View Full Version : Wonder if this guy has a death wish...

05-13-2011, 10:06 PM
Old video from New Years, stumbled upon it on YouTube. I get that he wants to have his camera on, but he really needs to learn to listen. :rolleyes:

Those cops showed some pretty good restraint. After the second or third time, I would've taken him up/down two floors, and cuffed him to the railing. :rofl:

Here's the CityBeat posting - http://newsroom.calgary.ca/pr/calgary/barricaded-male-arrested-189937.aspx?ncid=17193


05-14-2011, 02:36 PM
I don't see how you could perceive that as a death wish. Are you implying that the CPS are going to kill him for videotaping them bust a door down?

05-14-2011, 04:07 PM
"I'm in a public space" typical teenager.

05-15-2011, 10:04 AM
Haha, not that typical I think.

He was pretty quiet and non-provoking in the video, I thought.

05-15-2011, 10:44 AM
I know the bald cop. His son used to play hockey with my son

05-15-2011, 12:06 PM
More quality stuff from Wild Gunmen I see.

Love the comment telling him he's f'ing brave. Really? :facepalm:

05-15-2011, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by CMW403
I don't see how you could perceive that as a death wish. Are you implying that the CPS are going to kill him for videotaping them bust a door down?

Yeah please explain.

05-15-2011, 01:00 PM
That was kinda non eventful. I was expecting alot more.

05-15-2011, 04:32 PM
Give me a break, it was the best title I could think of late at night. :whocares:

I was thinking along the lines of, CPS cleared the floor and sealed it off for a reason. If the suspect happened to get away from the cops (unlikely, but not impossible), or had a gun, then the dude with the camera is in the line of fire. The cops are armed with rifles and sidearms. Buddy is armed with...a video camera.

If something goes sideways and a bystander who doesn't want to leave gets hurt, those cops at the stairwell doors are going to be asked why they didn't evacuate the area. :dunno:

And yeah, I just loved the comments calling him brave. And the one guy who called him an idiot got his comment marked as spam. :facepalm:

05-15-2011, 04:45 PM
no doubt, what a little shit head, he should have been thrown in the paddy for obstruction of justice. who is this guy? anyone know the video taper?

If a cop asks you to leave, you fucking leave, don't need some little curious george getting in the way.

Kid did have a death wish, (don't worry OP some of us did get it). If cops are evacuating an area to take down a suspect, this means they perceive him as being a threat to the safety and well being of the public. Therefore the cameraman has a death wish because he is ignoring the fact that the police believe his safety is at risk. Pretty simplistic concept to me!

05-15-2011, 05:20 PM

The cops don't need anyone around getting in the way. I was on a ridealong once, and I won't get into specifics (cause I'm not supposed to), but there was a somewhat serious call that we had to respond to with lights and sirens.

The officer I was riding with was a cool guy, even let me flick on the lights when he needed them and showed me how the laptop worked. But on the above-mentioned call, he made me sit my ass in the car while they checked it out. When it was all clear a few minutes later, he waved at me to get out so I could hang around.

I was a ridealong who knew enough about police work without being a cop, and I had signed a form saying they weren't responsible if anything happened to me. They were happy to explain things and let me hang around after it was over, but the rules apply to anyone not wearing a uniform and a duty belt. Just the way it is. With police work, things can go sideways real fast, so its always better to be safe than sorry. The shithead holding the camera is lucky that the Tac Team pulled it off without a hitch, and even luckier that the district cops didn't decide to arrest him for obstruction.

05-15-2011, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Stealth22

The cops don't need anyone around getting in the way. I was on a ridealong once, and I won't get into specifics (cause I'm not supposed to), but there was a somewhat serious call that we had to respond to with lights and sirens.

The officer I was riding with was a cool guy, even let me flick on the lights when he needed them and showed me how the laptop worked. But on the above-mentioned call, he made me sit my ass in the car while they checked it out. When it was all clear a few minutes later, he waved at me to get out so I could hang around.

I was a ridealong who knew enough about police work without being a cop, and I had signed a form saying they weren't responsible if anything happened to me. They were happy to explain things and let me hang around after it was over, but the rules apply to anyone not wearing a uniform and a duty belt. Just the way it is. With police work, things can go sideways real fast, so its always better to be safe than sorry. The shithead holding the camera is lucky that the Tac Team pulled it off without a hitch, and even luckier that the district cops didn't decide to arrest him for obstruction.


Sorry to break it to you bro but cops aren't as special as you think. If there was Police tape indicating do not cross then sure but if I'm filming something on the sidewalk and they told to leave I will swiftly tell them no. What are they going to do? Arrest me for "obstruction" lol.

You were probably dressed as a cop at least once for Halloween. :rofl:


05-15-2011, 06:47 PM
^^ You really didn't watch the video, or read any of the above posts, did you?

Yeah, an entire floor thats been evacuated and sealed off by the police is entirely equal to a public sidewalk away from yellow crime scene tape. :facepalm:

05-15-2011, 08:17 PM
lol go up stairs...hes on the 6th floor again for the 10th time

05-15-2011, 08:51 PM
^ lol yeah, I was just laughing at how he just kept coming back like a moron. Like I said, after the third time, I would've escorted him up two floors and handcuffed him to the railing! :rofl: