View Full Version : So are you still being "distracted"?

09-20-2011, 11:38 AM
It's been 3 weeks since the new joke of legislation came into effect. Have your driving habits changed?

09-20-2011, 11:41 AM
Fuck, wrong area... mods can you please move the thread?

09-20-2011, 11:42 AM
Sneakily using my iPod.

09-20-2011, 11:42 AM
My driving habits haven't changed even the slightest bit, I just am WAY more attentive to looking out for cops, which ends up being more distracting than talking on a phone. So, in my case, I am MORE distracted than I ever have been while driving, because if a cop even sees me change gears, I might get a ticket. I take my eyes off the road a lot more because I'm looking all around me.

I'll never stop using my iPod, because hitting "next" on my iPod is far less distracting than browsing radio stations, which is somehow still legal.

I also still text at red lights if I have a quick 1 or 2 word text to send, it's now precluded by a quick check of the surrounding stopped cars to see if any are cops.

09-20-2011, 11:43 AM
I think im more distracted cause now I hold my phone down really low by my leg when changing songs.

I think its going to cause even more accidents.

09-20-2011, 11:44 AM
haha I actually text while driving now, something I never used to do, and I have a bluetooth deck installed too!!!

:poosie: :poosie:


09-20-2011, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Tarrantula
I think im more distracted cause now I hold my phone down really low by my leg when changing songs.

I think its going to cause even more accidents.

Agreed, to add to this, I use my iPhone on speaker, and am constantly fumbling with it. I put it on my leg because that seems to be the place I get the best sound. If I could hold it up to my ear this would be a non-issue, and I would be far less distracted.

09-20-2011, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

Agreed, to add to this, I use my iPhone on speaker, and am constantly fumbling with it. I put it on my leg because that seems to be the place I get the best sound. If I could hold it up to my ear this would be a non-issue, and I would be far less distracted.

lol....get a headset :rofl:

09-20-2011, 11:55 AM
that iphone doesn't have blue tooth? :devil:

09-20-2011, 11:58 AM
This law changed everything, I don't take my hands off the wheel for anything any more, not even to change gears :nut:

09-20-2011, 12:01 PM
Me neither, paddle shifters for the win!

09-20-2011, 12:02 PM
I stopped texting and driving for the most part. Probably 98% of my driving I don't text. Got a cheap car mount for my phone.

10 and 2? hahahaha.

I just will be really upset if its late at night and I get a text, phone lights up like the phial of galadril, then a cop pulls me over because im suspected of texting. I'm kind of expecting that to happen.


09-20-2011, 12:12 PM
the only difference is I now drive with phone on speakerphone. I probably talk more when driving now in efforts to reduce text.

I can get my phone to read out texts to me though and I can speech to text. Its right about 80% of the time.

09-20-2011, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1

lol....get a headset :rofl:

I was going to, but I see the good ones are about the same price as a ticket :dunno: I also hardly drive at all (~4000km/year).

I think I'll just continue going about my ways, it costs me nothing, and as long as I'm using speakerphone I won't get a ticket. I am without question more distracted now, though.

09-20-2011, 12:25 PM
Not changing a thing.

09-20-2011, 12:25 PM
If a single ticket's worth the cost of a headset and you'll avoid all future tickets and be less distracted by balancing the phone on your shoulder... :banghead:

09-20-2011, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by colsankey
If a single ticket's worth the cost of a headset and you'll avoid all future tickets and be less distracted by balancing the phone on your shoulder... :banghead:
Or you can take this for only $225.00. 40 Hours of ELA instruction included in this price.


09-20-2011, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige

Or you can take this for only $225.00. 40 Hours of ELA instruction included in this price.


I should have used the quotes, as your post was ninja'ed in before my reply to Mitsu. But since you got offended, I'll assume my writing was clear enough not to get butt hurt over your comment.

09-20-2011, 12:42 PM
im still giving my passengers road head

09-20-2011, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by colsankey

I should have used the quotes, as your post was ninja'ed in before my reply to Mitsu. But since you got offended, I'll assume my writing was clear enough not to get butt hurt over your comment.

