't do anything with them because they are in a private property?

So i am stuck with these little guys under the tree with no mother around to take care of them. We don't want anymore of them to die here.

What is the next step? Should we feed them? Going to get my wife to call back the city to pick them up. This is weird that they wont do that...

Any help?

05-03-2011, 08:46 PM
i would bring them inside where its warm and find out how to nurse them and call a vet tonight and see if someone can help you out. maybe they can help you and if that works and you keep em till there older you can give em away.

05-03-2011, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG
Hey guy's

Yesterday we found 5 baby jackrabbits under our pine tree. Didn't know what to do with them, so wife called the cities wild life line to see if they can come and pick them up.

The lady said mom rabbit should be around to take care of them and not to worry.

So today we go and check the baby rabbits and found two passed away. The mom is nowhere to be found.(prob. got ran over by a car)

Phoned the city back, they said to put the dead babies in a bag and leave it in the front of the house for them to pick it up.

My wife than asked about the other 3 baby rabbits still under the tree. They said they can't do anything with them because they are in a private property?

So i am stuck with these little guys under the tree with no mother around to take care of them. We don't want anymore of them to die here.

What is the next step? Should we feed them? Going to get my wife to call back the city to pick them up. This is weird that they wont do that...

Any help?

It's up to you whether or not you want to take care of them, but can we have pics?

05-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

It's up to you whether or not you want to take care of them, but can we have pics?

+1 pics... bunnies :D

05-03-2011, 08:53 PM
Alot of people will flame me for saying this, but good on you for wanting to help out and not let them die...

I'm not a pet lover, or activist, but I love these effin rabbits in Calgary (I used to have one hang out and watch me work through my basement window, he ultimately disapeered one night, probably hit by a car).

I tried googling some info, all I could find was http://www.petcaregt.com/rabbits/What-Does-Jack-Rabbit-Eat.html

keep in mind they are babies, so who knows what they will/wont eat. And even if you do put out something they eat, they might be one of those weird animals that only eat from mother when young...

If it was me, I would try a few things. Try to find some green vegies... Try to slice them up as much as possible (don't turn it in to mush though), and put out a small little dish... Maybe even a little water dish? Experiment... If I wanted to get creative, I'd try putting some V8 (or whatever that vegie/fruit drink is) in a little bowl just so they at least can get some nourishment.

I would start with this. Also, try some carrots. (I think I tried giving my little bunny friend lettuce once, he wouldn't friggin touch it, but he loved the little orange carrots).

Be careful if you bring them inside. Keep in mind even though it's unlikely, they have been in the wild and could have rabies, lice, ticks, or al-Qaida in their blood...

05-03-2011, 09:03 PM

05-03-2011, 09:16 PM
Well.... while trying to take pictures i gave them some carrots.

The babies are pretty deep in the tree. It is very hard getting in there.

Also, getting them in to house is a bad idea. I have a Fox terrier and a Tom Cat:D Might not go as planned.

Anyways here are some pictures i tried to take. Hope you guy's can see them.. They are kind of deep in the tree. Also cold and dark tonight.




05-03-2011, 09:28 PM
I am pet owner and dont want to see any animal harmed , but if those bastards keep eating my flowers, it is going to be open season:guns:

05-03-2011, 09:29 PM
Perhaps give the Humane Society a call.

05-03-2011, 09:43 PM
They're mammals. Put some warm milk out if you're going to do anything. They're not going to give a shit about lettuce or carrots yet. They might not take to milk either but that's what I'd try first.

05-03-2011, 10:05 PM
those rabbits are getting as bad as gophers. There are just too many of them

05-03-2011, 11:20 PM
I had own up to 11 pet rabbits one point in my life, started with 2... and they do their rabbit thing... its the kind where you can get from petland, so it might maybe different, but all the baby I took cared of, they'll eat solid food, when they grown out 75% of their hair. so if they look fluffy n cute, they'll eat solid veg, they like celery the most or anything with a crunch(broccolis, carrots) and dont like wet soggy foods (oranges, grapes), give them a dish of water, n throw them whatever u have left on the chopping board after u make dinner cuz they will pretty much eat anything (including one of my PS2 controller)

I wouldnt recommend bring them in door, n I would only handle them with gloves on, they are wild animal after all, and if u decide to keep them as pets, let a vet see them before you handle them with your bare hands, and bath them.

