View Full Version : Canadian Tire Batteries/Warranty suck dirty balls.

09-09-2011, 01:56 PM
Like anyone is surprised lol

Eliminator battery, 1 year old on 3 year "warranty". Drains fast on a hard start, or 2-3 starts. Even after charging overnight at 2 amps, or 2-3 hours on 40 amps etc.

Take it in, they test it, say it's good.

Take the battery to autovalue, they test it, it's JUNK, put new battery in, cars runs and starts and acts as it should.

Fuck you Crappy Tire. :poosie:

09-09-2011, 01:59 PM
werd i've used two fucking elimnators both were within warranty.. the latest is dying again too... alt is putting out 100% and no audio stuff too. Heard the walmart eveready's were good and they have 3 yr warranty without receipt

09-09-2011, 02:08 PM

09-09-2011, 02:25 PM
Do you guys know of where to pickup something more lightweight? For an S2000 specifically. Or is the cost/benefit for the weight saved not worth it? Does a lighter one mean less cranking power? I don't know much about batteries.

09-09-2011, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by dimi
Do you guys know of where to pickup something more lightweight? For an S2000 specifically. Or is the cost/benefit for the weight saved not worth it? Does a lighter one mean less cranking power? I don't know much about batteries.


6 something lbs, or I may be off...

09-09-2011, 02:37 PM
I JUST bought one from Canadian Tire. Fack..

09-09-2011, 02:57 PM
My Eliminator has lasted 8 years, and now its dying (crappy starting in the winter). It came with a 10 year warranty thinger, so i bet they give me likje $7 off a new battery. lol

09-09-2011, 02:57 PM
Leave you interior light on all night and bring it into another location:dunno:

09-09-2011, 03:10 PM
Sulfate deposits on the led plates tend to give these symptoms, also low water/acid leves.

The problem with C-Tire is that they sometimes use those handheld battery testers that run a pulse through the battery to determine the condition of it, and low and behold the most common battery failures such as sulfate build up and low fluid are not detected by these testers.

The most reliable test for a batteries state of wellness is a carbon pile, half the CCA for 30 secs, if it drops down below 10v then its kaput, this done after a full charge.

2 amp overnight charging is supposed to knock all the sulfur off the plates, but it still ends up at the bottom of the battery, so it will find it way back to where it wants to be.

there is a 10amp pulse charge method that is supposed to remove the sulphur from the plates and also convert it into gas.

Some times its better to run a pulse charge or a 2amp over night, and then drain the battery and put in new distilled water, this will in time lower the CCAs of the battery due to less lead in the plates but will prolong its life.
This is old school battery maintenance though, and if you do try this be very careful removing the acid from a fully charged battery as it very corrosive.

Was this post neccesary? nope, but I sure hope you learned something LOL

09-09-2011, 03:22 PM
I think I've had eliminator batteries in all my cars over the years except my current one, if that's what the "higher end" CT batteries are called. Not a single issue, no dead batteries, and with synthetic oil, it cranks my motor over in -35 as easily as it does when its +30 (no noticeable difference). Been very pleased so far.

09-09-2011, 06:22 PM
I also have had 3 or 4 eliminator batteries over the years, with the oldest one being about 6 years old, never had a bad one, but none of them were bought in the last 4 years. Maybe they have gone to shit recently?
I have been hard on those batteries too, one of them froze, and others have been run flat a couple times.

09-09-2011, 06:37 PM
Crappy Tire RULES!! So there Toma. I would never get my car worked on there though:devil:

09-10-2011, 08:57 AM
Take it to the Canadian Tire in Hunterhorn. They use the "big bitch" battery tester that would definitely find a sulfated battery.

Tests takes "around an hour" according to the monkey behind the counter.

I managed to sulfate the biggest deep cycle battery they sell (group 31, around 100 lbs) and while I can't say the experience was a pleasure, they were pretty easy to deal with at that location.

09-10-2011, 10:29 AM
I've never liked Crappy tire Eliminators. Every time I've bought one, the battery terminals corroded like a mutherfucker.

09-16-2011, 01:19 AM
I don't care that the battery was bad, I am sure it was just a fluke. It's their refusal to LISTEN to symptoms and realize a real load test was in order, and not their useless automatic gimmick tester.

09-16-2011, 06:17 AM
Toma, that's weird, like I said, the guys at Hunterhorn did a load test for me without hassle, and it seemed like the did one on every battery that came back.

09-17-2011, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Toma, that's weird, like I said, the guys at Hunterhorn did a load test for me without hassle, and it seemed like the did one on every battery that came back.
Yeah, I was in a hurry getting the car ready for the track, so I didnt have time to run around the city.

I have an account at AutoValue now, no quetions, if I say it's fucked, they treat me like I have a clue lol. 5 minute exchages :thumbsup:

09-17-2011, 10:59 AM
Ive always used autovalue for parts, great service, no dicking around. On another note, I had a toyota battery fail on me this week. I had no idea it even had warranty left on it. The gents at Charlesglen toyota advised me that my battery was 6 months out of the warranty, regardless, they went out of their way to pro-rate the term for me and they hooked me up with a new battery for $40.

09-17-2011, 01:26 PM
I got mine from Costco for my mx5 in April. Awesome battery. :poosie: