View Full Version : FOBs and baby butt washing...

07-04-2011, 11:05 AM
Why? Saw it once at Chinook mall. Instead of wiping the baby's bottom he sticks the baby's arse under the tap. Thought it was an odd incident until I saw it happen again at a Chinese restaurant on the weekend. Bad enough pops left it the diaper wide open on the counter while doing this. GTH out of there before he finished. I assuming and hoping he threw it out properly. :facepalm:

07-04-2011, 11:12 AM
Saving the environment Dawg. :nut:

07-04-2011, 11:16 AM
I keep washing my hands but they still feel dirty! :rofl:
Groce :barf:

07-04-2011, 11:30 AM
In several Eastern countries, instead of wiping the shit off of their ass with a piece of paper, they use a hose with water. Not sure about what they do in China, but this may explain.

07-04-2011, 11:32 AM
Isn't it cleaner that way then wiping?Removes more shit particles.

D'z Nutz
07-04-2011, 11:34 AM
You're gonna have to pay the babysitter extra for that kind of service too.

07-04-2011, 11:35 AM
I can understand the whole bidet or hose washing thing. But at least it's "self contained" to the toilet area. The idea of washing crap in the sink where you wash your hands… I don't think so.

07-04-2011, 11:56 AM
Seems gross but not like you even touch the sink when washing your hands. It's all in your head :D

07-04-2011, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You're gonna have to pay the babysitter extra for that kind of service too.

HAHAHAHA that was GOLD!!!!! Lol'ed for real here.

President Obama
07-04-2011, 12:09 PM
FOBs are fucking rude.

But in their defense they don't know that they are being rude.

They're used to doing fucked up things and not being judged for it, because when you live in mud, you have to pull some pretty fucked up stunts to accomplish anything

- Bama

07-04-2011, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You're gonna have to pay the babysitter extra for that kind of service too.

Originally posted by C_Dave45

HAHAHAHA that was GOLD!!!!! Lol'ed for real here.

:rofl: Agreed!

07-04-2011, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by dj_rice
Isn't it cleaner that way then wiping?Removes more shit particles.

it would seem that way until you realize the baby probably gets AIDS from the disgusting public faucet... :barf: which is most certainly the dirtiest and most AIDS-infested place in the whole bathroom.

07-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by dj_rice
Isn't it cleaner that way then wiping?Removes more shit particles.

You obviously have never changed a diaper of a baby on solid food.

Their digestive tracts aren't fully developed yet and much of what they eat comes out in a recognizable form (much like when we eat corn). So unless you want to wash your hands in a sink where the drain is clogged with partially digested food, you would probably do not want to support this.

07-04-2011, 02:35 PM
HAHAHA .... Yes I do this. Why? Because it sure beats carrying around a big heavy pack of wet wipes. Plus, wet wipes just redistribute the shit to other parts of their body - it doesn't actually get it off. Lastly, have *any* of you tried cleaning a baby girl? Shit gets into *every* nook and cranny. I can spend 5 minutes and 2 dozen wipes, or 10 seconds under the faucet. But.. Luckily for us, we potty trained our baby girl pretty much from birth to shit in the crapper. She's a year old now and she's probably only soiled her diaper a dozen times in her life time, so it hasn't been much of an issue. ANYWAY...

Now, having said that, I will not do this in a shared public bathroom. I usually dive into one of the family bathrooms or I'll only do it in the case of a single, lockable bathroom. I think washing your kids ass in the sink in front of others is wrong. Plus there's way too many weirdos/sickos/pervs hanging in the bathroom, so no thanks.

07-04-2011, 02:42 PM

Will never look at the sinks at public washroom the same again.

07-04-2011, 03:02 PM
^ Caked on shit just rinses off a baby's ass under a stream of water eh?

hahaha... :nut:

07-04-2011, 03:20 PM
That is nothing .. if you go China .. you see parents let their kids/babies shit everywhere ...

Even the SINK .. ( when you are in washroom anyway, why not shit in toilet, but the sink ??? )

Well, that is their culture.:dunno:

07-04-2011, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Will never look at the sinks at public washroom the same again.

Why? Because you looked at it differently before? I've heard endless stories of people (i.e. ADULTS) pissing in the sink because the toilet wasn't available. And I'll bet you really don't want to know what goes on in hotels.

