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05-30-2011, 05:01 PM
Driving home on a nice sunny day a away from June I couldn't help but notice what a dump this city has become. Piles of sand and gravel all over streets, sidewalks, dividers, etc. and dandelions heavily populating all city grasses like an unkept prairie field. Yeah I realize it was a bad winter and that the city doesn't want to spray weeks but that doesn't stop making this supposed world class city look like a reject town from Saskatchewan. It's June FFS clean the streets and cut the grass.

End of rant.:)

05-30-2011, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by heavyD
... [it doesn't] stop [them from] making this supposed world class city look like a reject town from Saskatchewan. ...


05-30-2011, 06:14 PM
Yup... Dandelions are starting to get ridiculous.

05-30-2011, 06:15 PM
I hope they spray for mosquitoes this year

05-30-2011, 06:36 PM
fuckin' whiteys

05-30-2011, 06:44 PM

They ain't spraying mosquitos this year either.

05-30-2011, 06:51 PM
man the mosquitos in any park i have been into have been insane.... let alone the dandelions all over my damn lawn.

05-30-2011, 07:02 PM
I like the dandelions. They are purdy.

05-30-2011, 07:02 PM
And are the streetsweeper trucks just shitty or are they just driving them too fast?

I've driven on roads that have just been swept (you can still see the wet marks from when the streetsweeper went by) and they've picked up the gravel but left behind a huge amount of loose dirt that makes a giant, choking cloud of dust once traffic hits it.

HeavyD's comment about the dandelions making it look like a small Saskatchewan town is very accurate.

And the state of repair of the road surface of even the main avenues downtown is getting to be a bit of a joke.

The problem now is that they're up to their necks fixing the 20% of the roads that are 80% shitty and they don't have the time or money to fix the other 80% of the roads that are 20% shitty. I think my next vehicle is gonna have to be an SUV.

05-30-2011, 07:05 PM
Calgary always looks like shit in the spring, it has for decades.

The dandelions are worse over the last couple years because the city is using less herbicide as part of some chemical reduction strategy.

That being said, even on it's worst day, it looks about 18x better than Edmonton . . . :goflames:

05-30-2011, 07:06 PM
Just gotta wait for the rains. Edmonton is looking dumpy, but St. A is looking gorgeous as ever. EXCEPT for where there is AH construction, that's not so nice.

05-30-2011, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by dawerks
Just gotta wait for the rains.


if not, fyi, a 5 day straight rain period has just ended.

05-30-2011, 07:35 PM
They need to chop the dandelions before they go to seed.

05-30-2011, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by StupidWade
. I think my next vehicle is gonna have to be an SUV.

That's why our roads are going to hell! Every damn person in this town is buying big giant trucks, lifting them and putting 35s all around.
How do we expect the roads to hold up when you've got 4 ram 2500s or f250s sittin on them at all times?

05-30-2011, 07:41 PM
Makes you wonder where the hell your taxes are going to.
Tunnels under the runway? Really?
If not for commitments I have in Calgary I would so be outta here! (Grumpy old man voice).
Sell off all of my toys, the big house and retreat to a little acreage in the Okanagan, where there is sure to be a whole new set of things to complain about.

05-30-2011, 07:44 PM
lol people bitching about "shitty" life in Calgary.

Get real.

05-30-2011, 07:48 PM
lol at all the pansy ass people who think the mosquitos are bad hahaha.

Go anywhere else in Canada, i.e. new brunswick, nova scotia, saskatchewan, manitoba, ontario, quebec, etc and then you'll know what insane mosquitos are haha.

When you can physically see a black cloud of them coming your way then you'll know you left calgary.

But on the other points I totally agree, Calgary is very, VERY dirty this spring...Sucks pretty bad.

05-30-2011, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by ianmcc
Sell off all of my toys, the big house and retreat to a little acreage in the Okanagan, where there is sure to be a whole new set of things to complain about.

*cough* HST, No work, expensive cost of living *cough* .

-I cant believe you guys are all bashing Calgary, I think its an awesome city. Sure its nice out here in the Okanagan but Calgary has so much to offer.. If it wasn't for school I would move back

05-30-2011, 08:19 PM
...what gets me is the roads, soo many potholes everywhere. you notice just how bad it is when you drive a sporty/lowered car :banghead:

05-30-2011, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by lellowrx7

That's why our roads are going to hell! Every damn person in this town is buying big giant trucks, lifting them and putting 35s all around.
How do we expect the roads to hold up when you've got 4 ram 2500s or f250s sittin on them at all times?

You're actually blaming big trucks for the roads being shitty? That's one I've never heard before. I guess half assed construction and drastic weather change has nothing to do with it. Maybe they should ban semis from driving on deerfoot so the roads stay better.

Actually, I think I'm going to sell all our work trucks and start buying everyone rx7's to haul equipment/materials so the roads stay better for you.

05-30-2011, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by dawerks
but St. A is looking gorgeous as ever.

I nearly came in my pants driving through St. A, I felt I was in BC or Oregon! Everything was green, purty, and clean.

Someday, I will move where I can go road racing 365 days a year...

05-30-2011, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by oupzwrongthread
I like the dandelions. They are purdy.

I agree. :thumbsup:

05-30-2011, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow

The dandelions are worse over the last couple years because the city is using less herbicide as part of some chemical reduction strategy.

They've also admitted defeat, and have NO plans on getting rid of them.

After decades of digging up, poisoning, burning and cursing the dandelion, Canada is slowly giving up its struggle against the ubiquitous weeds.

The latest sign the much-maligned yellow flower is regaining respect: Calgarians can now let their front-yard dandelions flourish without fear of getting ticketed.

