View Full Version : And this is what happens when cops DONT shoot.

05-12-2011, 05:37 PM
All you bleeding hearts out there that make comments like...
"do they really need THAT many cops.."
"couldn't they have just shot him in the knee..."
"they should've shot the weapon out of his hand..."

THIS is exactly why, in North America...if you come at a cop with a knife, they don't mess around. SHOOT THE FUCKER!!!!!!
Warning: it's graphic.

jump to the 6:50 mark

05-12-2011, 05:50 PM
It's a good thing he went after the guy with the AK first, cause buddy with the pistol (I'm assuming) obviously hasn't put much time in at the range.

05-12-2011, 05:57 PM

In Canada or the United States, the cop is going home at the end of his shift, one way or another. You come at him with anything remotely harmful, you're getting shot.

And yeah CMW, the first thing I noticed after the shit hit the fan was the cop with the pistol obviously needs to work on his aim. :dunno:

05-12-2011, 06:00 PM
it would be alot easier if he had a 9 instead of ak easier to handle when rushed and nobody was aiming at the guy wtf:nut:

05-12-2011, 06:20 PM
Fucking shit training, two of the guys stumbling over each other.

AK is fine when you're rushed if you know what you're doing with it.

05-12-2011, 06:28 PM
AK's are the workhorse weapon of half the world. It is not a shit weapon. It is actually one of the most reliable, easy to use assault rifles on the planet.

The person wielding it in this video, however, had no real clue how to use one properly (just from a subjective viewing of the provided evidence).

05-12-2011, 06:36 PM
It looks like he actually tried to club the knifeman with the club in his left hand instead of pulling a full clip of 7.62 through the bastard...

05-12-2011, 06:55 PM
That is absolutely brutal. Guess training isn't really deemed very important there...

Hey - if you're coming at a cop with a weapon - you 100% totally deserve to get shot on the spot. You won't get killed if you don't do stupid shit - pretty simple.

05-12-2011, 06:56 PM
Ouch thats a shame, the bastard must of had commando

05-12-2011, 07:11 PM
what a bunch of fucking morans. unbeliveable. "OMG run away, dont do anything!! stand there and watch each other get stabbed!" holy fuck.

05-12-2011, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
what a bunch of fucking morans. unbeliveable. "OMG run away, dont do anything!! stand there and watch each other get stabbed!" holy fuck.


I think bad training on the officer's part was more to blame than some Rambo with a kitchen knife.

They waited until two officers were stabbed before even firing a shot.

They were also falling all over that little fence.

05-12-2011, 07:38 PM
those cops are absolutely incompetent

05-12-2011, 08:20 PM
Great EMS care; throw the guy into the back of a beat up Toyota pickup, then speed away with the Ghostbusters siren.....:facepalm:

05-12-2011, 08:41 PM

This is Nicaragua, a undeveloped nation with a GDP just over $1'000 so it isn't that surprising the police have no training and emergency services are pretty much non-existent. Becoming an officer there you probably sign a page and they give you a gun.

05-12-2011, 08:42 PM
That's pretty shitty police work. Where did they do their training? the Philippines?

I had to.

05-12-2011, 08:54 PM
WoW, thats brutal, did the first cop get his throat slit?

05-12-2011, 09:12 PM
shitty police training or not, its common fucking sense and instinct that you pull out your weapon and go for the guy.

05-12-2011, 09:53 PM
Our police have several less lethal tools to stop an attack.


Some pepper spray in the face of that dude and he would not be swinging that knife very accurately.

I still don't see a need to shoot someone wielding a knife.

Anyone could pull a gun on a cop and kill them, that doesn't mean that the safest thing to do is for cops to unload a clip of bullets into every vehicle they pull over. You can't use one situational outcome to justify murder.

05-12-2011, 10:01 PM
^^ A knife is just as dangerous (if not more) than a gun, dude. A knife doesn't require special skills/training to use, it never runs out of ammo, and never jams up.

To the police, a suspect with a knife, or even a baseball bat in some cases, is treated the same way as a suspect with a gun. If I'm not mistaken, I think the rule of thumb is to keep at least 20 feet away from a guy wielding a knife. If he lunges, fire. A bat, I think it's probably a better idea to use a taser, but then again, I'm not a cop, so I don't know.

Toronto Police tried a different tactic - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGH-oKt5hlE

But in that video, it was a mentally disturbed guy who wanted the cops to shoot him. They didn't want to, but getting close would endanger a cop's life. So...they got creative! :rofl:

05-12-2011, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by derpderp

Becoming an officer there you probably sign a page and they give you a gun.

