View Full Version : Calgarian Charged with Criminal Harassment for Placing Fake Online Ads

05-29-2011, 11:33 AM
I thought this was interesting since placing fake online ads seems a common way of getting revenge or playing a prank on someone. I haven't heard of anyone being charged before for it, locally anyway. I guess it probably depends how far you take it.

Malicious Calgary neighbour admits web harassment spree

By Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald May 29, 2011 8:43 AM Comments (2)

Annoyed at his neighbours calling city bylaw enforcement about him and another neighbour, Michael Kenzie MacLeod embarked on a nine-month spree of ruthlessly harassing them through the Internet.

MacLeod, 35, who said he was formerly friends with Robert and Kathy Smith, set up e-mail accounts in their name that resulted in fictitious ads being placed on a local Internet website to sell merchandise.

As a result of personal ads, which contained her name and address, Kathy Smith received hundreds of phone calls from people wishing to buy items and obscene calls and visits to their door from men who believed they had corresponded with her about having sexual encounters.

MacLeod pleaded guilty Thursday to criminal harassment.

Crown prosecutor Nadine Nesbitt, who argued for a conditional jail sentence of 18 months with house arrest, said in reading an agreed statement of facts in court Thursday that MacLeod posed in the e-mails as being Kathy Smith.

Smith said in her victim impact statement that MacLeod’s actions were “relentless psychological torture” that caused her family to fear for her life.

“I could have been killed by a stranger sent to our door,” she said, choking back tears.

“Due to the proximity of the offender, I was deprived of peace in my own home. My family and I were selected targets.

“I felt like I was imprisoned in my own home. I was face to face with an unidentified man . . . today, I saw my attacker for the first time and, even though it’s been over for a year, I still live in fear.”

Nesbitt said the offender’s actions were often very disturbing in nature.

“On Sept. 6, 2008, Kathy Smith received a phone call from an unknown male that was very sexually graphic,” she told provincial court Judge Anne Brown.

“The male told Kathy Smith in very vulgar terms what he would like to do with her sexually. The male called (her) several times and told her he was responding to her personal ad on usedcalgary.com and he was the person still communicating with her using her e-mail address.”

That man was eventually traced through a pay phone and video surveillance and, although not charged by police, was fired from his job.

Also, Kathy Smith received an “e-mail bomb” from MacLeod, which included 250 similar e-mails over a couple of hours on Jan. 17, 2009, virtually crippling her system.

It purported to be from the Canadian Mental Health Association and was entitled, “CMHA are watching you.”

The offender also used another neighbour’s unsecured wireless router to send many of the e-mails, resulting in police tracing them to the neighbours’ home, seizing their computers and taking them in for questioning.

MacLeod also posted many of the fictitious ads using his laptop computer while visiting China and Orlando, Fla.

Nesbitt said part of his sentence should include a condition that he take counselling for anger management.

Defence lawyer Jim Lutz sought a similar conditional sentence, albeit 12 months long.

He noted his client believed he just set up the calls or meetings through the ads and did not have control over what happened afterward.

That prompted Brown to quip, “It’s a bit like loading a weapon and giving it to someone.”

Robert Smith said in his victim impact statement that he and his family have been devastated by the crimes that still affect them because, despite efforts by police to remove any reference to the ads, they still can be called up and have their home address on them.

They have had to change phone numbers and e-mail addresses they have used for 20 years.

“We have been and still are paralyzed from this crime. I wake up at night thinking about these crimes,” Smith said in his statement. “We don’t know who has our phone number or address and will show up at our door.

“For four months in 2008, Kathy was harassed with phone calls, some saying they were coming to our house. The callers also seemed to know when I was leaving. One caller said I just left and said he and a friend were coming to our house later that day.”

MacLeod apologized to the Smiths for his actions before the judge adjourned sentencing.

“I wasn’t fully aware of all the impact it had on you, until I heard your statements today,” he said. “I’m sorry for that.”

Brown will sentence him on June 3.

[email protected]


05-29-2011, 12:38 PM

05-29-2011, 01:25 PM
Wow.. glad he was caught. Should make people think twice before putting up a fake kijiji ad.