09-20-2011, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Toilet_D
im still giving my passengers road head
On a GSXR600, that's some mad skillz!!

Option 3 for me, and agreed with Tarrantula as now my eyes are totally off the road when reading/replying texts where as before you would bring it up to your eye level and text.

09-20-2011, 01:18 PM
I usually just dont touch my phone when I'm driving. I never have important enough conversations to bother when I'm driving. That and juggling a phone and gear shift is a pain in the ass in the city.

09-20-2011, 01:22 PM
I used to text/MSN at red lights. Now I've moved my iPhone to the glovebox so I'm forcing myself not to text anymore while on the road. I have BT, so I'm on the phone ALL the time now instead which is kinda crazy.

09-20-2011, 01:45 PM
lol, can i change my answer from nope, to fuck no.

09-20-2011, 02:37 PM
I got a warning last week :rofl:

I was checking beyond, while sitting for 45min on 52st while fukkin cp was shunting.... truck in park, shut off... geeking... not like i'd moved in 20 or would for another 30...

I think dayglo just wanted to.meet me :rofl: (no I don't think it was him)

Heard a rumor cps isn't really enforcing - unless your being outright stupid; but don't let the sherrifs or rcmp catch sight of you...

09-20-2011, 02:46 PM
what if you got out of the car and then surfed?

what did he say "i expect you to watch these trains and shit for 45 minutes"

09-20-2011, 03:11 PM
still use my ipod, i just put it on genius lists or albums now :dunno:

09-20-2011, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by finboy
still use my ipod, i just put it on genius lists or albums now :dunno:
Same, I can still watch the road while choosing the next song so the popo have no idea! :rofl:
No warnings yet though for driving while manual :(

09-20-2011, 03:34 PM
I picked up an FM transmitter with a remote control so I don't have to unlock and switch songs on the phone. Just click the stick and off you go.

I do, however, still see many people daily who are just yacking away without any regard for the law. I was near a lady in traffic today who was easily on the phone for 10 minutes without a care in the world.

09-20-2011, 03:43 PM
Had to honk at a woman who was staring at nothing, stopped at a green light. It's mind fucking that she probably wouldn't get charged for anything.

09-20-2011, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
Had to honk at a woman who was staring at nothing, stopped at a green light. It's mind fucking that she probably wouldn't get charged for anything.

unfortunately i don't think they will ever enact a "stupid driver" law :(

09-20-2011, 03:49 PM
I picked up my phone less but when I have to, instead of bringing the device to eye level, I glance down instead.

Much more dangerous.

Can't wait for next gen MMI/iDrive to read e-mail for me.

09-20-2011, 03:58 PM
I've definitely cut down on the texting - agree with some of the others that now when I take a quick phone call, I pop my iPhone onto speaker and plop it onto my lap which is almost more distracting then using it normally :rofl:

I have a BT headset but it seems so inconvenient to me. I rarely take phone calls, and I leave my BT off on my iPhone to conserve battery. If I want to use my BT headset, I have to keep it on all the time, turn on BT on my iPhone and leave it on in case I get a call. It'd be a lot better if I could charge my BT headset in the car.

09-20-2011, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I picked up my phone less but when I have to, instead of bringing the device to eye level, I glance down instead.

Much more dangerous.

Yup, same. Still read/respond to texts at red lights.

09-20-2011, 04:22 PM
My habits have changed quite a bit. I use bluetooth when in the car. If someone txts me, i can see who it is, then voice-dial that person.

I have been checking FB updates when driving out to strathmore at 3am. not even cops are on the road at that time. lol

09-20-2011, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by finboy

unfortunately i don't think they will ever enact a "stupid driver" law :(

It would be more useful than this current law.

EDIT: It would make the roads a better place than this current law.

09-20-2011, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Freeskier
I usually just dont touch my phone when I'm driving. I never have important enough conversations to bother when I'm driving. That and juggling a phone and gear shift is a pain in the ass in the city.

Same. The only thing I'll have to get used to is eating while on road trips, otherwise this law has had zero impact on me.