Actually, I heard that they deputize kids with a whistle found in a box of "Capitán Crujido" cereal.

05-12-2011, 10:49 PM
This is the type of situation a taser is perfect for, as a tool to avoid the use of lethal force where it would otherwise be used.

It's just a shame that oftentimes, they are abused and used as a tool of compliance, and not in situations where the officer is in danger.

05-12-2011, 10:50 PM

The reporter is instigating the Ex GF of the guy in the yellow shirt, she has a new BF and a previous child with the maniac.

Maniac has threatened to kill the ex and her new BF if they don't get back together.

New reporter, being the gem that he is, keeps instigating the psycho in front of a police station, cops come out and try to arrest the guy, the scuffle, and he draws the knife.

cops want to jail him, psycho wants to be on his way. the corner him off, and the whole ordeal unfolds.

I have no clue what that shitty news reporter was trying to do there, but if it wasn't for shit starting attitude none of that would have went down like that.

as for the cops....... I think you guys did a pretty good job describing their skill level so far....

05-12-2011, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Stealth22
^^ A knife is just as dangerous (if not more) than a gun, dude. A knife doesn't require special skills/training to use, it never runs out of ammo, and never jams up.

To the police, a suspect with a knife, or even a baseball bat in some cases, is treated the same way as a suspect with a gun. If I'm not mistaken, I think the rule of thumb is to keep at least 20 feet away from a guy wielding a knife. If he lunges, fire. A bat, I think it's probably a better idea to use a taser, but then again, I'm not a cop, so I don't know.

This part of the post reminded me of the 21 foot rule. Sadly I couldn't find the original, but here is another video


05-12-2011, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Our police have several less lethal tools to stop an attack.


Some pepper spray in the face of that dude and he would not be swinging that knife very accurately.

I still don't see a need to shoot someone wielding a knife.

Anyone could pull a gun on a cop and kill them, that doesn't mean that the safest thing to do is for cops to unload a clip of bullets into every vehicle they pull over. You can't use one situational outcome to justify murder.

Or just shoot 51 bullets in his general direction?

Just because some cop somewhere in the world had to handle a dangerous situation with apparently no training doesn't mean every person with a weapon is out for death.


You guys want to know how many more dangerous jobs are out then than police?

Statistically every construction job in the country has more deaths than there on the police force.

Th only thing is you don't hear roofers saying "We are risking our lives just to put a roof over your house." Because that is not true. They are doing it for a cheque.

A shitty one just the same as police officers. Only they do not require the moral gratification.

05-13-2011, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
You won't get killed if you don't do stupid shit - pretty simple.

LoL you are obviously not black.

Originally posted by Kennyredline
Great EMS care; throw the guy into the back of a beat up Toyota pickup, then speed away with the Ghostbusters siren.....:facepalm:

Yeah, they shoulda just left him in the field to die.

05-13-2011, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
This is the type of situation a taser is perfect for, as a tool to avoid the use of lethal force where it would otherwise be used.
Tasering before he attacks, sure. That's a terribly trained police force.

05-13-2011, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by sneek

This part of the post reminded me of the 21 foot rule. Sadly I couldn't find the original, but here is another video

:werd: Learned a few disarm techniques with weapons in the army, if someone decided to rob me in the street etc I'd much rather have a gun a couple feet in front of me, might try to disarm depending on the sitch. If they had a knife I'd just give 'em what they wanted.

That's why with a weapon you always keep in trained on them in a hairy situation and keep a couple meters away whenever possible. If the cops did the same I'm sure things would have been different. You see guys carrying their rifles by the barrel basically, unbelievable.

05-13-2011, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I still don't see a need to shoot someone wielding a knife.
and I don't see the need to wield a knife on someone with a gun.

Mostly because I don't want to get shot.

05-13-2011, 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Kloubek
You won't get killed if you don't do stupid shit - pretty simple.

LoL you are obviously not black.

Originally posted by Kennyredline
Great EMS care; throw the guy into the back of a beat up Toyota pickup, then speed away with the Ghostbusters siren.....

Yeah, they shoulda just left him in the field to die.

Holy shit dude!!!

05-13-2011, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by sneek

This part of the post reminded me of the 21 foot rule. Sadly I couldn't find the original, but here is another video



Man, I'm glad that clip is only 2:30. Don't know if I could watch anymore of that.

05-13-2011, 08:37 AM
That is your video to counter all the police brutality across the US and Canada? What a stupid fucking video. How is that relevant here? That looks like fiji?!

Boom, I have dozens just like this one. If you want context on this 15 year old girl getting smoked by a "really good cop" let me know.


05-13-2011, 10:50 AM
context please.