05-29-2011, 02:26 PM
I guarantee you can throw a stone and hit 20 people on Beyond who have done something similar lol.

D'z Nutz
05-29-2011, 02:56 PM

05-29-2011, 02:58 PM
They used to screen these with newspaper ads. But every once in a while a "buttsechs" ad would be placed as a joke and missed.

You know... Get Rob Anders address and phone number, and then put out an ad for genital lubricant.

With the internet though, noone is really safe. Celebrities have it the worst, they are photochopped and put beside advertisements for all sorts of things. IE: An online article with Arhnold will have a steroid ad strategically placed by a webbot in the advertising space.

The ads are sometimes so close, that its impossible to determine the difference.

I'd pay good money to have anal lubricant or genital wart cream, in every advertisement where Rob Anders is mentioned. And have no doubts, it is definitely possible to do that.

05-29-2011, 04:44 PM
While he went too far, they dont mention the extent of the actions the victim took to set this guy off, just "called bylaw enforcement on him and a neighbor"

Its like a news story about an assault charge outside a bar, they talk about the actions of the accused but never mention what set them off. In the case of a bar fight, the lipy ones usualy end up pressing charges when they loose the fight.

Not taking the guy's side, but (if he wasnt an a-hole in the first place) neighbors who call bylaw enforcement instead of having an over the fence discussion are asking for something.... maybe not as severe, but we've all read the threads here on beyond.

05-29-2011, 05:10 PM
I dunno.

If you put a guy in jail for calling labelling a neighbor with a certain unfounded "label", then you should probably be putting Rob Anders in jail for labelling other people "terrorists".

Rob Anders!

05-29-2011, 05:16 PM
Ads purporting to sell inanimate objects is one thing, and perfectly acceptable revenge IMO... but making sex ads, and sexual correspondences is fucking criminal in my mind. She could have easily been attacked and raped as a result of that shit. There's all sorts of sick fucks out there.

What a fucking scumbag.

05-29-2011, 08:20 PM
I don't disagree with the nature of his response to his neighbor who was harassing him equally as much, but the sex stuff is way off.

05-30-2011, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by CUG
I don't disagree with the nature of his response to his neighbor who was harassing him equally as much, but the sex stuff is way off.


I'd like to know the extent of harrasment beforehand that prompted this over the top response, to be honest I bet the neighbors and 'victims' were complete douchebags as well.

Maybe just anger management and community service? Neighbors that call bylaw before confronting me about something get on my nerves as well.

05-30-2011, 08:35 AM
Anyone that calls bylaw on their neighbors is a douche. Deal with it like a man and confront your neighbors. While the payback may be over the top, I think the woman victim claiming "relentless psychological torture" is a bit excessive.

05-30-2011, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by btimbit
Maybe just anger management and community service?He's going to get a sentence quite a bit more serious than that. It sounds like both sides agree that a conditional sentence order is the correct sentence, the only disagreement is the length of it - 12 months vs. 18 months.

Conditional sentence orders are jail sentences, but they allow the person to serve it in the community - so, house arrest basically. If the guy screws up and doesn't comply with the terms, he can be sent to real jail to serve out whatever portion of the sentence remains.

The Conditional sentence order likely would have some counselling conditions attached, and possibly community service, but it would also have other conditions attached as well, usually 24 hour house arrest - usually with exceptions to allow the person to work. He would be subject to random checks to make sure he's at home (and they do check), possibly even bracelet monitoring. But the biggest thing about it is the sword hanging over the guy's head - if he screws up even just a little bit, the judge can send him to jail to serve out the rest of the sentence.

05-30-2011, 09:21 AM
yep, and If I find out who called the city on me, I would do something ten times as nasty as this to them...pompus pricks saying I am running a business out of my garage, when I was simply replacing my MR2's motor...

you harras me, I harras you 10 times more..

05-30-2011, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Feruk
Anyone that calls bylaw on their neighbors is a douche. Deal with it like a man and confront your neighbors. While the payback may be over the top, I think the woman victim claiming "relentless psychological torture" is a bit excessive.

