View Full Version : Fundraising Campaign "Cost of being"

09-28-2011, 03:22 PM
Yooo Beyond. Just shot a student short film, run time approx 8min.

Roughly it's about a man down and out. Daniel Reed, he's at the end of his rope and is contemplating suicide. With every step closer to the edge Stacy has less time to reach him. But who is Stacy..? DUUUN DUNN duuuuunn

Principle Photography was early September, downtown Vancouver.

We shot on a Sony F3 HD Cam. With a variety of Carl Zeiss Lenses, one jib and a hole shit ton of dolly's.

This link to our Fundraising campaign on indiegogo.com is for the post process we are now in. The extra money we raise will help us buy editing space and get us some decent sound design. Check it out if you're keen. Donations will get your name in the credits.

All in all, thanks for your time!



09-28-2011, 03:38 PM
Why should we donate..? What is this going towards? How is this helping something?

I'm not trying to hate...I just want to know because your link is not working for me.

09-28-2011, 06:49 PM
ahh link is now fixed.

The donations just help us as student film makers to complete our film to a better standard and hopefully share our message a little better.

The money is going towards our post production process, seeing as the film is already shot. Basically we need money to better the sound design (foley, ADR, music, and PFX) buy more editing space, (studio's and more time with the software to cut the movie) and if we can manage, get color correction done.

No hate at all, any questions are welcome. Why should you donate?
Maybe you enjoyed the teaser and feel like helping out and having your name in a movie.

There's no real "should" more of a "if you want" haha

mucho appreciation for the thought