05-13-2011, 11:23 AM
Thats pretty bad. It seemed like a bunch of kids playing cops and robbers. How does one man with a knife manage to stab so many officers with guns in the open:confused: Sad that the lack of training on their part had such a high price.

05-13-2011, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by SmAcKpOo
context please.

She was getting beat up by her mom


05-13-2011, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola
That's why with a weapon you always keep in trained on them in a hairy situation and keep a couple meters away whenever possible. If the cops did the same I'm sure things would have been different. You see guys carrying their rifles by the barrel basically, unbelievable.

This is the part that blew me away as well; all of the officers should have had their guns trained on him until he gave up the knife or was shot.

05-13-2011, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames
This is the type of situation a taser is perfect for, as a tool to avoid the use of lethal force where it would otherwise be used.

It's just a shame that oftentimes, they are abused and used as a tool of compliance, and not in situations where the officer is in danger.

I thought you were talking about the other video.

However, even in the first video, what happens if a taser deployment misses, or is ineffective. Now you're standing there holding an empty taser with a pissed off guy with a knife coming at you.

05-13-2011, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Grogador

LoL you are obviously not black.


05-13-2011, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by CUG
Tasering before he attacks, sure. That's a terribly trained police force.

Yeah that's what I meant. He never should have been allowed to get to the point where he could use that knife on the cops.

05-13-2011, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by JustGo

A taser wouldn't have even worked there, too bad whoever is narrating that has their head up their ass.

The guy holding the knife is wearing a thick coat, and looks like even a hoodie underneath. That dude is not going to feel anything if he gets tased. All that's going to happen is the guy gets pissed off and goes after the poor copper holding the now-empty taser. There is really no 'perfect scenario' for a taser.

Did you not watch the first video in the first post? badatusrnames was responding to the first video not the Toronto police video.

05-13-2011, 02:57 PM
Bringing guns to a knife fight :confused:... err- I think that should be the other way around?

05-13-2011, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by badatusrnames

Yeah that's what I meant. He never should have been allowed to get to the point where he could use that knife on the cops. No kidding. The guy who got hit first won the darwin award in that one.

05-13-2011, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Kg810

Did you not watch the first video in the first post? badatusrnames was responding to the first video not the Toronto police video.
That's my bad, I thought he was replying to the other one, where the reporter in the video basically says the exact same thing he said in his post, so I just connected the two together mentally, totally my misunderstanding.

05-13-2011, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by JustGo

That's my bad, I thought he was replying to the other one, where the reporter in the video basically says the exact same thing he said in his post, so I just connected the two together mentally, totally my misunderstanding.

No worries, but FWIW I do agree with you that a taser wouldn't be ideal in the Toronto video. As for the original video, the police could have definitely took action on the guy after he attempted to knife them at 4:05 - 4:11. I would think pepper spray + taser would suffice if they didn't want to resort to shooting even after being swung at with a knife.

05-13-2011, 04:44 PM
This reminds me of the deputy that got killed by a crazy war vet during a traffic stop.


Warning: Pretty graphic. The screaming is just plain fucked up. Something you cant forget easily.

05-13-2011, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
Our police have several less lethal tools to stop an attack.


Some pepper spray in the face of that dude and he would not be swinging that knife very accurately.

Again, uninformed opinions.

OC spray (not mace) takes anywhere from 10-20 seconds to become effective. Add some head wind and all of a sudden youre wearing it too.

Taking a baton to someone with a sharp object is asking to be killed. Sure you can go for the guys knife hand or head but also risk exposing your self and vital organs to damage.

Taser, JustGo answered the question already.

05-13-2011, 06:16 PM
haha that guy with the knife in the youtube video wouldnt have a chance. he was holding the knife upside down, what did he think he was doing? cutting steak? you can rarely get any sort of power into a stab unless you sneak up and shank someone. I know a 40 year old mom that could make that nerdy doosh drop that knife in no time flat.

you hold a knife like that killer in the op, so you can actually do some damage. as for the cops, they should have all had guns sighted on buddy. if they had dogs also let them go in first and if he tries to attack them open fire.

05-13-2011, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by heinz256
This reminds me of the deputy that got killed by a crazy war vet during a traffic stop.


Warning: Pretty graphic. The screaming is just plain fucked up. Something you cant forget easily. Seen that one before, and it is pretty graphic.

That situation, the cop was all alone, with no backup. Thats the problem with rural agencies. I suppose its a little less busier than the city, but in the cities, if you need backup, a car is no more than two minutes away.