So let me get this straight, someone posting your information online (such as your address, phone number, picture, etc) and falsely claiming that you wanted to have a sexual encounter, and receiving sexually disturbing phone calls from strangers, and having anonymous people calling you to tell you that their coming to your house with a friend (and you don't know what their going to do), and getting a visit by some individual who thinks their there for a "WILD RIDE"(sex), even though, once again, you never did any of this, is not in anyway a relentless psychological torture? you think the fear of strangers coming to your house is not excessive in terms of psychologically torture? (even thou you don't know what kind of ad your neighbour posted)

Did I get that right?

05-30-2011, 09:31 AM
So by your logic all of Beyond should be indicted for the threads where we trainwreck someone for screwing a member over?

Since the people in these situations would probably be homeowners, wouldn't you think they would be mature enough to walk over and talk to the person they have issue with face to face? I had my neighbor come over and ask that I tone it down a bit with doing all the work I was doing in my driveway. I found a spot with a garage that I could work at instead. If he had simply called bylaw and complained to them, I would probably keep working in my driveway. Being up front and courteous with neighbors goes a long way.

05-30-2011, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by FraserB
So by your logic all of Beyond should be indicted for the threads where we trainwreck someone for screwing a member over?

Since the people in these situations would probably be homeowners, wouldn't you think they would be mature enough to walk over and talk to the person they have issue with face to face? I had my neighbor come over and ask that I tone it down a bit with doing all the work I was doing in my driveway. I found a spot with a garage that I could work at instead. If he had simply called bylaw and complained to them, I would probably keep working in my driveway. Being up front and courteous with neighbors goes a long way.

I agree with you that the neighbour should talk face to face. But when you go and create a false ad saying you wanted to have a sexual encounter and you get complete strangers coming to your house don't you think thats a bit excessive?

05-30-2011, 10:54 AM

It's hilarious how many of you losers are defending this guy :rofl: Typical beyond ... :rolleyes:

05-30-2011, 11:57 AM
^I'm not saying his response was the right one, I'd just like to know what caused the response, and for now think it's safe to assume the neighbors brought it onto themselves. Not the sex stuff necessarily, but I consider what they did harrasment as well, because I'm willing to bet they called bylaw over something small and silly. Like grass being too long.

05-30-2011, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by btimbit
^I'm not saying his response was the right one, I'd just like to know what caused the response, and for now think it's safe to assume the neighbors brought it onto themselves.

Normal Kijiji ads, yeah, you're probably right.

Sexual kijiji ads, that could attract the lowest, scumiest, perverts and rapists to their door. NOT FUCKING COOL.

edit: Nice ninja edit, lol.

05-30-2011, 12:02 PM
Sexual ads are too far, I dont think anyone is defending that part of it. There is simply a second side of the story that should be told too.

05-30-2011, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Sexual ads are too far, I dont think anyone is defending that part of it. There is simply a second side of the story that should be told too.

Why, because it would somehow justify what Michael Kenzie MacLeod did? The guy opened email accounts, placed hundreds of ads. Held explicit sexual conversations with scum in order to build "fake relationships" with them to convince said scum to come to the door. Posted personal detailed information on his targets in order to have potentially dangerous 3rd parties show up at the door of his victim.

This Michael guy obviously spent a LOT of time doing this crap. That goes beyond simply annoyance, this is well into obsessive vendetta territory that ran on for MONTHS. He obviously put a lot of thought and effort into this. From the description in the various articles, he must have been doing it every single day.

As for ByLaw, there's no way that they would allow themselves to be used to harass someone over an extended period of time. They'd simply label the complainer as a nuisance caller and stop responding, so it's unlikely that the couple could have been making Michael Macleods life that difficult in a similar proportion.

In short, there's literally no justification for this type of behaviour, and in point of fact, nobody here would do it if they thought that it could actually be traced back to them. Now, I also suspect that the thinking members of beyond that have participated in such antics in the past, will probably reconsider their actions now that they realize they CAN be traced back by police. Then again, it seems like the majority of beyond isn't really into thinking, which is part of what makes it so entertaining.