As long as the flowers are shorter than 15 cms, Calgarians will escape “enforcement action,” a change made in light of Alberta’s recent removal of dandelions from its official weed hit-list.

“Dandelions are just not considered serious enough to have a legislative focus,” says Simon Wilkins, Calgary’s pest-management co-ordinator.

Source (http://news.nationalpost.com/2011/05/29/dandelions-finally-get-their-day-in-the-sun/)

Now all we need is for them to legalize 80's Camaro's up on blocks, and banged up washing machines on the front lawn to match.

05-30-2011, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by ddduke

You're actually blaming big trucks for the roads being shitty? That's one I've never heard before. I guess half assed construction and drastic weather change has nothing to do with it. Maybe they should ban semis from driving on deerfoot so the roads stay better.

Actually, I think I'm going to sell all our work trucks and start buying everyone rx7's to haul equipment/materials so the roads stay better for you.

where did i say big semis?
i said lifted trucks that have been lifted for no point and then fat ass tires thrown on there.
i understand why we need semi trucks and big trucks but the people that lift their trucks and put these giant tires on for no reason but looks.

05-30-2011, 09:30 PM

if anything a wider tire has less impact on the surface of a road due to weight distribution being spread out..... however, this is still completely irrelevant.

potholes have very little to do with human use... its more the fault in the way they are made right from the get-go and the extreme weather conditions they face in calgary

05-30-2011, 09:32 PM
I'm letting the backyard dandelions go wild.

Already made three salads this spring.


05-30-2011, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I nearly came in my pants driving through St. A, I felt I was in BC or Oregon! Everything was green, purty, and clean.

Someday, I will move where I can go road racing 365 days a year...

Well, don't go telling anyone.. shhh! :)

Saint A is the city of trees, so they spend alot of cash/time/effort on planting alot of trees. There's trees in the medians, on both sides of the road etc etc.

There's also some pretty sick windy roads up here, with elevation changes etc. Can't tell you where they are but they are close.

And NO city cops!! :) RCMP are usually too busy to bother with traffic.

05-30-2011, 09:52 PM
Calgary = :banghead: last couple years , but everywhere else is no better...

Black Gts
05-30-2011, 09:55 PM
Loads and tires do have an impact on the roads especially in the spring, that's the point of the axle weight restrictions and road bans that typically are mar. Until June.. but you can't stop construction, so that also plays into our shitty roads. As for mosquitos, imagine how bad they'd be under ndp rule lol

05-30-2011, 10:03 PM
park are going to be full of dandelions and tall grass because we just had a goddamn monsoon. cant exactly mow in the rain, and when the rain does stop, every park can't magically get mowed the next day.

05-30-2011, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by lellowrx7

where did i say big semis?
i said lifted trucks that have been lifted for no point and then fat ass tires thrown on there.
i understand why we need semi trucks and big trucks but the people that lift their trucks and put these giant tires on for no reason but looks.

You didn't say semis, I'm just saying that if you have a problem with big lifted trucks then you must really hate semis.

What I was getting at is that you must be an idiot to think that a lifted truck may be the cause of shitty Calgary roads. Like someone already said, wider tires will distribute weight more evenly. Also, the weight difference can't be that much between a stock and lifted truck, at most a couple hundred lbs, which would make no difference. If you had 3 fat chicks in your car it would weigh more then a lift kit+tires.

05-30-2011, 10:23 PM
No. THIS is a shithole:


You're living in fucking paradise if you're bitching about dandelions. Get real.

05-30-2011, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

You're living in fucking paradise if you're bitching about dandelions. Get real.

HAHAHAHA, this just made my entire week. Couldn't agree with you more.

05-30-2011, 11:44 PM
You'll pay $16 for a salad made partly of dandelions in any solid eating establishment, so start collecting and wholesale the stuff.

Calgary is Saskatchewan, controlled, financed and through and through green with cash and Rider fans. Grab a Pilsner and chill.

Mosquitos would be Canada's national insect, a little blood between friends never killed anyone. Sharing is caring.

I hear all you are saying, get everyone on winter tires and AWD and fuck laying down salt, sand and stones for the winter. We can outdrive the Swedes and Finlanders in WRC 2020.

*on the upside I saw a silver Tesla on the weekend, he drove by an outdoor patio bar and he might as well have been in a K-Car for no one noticed him at all. No sound = did not see it.

05-31-2011, 12:00 AM
The mosquitoes I imagine are going to be pretty bad. Better stalk up on some Off! spray :D

05-31-2011, 12:15 AM
The road conditions are in the present condition because of primarily freeze-thaw. It's not coincidence that road conditions are amazing in comparison in Houston vs. here.

You know what I've noticed? Everyone in Calgary feels the need to bitch about something. Look around where you are. I mean, REALLY look. Millions of people would give up everything they have for the chance to switch spots with you.

If you don't like it, leave. It really is that easy. Oh, you don't want to leave? Why? Good job, clean city, good healthcare, live close to the mountains, nice house, nice car, no major natural disasters, no serious poisonous snakes and spiders? Well...fuck!

If dirty roads, dandelions and mosquitoes are your biggest worries, go cry to the folks in Beverly Hills because they'll be the only people who have pity on you.

05-31-2011, 12:39 AM
Anyone and everyone who bitches about Calgary seems to be ungrateful morons. Please enlighten me as to what is keeping you here? It must be quite a bit, otherwise why the hell are you staying?

05-31-2011, 12:59 AM
We could be a world class city if we had some real leadership. Unfortunately we haven't had it and won't have it until we elect some legitimate talent.

