View Full Version : Driving on reserv land

08-27-2011, 11:23 AM
I've never actually gone to the end of Anderson road. The map shows a road going all the way through to Priddis area. Can anyone drive on this road/land? Is it gated/locked/patrolled? Just curious.

Link (http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Anderson+Rd+SW%2FBullhead+Rd&daddr=50.9556751,-114.2276121+to:Cowboy+Trail%2FAB-22+N&hl=en&ll=50.921216,-114.219017&spn=0.117736,0.308647&sll=50.940042,-114.155674&sspn=0.029422,0.077162&geocode=FTxxCQMdulcy-Q%3BFZuFCQMdZAYx-SntlZKnI3NxUzGUfLQJ-pSeow%3BFZSNCAMdAoov-Q&vpsrc=6&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=14&via=1&z=12)

08-27-2011, 11:59 AM
Unfortunately it is illegal to drive on reserve land. It is patrolled by native police and they can give you a ticket if they feel like it. Too bad, as it would make a great shortcut. They should sell passes to people, it would be a great opportunity for them to make money, and to save time for commuters.

08-27-2011, 12:05 PM
Ah, cool. Thanks for the info.

08-27-2011, 12:40 PM

08-28-2011, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by rookie101
Unfortunately it is illegal to drive on reserve land. It is patrolled by native police and they can give you a ticket if they feel like it. Too bad, as it would make a great shortcut. They should sell passes to people, it would be a great opportunity for them to make money, and to save time for commuters.

Winner :rofl:

08-28-2011, 01:45 PM
I drove through there a few tines in an old beat up Toyota pickup. I'm not sure if being Asian had anything to do with it or if it was the beater I was driving, but I think they thought I was one of them. Every car that passed going in the opposite direction waved at me. :rofl:

08-28-2011, 02:34 PM
I wish we could just make the reserves go away :(

08-28-2011, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by J-D
I wish we could just make the reserves go away :(
+1 what a waste of high value land.

08-28-2011, 09:11 PM
Coming back from San Fran one time, wasn't paying attention, tired and followed the GPS, it was set to shortest route... so it took me through a reserve in NW Montana. Scary shit. Driving my S2000 through it, a bunch of natives piled into pickups (box too) and started chasing me. Of course they didn't catch me, but I'm sure it wouldn't have been good if they did.

08-29-2011, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Jlude
Coming back from San Fran one time, wasn't paying attention, tired and followed the GPS, it was set to shortest route... so it took me through a reserve in NW Montana. Scary shit. Driving my S2000 through it, a bunch of natives piled into pickups (box too) and started chasing me. Of course they didn't catch me, but I'm sure it wouldn't have been good if they did.

We came back up through the states and im pretty sure we went the same way as you. I was FREAKED out... we were not welcome at all.. we had to stop for directions at the gas station and they wouldnt even talk to us.. the local native sherrif for the reserve even pulled up and to us that we had better get the hell out of there. Wearing a lacoste shirt and driving a car with California plates on it was definitely a bad idea. I have been in some scary places all over the world but that was by far the most uncomfortable i have ever been.

08-29-2011, 08:11 AM
I remember when I was a kid we lived in Cedarbrae and walked onto the reserve and into their rec centre and shot some hoops. Good times.

Post unrelated to topic.

08-29-2011, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by J-D
I wish we could just make the reserves go away :(
That's mighty "white" of you.

08-29-2011, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by xviper

That's mighty "white" of you.

It's true though. I'm not going to get into a whole debate about it, but if the natives were just integrated into the rest of society it would be better for everyone - they would lead better lives and have more opportunity for success, and we would stop paying for the shitty lives they (typically) currently lead. Win-win.

08-29-2011, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
It's true though. I'm not going to get into a whole debate about it, but if the natives were just integrated into the rest of society it would be better for everyone - they would lead better lives and have more opportunity for success, and we would stop paying for the shitty lives they (typically) currently lead. Win-win.

I totally agree 100%. The biggest mistake we made was to segregate these people from the rest of society.

Our current multi-cultural melting pot isn't without it's issues, but it sure as hell works a lot better than the reserve system, no question.

08-29-2011, 09:24 AM
One assumption that you're both making is thinking that they want to be integrated into our society.

08-29-2011, 10:25 AM
Joe Eagle Feathers .......... "Farmer Jones' land makes a great short cut for me to get to the other part of our reserve. There's even a road going right through there. Do you think it would be OK to just cut across Jones' place?"

Albert Running Bear .......... "Sure, but if Jones see ya, him and his clan will probably stop you and shoot you."

Joe ............. "I wish we could just make Farmer Jones go away."

Albert ........... "Yeah, it was such a mistake to sell his great, great grandfather that piece of land. We made him what he is today."

Joe .............. "What a waste of high value land. It should be there for us to take a short cut anytime we want."

Albert ............ "Too bad we couldn't just integrate Jones into our society. He wouldn't have to pay tax on anything and we get to use his land. Win-win."

Joe ............ "Hey, let's just take his land or at least reduce the size of it to the part that gives us that road. I'm sure Jones will be just fine with that. It don't matter that he's got a legal deed to the land. His deed don't mean nothing to us."

PS. I'm not native but I see hypocracy and stupidity when it's so blatant.

08-29-2011, 10:37 AM
Haha, well Google drove down that road. You can get streetview!


08-29-2011, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by benyl
Haha, well Google drove down that road. You can get streetview!


So they have the reserves but no North Korea :dunno:

08-29-2011, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by arian_ma
One assumption that you're both making is thinking that they want to be integrated into our society.

I think the only people having a good time on the reserves are the chiefs, who keep 90% of the reserve's income for themselves. They live like kings while everyone else lives in a shithole. Some reserves are actually run pretty well, but the bad ones are really bad. I know some police officers who have some experience on reserves and it's pretty much the worst place ever. Most of them would be much better off living with the rest of society, unless they enjoy living in poverty.

Integration would also help remove the negative stereo types IMO. Currently, 99% of the natives I see fit all the negative stereo types of drinking, homelessness, violence, etc. I'd think this is the same for most people. This includes the Downtown area, and also the Southwest area near the reserve West of Anderson (the two places I've lived). I personally have only had bad experiences with the ones I occasionally have to deal with downtown, and also when I lived in the South. A friend and I were even jumped by a group of Natives in the off leash area by the Tsu Tina when we were about 14 for no reason at all. They beat the shit out of him and I was lucky enough to get away and get help for him. We were just kids. Anyways, thats just one tiny example.

I'd like to see reserves gone and everyone integrated, I think it would be a win-win, especially in the long run.

08-29-2011, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by xviper
Joe Eagle Feathers .......... "Farmer Jones' land makes a great short cut for me to get to the other part of our reserve. There's even a road going right through there. Do you think it would be OK to just cut across Jones' place?"

Albert Running Bear .......... "Sure, but if Jones see ya, him and his clan will probably stop you and shoot you."

Joe ............. "I wish we could just make Farmer Jones go away."

Albert ........... "Yeah, it was such a mistake to sell his great, great grandfather that piece of land. We made him what he is today."

Joe .............. "What a waste of high value land. It should be there for us to take a short cut anytime we want."

Albert ............ "Too bad we couldn't just integrate Jones into our society. He wouldn't have to pay tax on anything and we get to use his land. Win-win."

Joe ............ "Hey, let's just take his land or at least reduce the size of it to the part that gives us that road. I'm sure Jones will be just fine with that. It don't matter that he's got a legal deed to the land. His deed don't mean nothing to us."

PS. I'm not native but I see hypocracy and stupidity when it's so blatant.

i'm with you man, i abhor the way most canadians regard the natives. many of the responses in this thread are sickening. :thumbsdow

08-29-2011, 11:14 AM
EDIT: and with regards to driving on that road, i'm sure you could do it. I've gone to get gas at Tsu Tine and no one ever looked at me weird. what do you think is going to happen, they're gonna scalp you or shoot you with their bows and arrows? or some res cop is gonna lock you up in jail for the rest of your life? gimme a break, they're just people like you and i. :dunno:

08-29-2011, 11:19 AM
The original topic was plain and simple. It had to do with whether or not a road could be used as a short cut. The answer is equally plain and simple. The unauthorized use of private property (and roads) is called "TRESPASSING".
Then some just had to bring up the "native or reserve" issue. How did we get from a simple case of road use to how we feel about the native situation? That has nothing to do with whether or not this road can be legally used by non-band members.
The band gave Google permission. The N. Koreans didn't.

Buying gas at their shop and being on that part of their land has an implied permission. Same goes for their Casino.

08-29-2011, 11:20 AM
nonlinear hit the nail on the head.

08-29-2011, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by xviper
Joe Eagle Feathers .......... "Farmer Jones' land makes a great short cut for me to get to the other part of our reserve. There's even a road going right through there. Do you think it would be OK to just cut across Jones' place?"

Albert Running Bear .......... "Sure, but if Jones see ya, him and his clan will probably stop you and shoot you."

Joe ............. "I wish we could just make Farmer Jones go away."

Albert ........... "Yeah, it was such a mistake to sell his great, great grandfather that piece of land. We made him what he is today."

Joe .............. "What a waste of high value land. It should be there for us to take a short cut anytime we want."

Albert ............ "Too bad we couldn't just integrate Jones into our society. He wouldn't have to pay tax on anything and we get to use his land. Win-win."

Joe ............ "Hey, let's just take his land or at least reduce the size of it to the part that gives us that road. I'm sure Jones will be just fine with that. It don't matter that he's got a legal deed to the land. His deed don't mean nothing to us."

PS. I'm not native but I see hypocracy and stupidity when it's so blatant.

Ok so you're saying next time you buy a house it is ok for the ex-owner's grand-kids to come and ask you for more money after the house is paid off?

Originally posted by Guillermo
EDIT: and with regards to driving on that road, i'm sure you could do it. I've gone to get gas at Tsu Tine and no one ever looked at me weird. what do you think is going to happen, they're gonna scalp you or shoot you with their bows and arrows? or some res cop is gonna lock you up in jail for the rest of your life? gimme a break, they're just people like you and i. :dunno:


(Thanks to tomco)

08-29-2011, 12:47 PM
I understand what xviper is saying and agreed 100%, you cant just transpass someones property. But i still dont understand why they got so much privileges.

Originally posted by Team_Mclaren
I swear we (north america) are the only place in the world where the defeated gets rewarded.

08-29-2011, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren
I understand what xviper is saying and agreed 100%, you cant just transpass someones property. But i still dont understand why they got so much privileges.

Because many, many years ago the Europeans came and took their land/property.

08-29-2011, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by A790

Because many, many years ago the Europeans came and took their land/property.

point being? since when does an invaded country gets rewarded?

08-29-2011, 01:30 PM
the Jews post world war?

08-29-2011, 01:36 PM
I always thought that the roadways were public. I understand that property is private and trespassing is illegal, I am shocked to hear that the roads are private also.

08-29-2011, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by sxtasy
the Jews post world war?

Thats because the Nazi was defeated. Europeans in NA are not.


08-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Well there's this thing called not being a fuckin' asshole, and letting people live the way they want. It's kinda what Canada is all about...ya know? regardless of whether their existence makes your drive 15 minutes longer or shorter. Come to think of it, immigrants should STFU completely about this topic.

08-29-2011, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Well there's this thing called not being a fuckin' asshole, and letting people live the way they want. It's kinda what Canada is all about...ya know? regardless of whether their existence makes your drive 15 minutes longer or shorter. Come to think of it, immigrants should STFU completely about this topic.

are you a native?

PS: again i agree that its their land and people shouldnt be trespassing. Its as simple as xviper put it.

08-29-2011, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Well there's this thing called not being a fuckin' asshole, and letting people live the way they want. It's kinda what Canada is all about...ya know? regardless of whether their existence makes your drive 15 minutes longer or shorter. Come to think of it, immigrants should STFU completely about this topic.