I would just feed them water n scrap veg from your chop board till they disappear, IMO if they are wild animal, let them be. good luck :D

05-03-2011, 11:27 PM
i would try to make sure the mother is dead before taking them away. i'm not a rabbit expert, but i think the best thing to do for now would be to leave them food and observe to see if the mother returns. i don't know what to feed them, but i bet some kind of rodent pellets softened with water (so they become soggy and expand) would work. :dunno:

05-03-2011, 11:28 PM
My girlfriend found a wild bunny a couple years ago and conacted http://www.calgarywildlife.org/ which took and nursed it until it was ready to be released.

05-04-2011, 05:48 AM
One word "Hossenfeffer"


05-04-2011, 06:50 AM
Are they too big to flush ?

05-04-2011, 07:13 AM
Looks like a 3rd one has passed away last night. There is only two left this Morning.:(

Mom is not around. Going to call the city again to see what happens. Hope they can just pick them up.

05-04-2011, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by Zhariak
Alot of people will flame me for saying this, but good on you for wanting to help out and not let them die...


Why would/should you get flamed for that? They're just helpless little rabbits without a mom...

05-04-2011, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by ICEBERG
Looks like a 3rd one has passed away last night. There is only two left this Morning.:(

Mom is not around. Going to call the city again to see what happens. Hope they can just pick them up.

Check my other post, it should help...

05-04-2011, 08:09 AM
I was on a construction site a few years ago and there was a baby bunny. One of the guys working felt bad for it and decided to take it home.

He contacted a number of different organizations and was told that mother rabbits leave their offspring when they're really young and they're meant to fend for themselves. From what I was told the strong survive and the weak don't and it's completely natural what you are seeing at your place.

05-04-2011, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by jdmXSI

Check my other post, it should help...

Thank's... I forwarded the site to my wife..

05-04-2011, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by cde1966
One word "Hossenfeffer"


haha :clap:

05-04-2011, 08:36 AM
Good on you for trying to help - that link you forwarded should be the right one.

Originally posted by Pinner
Are they too big to flush ?

The squirrel that you kill in jest, dies in earnest. ~Henry David Thoreau

05-04-2011, 11:43 AM
Well... Sad to say that something got into their nest this morning. Before phoning the wild life, My wife went out to look for the rabbits and couldn't find them anywhere, but found some body parts spread on the lawn.

She is pretty upset today that the city couldn't pick them up right away. We don't know what got in there but looks like a Fox or a coyote? I am at the edge of the city, so wouldn't surprise me if another wild animal got to them:(

Sad ending...:(

D'z Nutz
05-04-2011, 11:55 AM
That sucks. I wouldn't count out magpies too. I once saw a magpie picking at something on a neighbor's lawn. I went to go see what it was and so it pecking at a baby rabbit. I scared it off, but by then it was too late. The baby rabbit was already dying. I hate magpies.

05-04-2011, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG
Well... Sad to say that something got into their nest this morning. Before phoning the wild life, My wife went out to look for the rabbits and couldn't find them anywhere, but found some body parts spread on the lawn.

She is pretty upset today that the city couldn't pick them up right away. We don't know what got in there but looks like a Fox or a coyote? I am at the edge of the city, so wouldn't surprise me if another wild animal got to them:(

Sad ending...:(

well, foxes and coyotes need food, too. :dunno:

05-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo

well, foxes and coyotes need food, too. :dunno:

Maybe the foxes and coyotes need a place to hide their offspring?

05-04-2011, 01:11 PM
Yeah, you can't feed these little guys solid food, they're mammals, they need milk, or a good substitute. The carrots were a sincere try, but kind of laughable.

Cows milk isn't a good choice, I had a friend who managed to take care of one of these little guys by feeding him a formula made for kittens out of an eyedropper.

05-04-2011, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG
Well... Sad to say that something got into their nest this morning. Before phoning the wild life, My wife went out to look for the rabbits and couldn't find them anywhere, but found some body parts spread on the lawn.