I don't know if JustGo has anything to say about the situation in that video, and I'm not a cop, but I would have tased the guy at 0:43, when he jogs toward the cop. If you're dancing around, and putting your hands in your pockets, my hand goes to my sidearm, like the deputy did. If you rush me with your hands out (and no weapon visible), then you're getting tased or tackled.

And again, I don't know what the rules are, but the first time I saw this, the moment he reaches into the truck, I'd be pulling out my firearm. I couldn't see if the deputy drew his gun right away, but once he saw a gun, he definitely had it out, and yelled 'put the gun down.' At that point, I would have fired. If I'm all by myself with no backup, and you reach for a gun, I don't give a shit if you haven't aimed it at me yet. Your reaching for it shows intent to do me harm, and I'm going home at the end of the shift, and I would've fired.

JustGo, if the officer had fired after one or two warnings (i.e. much earlier, like firing when he first saw the gun, without giving the suspect a chance to aim), would he have been justified?

05-13-2011, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by heinz256
This reminds me of the deputy that got killed by a crazy war vet during a traffic stop.


Warning: Pretty graphic. The screaming is just plain fucked up. Something you cant forget easily. That gets used quite often in training from what I recall. The officer was equally as guilty for his own death as the greasebag who killed him. The suspect took one round in the stomach - long after the shooting started and eventually died in prison. He was easily justified in shooting the guy @ 1:34

Tram Common
05-14-2011, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola

:werd: Learned a few disarm techniques with weapons in the army, if someone decided to rob me in the street etc I'd much rather have a gun a couple feet in front of me, might try to disarm depending on the sitch. If they had a knife I'd just give 'em what they wanted.

No, you wouldn't. You'd give the guy your wallet and your phone and not risk being killed over less than $1K.

05-14-2011, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Tram Common

No, you wouldn't. You'd give the guy your wallet and your phone and not risk being killed over less than $1K.

We may never find out, but I've been trained and have been in enough fights to know what I would do. Besides, my watch alone is worth more than $1k.

I'd probably risk being killed for less, my pride is worth a lot to me.

Tram Common
05-14-2011, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola

We may never find out, but I've been trained and have been in enough fights to know what I would do. Besides, my watch alone is worth more than $1k.

I'd probably risk being killed for less, my pride is worth a lot to me.

Haha, trust me man, your "training" means shit when the situation actually occurs... you can't practice or prepare for a stranger holding a gun in your face.

Pride has nothing to do with it... and if you honestly believe it somehow does, and that you'd honestly be willing to risk your life over $1K... than you're a fucking idiot.

05-14-2011, 01:51 AM
You can prepare for a stranger holding a gun in your face, what do you think training is for? Besides, I've had a loaded gun in my face I know what it's like.

You're right though, most people wouldn't do anything training or not, if you read my first post I said depending on the situation, there are def cases where I wouldn't do anything.

I'm willing to risk my life for a lot of things, it has nothing to do with being smart or stupid. Maybe defending myself against an attack is they way I want to go? There's also no saying that a robber doesn't intend to use his weapon regardless of what you do. You can hand over your belongings and still get shot.

The point of my post was that at close range a knife is more dangerous than a gun, disarming a pistol if you know what you're doing is actually pretty easy. It would depend on how the person is holding the weapon, if it looks like they don't know what they're doing or it's a model where I can see if the safety is on and how close they're standing to me etc would be factors.

Regardless, a knife would be much more threatening to me than a gun at close range.

Tram Common
05-14-2011, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
You can prepare for a stranger holding a gun in your face, what do you think training is for?

This statement alone speaks volumes.

Sorry, my bad, I didn't realize that if you train for something then it's a guaranteed 100% success rate. Silly me. :dunno:

Keep thinking that way though, and when, and if, a stranger does pull a gun on you, and you decide your life is worth less than the baller watch on your wrist, I hope for your sake it all works out for you and you don't catch a bullet on account of your testosterone filled pride.

Fuck if I'm going to risk my life for a $1K watch though... ever.

05-14-2011, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Hakkola
You can prepare for a stranger holding a gun in your face, what do you think training is for? Besides, I've had a loaded gun in my face I know what it's like.

Do tell us this story, and how you reacted in this "sitch". While that does come off sarcastic, I actually am curious.

05-14-2011, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by zerocon

Do tell us this story, and how you reacted in this "sitch". While that does come off sarcastic, I actually am curious.

I am also curious about said sitch.

05-14-2011, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by CMW403

I am also curious about said sitch. You guys do know he's a military guy right?

Tram Common
05-14-2011, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You guys do know he's a military guy right?

I realize he was once in some military, somewhere... but that doesn't automatically qualify him for having a real gun in his face.