Originally posted by masoncgy
^ Caked on shit just rinses off a baby's ass under a stream of water eh?

Says who... Most good parents wouldn't let it get to that point because they generally know when their kid just had a shit and go change them immediately. Caked on shit is hard as hell to get off even with a wipe, so yes, shit is easier to get off with a tap. But hey, you gotta get your hands dirty in the process. But as I said, I am not experienced in this department because both my kids were trained early on to poop right into the crapper...

I dunno, all this is no worse than picking up after your dog. Sure with your dog you have a barrier (though sometimes that barrier fails unknowingly LOL), but with a kid, it's your own flesh and blood, so after 2, doesn't really bother me as much hahaha...

07-04-2011, 03:44 PM
god damn mainlanders.

07-04-2011, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo

it would seem that way until you realize the baby probably gets AIDS from the disgusting public faucet... :barf: which is most certainly the dirtiest and most AIDS-infested place in the whole bathroom.

Yeah, and girls can get pregnant from sitting on a toilet seat too!!


07-04-2011, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by clem24
I've heard endless stories of people (i.e. ADULTS) pissing in the sink because the toilet wasn't available.

endless stories?!??!?!? really? i'm 32 years old, lived in 2 different countries and traveled the fucking world... and i've never once seen this.

Originally posted by clem24
And I'll bet you really don't want to know what goes on in hotels.

actually, I do want to know - why don't you enlighten us?

LOL @ you trying to defend your sick practice of baby-ass-washing-in-public-sink. :rofl: :barf:

07-04-2011, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo

really? i'm 32 years old, lived in 2 different countries and traveled the fucking world... and i've never once seen this.

actually, I do want to know - why don't you enlighten us?

LOL @ you trying to defend your sick practice of baby-ass-washing-in-public-sink. :rofl: :barf:

32 years old and naive. So tell me, what do you do in a public sink? Plug it up and wash your face in it? What about people that spit in the sink? There's probably more diseases in there than in baby shit...

07-04-2011, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by clem24

32 years old and naive. So tell me, what do you do in a public sink? Plug it up and wash your face in it? What about people that spit in the sink? There's probably more diseases in there than in baby shit...

OK dumbass, i'm not going to argue with you. you're right. people urinate in public sinks all the time.

I'd agree with you about the hotel sinks too, but you still haven't revealed to us what goes on in there.

you're a fucking clown, shoudn't you be creeping out in a McDonald's playroom or somethign? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: and BTW, urine is STERILE while feces are chock full of bacteria. your argument is full of holes, but keep defending your crude and sickening behavior. :barf:

07-04-2011, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by clem24

32 years old and naive. So tell me, what do you do in a public sink? Plug it up and wash your face in it? What about people that spit in the sink? There's probably more diseases in there than in baby shit...

There's no winning this argument. You're talking to a guy who thinks you can catch aids from a toilet seat.

07-04-2011, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

There's no winning this argument. You're talking to a guy who thinks you can catch aids from a toilet seat.

the aids thing was a joke, obviously. :rofl:

07-04-2011, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by SilverGS
Seems gross but not like you even touch the sink when washing your hands. It's all in your head :D I could understand that logic if you're in a fully automated public washroom with strategically placed walls for privacy instead of doors.

What I imagine is the case in most washrooms:
1) Parent rinses baby poop covered butt in sink as feces contaminated water splashes onto the counter and faucet handles.
2) Parent turns off faucet with clean-looking, feces contaminated hands. I doubt most parents doing this take the time to set their infant down on a high counter and wash their hands properly with soap before doing anything else.
3) Parent uses paper towel dispensing lever with clean-looking, feces contaminated hands to dry infant bottom.
4) Parent leaves bathroom (grabbing hold of the door handle!) with clean-looking, potentially feces contaminated hands.

I understand parents may or may not take the time to properly wash their hands between step 3 and 4, but considering how many people "wash" their hands after using the bathroom I would say most people fall in the latter.

Keep in mind that I don't have kids myself so I'm not really sure if that's how it goes, it's just what I imagine. I also realize if it were my own kid, I might not be as disgusted about the feces contamination. At the end of the day, not my kids and it's in a shared public washroom so that is really disgusting and should only be done at home imo.

07-04-2011, 06:46 PM
i also really doubt the parents would ensure the sink is completely "clean" before leaving, and taking the time to clean it if it's not. most people with kids are really only concerned with themselves and their kids, and could care less how they are inconveniencing the rest of society with their family drama.