Why shouldn't immigrants be able to comment on this topic? Do they have fewer rights in your eyes than an "average Canadian" or native american; even if they came here legally, obtained citizenship and pay taxes?

08-29-2011, 02:17 PM
Nope, they just have no place in a discussion about Europeans taking land from Natives.

And no, I'm not a native, I'm an immigrant.

08-29-2011, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by calgary403

Ok so you're saying next time you buy a house it is ok for the ex-owner's grand-kids to come and ask you for more money after the house is paid off?


(Thanks to tomco)
Fuck, do you even know how to make an analogy? In this case of using private roads, who is asking who for more money?
Even if your analogy is related (and it's not even close by a light year) and using my example, you're saying that the natives are coming back to Farmer Jones to ask for more money. How is that even relevant? The Natives are asking for free use of Jones' road through Jones' property. Jones has every right to say "NO". And if the natives use Jones' road without his permission, that's trespassing, plain and simple. This is NOTHING remotely like asking Jones for more money for the property his great, great grand parent bought.
The T'suu Tina nation land is PRIVATE PROPERTY. Everything within is also private property and the use of which by "outsiders" is done only by permission and by agreement. What part of this flew right over your head?
If you think that the band land is for anyone's use, why do you suppose the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta don't just go in there and build their SW ring road? Because you can't legally fart in there without the band's permission.

OK, it's real easy to settle this. If you want to use this road, phone up the T'suu Tina band office and ask them if they consider that a public road, free for anyone to use.

08-29-2011, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo
EDIT: and with regards to driving on that road, i'm sure you could do it. I've gone to get gas at Tsu Tine and no one ever looked at me weird. what do you think is going to happen, they're gonna scalp you or shoot you with their bows and arrows? or some res cop is gonna lock you up in jail for the rest of your life? gimme a break, they're just people like you and i. :dunno:

The road that leads to the gas station is public. The private section is a bit further in. You can see the sign that says the road is private on Google Streetview.

08-29-2011, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Nope, they just have no place in a discussion about Europeans taking land from Natives.

And no, I'm not a native, I'm an immigrant.

wtf? why not? so you shouldnt discuss anything that doesnt have to do with your hertiage? why do we even hold discussions on anything then

08-29-2011, 03:40 PM
Hey man, all I'm saying is that when the argument is "oh why do these people get so many privileges," that's a pretty moronic thing to say regardless of who you're talking about since the only reason that this is a concern to you is because it is close to Calgary. If their land was 100 KM north and 100 KM East you wouldn't care at all!

08-29-2011, 03:43 PM
Im confused. In the Okanagan we drove around the reserves all the time. Daily driving went through the reserves. Granted Okanagan Natives like Osoyoos and Westbank have a totally different way of thinking about things and make them two of the best reserves in Canada. They actually have business's and investment property on the reserve. In the Okanagan a lot of golf courses are on native land.

08-29-2011, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Hey man, all I'm saying is that when the argument is "oh why do these people get so many privileges," that's a pretty moronic thing to say regardless of who you're talking about since the only reason that this is a concern to you is because it is close to Calgary. If their land was 100 KM north and 100 KM East you wouldn't care at all!

Actually, I couldn't give a shit that they're close to Calgary. I'm irritated because the Dept of Indian Affairs chews up 7.2B every year.

08-29-2011, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Hey man, all I'm saying is that when the argument is "oh why do these people get so many privileges," that's a pretty moronic thing to say regardless of who you're talking about since the only reason that this is a concern to you is because it is close to Calgary. If their land was 100 KM north and 100 KM East you wouldn't care at all!

are you fucking kidding me? do you understand how much privileges they get?

Originally posted by codetrap

Actually, I couldn't give a shit that they're close to Calgary. I'm irritated because the Dept of Indian Affairs chews up 7.2B every year.

08-29-2011, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren

are you fucking kidding me? do you understand how much privileges they get?

In BC (i dunno if its everywhere) they used to get $50k when they turn 18 or 19. Not sure if they still get it. Only a like one native I know actually used it to buy a work truck.