Cooked Rice
05-31-2011, 01:17 AM


05-31-2011, 06:18 AM
if the city isn't spraying any herbicides or pesticides then i'm putting the leash on the iguana taking him to a field and letting him eat half of it.

but it all truths. we've only had 2 fuckin weeks of nice weather. and i see street cleaners and hose boys everywhere. get over it!

05-31-2011, 07:38 AM
I'm working hard to get out of this city. Hopefully only a few more years before we're out!

05-31-2011, 07:49 AM

05-31-2011, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by kevie88
I'm working hard to get out of this city. Hopefully only a few more years before we're out!

Where u going?

05-31-2011, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
No. THIS is a shithole:


You're living in fucking paradise if you're bitching about dandelions. Get real.

Yes how brilliant to compare Calgary to a 3rd world country. Wondering just how many thousands in property and provincial/federal taxes they are paying for their hut.:facepalm:

When I hear 'you're living in paradise' I have to wonder how many of you ever stray out of the prairies? If some of you actually travel you would see that as far as North America goes Calgary is sorely lacking. Who thinks that Cincinnati is a sweet city? I'll tell you it makes Calgary look like a dump and it's not a very highly regarded US city. Anyone that spends time in Eastern Canada knows what I'm talking about as city hall is letting this city slip big time and once it snowballs it won't be long untill Edmontonians are the ones making the jokes about Calgary. There's no excuse for this city to look like this for all the taxes the city and province take in. I live in Canada so being grateful has nothing to do with expectations. Some of you just need to take some pride in the surroundings you pay into and don't just accept what city hall is providing less than what you are investing.

I know I'm not the only one that feels that this city is going downhill compared to where it was in the 90's and it's more than just the population increase making it this way.

05-31-2011, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by dawerks

Well, don't go telling anyone.. shhh! :)

Saint A is the city of trees, so they spend alot of cash/time/effort on planting alot of trees. There's trees in the medians, on both sides of the road etc etc.

There's also some pretty sick windy roads up here, with elevation changes etc. Can't tell you where they are but they are close.

And NO city cops!! :) RCMP are usually too busy to bother with traffic.

My parents moved to Saint A like 8 years ago, I made fun of them for living in edmonton, until I went to visit. beautiful community...I would live there in a second.

05-31-2011, 08:45 AM
i think calgary is a great place to live, but there's always room for improvement and you can't blame someone for pointing those things out. :dunno: personally, i like the dandelions, but start a conversation with me about snow removal and shit will hit the fan! ;)

05-31-2011, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by msommers

You know what I've noticed? Everyone in Calgary feels the need to bitch about something. Look around where you are. I mean, REALLY look. Millions of people would give up everything they have for the chance to switch spots with you.

If you don't like it, leave. It really is that easy. Oh, you don't want to leave? Why? Good job, clean city, good healthcare, live close to the mountains, nice house, nice car, no major natural disasters, no serious poisonous snakes and spiders? Well...fuck!


People really need to start appreciating and making the most of what they have.

05-31-2011, 08:53 AM
This reads like a fucking senior citizens board. Quit your bitching. If you don't like it GTFO.
And to HeavyD - I have traveled just about everywhere in Canada and the US and Calgary IS one of the nicest out there. Not THE nicest (see Chicago/Boston/sanfran) but honestly, it is better than 95% of the shithole cities out there. I have been to Cincinnati and it is NOT nicer than Calgary. As well, you would have to hold a gun to my head to move to the states. Plus, I can't stand complainers.

05-31-2011, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by msommers
The road conditions are in the present condition because of primarily freeze-thaw. It's not coincidence that road conditions are amazing in comparison in Houston vs. here.

You know what I've noticed? Everyone in Calgary feels the need to bitch about something. Look around where you are. I mean, REALLY look. Millions of people would give up everything they have for the chance to switch spots with you.

If you don't like it, leave. It really is that easy. Oh, you don't want to leave? Why? Good job, clean city, good healthcare, live close to the mountains, nice house, nice car, no major natural disasters, no serious poisonous snakes and spiders? Well...fuck!

If dirty roads, dandelions and mosquitoes are your biggest worries, go cry to the folks in Beverly Hills because they'll be the only people who have pity on you.

^well put, calgary is awesome (and yes i've traveled throughout the majority of canada and I still think the same).

A city is what you make of it. If you are one of those that don't enjoy winter sports or getting out hiking/biking in the summer and just want to live in a giant busy city than yea maybe calgary isn't for you. But i've been to very few cities with as much to offer as calgary and as much to do around it. Also depends where you live in the city too, if you are hailing from certain "financially challenged" neighborhoods you probably don't have a good impression of the city. But still if you think our ghettos are bad, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

crappy roads come with living in an area with so much freeze thaw, get over it. You want parks etc to be better kept (ie: more city employees), that means higher taxes. But oh wait, now you are going to bitch about higher taxes :rolleyes: . for those of you that can't wait to get out. Just leave, if your job is keeping you in a place you hate, that is fucking sad, GTFO.

05-31-2011, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by oupzwrongthread
I have been to Cincinnati and it is NOT nicer than Calgary. As well, you would have to hold a gun to my head to move to the states. Plus, I can't stand complainers.

Please GTFO of my thread because as you just stated it isn't for people that accept mediocrity.

05-31-2011, 09:05 AM
so you guys are saying that just because things are relatively good, calgarians should just accept things as they are and not try to make them even better? i dunno but to me, the hardline stance taken by many in this thread reminds me of something a jaded senior would bitch about, too.


05-31-2011, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Guillermo
so you guys are saying that just because things are relatively good, calgarians should just accept things as they are and not try to make them even better? i dunno but to me, the hardline stance taken by many in this thread reminds me of something a jaded senior would bitch about, too.