My guess is he's had a gun in his face on account of some training he did.

05-14-2011, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by CUG
You guys do know he's a military guy right?
lol I'm laughing at these guys trying to talk Hakk down when Hakk is probably one of the only guys in this thread that's even been in a combat situation outside of playing dodgeball in gym class.

05-14-2011, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by revelations

Again, uninformed opinions.

OC spray (not mace) takes anywhere from 10-20 seconds to become effective. Add some head wind and all of a sudden youre wearing it too.

Taking a baton to someone with a sharp object is asking to be killed. Sure you can go for the guys knife hand or head but also risk exposing your self and vital organs to damage.

Taser, JustGo answered the question already.

agreed, claiming they can use pepper spray is just plain ignorant, there can be so much collateral damage when used and it isn't all that effective from what i've heard. Baton? why bother, if they charge you you can get maybe one strike off, and if you don't knock them out, guess what? they are still coming at you and batons aren't too effective when you are trying to fight someone off you. Taser? ok, maybe i'd give him that, but you get one shot to take down ONE person, effective? you tell me.

I respect and support cops whenever they get in a situation where they have to pull their gun. they go into shitty situations every day.

If you aren't listening to a cop you deserve to be shot IMO, whether you are wielding a knife or a tooth brush. People seem to forget that in order for police to do their job they need to be respected and in a way feared. Not to the point that you are afraid they are going to come into your house, rape your wife and steal your money, but to the point that if you don't cooperate you will pay the price.

If some of you had your way on here cops would be nothing more than rent a cops. Cops would be sent into drug busts with bean bag guns and the same mase your gf carries in her bag, hahaha.

Do you think if cops weren't allowed to use their guns or were severely restricted as to when they could use them and had to rely on one shot tasers, pepper spray and batons that gang activity would decrease or increase in calgary. Do you think the drug dealer on the corner packing heat is going to give a shit if some cop tries to take him down with kind words and pepper spray? give me a break, we might as well hand them standard issue butter knives to hit the streets with.

Watch this vid and tell me how pepper spray is supposed to stop an enraged guy coming at you with a knife and adrenaline pumping through his veins???


Stalker Hacker
05-14-2011, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by A790

lol I'm laughing at these guys trying to talk Hakk down when Hakk is probably one of the only guys in this thread that's even been in a combat situation outside of playing dodgeball in gym class.

Well, as an officer with the Canadian Forces for a few years, including two stints in Afghanistan, I can honestly admit that outside of training purposes I never once had a situation where I was at the mercy of an individual who had a gun in my face.

Just a few months back though while on assignment in South East Asia I was held up twice and for what it's worth, the training didn't help at all.

05-14-2011, 01:41 PM
un armed people should be never be shot, non combative people should never be tased..

you know in england most police don't carry guns on them right?

05-14-2011, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Tram Common

I realize he was once in some military, somewhere... but that doesn't automatically qualify him for having a real gun in his face.

My guess is he's had a gun in his face on account of some training he did. I'm just saying the probability may be higher. I don't know the guy or anything.

Originally posted by A790

lol I'm laughing at these guys trying to talk Hakk down when Hakk is probably one of the only guys in this thread that's even been in a combat situation outside of playing dodgeball in gym class. Dick measuring en masse.

05-14-2011, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
un armed people should be never be shot, non combative people should never be tased..

you know in england most police don't carry guns on them right?
And look at the state of those countries. How many RIOTS do we get after hockey games?

05-14-2011, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by JustGo

And look at the state of those countries. How many RIOTS do we get after hockey games?

There's one after pretty much every game in Montreal...


05-14-2011, 04:56 PM
maybe you should compare shooting deaths per person... I would bet englands would destroy canadas.

05-14-2011, 06:10 PM
Originally posted by A790

lol I'm laughing at these guys trying to talk Hakk down when Hakk is probably one of the only guys in this thread that's even been in a combat situation outside of playing dodgeball in gym class.

I am not trying to talk Hakk down, I want to know said story.

05-14-2011, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer

you know in england most police don't carry guns on them right?
It was only in 1997 or 1998 the RNC in Newfoundland was given permission to carry fire arms. Before that the guns were locked in the trunk of the police car and they had to get permission from the division commander to take them out...

05-14-2011, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by baygirl

It was only in 1997 or 1998 the RNC in Newfoundland was given permission to carry fire arms. Before that the guns were locked in the trunk of the police car and they had to get permission from the division commander to take them out... That's a horrible policy. Go figure though; NDP and all.

