View Full Version : Society and tattoos (and nothing about clit studs)

08-31-2011, 11:15 PM
poostool: 78% of chicks with facial piercings also have clitoral studs

tsume24: 90-95% of women who want a clitoris piercing aren't anatomically suited for it, and for an even larger percentage, when they say they want a "clit piercing," they really mean they want a VCH.

also, I doubt you've seen 78-100% of genitals belonging to pierced ladies. so.

poostool: Actually, 100% of clits can be pierced. It's called a vacuum attachment and a few minutes of suction. Most of that 100% enjoy that part too. I would know, I'm a professional piercer.

tsume24: that sounds dangerous. what about when the swelling goes down and the jewelry migrates right out? sorry but your desperate method of making money isn't gonna disprove the woman who's done literally thousands of them over a course of 30+ years (elayne angel).

poostool: I'm sorry, but as I said, this is my profession and I don't need some pup telling me how to do my job. The jewelry doesn't migrate if it's stapled in.

poostool: Actually, NRTs are for noobs. If you have experience, you can free-hand the staples. The nice thing is that you can just give the free-handing pliers a quick wipe with a kleenex rather than having to throw things out like with NRTs.

As I said before, most women enjoy the clit swelling. ;)

tsume24: you really sound like you have absolutely no idea what you're doing. I've never EVER heard of a professional piercer STAPLING jewelry to the most sensitive part of the body (or any other part of the body!). I would never let a pervert with a staple near my genitals. but hey, anything for money right? was there ever a day you took your job seriously? had you ever even heard of Elayne Angel before my mention of her?? (if you're a skilled enough piercer, you probably know her personally.)

tsume24: and I just re-read the part about giving the pliers "a quick wipe with a kleenex." the shop I go to autoclaves every single pair of pliers after every individual use. but you've probably never heard the word "autoclave" until now. I've never heard of sterilizing Kleenex, and I promise I never will. your poor clients ):

08-31-2011, 11:17 PM
photo of tsume24:


08-31-2011, 11:25 PM
i see

08-31-2011, 11:27 PM
fuck facial piercings are nasty on girls...I could not stand to have a conversation with someone who has that shit on their face.

It is funny how I have never seen a girl with a decent job(IMO) that looks like the one you posted....from your conversation with her maybe the looks do match the brain

08-31-2011, 11:29 PM
i concur

09-01-2011, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
fuck facial piercings are nasty on girls...I could not stand to have a conversation with someone who has that shit on their face.

It is funny how I have never seen a girl with a decent job(IMO) that looks like the one you posted....from your conversation with her maybe the looks do match the brain

Facial piercings are to girls as neck tattoos are to guys, fucking retarded. :werd:

09-01-2011, 12:46 AM

09-01-2011, 02:11 AM
I dunno who poostool is but i wouldn't let him/her touch me with a ten foot pole let alone a needle of any kind.

09-01-2011, 08:46 AM

09-01-2011, 09:13 AM

09-01-2011, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1
fuck facial piercings are nasty on girls...I could not stand to have a conversation with someone who has that shit on their face.

Couldn't have said it better myself
Why would you wanna see metal on someones face? Who thinks that shit looks good I'd like to know why

09-01-2011, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Facial piercings are to girls as neck tattoos are to guys, fucking retarded. :werd:

hey man, i resent that! i have a small tattoo on the back of my neck for the last 10 years and a fair size one on the side of my neck of my kids name.

nothing wrong with neck tattoos except everyone thinks im a gangbanger still but as long as they can be covered at the right times, i think theyre fine. i know its just your opinion but its a bad reference that you made there.

09-01-2011, 04:27 PM
I never heard the word 'autoclave' until now either.

09-01-2011, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
I never heard the word 'autoclave' until now either.

Then you've either never been tattooed or pierced or you have where you shouldn't have lol

09-01-2011, 05:37 PM

09-01-2011, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

hey man, i resent that! i have a small tattoo on the back of my neck for the last 10 years and a fair size one on the side of my neck of my kids name.

nothing wrong with neck tattoos except everyone thinks im a gangbanger still but as long as they can be covered at the right times, i think theyre fine. i know its just your opinion but its a bad reference that you made there.

Sorry, you may be a "swell" guy, but people who get neck tattoos are douche canoes 99.9% of the time. There is something seriously wrong with it. I don't appreciate tattoos in general, but I can understand the desire. To get one on your neck though? Might as well get one on your face while you are at it.

09-01-2011, 09:23 PM
ya and while your at it get one on your shin/calf/forearm or anywhere else that can be covered up.

the only douche canoe is you hitempguy, dont be so judgemental. oh and op wtf is this thread:whocares:

you signed up just for this? butt hurt?

09-01-2011, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Sorry, you may be a "swell" guy, but people who get neck tattoos are douche canoes 99.9% of the time. There is something seriously wrong with it. I don't appreciate tattoos in general, but I can understand the desire. To get one on your neck though? Might as well get one on your face while you are at it.

to be fair i used to be a bad/mean guy and by looking at me youd probably see that and steer away from me, but people who know me on the forum know im not like that anymore and anyone who has just met me(on the last cruise) knows im not a douche and doesnt know how i used to be and probably would never have known by the way i act.

just because someone has tattoos everywhere, dresses a certain way or has piercings all over their face doesnt mean shit. dont like it, thats fine, its your perogative, but for the most part, its just like anything else, a stereotype, were not all douches, although if i see you im gonna knock you out......

j/k. :D

09-02-2011, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
just because someone has tattoos everywhere, dresses a certain way or has piercings all over their face doesnt mean shit.
Actually, it does mean shit. The shit it means is that nine out of ten times the person is otherwise uninteresting and probably not worth acknowledgement. :zzz: Just sayin'.

09-02-2011, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip

nothing wrong with neck tattoos except everyone thinks im a gangbanger that's kind of the reason that people think there's something wrong with neck tattoos:dunno:

09-02-2011, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by 95teetee
that's kind of the reason that people think there's something wrong with neck tattoos:dunno:

09-02-2011, 10:22 AM
IIRC Bob at Urban expressions has a TON of tattoos and some on his neck as well. do you guys look at him differently? no, because he doesnt act the way you guys seem to think people with piercings and tattoos SHOULD act because of whats on their bodies.

man, some of you should grow up i honestly cant believe what im reading on here with all the diversity on this forum and you guys are bashing piercing and tattoos in certain places? doesnt make sense. A790 im actually really surprised to see that you agree with this, i figured you for level headed and dont care what people do.

09-02-2011, 10:26 AM

09-02-2011, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
IIRC Bob at Urban expressions has a TON of tattoos and some on his neck as well. do you guys look at him differently? no, because he doesnt act the way you guys seem to think people with piercings and tattoos SHOULD act because of whats on their bodies.

man, some of you should grow up i honestly cant believe what im reading on here with all the diversity on this forum and you guys are bashing piercing and tattoos in certain places? doesnt make sense. A790 im actually really surprised to see that you agree with this, i figured you for level headed and dont care what people do.

Sorry man, but the truth is that everything you put out there about yourself says something about you. Whether or not it's true, it is adding to the overall perception that people have of you, even before you speak or even do anything.

You are making a conscious decision in everything you display - your clothes, your hair, everything. unfortunately for the naive, society has labelled these things as indicators of certain traits - people with punk hairdos are punks, people in ratty clothes are slobs, etc.

In this case, people with neck tattoos are douches. You may not be one, but you'll generally be behind the 8-ball every time you meet someone new.

09-02-2011, 10:35 AM
^^^i could care less about that, this is a society of tattoos and most people are open to it these days anyways, what is wierd is that some people in the Beyond age group still look at it this way. i can understand older people but 18-40 for the most part should be past it already.

09-02-2011, 10:38 AM
i have two friends with sleeves, about 20% of the girls i have been with have a tattoo... as in one... none visible with clothes on.

i would say its still an alt life style choice

09-02-2011, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
^^^i could care less about that, this is a society of tattoos and most people are open to it these days anyways, what is wierd is that some people in the Beyond age group still look at it this way. i can understand older people but 18-40 for the most part should be past it already.

Past what? Past using visual indicators on a person to draw assumptions from them? Hate to break it to you, but that's never going to go away.

That's just how we categorize people. We can't help but notice these things. I think that guys with diamond stud earrings are suspect, and I can't help it. Doesn't mean I'm not going to be able to get to know that person and look past it, but until I have something else to go on, all I see is what that person puts out. In your case, it's the tattoo.