Like I said before it's about taking pride in your surroundings and not being just satisfied that you have a roof over your head. Thats nice and all that some immigrants that came from shitholes think this is paradise but some of us have lived here our whole lives and remember how it used to be.

05-31-2011, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

Like I said before it's about taking pride in your surroundings and not being just satisfied that you have a roof over your head. Thats nice and all that some immigrants that came from shitholes think this is paradise but some of us have lived here our whole lives and remember how it used to be.

I guarantee I have deeper roots in Calgary. The only thing wrong with this city is people who call is a shit hole and do nothing about it. That and the NE :)

05-31-2011, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by msommers
The road conditions are in the present condition because of primarily freeze-thaw. It's not coincidence that road conditions are amazing in comparison in Houston vs. here.

You know what I've noticed? Everyone in Calgary feels the need to bitch about something. Look around where you are. I mean, REALLY look. Millions of people would give up everything they have for the chance to switch spots with you.

If you don't like it, leave. It really is that easy. Oh, you don't want to leave? Why? Good job, clean city, good healthcare, live close to the mountains, nice house, nice car, no major natural disasters, no serious poisonous snakes and spiders? Well...fuck!

If dirty roads, dandelions and mosquitoes are your biggest worries, go cry to the folks in Beverly Hills because they'll be the only people who have pity on you.


I wouldn't mind seeing all you bitches GTFO of my city. Traffic would be lighter and less douche bags that complain about nothing. Hurry the fuck up!

05-31-2011, 10:08 AM


I came here for work when I was 18, and stay here for my wife, and only for my wife (she's born and raised here). If she agreed to leave, we'd be out in a heartbeat.

I find the biggest defenders of this city, are the ones who've never lived somewhere nicer, so have nothing to compare it to. Sure there's lots of places are are worse (I'm talking about within Canada, comparing us to 3rd world countries is hilarious), but there's a lot of nicer places as well.

Everywhere has their +'s and -'s though.

05-31-2011, 10:09 AM
I don't think any city is perfect. I hate Calgary as a city though. I am here because of my job, friends, and family though which are more important than what I think about the city itself.

Things I hate:
- Useless city spending
- Worst transit system in Canada, possibly all of North America
- Obscene parking costs
- Poorly thought out speed limits
- Quality of the roads (I know our weather screws them up, but wouldn't thicker pavement solve this problem like in Europe? Or the use of less harsh salts/de-icers on the roads?)
- Abysmal infrastructure & planning
- Slow to clear snow of streets
- Constant, incredibly slow, constructon

Things I like:
- Jobs
- Friends & Family are all here
- Relatively safe city
- Pretty much every store/business is in the city somewhere
- Proximity to mountains

So, all things considered I can't really complain because I could leave at any time but I haven't :dunno:. I'd leave if as good of a job came up elsewhere though. There are just so many nicer places in both Canada and the USA than Calgary.

05-31-2011, 10:13 AM
Cinncinatti and dandelions? I swear to god I get dumber just by reading some of the shit on this board. :facepalm:

05-31-2011, 10:33 AM
Okay, but really heavyD, we just finished the longest winter ever, and a week straight of rain - you can't cut grass, kill dandilions, clean streets, etc when it's raining out (at least not to your standard that you clearly expect). [Side note: They tried to clean the streets in High River when it was sprinkling one day and now they are just muddy and need to be redone.]

Cut them a bit of slack, the city will look great in a couple weeks I'm sure. It's not about mediocrity, it's more timing than anything... I have to agree with the other people who have said some people just feel the need to bitch. You wanna know the biggest bitch? Karma. It'll come around, so turn that attitude around Negative Nancy. You might enjoy life more ;)

Now relax, sit back, take a breath, look at the mountains, and be thankful you live in a naturally beautiful place. (and stop bitching... if it's still like that at the end of June, then I give you permission to bitch, so long as it doesn't rain for the whole month of June... knock on wood lol)

EDIT: I also hate the city, mostly for population and traffic reasons. Which is why I moved to Okotoks and work in High River :thumbsup:

05-31-2011, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by ~Leah~
Cut them a bit of slack, the city will look great in a couple weeks I'm sure.

Sorry Leah but city hall deserves no slack. They are so disconnected from the city that regardless of popular vote they ram garbage down our throats while letting shit slide. Nenshi's already starting to sound like Bronconnier and another four years of city hall telling us how the city should be run and how our money should be spent making Calgary their city.

05-31-2011, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch
I swear to god I get dumber just by reading some of the shit on this board. :facepalm:

How is that possible?

05-31-2011, 10:43 AM
I dont mind it here. Im a homosexual.

05-31-2011, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by heavyD
Driving home on a nice sunny day a away from June I couldn't help but notice what a dump this city has become.

Then get the fuck out.

It always annoys me how the lower mental class of society will observe and perpetuate a problem without considering the possibility of correction.

05-31-2011, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by KandabashiDevil

Then get the fuck out.

It always annoys me how the lower mental class of society will observe and perpetuate a problem without considering the possibility of correction.

Why are you in the thread then? Your correction to my thread is to tell me to get the fuck out? How exactly do you plan on doing that? Did you consider the possibility of correcting it? How are you going to make me get out? You definately set the example of the problem with lower mental class of society. :thumbsup:

05-31-2011, 11:06 AM
I didn't bother reading the whole thread, but it boggles my mind that there are people that complain that Calgary is not a world class city but they'll also be the first to complain whenever money needs to be spent to move in that direction.

"Calgary Sucks! But I can't leave because I have this awesome job that lets me buy all this fancy stuff that makes my life so great... oh wait."