DJ Lazy
07-04-2011, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
You're gonna have to pay the babysitter extra for that kind of service too.


07-04-2011, 07:20 PM
That is just disturbing all around but that's why they have washroom attendants who hopefully will discourage such behavior and clean/sanitize the area after.

Penis McNickels
07-04-2011, 09:15 PM
We washed our kids' asses in the sinks all the time at home.

I like the idea of using water to wash their asses after a shit that I am looking to buy an electronic bidet for my own ass. I even saw one that has an enema feature, looks like the wife has no excuse not to do anal now!

07-04-2011, 09:37 PM

07-04-2011, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
don't even ask what happens when Ramadan rolls around.

What happens in Ramadan? All the muslims pi$$ in the sinks or something?

07-04-2011, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by ICEBERG

What happens in Ramadan? All the muslims pi$$ in the sinks or something?

They start fasting at Ramadan and this affects the washroom at his work.

07-04-2011, 09:53 PM

07-04-2011, 09:55 PM
Hmmm, I'm pretty good at cleaning a yucky diaper with no more than two baby wipes, on both my boy AND my girl. I can confidently guess that most sinks would be awkward as hell to stick a wiggling baby under the tap, maneuver them around to wash all the right areas without impaling them with the tap, getting me and them totally soaked, not to mention not getting my kid actually clean. Wipe solution has some disinfecting properties, and a lot of them have ingredients to help protect baby's bum from chaffing and dryness. So unless parents are using the pump soap or are carrying their own hippie brand around with them, it makes no sense to me. Honestly using a change table and a couple of wipes seems infinitely more sanitary and easier than going to the trouble of turning the sink into a baby bidet.

Clem, use huggies wipes. Takes everything off with no poop smearing at all.

07-04-2011, 10:14 PM
I've only pissed in a hotel sink twice and I was really drunk at the time :clap:

Penis McNickels
07-04-2011, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
I can confidently guess that most sinks would be awkward as hell to stick a wiggling baby under the tap, maneuver them around to wash all the right areas without impaling them with the tap, getting me and them totally soaked, not to mention not getting my kid actually clean.
Oh, I got a method that works well. One arm holds the kid, other hand washes. And no one has been impaled on my watch.

Honestly, I can't believe some of the hoity-toity people in this thread. It seems like the good people here have never pissed in a sink, let alone taken a shit in a urinal, before.

07-04-2011, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by Grogador
I've only pissed in a hotel sink twice and I was really drunk at the time :clap:

It's funny, but for some reason the first thing that came to mind was "congratulations on your accomplishment"


07-04-2011, 10:37 PM
Who doesn't piss in the sink? Toilet is too low, and the wife gets mad if I splash on the seat. Sink solves both problems.

07-05-2011, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Penis McNickels
Honestly, I can't believe some of the hoity-toity people in this thread. It seems like the good people here have never pissed in a sink, let alone taken a shit in a urinal, before.


07-05-2011, 08:28 AM
Originally posted by Guillermo
i also really doubt the parents would ensure the sink is completely "clean" before leaving, and taking the time to clean it if it's not. most people with kids are really only concerned with themselves and their kids, and could care less how they are inconveniencing the rest of society with their family drama.

Based on this comment I assume you have never been a parent?

You might think this due to seeing a few parent's do this but I assure you this is not the case for the majority of parent's. I try and do everything I can to not inconvenience other people due to my kid being around.

Originally posted by Sugarphreak
The most ignorant thing I have ever seen parents do is change their babies diapers on the seat of a restaurant. You will be happily eating your dinner, suddenly the stench of a thousand rotting cans of carrots fills the air and the obese single mom just across from you you nearly takes out your drink with her fat ass as she positions herself for the change, god forbid you look over and see the black ooze dripping out all over the seat across from you because it is enough to make you puke your food right then and there.

Are you sure the restaurant had a place to change the baby? I have had restaurants tell me to use the booth or seat because they don't have a baby change table.

I do agree to a certain extent though. If it is a #2 I would at least take them out to the car if it is warm out or somewhere where the smell wouldn't get to people if possible. If just #1 though I have done it in a restaurant booth only because there is no other area. It's funny, some restaurants will have baby high chairs for you but then no changing station or pad.

07-05-2011, 08:32 AM
Wipe your baby's butt on the sink, I would do it also, just not in a sink that does not belong to me.

07-05-2011, 09:26 AM
not a baby, but the same concept?


07-05-2011, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by SilverGS

Are you sure the restaurant had a place to change the baby? I have had restaurants tell me to use the booth or seat because they don't have a baby change table

This is *every* Chinese restaurant. Not a single one has a change table, and just about every bathroom is absolutely FILTHY. Not only that but over 75% of older Chinese men do NOT wash their hands after using the bathroom. I think changing a #2 diaper in any kind of open area is fucking disgusting and completely rude, let alone a restaurant when you're trying to eat. And like I said, I would never expose my baby's shit to anyone even in a public bathroom... But changing a #1 diaper at the table or booth, sure I say why not...

And Mel, thanks for the tip.. Heh but like I said.. My youngest has not pooped her diaper in a long time (and the oldest is fully potty trained, well mostly LOL) and of the dozen or so times that she had, she's only done it at home. We brought along a big pack of wipes for a 10 day trip to Hawaii, and ended up not even opening it hahaha (and no we did not expose any baby ass to anyone in any public toilet hahaha).

07-05-2011, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by clem24

This is *every* Chinese restaurant. Not a single one has a change table, and just about every bathroom is absolutely FILTHY. Not only that but over 75% of older Chinese men do NOT wash their hands after using the bathroom. I think changing a #2 diaper in any kind of open area is fucking disgusting and completely rude, let alone a restaurant when you're trying to eat. And like I said, I would never expose my baby's shit to anyone even in a public bathroom... But changing a #1 diaper at the table or booth, sure I say why not...

And Mel, thanks for the tip.. Heh but like I said.. My youngest has not pooped her diaper in a long time (and the oldest is fully potty trained, well mostly LOL) and of the dozen or so times that she had, she's only done it at home. We brought along a big pack of wipes for a 10 day trip to Hawaii, and ended up not even opening it hahaha (and no we did not expose any baby ass to anyone in any public toilet hahaha).

The only restaurants that consistently have anything are big chain restaurants and family orientated ones. Any smaller ones or ethnic once generally don't seem to have any. Japanese, Korean, Indian...etc.

I agree I would never want to subject people in public to my kids #2. Never had a problem yet. Always able to at least find an out of the way place or go to the car where no one but ourselves would have to bear the bad smell.
Yeah I have never had to change a #2 in the booth except once in Hong Kong but that was in a private room with only family members in it and was an emergency (Parent's will understand lol).

Yeah I have been training my kid as well to go in a toilet but will still go in his diaper sometimes since we didn't start until about 6 months and sometimes they just gotta go.

07-05-2011, 11:28 AM
Id imagine there being much worse things touching the sink. For example people who have a cold coughing into the sink, throwing up into a sink, etc. Are you planning to cook your food in the sink or something? If no, it's not like you're going to lick the sink while washing your hands.

07-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Grogador
I've only pissed in a hotel sink twice and I was really drunk at the time :clap:

What about pooping in a sink?

07-05-2011, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I don't want to finger all Muslims in general

Yeah, me neither.

07-06-2011, 11:55 AM
Wow some of you are going to get a reality check when you have kids...Not all kids are perfect shitters, and if you get a baby with gas, it often looks like a bomb went off in their diaper. When you have a containment failure, sometimes the sink is the only option. And for FS its not like you are eating your meal out of the sink. Calgary has enough chlorine in the water and enough hand soap gets washed down it to probably kill any lingering bacteria.

07-06-2011, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Maxt
Calgary has enough chlorine in the water and enough hand soap gets washed down it to probably kill any lingering bacteria.

wrong. didn't anyone ever give you a petri dish and q-tip?

07-06-2011, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo

wrong. didn't anyone ever give you a petri dish and q-tip?
Yes, but we didnt exactly go swabbing rinsed and cleaned surfaces either..

07-06-2011, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Maxt
Wow some of you are going to get a reality check when you have kids...Not all kids are perfect shitters, and if you get a baby with gas, it often looks like a bomb went off in their diaper. When you have a containment failure, sometimes the sink is the only option.
Hmm I have two kids, both have quite a few pooplosions under their belt and I've never needed to hose them down in a sink. I suppose I've done a quick scrub of a stained outfit or two in a sink, but not a nekid bum.