09-02-2011, 10:45 AM
soooo does anyones gf have a clit stud?

09-03-2011, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
you signed up just for this? butt hurt? yah butt hurt.

DJ Lazy
09-03-2011, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
^^^i could care less about that, this is a society of tattoos and most people are open to it these days anyways, what is wierd is that some people in the Beyond age group still look at it this way. i can understand older people but 18-40 for the most part should be past it already.

Im on your side man, and I don't have any body modifications. To make a judgement of someone based on something as trivial as a piercing or tattoo is pathetic.

09-03-2011, 08:22 PM
It'll be interesting when the tattoo phase wears off. Yes IMHO it's a social phase the twenty somethings, and mentally twenty somethings have been sold. But, to each their own.

09-04-2011, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by HyperZell

Sorry man, but the truth is that everything you put out there about yourself says something about you. Whether or not it's true, it is adding to the overall perception that people have of you, even before you speak or even do anything.

You are making a conscious decision in everything you display - your clothes, your hair, everything. unfortunately for the naive, society has labelled these things as indicators of certain traits - people with punk hairdos are punks, people in ratty clothes are slobs, etc.

In this case, people with neck tattoos are douches. You may not be one, but you'll generally be behind the 8-ball every time you meet someone new.

This seems to come up every now and again...

I am a rather large (albeit getting smaller! Down to 250lbs as of today!) heavily tattoo'd guy. I have tattoos in very visible places, as well as non-visible places. Both hands, all knuckles, both sides of the neck, forearms, upper arms, back, legs etc. I have always held a job working in sales with the general public. I have also always dealt directly with the big boys (presidents, vice presidents, CEO's etc) of many major companies and corporations related to my business (tires and wheels for those unaware), and am pleased to call many of them friends over the many years of dealing together. I also have many customers who are those same types of people who run banks, newspapers, celebrities, as well as little old blue haired ladies, religious folks, fobby immigrants, and everyone else in the middle.

Everywhere I have gone there has always been a few closed minded individuals who feel the need to tell me I will never have a "real job" or some other B.S., but it has never been an issue. As a matter of fact, all my tattoo's have helped me with selling both myself and my goods. When you have visible tattoo's, and as many as I have, you can quickly gauge a person by their reaction. Once I know whether or not they are uptight, or laid back, or interested but unsure, or what-have-you, I can quickly assess how to deal with them, put them at ease, and get to the business of helping them out with what they need. They quickly learn that I am no different than anyone else other than my personal preference in artistic expression.

In regards to having tattoo's in business, I have always subscribed to the notion that if I am making someone money, or saving them money, and doing the best job possible, tattoo's are the last thing people will be worried about!

I am 41 years old and have been getting tattoos since I was 16 and I am not going to grow out of them. I figure when I am old and need my ass wiped by a nurse, at least I will be interesting.

Some people may judge you by how you look, but those people are either ill informed or don't matter much in my life. I give a lot more credit to those that judge people after speaking with them and learning about them...

09-04-2011, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by tirebob

This seems to come up every now and again...

I am a rather large (albeit getting smaller! Down to 250lbs as of today!) heavily tattoo'd guy. I have tattoos in very visible places, as well as non-visible places. Both hands, all knuckles, both sides of the neck, forearms, upper arms, back, legs etc. I have always held a job working in sales with the general public. I have also always dealt directly with the big boys (presidents, vice presidents, CEO's etc) of many major companies and corporations related to my business (tires and wheels for those unaware), and am pleased to call many of them friends over the many years of dealing together. I also have many customers who are those same types of people who run banks, newspapers, celebrities, as well as little old blue haired ladies, religious folks, fobby immigrants, and everyone else in the middle.

Everywhere I have gone there has always been a few closed minded individuals who feel the need to tell me I will never have a "real job" or some other B.S., but it has never been an issue. As a matter of fact, all my tattoo's have helped me with selling both myself and my goods. When you have visible tattoo's, and as many as I have, you can quickly gauge a person by their reaction. Once I know whether or not they are uptight, or laid back, or interested but unsure, or what-have-you, I can quickly assess how to deal with them, put them at ease, and get to the business of helping them out with what they need. They quickly learn that I am no different than anyone else other than my personal preference in artistic expression.