Also, when you are travelling to other cities, they will always seem better than where you are from. Main reason is because you are usually on vacation and not working, life in most cities is pretty damn good when you're retired :D


05-31-2011, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by kenny
I didn't bother reading the whole thread, but it boggles my mind that there are people that complain that Calgary is not a world class city but they'll also be the first to complain whenever money needs to be spent to move in that direction.

&quot;Calgary Sucks! But I can't leave because I have this awesome job that lets me buy all this fancy stuff that makes my life so great... oh wait.&quot;

Also, when you are travelling to other cities, they will always seem better than where you are from. Main reason is because you are usually on vacation and not working, life in most cities is pretty damn good when you're retired :D


I think Calgary strives to be world class and in some ways it is but it's kind of lose lose because on one hand you have taxpayers that don't want to spend a penny more even if it will enhance the city and you have a city hall that continues to roll to the beat of it's own drum regardless of what taxpayers want.

05-31-2011, 11:26 AM
Ive had the opportunity to live in quite a few cities for school/work, and Calgary is in no way a world class city :rofl: it is nice when compared to a place like Edmonton, but when you look at what truly world class cities in NA offer like NYC, Boston, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto there is no way you can put Calgary in the same level.

as nice as Calgarys infrastructure becomes, or as much money it has through O&G, i find Calgary lacks culture, and sophistication. and when this is compounded by the fact that you will live in winter for 8months out of the year (if not more) its going to be really hard for me to decide to move back home to Calgary when I'm deciding the city i want to set roots in.

10 years ago for me to move to Calgary in my line of work would have been a great idea fiscally speaking, but since then there has been a huge "gold rush" of professionals entering Calgary looking for the high wages they heard of, and this has caused saturation in many areas of work, making it harder to find a job.

05-31-2011, 11:31 AM
What sucks about Calgary is some peoples attitude, It's very expensive, our professional teams suck, weather sucks, roads and construction are awful, transit system is like 50 years behind. Where am i going to move to? Nowhere. because the grass is not greener on the other side.

Stick around it'll prolly get better.

05-31-2011, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by jaysas_63
i find Calgary lacks culture, and sophistication.

I personally don't like how snooty people in larger cities think in regards to themselves being more "sophisticated" or "more cultured" then Calgary. Calgary has it's own culture, just because it doesn't revolve around drinking wine and eating cheese on a patio somewhere doesn't mean it isn't there. :dunno:

Calgary is a really, REALLY nice city, and I like downtown. But traffic kills it for me!

05-31-2011, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by jaysas_63
Ive had the opportunity to live in quite a few cities for school/work, and Calgary is in no way a world class city :rofl: it is nice when compared to a place like Edmonton, but when you look at what truly world class cities in NA offer like NYC, Boston, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto there is no way you can put Calgary in the same level.

as nice as Calgarys infrastructure becomes, or as much money it has through O&amp;G, i find Calgary lacks culture, and sophistication. and when this is compounded by the fact that you will live in winter for 8months out of the year (if not more) its going to be really hard for me to decide to move back home to Calgary when I'm deciding the city i want to set roots in.

10 years ago for me to move to Calgary in my line of work would have been a great idea fiscally speaking, but since then there has been a huge &quot;gold rush&quot; of professionals entering Calgary looking for the high wages they heard of, and this has caused saturation in many areas of work, making it harder to find a job.

I really like Boston and Chicago - I have spent a lot of time there (never lived there). I think we are our own biggest critic. How about an outsiders view on things - http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2011/02/liveability_ranking

AND with regards to "sophistication" - Calgary is one of the most educated cities in the world, if not the MOST educated city in the world.

05-31-2011, 11:53 AM

05-31-2011, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

Why are you in the thread then? Your correction to my thread is to tell me to get the fuck out? How exactly do you plan on doing that? Did you consider the possibility of correcting it? How are you going to make me get out? You definately set the example of the problem with lower mental class of society. :thumbsup:

Actually, he just gave you a solution.. I agree, if you dont like maybe its time to go? In fact, thats pretty darn logical i would think, instead of whining like a little priss-priss about it. I also like how you question why he responds to your thread when you come in here looking for peoples opi nions on the matter in the first place.

Quit being so damn grumpy!

05-31-2011, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by jaysas_63
Ive had the opportunity to live in quite a few cities for school/work, and Calgary is in no way a world class city :rofl: it is nice when compared to a place like Edmonton, but when you look at what truly world class cities in NA offer like NYC, Boston, Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto there is no way you can put Calgary in the same level.

Go take a closer look at the cost of living in any of those cities and get back to us. People are in this city (and not in those) because they have become accustomed to a certain way of life, and that include green space, privacy, larger homes etc etc.
Also near impossible to compare the culture of cities that are ~100+ years older or younger. NYC was a thriving city when Calgary was a single family farm.

05-31-2011, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
- Quality of the roads (I know our weather screws them up, but wouldn't thicker pavement solve this problem like in Europe? Or the use of less harsh salts/de-icers on the roads?)

people on here always claim this (ie: europe's road construction management is sooo much better than calgary). But I am wondering where the hell people are comparing calgary to?? what city/area in europe has similar climate to us and similar taxation to fund road projects???

I think some people are naively comparing apples to oranges. I've heard people comparing German roads to calgary, yes because that is a great comparison :facepalm: :facepalm:

05-31-2011, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

How is that possible?

If I keep reading your posts, we're both going to be making threads fighting about yellow flowers. I don't want that to happen.

05-31-2011, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I personally don't like how snooty people in larger cities think in regards to themselves being more &quot;sophisticated&quot; or &quot;more cultured&quot; then Calgary. Calgary has it's own culture, just because it doesn't revolve around drinking wine and eating cheese on a patio somewhere doesn't mean it isn't there. :dunno:

Calgary is a really, REALLY nice city, and I like downtown. But traffic kills it for me!