She is pretty upset today that the city couldn't pick them up right away. We don't know what got in there but looks like a Fox or a coyote? I am at the edge of the city, so wouldn't surprise me if another wild animal got to them:(

Sad ending...:(

Circle of life.

Nature is cruel, not everything has a Disney ending.

I would bet magpies are the culprit. I hate those fuckers. I picked my share of bird and rabbit carcasses and garbage off my lawn because of those fuckers.

05-04-2011, 01:23 PM
hey good on you for trying to do your part! thats really awesome.

but nature took care of it however gruesome.

05-04-2011, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
That sucks. I wouldn't count out magpies too. I once saw a magpie picking at something on a neighbor's lawn. I went to go see what it was and so it pecking at a baby rabbit. I scared it off, but by then it was too late. The baby rabbit was already dying. I hate magpies.

Yeah, I've chased off magpies that were harassing the baby bunnies at the Uni a few times.

Hey, didn't you save a baby magpie after that hailstorm? Hypocrite! ;)

05-04-2011, 02:25 PM
LOL, did you really save that magpie? I remember the picture you posted, and how sad that little guy looked! i showed it to folks over here, and it made us all sad too! :cry: it would be cool to know if you actually saved it, though!

05-04-2011, 08:43 PM
Sad ending.

But death to all magpies. My neighbour had a small dog that they left in their dog run for a couple hours and magpies ate its eyes out. :( They ended up having to put the dog down. They are total POS animals and the only animal I smile at when I see dead somewhere.

05-06-2011, 11:13 PM

05-06-2011, 11:57 PM
that food you left out attracted other animals which merked those bunnies nice job :thumbsup:

05-07-2011, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by roll_over
that food you left out attracted other animals which merked those bunnies nice job :thumbsup: :banghead:

At least he tried to help the rabbits...

05-07-2011, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Troll-ol

At least he tried to help the rabbits...

take a chill pill bro

this shits gang related

05-07-2011, 08:56 AM
thank goodness it gets pretty cold here in the winter to keep the rabbit population in check. Has anyone read about the troubles that the university of Victoria has with feral rabbits?

True "wild" rabbits aren't an issue, but these are all the descendants of peoples unwanted pets. It's disgusting actually, if we had packs of feral dogs, there would be a huge outcry, but we put up with the cute little bunnies.

Anyway OP, you shouldn't feel bad, you should feel angry at the assholes who release their pets instead of having them put down at the vet.

05-07-2011, 10:15 AM
Happens every day, I wouldn't worry about it......it's happening somewhere else right now. And now. And now. Can't worry about the natural activities of nature.

The carrots definitely attracted other animals but the rabbits might have had another 2 days tops they way they were dying. Probably from dehydration.

05-07-2011, 10:44 AM
I wish I had of seen this earlier. I too found a baby rabbit on the sidewalk in my neighborhood. I am not wildlife experienced, but I didn't know if it was a kids pet, or wild. I wrapped it up in a shirt and took it to the vet. All they could do was clean it up and requested that I place it back under the closest tree to where I found it.

As for the babies being killed, it's a cycle of life. It's how the food chain works. Sure it is super sad to see them as cute as they are one day and then strewn across your lawn the next. I live in Killarney and have seen coyotes cruising the alleys.

Kudos for wanting to do the right thing, but it's an unfortunate part of life of wildlife.

05-07-2011, 11:11 AM
Curious how many people enjoy veal and lamb here....mmmmm

05-08-2011, 12:50 AM
Neighbor told me once you touch them the mom won't take them back as they smell like human.

But yes you have to call a private rescue, I thought there was one out by the Spyhill prison? City won't do anything.

And yes the baby bunnies usually die from dehydration.

05-08-2011, 09:40 AM
wife and i found a baby rabbit once. put it in a box, and fed it some milk in a syringe. it grew up, and released it. happy ending.

i kept seeing a rabbit hiding in our bush, i'm guessing it was the same one. then one day it disappeared... oh well :dunno:

05-08-2011, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Has anyone read about the troubles that the university of Victoria has with feral rabbits?

I was there in 1996, and couldn't believe the amount of rabbits running around the campus. I was insane. I can't imagine what it's like now, 15 years later.