In regards to having tattoo's in business, I have always subscribed to the notion that if I am making someone money, or saving them money, and doing the best job possible, tattoo's are the last thing people will be worried about!

I am 41 years old and have been getting tattoos since I was 16 and I am not going to grow out of them. I figure when I am old and need my ass wiped by a nurse, at least I will be interesting.

Some people may judge you by how you look, but those people are either ill informed or don't matter much in my life. I give a lot more credit to those that judge people after speaking with them and learning about them...

This might be true but do you think any one of those CEO's you claim to deal with would ever consider hiring you for a semi-important job? Not a chance being tatted up.

In your line of work it may be perfectly fine and people probably don't judge you at all for it but honestly try going to an office building downtown and having someone take you seriously for a job...it will not happen. I think tattoo's are awesome so I am not some uptight guy at all but it comes down to the fact that people judge on appearances and people do not like that shit showing in professional settings. :dunno:

You can argue all you want but I have never once been in a meeting where any person has had a visible tattoo whether neck, hands or forearms.

09-04-2011, 08:34 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1

This might be true but do you think any one of those CEO's you claim to deal with would ever consider hiring you for a semi-important job? Not a chance being tatted up.

You can argue all you want but I have never once been in a meeting where any person has had a visible tattoo whether neck, hands or forearms.

It happens all the time, especially in an industry where you have field crews. Many ex-operators, lineman, construction guys etc end up in the office and do quit well.

Now if you have 'FUCK BITCHES' aross your forehead you may have problems but sleeve seem pretty common now adays.

When i got my sleeve this hot mlf next to me was getting full sleeves. I was still in college and was shocked she would get sleeves as she was a senior exec at shell (i think this was a while ago). She said she did a good job and that was all that matters. Ater working for a while that is the same thing i have experienced.

Granted it depends on your position and industry. I doubt many accountants are tatted up. What industry are you in? I thought you were still in university?

09-04-2011, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by rumeo
soooo does anyones gf have a clit stud?

Obviously my gf doesn't but one of her friends does. It's freaking stupid, remember when people used to say it desensitizes the clit? Well apparently it's true, for that reason alone I don't know why anyone would be so stupid as to get this done. Thats like piercing the tip of your dick, why would you ever want to do anything that kills nerve endings down there :confused: :confused:

09-04-2011, 09:55 AM
Ya I'm pretty type_s1 is around 19 years old. He's been in lots of meeting with execs though. So :dunno:

09-04-2011, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1

This might be true but do you think any one of those CEO's you claim to deal with would ever consider hiring you for a semi-important job? Not a chance being tatted up.

In your line of work it may be perfectly fine and people probably don't judge you at all for it but honestly try going to an office building downtown and having someone take you seriously for a job...it will not happen. I think tattoo's are awesome so I am not some uptight guy at all but it comes down to the fact that people judge on appearances and people do not like that shit showing in professional settings. :dunno:

You can argue all you want but I have never once been in a meeting where any person has had a visible tattoo whether neck, hands or forearms.

Actually, I have been offered career changes jobs by these people I "claim to deal with" that would very much surprise you, but I am not into the corporate chain of command, hence the reason I chose to go into business for myself.

Not saying any and every CEO and old school corporate mucky muck would hire a guy like me, but the ones that can't get past it are not the progressive type companies I would ever consider working for anyways. The more progressive type companies might surprise you with what is acceptable. It comes down to the person... If you can sit and talk with somebody and convince them of the type of person you are and what your capabilities are, if you are much better at getting the required job done than the next guy is, more often than not you will get it, and if you can't, you probably don't deserve it. I am not scared to have to prove myself with people who may prejudge me based on how I look, and in the end it often demonstrates a greater strength and asset to people and companies other than just fitting a mold. I would rather stand out and lead than conform and follow, even if that means some doors are closed. I just choose mine differently...

09-04-2011, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by tirebob

This seems to come up every now and again...

I am a rather large (albeit getting smaller! Down to 250lbs as of today!) heavily tattoo'd guy. I have tattoos in very visible places, as well as non-visible places. Both hands, all knuckles, both sides of the neck, forearms, upper arms, back, legs etc. I have always held a job working in sales with the general public. I have also always dealt directly with the big boys (presidents, vice presidents, CEO's etc) of many major companies and corporations related to my business (tires and wheels for those unaware), and am pleased to call many of them friends over the many years of dealing together. I also have many customers who are those same types of people who run banks, newspapers, celebrities, as well as little old blue haired ladies, religious folks, fobby immigrants, and everyone else in the middle.