When most people refer to 'culture' it's the type of culture that takes years to kindle with old and historic buildings and sites with history behind them. Calgary can't compete on that level with older cities like Boston or Montreal and when they try to we end up with thinks like a red and white finger trap bridge or cement fish on underpass walls. The buildings are new and shiny, the new communities are full of milk carton houses and infant trees so that isn't the level this city can compete on with older more established cities. However it can at least try their best to make the city look as presentable as possible.

The gravel and sand all over is a huge eysesore and a hazard to cyclists. If the city has the equipment to spread gravel over the entire city in a day they should have at least enough equipment to remove in it in a timely manner and every year it gets later and later regardless of the winter. It wasn't that long ago that spring cleanup was completed at the end of May and now it goes into July annually.

What's the point on cutting back on herbicides when you laying calcium chloride on streets everytime the city get's a millimeter of snow? Times have changed I guess as when I grew up dandelions were a weed not a flower.

Judging by the amount of people that are saying GTFO maybe expections are lower than what they used to be. Maybe people simply want a place they can simply commute from home to work in a BMW and keep to themselves. Who cares what the city looks like as the view from the big screen HDTV in my house is great.:dunno:

05-31-2011, 12:36 PM
HeavyD, I think the point that people are trying to make to you is that "It is what it is." You basically have two choices. You can complain about it, or you can do something about it. These are not the same choice as complaining doesn't accomplish anything, and beyond is full of people who complain about everything.

Oh, and I'd like to point out you're falling into that geriatric theme. "When I was young, food tasted better, grass was greener, children respected their elders, you could go see a movie and have popcorn for $10!!!" :D

05-31-2011, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
The thing I dislike about Calgary the most, is anything fun is either heavily regulated to the point of not even doing it (usually in the name of protecting us from ourselves) or just outright banned for relatively stupid reasons.

I knew it was bad when I got pulled over.... on a bike path and given a warning I was doing 23km in a 20 zone.

I'm older than most of you so I remember the old electric avenue days in the 80's and this was a fun place where people went out got drunk but got home safe. Now the bar scene completely sucks. Everywhere you turn there's a photo radar camera and a noise bylaw. There's a much better chance that police will come to your door for having your stereo too loud than if you were minding your own business with your grow-op.

It's a different city now. People don't smile or say thanks when you hold the door open for them. People want to get out of their home into their cars and back home. They just don't go out and do things and they don't want to socialize with neighbors. They line up at drivethroughs to the point where they block roads even though the Tim Hortons isn't busy inside but that would mean getting out of the car and interacting with a person. Fuck even when you sell stuff on Kajiji people want you to deliver the items to them. Maybe a sign of the times but to me it's just such a sterile way to live your life.

05-31-2011, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
HeavyD, I think the point that people are trying to make to you is that &quot;It is what it is.&quot; You basically have two choices. You can complain about it, or you can do something about it. These are not the same choice as complaining doesn't accomplish anything, and beyond is full of people who complain about everything.

I understand what you are saying but what can I do on my own? People as a whole need to take more pride in their surroundings and one person isn't going to change that. I'm a top 20 all-time poster and yet rarely ever create threads on beyond so that just goes to show I'm not a massive complainer in general but it makes me sad to see a city I grew up to love turn into a place that's hard to love. And besides I'm entitled to my own bitchfest every once in a while.:)

05-31-2011, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

I understand what you are saying but what can I do on my own? People as a whole need to take more pride in their surroundings and one person isn't going to change that. I'm a top 20 all-time poster and yet rarely ever create threads on beyond so that just goes to show I'm not a massive complainer in general but it makes me sad to see a city I grew up to love turn into a place that's hard to love. And besides I'm entitled to my own bitchfest every once in a while.:)

Lol. Totally. As for what you can do.. well. I've been wandering around the neighborhood with my garbage can. And I'm debating taking my dandelion picker to the park and doing a little cleanup there. Also thinkng I may go over there and hit it with the weed killer too. Also, I mow the area behind my fence between my house and Stoney Tr to keep the weeds down there. Costs me a tank of fuel every couple of weeks for the lawnmower and some time.

05-31-2011, 02:10 PM
I don't necessarily agree that Calgary has become a shit hole, but I can agree that it appears to be trending that way. Living in the economic engine of the country you end up sacrificing livability for $$$, I'm guilty as much as the next person.

There is however one criterion that has not been met in order to bestow "shit-towne" status upon Calgary: You would have to bump Regina, Saskatoon, or Winnipeg higher. We all know that won't be happening.

05-31-2011, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by codetrap

Lol. Totally. As for what you can do.. well. I've been wandering around the neighborhood with my garbage can. And I'm debating taking my dandelion picker to the park and doing a little cleanup there. Also thinkng I may go over there and hit it with the weed killer too. Also, I mow the area behind my fence between my house and Stoney Tr to keep the weeds down there. Costs me a tank of fuel every couple of weeks for the lawnmower and some time.


If you start doing stuff like that, people around you will eventually take notice and help out, and bring back the sense of community Calgary once had. It's true that everyone keeps to themselves nowadays it seems, but it doesn't have to be that way.

You can come on here to complain about everything, or you can go outside and communicate with your neighbors and community and make it better.

05-31-2011, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by StupidWade
And are the streetsweeper trucks just shitty or are they just driving them too fast?

I've driven on roads that have just been swept (you can still see the wet marks from when the streetsweeper went by) and they've picked up the gravel but left behind a huge amount of loose dirt that makes a giant, choking cloud of dust once traffic hits it. Street sweeping picks up the bigger stuff; sand, gravel and so on. However, it leaves a shit-ton of dust. A post-street cleaning rainfall will take care of this. Come on, this happens every year, your memory can't be this bad.