09-20-2011, 04:45 PM
I'm actually being pretty good about it, I don't check my phone anymore, I can't stomach one of those tickets, I just don't see the justification for the price.

Oh well.

Scat E46
09-20-2011, 05:07 PM
Still riding the bike. I have stopped taking my phone out during red lights tho, however.

09-20-2011, 06:11 PM
I lasted about a week, I pulled over for a second to talk on my phone but then I saw one of those fucking park plus camera mobiles coming up in my mirror and scrambled to get back into traffic... I'm back to my regular habits now.

09-20-2011, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Toilet_D
[BI'mm still giving my passengers road head [/B]

:rofl: You never give up! :nut:

No option for people without a cell phone...? :dunno:

I still change change the radio stations on my touch screen because the voice control never understands what I say! :devil: :nut:

09-21-2011, 09:30 AM
I heard that a woman was texting while at a red light got a ticket in the mail from a camera there. Can that happen? If so, WTF?!

09-21-2011, 09:59 AM
Why does everyone keep saying using your iPod is illegal? It's not. I thought this point was resolved in the previous distracted driving thread... It's not illegal to skip tracks but it's illegal to be making/manipulating playlists, etc... It even spells it out on the government page.

Back on topic.. I do find that I am more sneaky, and that using my handsfree, my phone does not always cooperate with voice dialing. Many times, it either gets the number wrong, or, in the case with my fucking Nokia E71, which should be quite advanced, I cannot even dial a number anymore with voice like I could with my much older LG Fast Tap (i.e. with my Fast Tap, I could say "Call 4-0-3-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 and it would dial it, while with this, I can ONLY call up phone numbers stored in the phone book - but someone correct me if I am wrong).

Also, because my old phone could store personal voice tags while this one does not and uses it's own voice tags, I find it's getting the name completely wrong sometimes, which pisses me off and makes me angry and possibly lead to road rage ahahaha.

Anyway I do find it more distracting in that regard, and somehow I don't see how talking over a handsfree unit makes it any more safer. Although I suppose at least now I have a free hand to signal and/or shift gears..

So yeah, it should've just been an outright BAN on cell phones altogether, etc... instead of this shitty measure.

09-21-2011, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by clem24
Why does everyone keep saying using your iPod is illegal? It's not. I thought this point was resolved in the previous distracted driving thread... It's not illegal to skip tracks but it's illegal to be making/manipulating playlists, etc... It even spells it out on the government page.
From the government page (http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/DistractedDriving.htm): What activities are not allowed while driving? - "using electronic devices like laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players (e.g., mp3 players)" I would suspect an iPod would fall into this category.

Personally, I can say that using my cellphone in a regular fashion did distract me from driving no less then fiddling around with a mobile GPS unit. Best thing to do is to train one's self to just leave the cell phone/music player/GPS alone while driving - we drove without these devices in the past and should be able to now, no? If not, then get a proper bluetooth handsfree capable phone that can do proper voice recognition and set that GPS set up before hand - really, this is not a big deal.

09-21-2011, 10:32 AM
Everyone needs blackberries. Voice notes! (or can iphone do that too?)

09-21-2011, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by clem24
it should've just been an outright BAN on cell phones altogether, etc... instead of this shitty measure.


It is the conversation that takes your attention away from the road, not the fact that you have one hand holding something...

Don't believe me? Try completing a driving course while answering questions someone is asking you on a cellphone via bluetooth, AND get the question right in a timely manner. Its not easy.

09-21-2011, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by speedog
From the government page (http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/DistractedDriving.htm): What activities are not allowed while driving? - "using electronic devices like laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players (e.g., mp3 players)" I would suspect an iPod would fall into this category.

Right. You even quoted it yourself: it specifically says PROGRAMMING MP3 players. That refers to creating and editing playlists (which I believe is clarified on one of the AB GOV webpages. Pushing forward skip IS allowed. To further my point, it says you MAY be charged if you just held your cell phone or device in your hand while driving, even if you're not using it. But... it does say you can use your cell phone in hands free mode with either voice commands or "A SINGLE TOUCH TO THE DEVICE".