08-29-2011, 04:03 PM
Paying them cash is not the topic at hand here. Giving them land with which they can do whatever they want is, and I don't see any problem with that personally.

If you wanna talk about handing out money, well I'm on your side there.

08-29-2011, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Hey man, all I'm saying is that when the argument is "oh why do these people get so many privileges," that's a pretty moronic thing to say

:werd: I too get a kick out of people who think this way. I am half native with native status. So I get a plot of land on a reserve in the middle of nowhere :whocares: Beautiful land, but I can't really do anything with it except live there, (which I wouldn't want to anyways). I also get schooling subsidized when the band has extra money (which they don't so I pay for it myself). Other than that I have to pay tax like the rest of you suckas and everything else that is shitty, like work for a living.

A lot of Calgarians have pretty negative things to say about the Tsuu Tina, which I think in turn has created quite a bit of tension there. Even if the reserve wasn't there, it would just be another suburban hell that you wouldn't want to try and drive through anyways :devil:

08-29-2011, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by arian_ma
Paying them cash is not the topic at hand here. Giving them land with which they can do whatever they want is, and I don't see any problem with that personally.

If you wanna talk about handing out money, well I'm on your side there.

I dont want to get to involved becuase I dont know much about the Alberta reserves, but in the Okanagan they do so much to promote revenue through the land. Golf courses, resorts, business's, etc. Sounds like here its just a waste land the looks like something from post apocalyptic movie.

08-29-2011, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by kenny

The road that leads to the gas station is public. The private section is a bit further in. You can see the sign that says the road is private on Google Streetview.

oh yea I have no doubt that the road is private, i guess what i was trying to say is that you could probably drive on this road without any problems - it's not like they're going to get mad and kill you or whatever people think will happen. it was a response to earlier posts where people were saying their drives through the rez were "the scariest thing that ever happened to me" or whatever. that makes me sick, since the natives that i've been fortunate enough to know have been some of the most kind, generous, and considerate people i've ever met. :dunno: as i said before, they're just people like you and me. i don't know why canadians treat natives like such SHIT.

08-29-2011, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo

oh yea I have no doubt that the road is private, i guess what i was trying to say is that you could probably drive on this road without any problems - it's not like they're going to get mad and kill you or whatever people think will happen. it was a response to earlier posts where people were saying their drives through the rez were "the scariest thing that ever happened to me" or whatever. that makes me sick, since the natives that i've been fortunate enough to know have been some of the most kind, generous, and considerate people i've ever met. :dunno: as i said before, they're just people like you and me. i don't know why canadians treat natives like such SHIT.

I know a couple natives that are awesome too. Just theres a lot more that are not good and some are in high places like chiefs who fraud the government and such.

08-29-2011, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo
i don't know why canadians treat natives like such SHIT.

I think, and I'm not saying this is a good reason, it's because a lot of people's only interactions with them are negative. I've personally yet to have a single pleasant interaction with one in my entire life. Clearly, this doesn't mean they are all like that, though, it's just my personal experience.

Personally, I just go about my daily business, and every time I run into a native, it's in a negative way. This includes downtown, and also when I lived in the deeper SW near Tsu Tina. I also don't know one other person who thinks highly of them (basing that on how often I hear people speaking negatively about natives as a whole). Again, this doesn't mean they are all like that, but there are quite a few who damage their reputation.

When I was in Junior High and High School, there were maybe 5-10 natives in school with us. Every single one of those kids was your typical school bully/trouble maker. Poor grades, constantly starting fights, causing trouble, making threats, vandalizing, etc. People were scared of them. So, when a large group of impressionable kids see this every day as their only interaction with natives, opinions start to form, whether they are correct or not.

Fast forward past school, and into living/working downtown. Every single native I've seen in the past 6 years or so (since the completion of my school) has been on the street, fitting every bad stereo type. Fighting, hassling people, being drunk and causing problems in the +15's, etc. Again, this does not represent all natives, but when it's the only interaction people have with them day-to-day, more opinions start to form.