05-14-2011, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by baygirl

It was only in 1997 or 1998 the RNC in Newfoundland was given permission to carry fire arms. Before that the guns were locked in the trunk of the police car and they had to get permission from the division commander to take them out...

Yes but that is not Calgary police. They need all the most advanced gadgets and highest budget in the country otherwise our city would be complete chaos without them.

Every single breath you take you owe it to them.

I have a few questions for any of the fine police officers on our board to answer:

In the last ten years:

How Many of your fellow officers have been charged with possession of child pornography?

How many officers have tried to lure children over the internet for sex?

How many officers have been charged with various assaults on and off duty?

How many officers have been charged with dui? (some several times)

How many officers are divorced alcoholics?

You guys need to take a real long hard look in the mirror.


05-14-2011, 10:44 PM
why don't you tell us?

just be glad you don't live in north vancouver

05-14-2011, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
why don't you tell us?

just be glad you don't live in north vancouver

I'm glad we don't have officers like Robert Dziekanski on our force, don't get me wrong.

But I think these questions better answered by our proud and trustworthy boys in blue.

The speed trap snipers.

05-14-2011, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

I'm glad we don't have officers like Robert Dziekanski on our force, don't get me wrong.

But I think these questions better answered by our proud and trustworthy boys in blue.

The speed trap snipers. LOL You're making it sound like the Rampart scandal.

05-14-2011, 11:01 PM
Robert Dziekanski isn't a cop, he was the polish fellow who was tasered to death at the vancouver international airport.
Who ordered Dziekansk to be tasedi?
Benjamin Montgomery Robinson was the officer in charge at the scene. This guy also was driving drunk with his two kids when he hit and killed a 21 year old on a motor cycle. Being the stand up guy that he is, he fled the scene made and it back to his house so he could say he got drunk after the fact.
he received a 90 day licence suspension, no criminal charges and he kept his job after being suspended with pay..


05-14-2011, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
Robert Dziekanski isn't a cop, he was the polish fellow who was tasered to death at the vancouver international airport.
Who ordered to tased Dziekanski?
Benjamin Montgomery Robinson. This guy also was driving drunk with his two kids when he hit and killed a 21 year old on a motor cycle. Being the stand up guy that he is, he fled the scene made and it back to his house so he could say he got drunk after the fact.
he received a 90 day licence suspension, no criminal charges and he kept his job after being suspended with pay..


Sorry I confused the victim's name with the perpetrator's.

He has already been sentenced? I was following the trial fairly closely up until a few months ago then I got sidetracked with work.

Did he seriously keep his job?

That just goes to show the extent police look out for each other.

Originally posted by CUG
LOL You're making it sound like the Rampart scandal.

No no it's nothing to that extent. If you think our police force is squeaky clean google the incidents I spoke about:





The only thing more ridiculous than the amount of times some of our officers have been arrested is the sentences they get.

Also they always talk about how "dangerous" there jobs are and all they do is put their lives in harm's way.


Look at the number of deaths.

Statistically it is far more likely your officer will turn out to be a womanizing alcoholic child porn possessing pedophile than an officer that is going to lose his/her life in the line of duty.

Trust me the list goes on and on. For those who still have doubts I can provide MANY more links to such cases.:thumbsdow

05-14-2011, 11:24 PM
I'll post tomorrow when I'm not ripped.

05-14-2011, 11:30 PM

just a licence suspension:bullshit:

05-14-2011, 11:58 PM
Meh, Its me or them, and if all I have is my sidearm, its a double tap center mass, and one between the eyes if they dont go down. All well being is forfeited the moment you attack with intention of grievous bodily harm or death.

We train heavily on this style shooting (Failure Drill) and I'm glad. I've seen guys take a MK4 or MK9 OC emptied out on them and have no effect, same with CS gas. Tasers arnt always available. A knife is just as dangerous as a firearm.

05-15-2011, 09:22 AM
Cop vs Knife (http://fugitivewatch.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/image001.jpg)

05-15-2011, 10:31 AM
- at 4:10, the guy tries to stab 2 cops, THEY RUN AWAY!
- someone throws another cop a big stick
- stick receiving cop takes his eyes off the assailant long enough to see where the stick lands, removes his hand from his weapon, bends over and picks up stick.
- cop stumbles through grass to try and hit assailant with stick (WTF? Why?) and still has hand off weapon
- stupid cop gets sliced
- shots fired at 8:50 for some reason

That was horrible but that cop made a lot of mistakes. He was assuming he could predict the actions of a deranged man. Like someone who's calm one second can't snap a second later.

05-15-2011, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

The only thing more ridiculous than the amount of times some of our officers have been arrested is the sentences they get.