Everywhere I have gone there has always been a few closed minded individuals who feel the need to tell me I will never have a "real job" or some other B.S., but it has never been an issue. As a matter of fact, all my tattoo's have helped me with selling both myself and my goods. When you have visible tattoo's, and as many as I have, you can quickly gauge a person by their reaction. Once I know whether or not they are uptight, or laid back, or interested but unsure, or what-have-you, I can quickly assess how to deal with them, put them at ease, and get to the business of helping them out with what they need. They quickly learn that I am no different than anyone else other than my personal preference in artistic expression.

In regards to having tattoo's in business, I have always subscribed to the notion that if I am making someone money, or saving them money, and doing the best job possible, tattoo's are the last thing people will be worried about!

I am 41 years old and have been getting tattoos since I was 16 and I am not going to grow out of them. I figure when I am old and need my ass wiped by a nurse, at least I will be interesting.

Some people may judge you by how you look, but those people are either ill informed or don't matter much in my life. I give a lot more credit to those that judge people after speaking with them and learning about them...

I know what you mean tirebob, but I want to make sure my comments are taken the right way.

Every single thing about a person - looks, attitude, clothes, possessions, relations - tells a small story about who they are. They all represent something about that person, to varying degrees. Tattoos are no different. They say something about you. Whether or not that's affiliations, artistic expression, or whatever, it's important to understand what that thing represents in society. You'd be foolish to get a punker rainbow haircut and then get frustrated that people think you're a punk. While everything else about you might say conservative anglo-saxon oil man, that one piece is saying something else.

So sure, display your tattoos proudly, but just note that they are a visible sign that you are sending people, who will then interpret them as they will. You have no say in whether or not it's positive or negative, despite how good a guy you are (or aren't).

09-04-2011, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by tirebob

Actually, I have been offered career changes jobs by these people I "claim to deal with" that would very much surprise you, but I am not into the corporate chain of command, hence the reason I chose to go into business for myself.

Not saying any and every CEO and old school corporate mucky muck would hire a guy like me, but the ones that can't get past it are not the progressive type companies I would ever consider working for anyways. The more progressive type companies might surprise you with what is acceptable. It comes down to the person... If you can sit and talk with somebody and convince them of the type of person you are and what your capabilities are, if you are much better at getting the required job done than the next guy is, more often than not you will get it, and if you can't, you probably don't deserve it. I am not scared to have to prove myself with people who may prejudge me based on how I look, and in the end it often demonstrates a greater strength and asset to people and companies other than just fitting a mold. I would rather stand out and lead than conform and follow, even if that means some doors are closed. I just choose mine differently...


09-04-2011, 05:57 PM
It really is a tough debate. Yes you can say people are a lot more open minded these days and visible tats are less of an issue and people just need to loosen up. But like you said yourself cos something like an untucked shirt at work comes across as tacky and unprofessional. Same with visible tats at work, to a lot of people that comes across as tacky.

And remember the close minded older generation are still the ones running shit around here, especially in o/g. Sometimes you have to make the tough decision of picking between what you want and how you want others to see you. If you stay untagged you can rest assured you will never be held back by some close minded individual.

09-04-2011, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell

I know what you mean tirebob, but I want to make sure my comments are taken the right way.

Every single thing about a person - looks, attitude, clothes, possessions, relations - tells a small story about who they are. They all represent something about that person, to varying degrees. Tattoos are no different. They say something about you. Whether or not that's affiliations, artistic expression, or whatever, it's important to understand what that thing represents in society. You'd be foolish to get a punker rainbow haircut and then get frustrated that people think you're a punk. While everything else about you might say conservative anglo-saxon oil man, that one piece is saying something else.

So sure, display your tattoos proudly, but just note that they are a visible sign that you are sending people, who will then interpret them as they will. You have no say in whether or not it's positive or negative, despite how good a guy you are (or aren't).