This would say to me, if your device was attached to something (like a vent mount or similar) or sitting in your cup holder, you CAN press a button on it. You just can't hold it while doing so.


09-21-2011, 11:24 AM
True enough, clem24, but the use of such a device for other than "listening" to it would probably be up to a police officer's and/or judge's discretion.

My problem with this law is that many vehicle's now come with built-in touch screens that control the manufacturer's built-in music player, built-in GPS, HVAC controls, etc which can just as easily distract a driver and I would like to know how a police officer would be able to determine what a driver might have been doing on an in-car touch screen - quite arguable a court I would suspect. More laughable is that the government's information says that this law was not intended to target activities such as blowing one's nose while driving - for me, this is a two hand affair that would certainly take away from my ability to drive my car.

09-21-2011, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by -relk-


It is the conversation that takes your attention away from the road, not the fact that you have one hand holding something...

Don't believe me? Try completing a driving course while answering questions someone is asking you on a cellphone via bluetooth, AND get the question right in a timely manner. Its not easy.

might as well ban passengers too

09-21-2011, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
might as well ban passengers too That would be worthwhile sometimes.

09-21-2011, 01:22 PM
Took a sip out of a bottle of water the other day. Some CPS genius cut off a school bus to pull me over almost causing a massive accident. I asked him why he was paying attention to me instead of watching the road. He didn't appreciate the irony, strangely enough he only gave me a warning. :dunno:

09-21-2011, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by clem24

Right. You even quoted it yourself: it specifically says PROGRAMMING MP3 players. That refers to creating and editing playlists (which I believe is clarified on one of the AB GOV webpages. Pushing forward skip IS allowed. To further my point, it says you MAY be charged if you just held your cell phone or device in your hand while driving, even if you're not using it. But... it does say you can use your cell phone in hands free mode with either voice commands or "A SINGLE TOUCH TO THE DEVICE".

This would say to me, if your device was attached to something (like a vent mount or similar) or sitting in your cup holder, you CAN press a button on it. You just can't hold it while doing so.


I agree with your interpretation, however I think the larger issue is more that the officer will never know if you were sending a text or changing the song on your iPhone, and will probably give you the ticket regardless. Unless the person is caught holding phone to ear, everyone will just say they were changing songs, turning on speaker phone, etc. Also, if you're allowed to change songs on your iPhone, but holding the device can get you a ticket - that seems contradictory.

Best of all it's left up to the discretion of the officer, so when it's time to meet the quota, song changing will all of a sudden look like texting, I suspect.

Anyways, I don't disagree with you, I just think there are far too many "what ifs" and officer discretion is a pile of garbage.

09-21-2011, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
Took a sip out of a bottle of water the other day. Some CPS genius cut off a school bus to pull me over almost causing a massive accident. I asked him why he was paying attention to me instead of watching the road. He didn't appreciate the irony, strangely enough he only gave me a warning. :dunno:

Why would he even pull you over? The law explicitly states you're allowed to drink beverages such as water.

This is why I hate the officer discretion part. So many people are going to get tickets for nothing.

My favorite is still the distracted driving ticket given out to that Beyond member with tint, because it was possible he was texting, even though his phone wasn't even in the car, just because the officer couldn't see through the tint.

09-21-2011, 03:48 PM
Yes it is up to the officers' discretion but if that's the case (like with Ryan) then really, who cares what the rule book says. But what I am saying is, you might not be able to get out of a ticket on the spot, but you do have something to tell the JP and point out the law as it's written and interpreted by the government. Also, you do have phone records to possibly back up your claim.

But I do agree.. People will get stopped for bullshit reasons.

Redlyne were you driving the mister..

10-01-2011, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by HyperZell
I heard that a woman was texting while at a red light got a ticket in the mail from a camera there. Can that happen? If so, WTF?!

The cameras/sensors mounted above the traffic lights do not take pictures and are not used for ticketing. The regular red light/speed on green cameras only take a picture of the vehicle from the rear and are activated when a vehicle runs a red or exceeds the posted speed by a predetermined amount.

