View Full Version : Scion XB died while driving on Blackfoot

08-26-2011, 11:31 PM
First off, sorry if I caused any of you traffic, second thanks for yelling obscenities out your windows and tossing gum at me, way to kick a guy while hes down..

anyways I was just minding my own business and I lost all power of my XB. Engine shut off, no power steering but lights radio windows etc all worked.

I havent been able to get it started since... Its an 08 with 100k miles. Recently inspected and no problems upon inspection.

I cant figure out what it is or what the best plan to figure it out either. Any advice ?

08-26-2011, 11:38 PM
Might just be a timing belt that has snapped. other possible causes may be a bad ignition module (ie coilpack/ignitor)

08-26-2011, 11:46 PM
wow, people were yelling at you? What's wrong with people these days..

08-27-2011, 12:00 AM
So it cranks like normal, but just wont start?

Is there ANY gasoline smell in the exhaust?

08-27-2011, 12:16 AM
Originally posted by RickDaTuner
Might just be a timing belt that has snapped. other possible causes may be a bad ignition module (ie coilpack/ignitor)

I think its a chain

Originally posted by kevie88
wow, people were yelling at you? What's wrong with people these days..

ya I coasted as far to the right as possible but people were pissed. Not really traffic congested either

Originally posted by revelations
So it cranks like normal, but just wont start?

Is there ANY gasoline smell in the exhaust?

no gasoline smell. Maybe fuel pump?

08-27-2011, 01:43 AM
is it possible you just ran out of gas?

08-27-2011, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by hurrdurr
First off, sorry if I caused any of you traffic, second thanks for yelling obscenities out your windows and tossing gum at me, way to kick a guy while hes down..

anyways I was just minding my own business and I lost all power of my XB. Engine shut off, no power steering but lights radio windows etc all worked.

I havent been able to get it started since... Its an 08 with 100k miles. Recently inspected and no problems upon inspection.

I cant figure out what it is or what the best plan to figure it out either. Any advice ?

If you were in the right lane stalled I can see why people were mad at you. That's really fucking dangerous. My young Drivers instructor got hit from behind when he was a few meters off the side of the road. g.l with your car though:thumbsup:

08-27-2011, 08:10 AM
:rolleyes: You blocked the right lane and are wondering why people were mad? Lets do the math, the max force required to push that car would have been 125lbs on a hard surface; onto a soft - steps up to 375lbs... Well within what a average 97lb weakling can exert...


08-27-2011, 08:36 AM
Wow what a cunt you are. There was no way I would have been able to get it over the curb and even if I would have been able to it would have been difficult to stop it from going down the slope afterwards and would have made it difficult for the truck driver.

Thanks for your opinion though. It wasn't like my first thought was hey why don't I stop right here and leave my car. Seems safe enough. I had no fucking power

08-27-2011, 08:44 AM
LMAO - so you had a downhill? and you wouldn't have been able to stop it eh? Whatcha think the brakes are for? Didn't think of maybe rolling to a safe spot?

You wouldn't have made it difficult for the TOW TRUCK OPERATOR - you'd have gotten him out of traffic - putting him in a safer place to work.


Did you not see my signature?

08-27-2011, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by AndyL
LMAO - so you had a downhill? and you wouldn't have been able to stop it eh? Whatcha think the brakes are for? Didn't think of maybe rolling to a safe spot?

You wouldn't have made it difficult for the TOW TRUCK OPERATOR - you'd have gotten him out of traffic - putting him in a safer place to work.


Did you not see my signature?

Let's see. If one pissed off person could have pulled over and helped the poor guy get out of harm's way there would be no issue. Pushing without having pedal operation or full control of the wheel could prove quite the opposite from safe.

To the OP ignore this guy. What's done is done, next time maybe you'll revise where you situate yourself but who cares.

It's quite possible the fuel pump caved. Any symptoms prior? Does it crank? More specifics!

08-27-2011, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by hurrdurr
no gasoline smell. Maybe fuel pump?