05-31-2011, 03:01 PM
I used to think Calgary was turning into a big steaming pile at one point, so I decided to move away. I figured I would enjoy life in a new setting.

Not so much. I miss Calgary a lot these days. I miss the city, I miss the vibe. Calgary has something of it's own, it's very comforting. Don't know how to explain it, but it's home and I think it always will be.

We are moving back at the earliest possible date. Can't wait to be back home!

05-31-2011, 03:18 PM
Edmonton side streets are so shitty, especially the ones headed towards UofA. So much random bumps and cracks; like the road is going through puberty.

Except for McKnight West past Barlow Trail, I now have respect for Calgary roads and Calgary in general.

Also, Edmonton gave me a 'dead' vibe nor felt welcoming; I just wanted to leave.

05-31-2011, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Now all we need is for them to legalize 80's Camaro's up on blocks, and banged up washing machines on the front lawn to match.


Calgary is a nice city, but I must agree with many it isn't a world-class city. I was born and raised here but after a couple years in Vancouver I've come to notice Calgary lacks plenty many cities in NA feature.

Calgary could use a more active downtown core, all great cities have an epicenter of culture in its core, Calgary really lacks this. I am happy to see that East Village is undergoing redevelopment.

One issue I think is all the people living here, but hate it here. These creates a really poor sense of community and pride which leaves many not caring about the future of this city. If this can be reversed we will see more participation, but won't be easy since a huge majority of the population are only here for the money.

05-31-2011, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

I think Calgary strives to be world class and in some ways it is but it's kind of lose lose because on one hand you have taxpayers that don't want to spend a penny more even if it will enhance the city and you have a city hall that continues to roll to the beat of it's own drum regardless of what taxpayers want.

I agree with the general tone of your rant, and you make a good point here.

The biggest obstacle in the way of Calgary becoming a world class city is the mindset of a lot of the population, many of whom haven't been here long and don't plan on staying either. They expect big city services but expect the same tax levels that they had in whatever shitty town they came from. What you get is a city that resembles a giant Saskatoon.

Look at the airport tunnel... It's been shown numerous time how it is required for the city's long term road network plans, yet there's still a fair amount of opposition to it.

Or even the controversial pedestrian bridge. Instead of building some hokey, cheap ass prairie town style bridge the city wants to build a nicer one and people lose their mind. I bet if the city announced a $100 million dollar quadding park people would be cool with it though :rolleyes:

Calgary will never achieve "world class" status unless the small-town prairie mindset of the city changes. And people have to be ready for property tax increases if they want to see some serious improvement. The city had a massive influx of people in the last 10 years yet still has some of the lowest property tax. Something has got to give.


05-31-2011, 04:27 PM
it's like the difference between a home owner and a renter. Calgary is packed with people who have no roots here, and who don't plan on setting down roots.
"I'm leaving this fuckin' city as soon as I have saved up X" may as well the the city motto.

People like that will always a) exaggerate the drawbacks, b) minimize the advantages and c) lack long term vision for the city.

Really, it's amazing calgary is as nice as it is with all these damn foreigners from Sask, BC, Da Rock, Homontario etc.

05-31-2011, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

people on here always claim this (ie: europe's road construction management is sooo much better than calgary). But I am wondering where the hell people are comparing calgary to?? what city/area in europe has similar climate to us and similar taxation to fund road projects???

I think some people are naively comparing apples to oranges. I've heard people comparing German roads to calgary, yes because that is a great comparison :facepalm: :facepalm:

I was only asking a question, so feel free to educate me. I've never been anywhere (except third world countries) that have roads worse than Calgary.

Wouldn't thicker pavement and salt alternatives not improve our road quality? Same with even somewhat timely repair of giant potholes/exposed manhole covers? Other countries seem to have no problem with this, and I know we have the money to do it based on the other stuff we seem to be able to afford to spend money on.

05-31-2011, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

I was only asking a question, so feel free to educate me. I've never been anywhere (except third world countries) that have roads worse than Calgary.

Wouldn't thicker pavement and salt alternatives not improve our road quality? Same with even somewhat timely repair of giant potholes/exposed manhole covers? Other countries seem to have no problem with this, and I know we have the money to do it based on the other stuff we seem to be able to afford to spend money on.

They could easily do it. The problem is the yearly budget. It isn't enough to do the proper job. Even if it paid for itself with less upkeep in less than 5 years, they wouldn't be willing, because THIS fiscal year doesn't have enough coverage.

Properly done concrete would work well. :thumbsup:

05-31-2011, 05:18 PM
Calgary is sort of 'okay' for about 4 months of the year.

05-31-2011, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by heavyD
Driving home on a nice sunny day a away from June I couldn't help but notice what a dump this city has become. Piles of sand and gravel all over streets, sidewalks, dividers, etc. and dandelions heavily populating all city grasses like an unkept prairie field. Yeah I realize it was a bad winter and that the city doesn't want to spray weeks but that doesn't stop making this supposed world class city look like a reject town from Saskatchewan. It's June FFS clean the streets and cut the grass.

End of rant.:)

Not just that but all the 10 inch deep gapping pot holes all over the place and sewer holes that are raised 6" above the street surface.

05-31-2011, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

I was only asking a question, so feel free to educate me. I've never been anywhere (except third world countries) that have roads worse than Calgary.

sorry man, wasn't trying to call you out specifically, but you just brought up an interesting point. Most people seem to compare calgary to places in europe, yet the comparison has no merit IMO

Originally posted by Tik-Tok

They could easily do it. The problem is the yearly budget. It isn't enough to do the proper job. Even if it paid for itself with less upkeep in less than 5 years, they wouldn't be willing, because THIS fiscal year doesn't have enough coverage.