Also they always talk about how "dangerous" there jobs are and all they do is put their lives in harm's way.


Look at the number of deaths.

Statistically it is far more likely your officer will turn out to be a womanizing alcoholic child porn possessing pedophile than an officer that is going to lose his/her life in the line of duty.

Devils advocate. Theres also many officers whom have lost their lives in mundane ways. I dont think you can paint an entire profession based on a few bad examples. I am fine with what the monties did in Van. Not so much with the mountie in Kelowna.

It's easy to single out the police as its always a great headline to sell media. How many o&g guys have multiple dui's, assaults etc etc??

Take a read:


05-15-2011, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by OU812

Devils advocate. Theres also many officers whom have lost their lives in mundane ways. I dont think you can paint an entire profession based on a few bad examples. I am fine with what the monties did in Van. Not so much with the mountie in Kelowna.

It's easy to single out the police as its always a great headline to sell media. How many o&g guys have multiple dui's, assaults etc etc??

Take a read:


I understand what you are saying but look at it like this:

Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson murdered someone. He was driving drunk killed someone and fled the scene.

Although I do understand why it was hard to get a conviction (him leaving the scene and coming back) what actually conspired is painfully obvious.

The RCMP kept this piece of trash as an employee. They are protecting a known murderer and keeping him in their ranks. Doesn't that speak to the amount of corruption that is widely accepted by the whole department? I'm sure it was some top RCMP officials that would have had to ok this guy coming back to work and making sure he received his full salary while on trial.

As for O&G their executives aren't entrusted with ensuring we live in a safe and lawful country. They also aren't paroling the streets with firearms 24 hours a day. It's a completely different issue.

Of course there are officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. Just as there are many construction workers, Rig workers, Aircraft pilots and flight engineers have some of the statistically most dangerous jobs in the country.

Law enforcement isn't even near the top ten of the dangerous jobs list (although is IS dangerous.) These officers are just blue collar guys doing it for a cheque the same as everyone else. It's not like they gave up running fortune 500 companies just to make sure our citizens are protected.

05-15-2011, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson murdered someone. He was driving drunk killed someone and fled the scene.

Although I do understand why it was hard to get a conviction (him leaving the scene and coming back) what actually conspired is painfully obvious.

The RCMP kept this piece of trash as an employee. They are protecting a known murderer and keeping him in their ranks. Doesn't that speak to the amount of corruption that is widely accepted by the whole department? I'm sure it was some top RCMP officials that would have had to ok this guy coming back to work and making sure he received his full salary while on trial.

Fair enough....he knows the system and clearly used his knowlegdt to defeat it. No different than all the high profile public defenders in town.

Labour laws have made it extremely hard to get rid of people without just cause. Being aquited (regardelss of reason) makes it almost a mute point.

It's the not the professions fault it's the system society built.

05-15-2011, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

I understand what you are saying but look at it like this:

Cpl. Benjamin Monty Robinson murdered someone. He was driving drunk killed someone and fled the scene.

Although I do understand why it was hard to get a conviction (him leaving the scene and coming back) what actually conspired is painfully obvious.

The RCMP kept this piece of trash as an employee. They are protecting a known murderer and keeping him in their ranks. Doesn't that speak to the amount of corruption that is widely accepted by the whole department? I'm sure it was some top RCMP officials that would have had to ok this guy coming back to work and making sure he received his full salary while on trial.

As for O&G their executives aren't entrusted with ensuring we live in a safe and lawful country. They also aren't paroling the streets with firearms 24 hours a day. It's a completely different issue.

Of course there are officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. Just as there are many construction workers, Rig workers, Aircraft pilots and flight engineers have some of the statistically most dangerous jobs in the country.

Law enforcement isn't even near the top ten of the dangerous jobs list (although is IS dangerous.) These officers are just blue collar guys doing it for a cheque the same as everyone else. It's not like they gave up running fortune 500 companies just to make sure our citizens are protected.

While you do make a valid point about the number of deaths, the difference is, 95% of police officer deaths are not accidental. Those other jobs you mention are all accidental deaths. They don't have another person actively trying to kill them. A construction worker doesn't stand on a roof while someone throws hammers at their head. And while those situations for police officers are thankfully few, it still happens.

And I do happen to know quite a few guys who gave up 6 figure salaries to become police officers. Not running fortune 500 companies by any means, but making good money none the less. Some people, believe it or not, do try to make a positive difference, and not just try to go out and be a total a-hole with a badge and gun.

05-16-2011, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by JustGo

And I do happen to know quite a few guys who gave up 6 figure salaries to become police officers. Not running fortune 500 companies by any means, but making good money none the less. Some people, believe it or not, do try to make a positive difference, and not just try to go out and be a total a-hole with a badge and gun.