Your source lied to you.

10-02-2011, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah


The cameras/sensors mounted above the traffic lights do not take pictures and are not used for ticketing. The regular red light/speed on green cameras only take a picture of the vehicle from the rear and are activated when a vehicle runs a red or exceeds the posted speed by a predetermined amount.

Your source lied to you.
I've never had a multinova/camera ticket. Is the driver visible in the picture? I'll bet that if they can see the driver holding a phone they will issue the distracted ticket along with the speed/redlight ticket.
I got distracted reading the "Distracted driving law in effect" signs.. Its funny they put signs up that pull your eyes from the road to read a sign about being distracted.
Overall this law is the pretty silly, can't wait till someone fights it.

10-02-2011, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by Maxt

I've never had a multinova/camera ticket. Is the driver visible in the picture? I'll bet that if they can see the driver holding a phone they will issue the distracted ticket along with the speed/redlight ticket.
I got distracted reading the "Distracted driving law in effect" signs.. Its funny they put signs up that pull your eyes from the road to read a sign about being distracted.
Overall this law is the pretty silly, can't wait till someone fights it.
No because the camera is always facing the rear of the car, to get the driver they would need a second camera in front. I have my green light ticket, only the rear of the car and a zoom of the license plate. Now in illinois when I was running tolls, they have front and year cameras :rofl:

10-02-2011, 09:25 AM
Actually I find that overall the roads arent nearly as bad to drive on now. We used to get people swerving and doing 90 down deerfoot in the fast lane. I have had a lot less incidents lately.

Originally posted by Boat
I just will be really upset if its late at night and I get a text, phone lights up like the phial of galadril, then a cop pulls me over because im suspected of texting. I'm kind of expecting that to happen.

:thumbsdow [/B]

Actually I have been thinking that too. I turned it the phone the wrong way around to avoid it.

10-02-2011, 09:31 AM
I still check my messages at red lights or when things are so going. Phone calls are always done on the bluetooth.

10-03-2011, 12:28 AM
I fucking tweet the calgary police from my phone while driving... come get me fuckers!

10-03-2011, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah


The cameras/sensors mounted above the traffic lights do not take pictures and are not used for ticketing. The regular red light/speed on green cameras only take a picture of the vehicle from the rear and are activated when a vehicle runs a red or exceeds the posted speed by a predetermined amount.

Your source lied to you.

That`s what I thought too. Still, I would not have been too shocked to learn that it was actually happening.

Rat Fink
10-03-2011, 12:51 PM

10-03-2011, 01:12 PM
I don't see much change on the road... People still talk/text while driving and mothers in vans look back at their children while driving...

On the other hand when I see a police car around me I make sure that both of my hands are visibly on the wheel(:rofl: ) Do not want to allow police to suspect me for anything...

Akagi Redsuns
10-03-2011, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Rat Fink
I don't text or use my phone while driving, but at work I often have to drive vehicles with a scantool connected and monitor whats going on. Ever since this law came into effect I have to record the data streams and look at them when I'm stopped unless I grab one of the shop bitches and have them drive me. Not too big of a deal overall but does add some extra time I'm not necessarily being paid for. There will still be times where I have to drive with a fuel pressure gauge taped to the bottom corner of the windshield so I guess I'm always going to be driving "distracted".

But with the phones.....I don't see why its so important to be on the phone or texting while driving. It pretty much can always wait.

It does look like the distracted driving law does make provisions if you have a external gauge though, so you should be fine unless you have to scroll through menus or whatnots with the scantool.