I agree that people will make initial judgements based on appearance, but my point is that those prejudgements can be overcome with a little bit of patience and conversation. You are absolutely right though that people will always make assumptions in regards to appearances... I just hope that more of us try and change ourselves so that we can see past the judgements and get to know the person.

09-04-2011, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by tirebob

I agree that people will make initial judgements based on appearance, but my point is that those prejudgements can be overcome with a little bit of patience and conversation. You are absolutely right though that people will always make assumptions in regards to appearances... I just hope that more of us try and change ourselves so that we can see past the judgements and get to know the person.


09-05-2011, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by Cos

It happens all the time, especially in an industry where you have field crews. Many ex-operators, lineman, construction guys etc end up in the office and do quit well.

Now if you have 'FUCK BITCHES' aross your forehead you may have problems but sleeve seem pretty common now adays.

When i got my sleeve this hot mlf next to me was getting full sleeves. I was still in college and was shocked she would get sleeves as she was a senior exec at shell (i think this was a while ago). She said she did a good job and that was all that matters. Ater working for a while that is the same thing i have experienced.

Granted it depends on your position and industry. I doubt many accountants are tatted up. What industry are you in? I thought you were still in university?

I work downtown in O&G...I have weekly meetings with top managers and VP's at the company and deal back and forth with other companies as well, and I can tell you I have only ever seen one single person with a visible tattoo(forearm).

People seem to be getting upset for telling the truth, once you get a tattoo and people see it, you get judged a certain way and people will act a certain way towards you. Sucks in life but appearances matter if you didn't know. This is coming from someone who is all for tattoo's but you have to face the fact that if your a young guy with visible tattoo's you are going to have trouble being taken seriously no matter how "well you do your job". When you are older and established in your career and have proven yourself time and time again I am pretty no one will give two shits...but when you are younger and trying to branch into a new industry or start a new career it is a lot different.

What are your guy's take on facial piercings or "stretched" ears? I think that is 1000 times worse then a visible tattoo and can say I have never seen someone in any profession downtown I have dealt with have them.

09-05-2011, 10:34 AM
Type_s1 actually does make some great points. The problem is this:

Originally posted by tirebob

I agree that people will make initial judgements based on appearance, but my point is that those prejudgements can be overcome with a little bit of patience and conversation. You are absolutely right though that people will always make assumptions in regards to appearances... I just hope that more of us try and change ourselves so that we can see past the judgements and get to know the person.

Is an ideal situation that rarely occurs. The problem is, especially in the o/g industry, people don't have time to get to know you. My supervisor is at work about 10 hours a day and 8/10 are spent in meetings, you book a coffee with him and it's to talk business.

In an ideal world everyone would get a fair chance to show who they really are. But this isn't an ideal world and a lot of how people view you as a person is reflected by your outward appearance and how you choose to present yourself to those around you.

09-05-2011, 10:58 AM
I think grammar says a lot more about a person than tattoos.

09-05-2011, 11:20 AM
Corporations are all about image. You need to dress, act, talk a certain way in order to fit into the company. Of course there are exceptions, but that applies to a select few and probably not you.

09-05-2011, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by J-hop
Type_s1 actually does make some great points. The problem is this:

Is an ideal situation that rarely occurs. The problem is, especially in the o/g industry, people don't have time to get to know you. My supervisor is at work about 10 hours a day and 8/10 are spent in meetings, you book a coffee with him and it's to talk business.

In an ideal world everyone would get a fair chance to show who they really are. But this isn't an ideal world and a lot of how people view you as a person is reflected by your outward appearance and how you choose to present yourself to those around you.

I could not agree more with you here. It's all about first impressions because no one gives a shit about your personality or how good you will be at your job. They have no interest in actually getting to know you...they judge you on the way you look and the initial conversation and then if you can't do the job your out the door.

This isn't fair but it is business. They want a clean cut guy or well dressed woman who will fit in with the "culture" and has the qualifications. Most companies culture does not involve tattoo's and piercings but their are exceptions. :dunno:

09-05-2011, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by HyperZell


Also agreed, but as further noted, MOST people do not act like that. It is great that for tirebob is has worked out, but in the end, YOU run your own business, YOU are the boss. Have you been offered positions wherever? Sure. And that is great. But other posts right above mine explain my position on such things perfectly well. I have a ton of friends with tons of tattoos, to each their own. But none are in business besides service jobs or O/G.