That, combined with the publicity they got of the ring road negotiations wasn't good. (I don't know every detail, but didn't they want some preposterous amounts?). I think a lot of people viewed that whole thing as the natives being completely unreasonable, and screwing over the ring road completion plans.

Basically, a lot of people's daily interactions with a few makes it easy to paint them all with the same brush (not saying I agree with that, just an observation).

Also, it's my understanding that on the more poorly run reserves, the chiefs keep like 90% of the money, and everyone else lives a shit life while the chiefs live like kings. Clearly, that type of thing is going to create some negative feelings within any group.

I have some friends in the RCMP, and none of them want to be posted anywhere near a reserve, based on what they have learned while in depot (training).

Anyways, that is my guess as to why a lot of people have negative feelings toward them. Not saying it's right.

08-29-2011, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

I think, and I'm not saying this is a good reason, it's because a lot of people's only interactions with them are negative. I've personally yet to have a single pleasant interaction with one in my entire life. Clearly, this doesn't mean they are all like that, though, it's just my personal experience.

Personally, I just go about my daily business, and every time I run into a native, it's in a negative way. This includes downtown, and also when I lived in the deeper SW near Tsu Tina. I also don't know one other person who thinks highly of them (basing that on how often I hear people speaking negatively about natives as a whole). Again, this doesn't mean they are all like that, but there are quite a few who damage their reputation.

When I was in Junior High and High School, there were maybe 5-10 natives in school with us. Every single one of those kids was your typical school bully/trouble maker. Poor grades, constantly starting fights, causing trouble, making threats, vandalizing, etc. People were scared of them. So, when a large group of impressionable kids see this every day as their only interaction with natives, opinions start to form, whether they are correct or not.

Fast forward past school, and into living/working downtown. Every single native I've seen in the past 6 years or so (since the completion of my school) has been on the street, fitting every bad stereo type. Fighting, hassling people, being drunk and causing problems in the +15's, etc. Again, this does not represent all natives, but when it's the only interaction people have with them day-to-day, more opinions start to form.

That, combined with the publicity they got of the ring road negotiations wasn't good. (I don't know every detail, but didn't they want some preposterous amounts?). I think a lot of people viewed that whole thing as the natives being completely unreasonable, and screwing over the ring road completion plans.

Basically, a lot of people's daily interactions with a few makes it easy to paint them all with the same brush (not saying I agree with that, just an observation).

Also, it's my understanding that on the more poorly run reserves, the chiefs keep like 90% of the money, and everyone else lives a shit life while the chiefs live like kings. Clearly, that type of thing is going to create some negative feelings within any group.

Anyways, that is my guess as to why a lot of people have negative feelings toward them. Not saying it's right.


Could not have said it better

08-29-2011, 05:13 PM
Completely agree with Mitsu. It may not be fair, but that's the reality of it. Before I retired, my interaction with natives were 99.99% negative. The only time I had anything to do with them was to check on the ones that were so shit faced drunk, lying under a tree or table, didn't know if they were dead or alive. Or to see them running around the neighborhood looking for crimes of opportunity or to go check on one when one of his/her brothers beat him up because he wasn't "one of their group". You look in our jails and unfortunately, a very disproportionate number of the inmates are native.
However, along the way, I've also seen some decent hard working ones, though they are very few and far between. Life for them is not easy. Society conspires to make life hard. Even their own conspire to make life hard. Who's fault is it? You could write a very big book about it.
Anyway, this is getting way, way, way off topic. I'm unsubscribing before the shit really stinks up the place.

08-29-2011, 05:14 PM
Originally posted by Team_Mclaren

are you fucking kidding me? do you understand how much privileges they get?

Please enlighten me, you must know a lot more about it than I do.

Rat Fink
08-29-2011, 06:29 PM

08-29-2011, 07:13 PM
Hey Victor...

08-29-2011, 07:22 PM
ROFL at this thread.

"Can I drive on reserve land?"

"It is illegal and you could get a ticket...its private land".

"thank you." /thread

..............aaaaaaaand then begins a typical beyond derailment. :rofl:

08-29-2011, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45
..............aaaaaaaand then begins a typical beyond derailment.. :rofl: