View Full Version : New sound dectecting cameras?

05-25-2011, 01:28 AM
Noise Snare (http://ca.gizmodo.com/5805331/vent-your-anger-at-loud-vehicles-with-the-noise-snare)

Jizmodo just posted an article about an automated device to detect and charge noise offenders. The article states that the city of Calgary may be field testing it?

I think it would be good to see something like this in action instead of our current over sized tip laws. If you want to be noisy then go to the track to support civilized auto racing.

05-25-2011, 01:35 AM
They should put it at a stop light, so those with truly loud exhausts will be punished. Otherwise people will just coast past it instead without pressing on the gas.

Idiot Stick
05-25-2011, 05:23 AM
Harley Owners are going to be PISSED! haha

05-25-2011, 10:13 AM
if there is more then 1 car in the shot isn't it pretty hard to prove who it was making the noise?

I know most people here could " oh that's clearly a v8 so it's the camaro" or "oh that's a v-twin, must be the harley". I doubt cps has the time and smarts to do that.