Did you ever stop to think that the 6 figure job never let them be professional a-holes and the badge does?

Otherwise they'd just be (rich-ish) dicks instead of Officers....

I kid, I kid...

Despite all of the racial profiling I've been subjected to ("What's the problem, officer?" "You know what the problem is...", with the problem being me = asian on a day ending in 'y'), grillings by the cops for some alleged crime that took place several communities over just because I'm asian and having a smoke on my doorstep or a friend's porch, I have had some positive experiences with CPS that outweigh the negatives.

05-16-2011, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by 1barA4

Did you ever stop to think that the 6 figure job never let them be professional a-holes and the badge does?

Otherwise they'd just be (rich-ish) dicks instead of Officers....

I kid, I kid...

Despite all of the racial profiling I've been subjected to ("What's the problem, officer?" "You know what the problem is...", with the problem being me = asian on a day ending in 'y'), grillings by the cops for some alleged crime that took place several communities over just because I'm asian and having a smoke on my doorstep or a friend's porch, I have had some positive experiences with CPS that outweigh the negatives. It's because you didn't get an A on your math exam, and the police officer was actually your father. :poosie:

05-16-2011, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by 1barA4

Did you ever stop to think that the 6 figure job never let them be professional a-holes and the badge does?

Otherwise they'd just be (rich-ish) dicks instead of Officers....

I kid, I kid...

Despite all of the racial profiling I've been subjected to ("What's the problem, officer?" "You know what the problem is...", with the problem being me = asian on a day ending in 'y'), grillings by the cops for some alleged crime that took place several communities over just because I'm asian and having a smoke on my doorstep or a friend's porch, I have had some positive experiences with CPS that outweigh the negatives. I can see what you're saying. I grew up in a pretty small town, and while we didn't get racially profiled, per say, we got accosted by the police all the time. If you're young and you look like you're up to no good, they're going to stop and talk to you. I don't believe race has anything to do with it and people turn to that card far too quickly. The way I see it, if you're not doing anything wrong, it's nothing more than an extremely minor inconvenience. So you answer a few questions, they go on with their night, and you go on with yours. I stop and talk to lots of people at work, not to be a jerk, but to be social. I'll just ask random people what they're up to, how their night is going. When I was younger I felt picked on, probably the same way you feel, but if you knew just how many other people we talk to every day, you probably wouldn't feel so singled out.

05-19-2011, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by thefarnorth
WoW, thats brutal, did the first cop get his throat slit?

Judging by the mist of blood right after the swing and the immediate incapacitation of the officer, I would say he got his jugular sliced. The suspect is aiming high and the neck is the only area up top with enough blood pressure to produce a mist like that.

05-19-2011, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by JustGo
I can see what you're saying. I grew up in a pretty small town, and while we didn't get racially profiled, per say, we got accosted by the police all the time. If you're young and you look like you're up to no good, they're going to stop and talk to you. I don't believe race has anything to do with it and people turn to that card far too quickly. The way I see it, if you're not doing anything wrong, it's nothing more than an extremely minor inconvenience. So you answer a few questions, they go on with their night, and you go on with yours. I stop and talk to lots of people at work, not to be a jerk, but to be social. I'll just ask random people what they're up to, how their night is going. When I was younger I felt picked on, probably the same way you feel, but if you knew just how many other people we talk to every day, you probably wouldn't feel so singled out.

I didn't play the race card...they did.

There were other "kids", but white, on their stoops smoking when the cops in bonavista hassled me.

There were other people hanging out in the park, white kids who were actually messing around with stuff, and the cops headed straight for me and hassled me and ignored them.

I've been picked out of groups of white friends to be hassled so many times I know it's not just "age profiling" so if you've never experienced it, you don't know what it's like.

And I'm not a threatening-looking guy!

05-19-2011, 10:24 PM
Cops with shitty training get stabbed and the thread turns into how cops are dicks. We have enough threads like this don't we?

05-19-2011, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by JustGo
And I do happen to know quite a few guys who gave up 6 figure salaries to become police officers. Not running fortune 500 companies by any means, but making good money none the less.

Some people, believe it or not, do try to make a positive difference, and not just try to go out and be a total a-hole with a badge and gun.


I worked with members who were former engineers, insurance salespeople and other such white collar employees.

"They wanted to make a difference" was a common theme I heard.

Best former career of a member - dance instructor.

05-20-2011, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by e31

Actually, I heard that they deputize kids with a whistle found in a box of "Capitán Crujido" cereal.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: PRICELESS....