View Full Version : terrorist attack in the usa.....

09-13-2002, 09:44 AM
well i was just watching the news, and there has almost been another terrorist attack. from what i heard, there were 3 men, who were from the middle east. they were in a restaurant, and they were talking, and on the tv, they had the replays of 9/11. a woman overheard them talking, and the one man said "well if they think that they are going to remember 9/11, then they will especially remember 9/13. as the men left, the woman followed them outside, got their liscence plate numbers, and phoned the cops. apparently, the one car blew through a toll booth, and the people their called the cops as well. after the car was pulled over, a second car pulled up behind it, and it parked. the officer in the 1 car called for backup. the cops sent out units immediately, along with a bomb squad, etc. now they said that there were bombs, but those were unconfirmed reports. don't know what else, but i will try to keep on top of things....

09-13-2002, 10:13 AM
They also said something to the effect of "do you have enough to bring it down." "If we don't, I know someone who does."
They're on the second car now, 1st one is clean, maybe they got the 'stuff' stashed somewhere else.

They traced one of the plates to some Chicago suburb and it was a family of Mexicans (?)

They say they're Jordanian, Pakistani and Iranian and they are not cooperating, they got ID, but they think they might be fake, they are supposedly medical students from some Carribean school.
Possibly on the way to some medical convention in Miami....

They are not considered suspects yet........

(Edited, Pakistani, not Palestinian)

09-13-2002, 10:16 AM
cool...thanks for the update, i just got out of the shower

09-13-2002, 01:47 PM
CNN/Miami Herald reporting that the three guys could have been playing a hoax. They seeded the conversation aloud just to scare some other restaraunt patron that gave them a suspicious look. Now people are saying this is disrespecting the mourning of 911 and they should be charged, etc, etc.
People down in America seem to glare at arabic people alot, racial profiling, etc, etc, and this is a possible response to it.

09-13-2002, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by mwmhong
People down in America seem to glare at arabic people alot, racial profiling, etc, etc, and this is a possible response to it.

well it won't help the matter by the way they are reacting if this is true!