View Full Version : Vandalism in Hidden Valley

06-28-2011, 07:56 AM
Hi folks,

This my the first posting in the forum. Nice to meet you all. The weather gets better finally after darn rainy days.

Anyways, over last couple weeks, there were about 6~7 vandalism happened in Hidden Valley including my house :cry: . It's mainly the section at where Hidden Ranch Way and Hidden Ranch RD are located. Some a$$h0le rocked bay windows and windshields around here. According to my neighbor who got his house and car damaged, police recognizes this ongoing issue and brought a canine unit the day when ours were targeted. Don't think they found any due to the rain. Before ours got hit, there was another house that's about two blocks away from ours got smashed their bay window. They replaced the window but got a second hit only a couple days after. I installed a surveillance camera that's equipped with a motion detector and infra-red lights. I also have been keeping porch light on since at night. Our incident happened on the 20th and my window will be replaced today. I will be up at night for a while just in case.

Please be aware!


06-28-2011, 08:02 AM
The GM of my group lives in hidden valley. Two weeks ago, he woke up to several loud bangs, went outside and saw his windshield, and several neighbors windshields had been smashed in.

I hope they catch these punks.

06-28-2011, 08:21 AM
gdamned little shits out of high school and JH, it happen all over the city around this time. no more school/finish exams = lets go do stupid shit cause we dont understand the value of money cause we still all live with our parents. blame the shitty parents of the 'me-first' generation in the end.

06-28-2011, 08:37 AM
It is unfortunate the vanadlism done by JH/HS kids these days, especially those in the wealthier areas.

Mckenzie lake near the assiniboine and south of that intersection area have had major issues the last month. Kids break into peoples garages, steal golf clubs, go around and smash lights of peoples house/cars/windshields/mirrors and then they find a pile of beatup golf clubs and empty beer bottles sitting on a lawn.

All you can hope is some big guy happens to be awake in his garage or near a window and gives them a pounding/calls popo

06-28-2011, 08:53 AM
Always in the rich neighborhoods this happens....move to the northeast and not so much because kids have better things to do...like try and survive :rofl:

06-28-2011, 09:30 AM
Hidden Valley is a rich neighborhood?

06-28-2011, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Hidden Valley is a rich neighborhood?

I don't think so. Rich neighbors would be somewhere like Hamptons or Edge Ridge. No matter what, this sux.

06-28-2011, 09:53 AM
hide in the bushes with a hockey mask and a machete :dunno:

06-28-2011, 09:59 AM
I hate when this shit happens. This wasn't hidden valley, but same time of year. Waking up to this just puts you in a foul mood for the rest of the day.


06-28-2011, 10:58 AM
IMO, it happens with neighborhoods that usually has a lot of street parking. Usually on the major routes or bus routes.

Not just a rich neighborhood problem. It's when the neighborhood's kids start to turn into teens. Shit like this happens a lot in Sandstone when I was there 8 years ago. And I swear never buy a house on bus route ever again.

But if OP got his house window busted multiple times, it may be time to go through a list of people you may have pissed off.

06-28-2011, 11:03 AM
Anybody see the 2 trucks on the blvd that both had their drivers side mirrors smashed off?

06-28-2011, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by n1zm0
gdamned little shits out of high school and JH, it happen all over the city around this time. no more school/finish exams = lets go do stupid shit cause we dont understand the value of money cause we still all live with our parents. blame the shitty parents of the 'me-first' generation in the end.

Teenagers breaking stuff is not a generation thing, it has been a pretty common thing for generations, not justifying it, but it has been a stereotype even back in the 1950's for youth to engage in petty vandalism.

You're now aware that our Capitalistic ideals is what programs youth with a me-first attitude. Can't expect anything from anyone else and all that.

06-28-2011, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by legendboy
Anybody see the 2 trucks on the blvd that both had their drivers side mirrors smashed off?

Is that happened recently? Very unfortunate. Wish we have more cops around at night.

06-28-2011, 11:24 AM
happened to me in sandstone a few yearrs back, huge rock through the back window of our pathfinder

06-28-2011, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
IMO, it happens with neighborhoods that usually has a lot of street parking. Usually on the major routes or bus routes.

Not just a rich neighborhood problem. It's when the neighborhood's kids start to turn into teens. Shit like this happens a lot in Sandstone when I was there 8 years ago. And I swear never buy a house on bus route ever again.

But if OP got his house window busted multiple times, it may be time to go through a list of people you may have pissed off.

Not entirely sure if ours was one of these cases, but our neighbor's cars parked in front of my house were all smashed. If this is the reason why my house was targeted, will be really pissed off.

08-01-2011, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by little'l

Anyways, over last couple weeks, there were about 6~7 vandalism happened in Hidden Valley including my house :cry: . It's mainly the section at where Hidden Ranch Way and Hidden Ranch RD are located.

I live on the corner...And this happend at the beggining of this year...


3 months after that I found a news paper stuck under my wiper that had been placed there and lit on fire..Burnt the wiper and plastic peice along the bottom of the windsheild...right after I had it fixed. A few weeks later I wake up in the morning and my pathfinder is covered in eggs...I'm ready to move out of this neighborhood because its getting insane. I really hope to catch these pricks.

08-01-2011, 10:19 AM
^ wow that is just retarded, i can't believe some people. its a shame they never got them it would have been a nice arson charge. I don't even know what i would do if i found one of these pricks doing something like that to my property. Hope you guys find those stains.

08-01-2011, 10:27 AM
HOLY CRAP :eek: those punks could've burned your whole house down and killed your whole family! i hope you catch whoever did that, this person deserves some jail time. :guns:

08-01-2011, 01:34 PM
This is why we (or the city itself) need cameras attached to streetlights.

08-01-2011, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo
HOLY CRAP :eek: those punks could've burned your whole house down and killed your whole family! i hope you catch whoever did that, this person deserves some jail time. :guns:

Tell me about it, this happend at 3AM and I'm a real heavy sleeper so I didn't know until I had 3 firemen at my bedroom door with flashlights in my face waking me up.. It was defiantly a terrible experience and these punks need to realize that shit like this is putting peoples lives at risk.

08-01-2011, 02:39 PM
jesus fuck, close to my place :thumbsdow

08-01-2011, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by SR240SX

I live on the corner...And this happend at the beggining of this year...

3 months after that I found a news paper stuck under my wiper that had been placed there and lit on fire..Burnt the wiper and plastic peice along the bottom of the windsheild...right after I had it fixed. A few weeks later I wake up in the morning and my pathfinder is covered in eggs...I'm ready to move out of this neighborhood because its getting insane. I really hope to catch these pricks.

That's absolutely horrible. Did this make the news? It really should have in order to help wake people up to the fact that shit like this can happen in their supposedly nice neighborhood, and also, to hopefully wake the parents of the kids roaming around doing stuff like this to keep a closer eye on their kids and think about what they might be up to.

I'm assuming the cops got involved, what was their response, and was there much of an investigation? This is pretty serious stuff.