05-30-2011, 12:41 PM
Aaaaaaand another one sided story... What exactly did these "victims" do to piss this guy off? Agreed, ads of a sexual nature cross the line, but if I had snob ass neighbors complaining about every little thing I'd just post for sale ads, call after 11 pm lol this guy's a pos big time but anybody calling bylaw for stupid shit has it coming just the same IMO.

05-30-2011, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by heavyfuel
Aaaaaaand another one sided story... What exactly did these "victims" do to piss this guy off? Agreed, ads of a sexual nature cross the line, but if I had snob ass neighbors complaining about every little thing I'd just post for sale ads, call after 11 pm lol this guy's a pos big time but anybody calling bylaw for stupid shit has it coming just the same IMO.

Thanks for highlighting my previous post so perfectly. :clap:

05-30-2011, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by heavyfuel
Aaaaaaand another one sided story... What exactly did these "victims" do to piss this guy off? Agreed, ads of a sexual nature cross the line, but if I had snob ass neighbors complaining about every little thing I'd just post for sale ads, call after 11 pm lol this guy's a pos big time but anybody calling bylaw for stupid shit has it coming just the same IMO.

Not in anyway am I being sarcastic, or trying to mock you. I just want to understand your point.

So you believe that if neighbour (A) calls the bylaw on neighbour (B) for whatever reason, and the neighbour (B) that got called on gets angry and does these deviant things online such as inviting complete strangers to your house, you think its completely justified even if it endangers neighbour (A)?

05-30-2011, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Ergo-Sun-Tzu

Not in anyway am I being sarcastic, or trying to mock you. I just want to understand your point.

So you believe that if neighbour (A) calls the bylaw on neighbour (B) for whatever reason, and the neighbour (B) that got called on gets angry and does these deviant things online such as inviting complete strangers to your house, you think its completely justified even if it endangers neighbour (A)?

Did you read what you quoted? He said for sale ads and call after 11pm, didnt say anything about sex ads, or listing the address.

05-30-2011, 06:36 PM
So basically I can be a massive twat of a neighbor, call bylaw and the cops for each and every little thing under the sun. And I am 100% free and clear of any and all responsibility in the situation?

Somehow I doubt they simply called bylaw once and it got this guy so pissed he did these things.

05-31-2011, 07:31 AM

05-31-2011, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by Ergo-Sun-Tzu

So let me get this straight, someone posting your information online (such as your address, phone number, picture, etc) and falsely claiming that you wanted to have a sexual encounter, and receiving sexually disturbing phone calls from strangers, and having anonymous people calling you to tell you that their coming to your house with a friend (and you don't know what their going to do), and getting a visit by some individual who thinks their there for a "WILD RIDE"(sex), even though, once again, you never did any of this, is not in anyway a relentless psychological torture? you think the fear of strangers coming to your house is not excessive in terms of psychologically torture? (even thou you don't know what kind of ad your neighbour posted)

Did I get that right?

Psychological torture is stuff like water boarding or that Chinese torture method where they sit you in the middle of a room, lock you in for days, and drop a drop of water on your head at random times till you go mad. THAT is psychological torture.

Oh no, a stranger comes to your house! Oh no, time to lock the front door or tell them it was some ass playing a prank. Psychological torture? Hell no! Minor harassment at BEST.

05-31-2011, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Feruk

Psychological torture is stuff like water boarding or that Chinese torture method where they sit you in the middle of a room, lock you in for days, and drop a drop of water on your head at random times till you go mad. THAT is psychological torture.

Oh no, a stranger comes to your house! Oh no, time to lock the front door or tell them it was some ass playing a prank. Psychological torture? Hell no! Minor harassment at BEST.

No, torture is reading stupid ass posts like yours. The lady says she lived in fear for months because lowlife johns were showing up at her door prompted by the neighbor. Lowlife johns that could have been given instructions like "when you get to the door, I'm going to play dumb, I want you to come in a pretend to rape me, it's my fantasy! Just ignore my screams, they're going to be playing along."

Maybe you could at least to pretend to do a little reading on a topic before posting complete idiocy?

06-04-2011, 04:09 PM
:clap: :rofl:

Fuck I love scenic acres, we have the best douche neighbours... Maybe this is why I haven't had a bylaw visit in a few months, wonder if we shared the bitchy neighbour...