Quite possible. Id check the fuse first, but a blown fuse would probably blow soon.

Can you hear the pump come on when you turn the key to ON (but not star)?

08-27-2011, 09:33 AM
It cranks but won't engage. 3/4 a tank of gas and the fuel pump doesn't seem to make a noise when I turn all electronics on

08-27-2011, 09:59 AM
I would get/check the fuel pressure and go from there as the first step.

08-27-2011, 10:37 AM
I'm just giving you the numbers, I push vehicles out of the way daily (usually in worse shape than just not running); just putting some real world figures onto it so it's clear... Maybe next time he'll think rather than just sit blocking traffic.

As for 'driving' / rolling without power - thus no power boost on the steering/brakes - c'mon they still work without the boost, and e brakes are perfect for this scenario. Done it a hundred times on cars that were much heavier; without a downhill to help...

08-27-2011, 11:32 AM

08-27-2011, 11:42 AM
Video's hard to see - but doesn't appear the CEL light stays on...

No fuel smell doesn't necesarily mean anything - if the CPS has failed it'll never trigger the injectors... Also wont throw codes, as the computer doesn't see the engine running or turning over... Toyota fuel pumps are pretty damn quiet, you really wont be able to tell if it's running - and you'd have a low pressure code...

First step would be to have a look at the CPS - make sure it hasn't popped out of the timing cover; believe it plugs in near the alternator - google should have the answer here for the specific steps to check.

08-27-2011, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by AndyL
I'm just giving you the numbers, I push vehicles out of the way daily (usually in worse shape than just not running); just putting some real world figures onto it so it's clear... Maybe next time he'll think rather than just sit blocking traffic.

As for 'driving' / rolling without power - thus no power boost on the steering/brakes - c'mon they still work without the boost, and e brakes are perfect for this scenario. Done it a hundred times on cars that were much heavier; without a downhill to help...

You weren't there you don't know this guys situation, why are you trying so hard?

08-27-2011, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Kardon

You weren't there you don't know this guys situation, why are you trying so hard?
Because he puts me in danger by doing this... If it was a little woman in high heels, on a slippery road, that's one thing...

Two tow truck operators were killed in a 12 hour period tuesday night / wednesday... Neither was killed by his mistake, both were following the proper procedures, and working ON THE SHOULDER. Working in an active lane - is even more dangerous... So yes, I think it is important to point out that you can do many things to get yourself out of the way; get yourself out of harms way, get your vehicle out of traffic, and have a little consideration for others.

08-27-2011, 11:49 AM
Sounds about right for Blackfoot Trail. Lots of winners around that area.

Also, AndyL is an idiot.

08-27-2011, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by hurrdurr

Who's the hot voice in the video? LOL


It has compression, you can hear it in the video, and the battery is nice and strong, Which leaves two things.

Fuel and ignition, as other have pointed out, there are a variety of things that can cause this.

Fuel pump definitely, sensors as well.

Its kind of odd that a scion would do this, especially an XB

I would; again as others suggested check for fuel pressure, if its good, then check for spark.

one of the two are amiss, if there is pressure and spark, then the injectors are not firing,

odd question, but have you tried your spare key? the anti theft transponders like to go out on chipped keys all the time, which will cause this symptoms. although, when this happens on most vehicles you will get an anti theft light on the dash.

best of luck

08-27-2011, 04:34 PM
I saw your Scion there yesterday. In the few moments I was driving up to and past your car there were a few close calls. No fucking way would I have pushed that car, way to dangerous a spot. Get out and and call a hook. You had the 4 ways on and were pulled over as far as possible, and you were in the better of the two lanes for the sake of safety.

Hey Andy, different senario man. You're kitted with beacons, cones, flares and can call for a blocker if it's that bad. If you saw the spot he was in you'd never agree to him pushing the car by himself. I've done a lot of blocking for a lot of different tow companies in Calgary, and in fact I've been swiped while blocking with all my revs going on a clear day on a straight road. This guy isn't a sissy or weakling or being lazy. Leaving it and getting away was the best action.

08-27-2011, 04:38 PM
Looks like my fuel injector fuse was blown got lucky with this one. Thanks for the help guys. And Andy fuck you. I couldnt get my car over the curb without wrecking the bumper and scraping the under carraige, traffic was light and visibility of my vehicle was clear. Also its downhill after the curb so if I pushed too hard I could have possibly pushed it all the way to the fence.

08-28-2011, 08:05 AM
Originally posted by AndyL
I'm just giving you the numbers, I push vehicles out of the way daily (usually in worse shape than just not running); just putting some real world figures onto it so it's clear... Maybe next time he'll think rather than just sit blocking traffic.

As for 'driving' / rolling without power - thus no power boost on the steering/brakes - c'mon they still work without the boost, and e brakes are perfect for this scenario. Done it a hundred times on cars that were much heavier; without a downhill to help...

Hey dumbass, I meant the fact that your holding the wheel with one hand and your feet are on the ground pushing not on the pedals when you push alone. I never mentioned power assist once.

Glad to hear it was simple OP. Strange that the fuse blow though.

08-28-2011, 09:20 AM
Keep spare fuses dude, and check your wiring harness to your fuel system and make sure no wires are shorting to ground, because something caused that fuse to crap out

08-28-2011, 10:27 AM
Hmm, I was looking forward to the next time I get stranded so I could call "beyonds resident tow truck driver". I'll stick with AMA.

I guess it makes sense you're bitter though, your life has climaxed at pulling people out of ditches in a piece of shit truck. I'd be bitter too LOL.

OP, ignore this sad fuck. None of us are in any position to judge you in this situation since we weren't there and don't know the circumstances.

It's pretty sad that people would yell obscenities and throw things at you instead of pulling over for 30 seconds and helping you get the car onto the curb safely. I try to help anyone I see stranded on the side of the road but I'm part of a small percentage that tries to give a fuck.

Originally posted by AndyL
:rolleyes: You blocked the right lane and are wondering why people were mad? Lets do the math, the max force required to push that car would have been 125lbs on a hard surface; onto a soft - steps up to 375lbs... Well within what a average 97lb weakling can exert...


Originally posted by AndyL
LMAO - so you had a downhill? and you wouldn't have been able to stop it eh? Whatcha think the brakes are for? Didn't think of maybe rolling to a safe spot? You wouldn't have made it difficult for the TOW TRUCK OPERATOR - you'd have gotten him out of traffic - putting him in a safer place to work. Did you not see my signature?

08-28-2011, 11:19 AM
:rofl: I love beyond :)

He was the one whining about people yelling and throwing things - I was just pointing out he wasn't helpless. Betcha if he'd tried to push himself out of the way, it's more likely someone would have stopped to help.

No I don't know the specific scenario - just putting the numbers to the situation. And giving him something to think about for next time.

I didn't drive by - 2 of you did, and didn't bother to help. If I'd have driven by - he'd have been hauled off the road.

Ven - I know you and you know me. I don't screw with pylons or flares, or fucking around waiting on other equipment. You call I haul. Plain and simple.

CW403- No worries; call AMA I don't mind.

08-28-2011, 11:56 AM
Are you fucking serious :confused:

You just said you didn't drive by. You don't know the situation he was in. stfu.

08-29-2011, 06:34 PM
Andy, you're not doing yourself any favors with your comments thus far. :facepalm:

08-29-2011, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by AndyL

Ven - I know you and you know me. I don't screw with pylons or flares, or fucking around waiting on other equipment. You call I haul. Plain and simple.

My point was you have significant resources to utilize in that situation, should you chose :thumbsup: I'll see ya out there!

08-29-2011, 08:28 PM
Wow, Andy why are you being such a Dick head

I saw the vehicle and I would have bet someone would be posting a rip thread if he decided to get out and push with Calgary drivers zipping by a mere foot away.

Tow truck drivers have cones and flashing lights to help offset some of the passer by's retardation.

Normally i'm in your corner but here you sound like a douche canoe.