Properly done concrete would work well. :thumbsup:

yea, I see a lot of people saying "it could be done" but don't understand the bigger picture (ie: you can't fix every pot hole in calgary over night as someone on here suggested) so I'm glad you are acknowledging the budget aspect. YES there is the misuse and improper allocation of financial resources. But that happens in every city. So if you want things to change generally you are going to have to pay higher taxes. I really don't think in a line up calgary would stand out like a sore thumb in terms of misuse of funds.

05-31-2011, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
it's like the difference between a home owner and a renter. Calgary is packed with people who have no roots here, and who don't plan on setting down roots.
&quot;I'm leaving this fuckin' city as soon as I have saved up X&quot; may as well the the city motto.

People like that will always a) exaggerate the drawbacks, b) minimize the advantages and c) lack long term vision for the city.

Really, it's amazing calgary is as nice as it is with all these damn foreigners from Sask, BC, Da Rock, Homontario etc. fort mcmurray is exactly like that except x100. The result? You can barely see the grass on the side of hw 63 for all the trash and other shit people throw out the windows of their cars because after all, its just fort mcmurray right?

I really like calgary and I'll be here for a long time to come. I may retire in victoria someday but I know that the quality of life I want isn't available there.

A lot of the complainers are people who went to banff once just after they moved here and now drive to and from work while watching movies at home on the weekends. I find that a lot of the people who like it here ARE those rednecks from small towns who know how to respect their environment and know just how good it is here. That said, there is always room for improvement or else we're just stagnant.

05-31-2011, 07:38 PM
I call bullshit on ALL of your arguments.

You want the city to magically improve everything yet anything the city proposes gets hated on by the fuckin' transplants from New Saskitobaland that don't want to actually invest anything into this place.

Build a bridge to help boost culture and infuse some street level architecture? Fuck That. Too expensive.

Build an airport tunnel to alleviate future costs and delays when the upgrades will be required anyway? Fuck That. Too expensive.

Road improvements? Yes please. But FUCK THAT, you're not raising my taxes.

Hell, you want a recent road improvement that was turned down by the people? You know those boards that were installed along deerfoot that estimated the time it would take to get to certain interchanges? They got rid of that because the people surveyed didn't want them. WTF. The boards are still there, the cost of them having to run some algorithm would be pennies, but that's too much for these fucking people.

They proposed a tax increase for better snow removal, which again, people surveyed didn't want and it never went through.

You want to leave? Go for it.
Love to see most people find the work and salary, the amenities, the cost of living and the safety and comfort that Calgary provides in whatever city you plan on moving to... People always think the grass is greener on the other side, yet no has the balls to go live there, all they do is bitch about their side.

05-31-2011, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by dj_patm
I call bullshit on ALL of your arguments.

The problem that people have is that the city will raise taxes (for EXAMPLE) 5% and say this and this and this is going to get done this year.

So, since that money has been budgeted and those taxes are now PERMANENTLY collected, where does that go the next year? You make it seem as if it is a one time thing, but it isn't; they continually raise the taxes, when they have already done so to cover the costs of projects (and then, with that it should cover the costs of maintenance as well).

It does not make sense that a 5% tax hike year after year is required just to maintain where the city currently sits.

ALSO, as for roads, everybody's arguments are bullshit. There are PERFECTLY smooth, paved roads all throughout Alberta that have high traffic volumes. The problem is not our weather; the problem is cheap ass mother f*&king contracters the city hires and does not force them to meet certain standards.

05-31-2011, 08:00 PM
It does when you have a growing city with transplants that require more infrastructure but rarely pay the appropriate taxes due to short stays and low investment into long term assets in the city.

05-31-2011, 09:18 PM
I hate the weather. I love all of the Urban parks, but they fuck over traffic fairly hard. Transit is awful. I've found that there's very little culture/community spirit. I enjoy being close to the mountains.

I've lived here all of my life, and frankly can't wait to move somewhere else once I graduate... It might not be better, but it will be different and that's something in itself!

05-31-2011, 09:47 PM
Calgary has some serious issues

- Urban Sprawl
- Transit
- Parking
- The N.E... jk

But the Pros out weigh the Cons here and when you think about thats all this boils down. There are way to many great reasons to live and work in calgary that the aforementioned drawbacks are tolerable and expected.

05-31-2011, 11:33 PM
I have 2 questions:
1) If someone lives outside of an area bounded by 14 street on the west, 38 ave on the south, Bow Trail/Eau Claire/Riverfront ave on the north and Macleod Trail on the east are they considered to be living in Calgary?
2) Shall the aforementioned individuals have the right to complain about traffic/parking in Calgary? Perhaps, installing toll booths on major arterial roads is a far more viable option?

05-31-2011, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by colt22

- The N.E... jk

Hey, you got put the immigrants somewhere and I'll be danmed before they put them in my white neibourhoods. :rofl:

Just jokes, just jokes, I grew up in the NE.

Does anyone here have an example the amount of tax we pay in this city in comparison to the amounts other cities pay? I know we are pretty abrasive to tax in these areas but it usually doesn't mean anything...Alberta doesn't even have the lowest tax burden in Canada yet it easily has the biggest Conservative "small government/free market" mind set in the nation.

One thing I agree with though is the urban sprawl, its a huge problem in this city. Everytime I see a new strip mall go up I cringe. In Airdrie right now they are building a strip mall across the street from a strip mall that is only half occupied and has never been 100% occupied since as far back as 2004. :nut: