View Full Version : Average Fence Cost

07-11-2011, 06:22 PM
Looking to see what other beyonds paid to have a fence built. We got a quote which is right around $48 per linear foot for a 2x6 fence with 4x6 posts with cement footing.

We had one neighbour which seemed to think the price was too high. To me looking at the supply costs and everything it doesn't seem unreasonable for a good quality fence.

07-11-2011, 08:43 PM
I've been in the industry a long time and the price isn't too high.

I call around every march to all the companies to see what everyone is charging for both decks and fences. The fence I'm assuming you're looking at is the fortress 2. If that's the one the going rate with almost everyone is $45-50/ft with fortress one style being $32-35/ft

There are a few variables though. Some people staple their boards, others screw. Also when it comes to gates people charge differently. Another this is whether 2x6 is being used on either side or if it's 2x6 and 1x6.

07-11-2011, 08:56 PM
I just got a fence built using 4x6 posts (fortress 1 style). It cost me $31 sq. foot. Gates were $250 each. Everything was screwed in (eg: not stapled).

It was a group quote with a bunch of neighbours. Normal cost is $33 sq. foot with gates costing $350 each. dduke's price range is in the ballpark.

07-11-2011, 09:19 PM
Is it the norm for both side neighbors to split the costs with you on a fence?Say if one neighbor doesn't want the fence but you build it anyway, are they responsible in maintaining it?

07-11-2011, 09:28 PM
^ Yes it is. If they are insistant on not paying for it, you can call the city and have the cost tacked onto their annual property tax bill.

EDIT: I'm wrong.

07-11-2011, 09:39 PM
I think we're paying $42/ft for grey vinyl and $400 a gate.

07-11-2011, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by spacerz
^ Yes it is. If they are insistant on not paying for it, you can call the city and have the cost tacked onto their annual property tax bill.

goddam can anyone confirm that this is true? my cheap bastard neighbor didnt want to pay half so we put the fence an inch on our side of the property line.

07-11-2011, 10:52 PM
not to jack your thread or anything but i m in a condo and want to fence off a storage area behind my parking spot. the fence would have to mounted on concrete. the height would be around ~ 7' 6" and i would need a gate. how much per linear foot?

07-11-2011, 11:19 PM
Fence looks like this:


As he said, 4x6 posts with concrete footings, 2x6 mains boards, 2x4 plate. To me the price seems right and we like the guy as he's been upfront with us and approachable.

It's a matter of just getting our one neighbour on board. The other neighbour seems aok on it. The price to him seemed right.

I normally here people spending roughly $1500 per side on a fence. We live out in langdon and our yards are just huge.

I think we are looking at $1150 for the one side and $2160 for the other side and $300 for a fence. This is the split cost of course. I think it's reasonable.

07-11-2011, 11:36 PM
Sorry turbotrip. My friend must have been on something when he told me that. I just checked the City of Calgary website and it completely contradicts what i said. So thats a negatory on neighbours having to split fence costs.

07-12-2011, 12:16 AM
No, neighbors are not obligated to split the cost on fence. I ended up paying for the whole thing on one side because the owner back then was too cheap. The only thing you can do is to make sure that the entire fence is within your property line then your neighbor can't touch it. After that, it's up to you to draw big penis on his side for him to enjoy.

07-12-2011, 08:42 AM
Prices seem bang on for what he's offering you, especially now that you mention that you live in langdon. We usually charge $150/day to travel out of Calgary.

The whole neighbour issue is super common too, on 8/10 jobs there's a neighbour who says they wanna build it themselves or has a family member or friend who will do it for cheaper.

The truth or the matter is that even though the prices may seem a bit high fences really don't pay that well and profit margins aren't that high for the amount of time it takes.

07-12-2011, 09:00 AM
Yeah, same thing here and glad to here it's pretty common. Had a neighbour pull the same stunt on me and didn't want to chip in for the fence so I moved the fence 30 cms into my property. That way I reserve the right to paint the fence pink if he really peeves me off.

His loss though, the remaining neighbours got together and we built the fence together. Great opportunity to get to know your neighbours and build a friendly relationship. Where as the cheap neighbour is abit of a outcast now. Short-term, small-minded vision will cost ya. Save a few bucks now, but no one wants anything to do with the guy.

07-12-2011, 09:45 AM
Sorry to sidetrack the thread a little but anyone on beyond dig fence posts or know someone in auburn bay area that does....I would prefer to pay someone to set the posts as well.

07-26-2011, 03:25 PM
These price quotes seems about right... each fence are different by size, style and height. A friend of mine who works as house contractor told me that some can be upward to 4-5 thousand range by cost. The higher level by cost come with deeper ground holes and concrete foundation - holes as deep up to 4 ft down. That's what my friend said for a good strong fence up to 7 ft max and to last up to 30 years.

It's all up on what people is willing to spent for their fences and how long that fence will last.

06-18-2013, 09:31 PM
Bringing this back. Is $45 for Fortress style fence still the going rate? And what is the difference between Fortress I and Fortress II stated above? Google image didn't show anything for the difference.

06-18-2013, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by B20EF
Bringing this back. Is $45 for Fortress style fence still the going rate? And what is the difference between Fortress I and Fortress II stated above? Google image didn't show anything for the difference.

I think fortress I is 4x4 post and 2x4/1x4 horizontals. Fortress II upgrades everything to larger lumber, 6x6 posts and 2x4/2x6 horizontals and caps.

I had 3 contractors all quote around that $35/ft maybe 2 months ago for Fortress I. Ended up building it myself nearly roughly half that, around $20/ft.