Under the FAQ at http://www.transportation.alberta.ca/distracteddriving.htm , it does state:

"What activities are allowed?
We are not talking about penalizing drivers for taking a sip of coffee, chatting with passengers or blowing their nose. We are talking about drivers who decide to put themselves and others at risk by watching movies, browsing for and downloading 'apps', applying makeup or shaving all while trying to navigate through traffic.
These activities are not specifically restricted under the law:

using a cell phone in hands-free mode - this means the device is not held in the driver's hand and is activated by voice or a single touch to the device
using an earphone — if it is used in a hands-free or voice-activated manner
drinking beverages, such as coffee, water or pop
eating a snack
talking with passengers
listening to a portable audio player – as long as it is set up before you begin driving
using the following:
a GPS navigation system – as long as the system is affixed to the vehicle and programmed before you begin driving or the system is voice activated. You cannot hold the unit or manually enter information while driving
a collision avoidance system
a gauge, instrument, device or system that provides information about the vehicle’s systems or the vehicle’s location
a dispatch system for transporting passengers
a logistical transportation tracking system that tracks vehicle location, driver status or the delivery of goods for commercial purposes
calling emergency services, such as 911 with a hand-held cell phone
using 2-way radios or hand-held radios, such as those commonly referred to as CB (Citizen’s Band) radios, when escorting oversized vehicles, to contact one's employer, or when participating in search, rescue and emergency management situations."

10-03-2011, 03:14 PM
I got a visor mount bluetooth device so I can use it in both vehicles. I also installed "drivesafe.ly" on my BB so it reads my text messages to me.

Total cost was about $90....no excuse not to do it.

10-03-2011, 03:22 PM
MemX had a good sale on the Jawbone Era headset on the weekend, so I picked one up for $90 ($40 off). Works great and now I look cool talking to people while driving.

10-03-2011, 03:31 PM
If anyone wants good bluetooth.... the Blueant S4 is great. Sound quality is awesome. Not cheap though.

10-03-2011, 03:44 PM
What activities are not allowed while driving?

talking on a hand-held cell phone
using electronic devices like laptop computers, video games, cameras, video entertainment displays and programming portable audio players (e.g., mp3 players)
manually entering information on GPS units
reading printed material like a book or a magazine
writing, printing or sketching
personal grooming like combing your hair, applying makeup or brushing your teeth
using a 2-way radio or what is commonly referred to as a CB (Citizen’s Band) radio (some exemptions apply)

So letting your dog climb all over your lap is still cool? Sweet...

10-03-2011, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Canmorite

So letting your dog climb all over your lap is still cool? Sweet...

i just witnessed a MAJOR t-bone collision yesterday between a mazda 3 and a city bus, there was a dog being held by one of the occupants of the mazda. luckily the dog was small enough that they held onto it, but i can't believe how many people i see with bigger dogs walking around in the cabin of the vehicle. had that been a bigger dog in the car, the injuries the people sustained would have been FAR worse.

10-04-2011, 11:14 AM
now i try and text and play with my phone as much as possible.

cuz fuck 'em. thats why.

10-04-2011, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

So letting your dog climb all over your lap is still cool? Sweet...

It was rainy hard one day and some Vietnamese lady in a white Mercedes merges into the main road without looking while her little dog is on her shoulders pawing at the window. Nearly sideswipes me and doesn't even know what happened :rofl:

10-04-2011, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

So letting your dog climb all over your lap is still cool? Sweet...
Pets are already covered in the TSA, separate from the distracted driving legislation. :dunno:

codetrap has been trollllllllllled

Traffic Safety Act 115(2)(i) - allows police to charge a driver who permits anything, including a pet, to occupy the front seat of the vehicle such that it interferes with the driver's access to the vehicle controls and the safe operation of the vehicle. Further, Traffic Safety Act 115(2)(j) - allows police to charge a driver who permits anything, including a pet, to cause any obstruction to the driver's clear vision in any direction. We encourage the continued use of these existing provisions.

10-04-2011, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Canmorite

So letting your dog climb all over your lap is still cool? Sweet... .


Traffic Safety Act 115(2)(i) - allows police to charge a driver who permits anything, including a pet, to occupy the front seat of the vehicle such that it interferes with the driver's access to the vehicle controls and the safe operation of the vehicle. Further, Traffic Safety Act 115(2)(j) - allows police to charge a driver who permits anything, including a pet, to cause any obstruction to the driver's clear vision in any direction. We encourage the continued use of these existing provisions.

10-04-2011, 12:00 PM
Thanks for posting the TSA act, Shocker.

10-04-2011, 12:25 PM
goddamnit!!! lol