View Full Version : Need votes for East Africa Family Medicine

10-06-2011, 10:21 AM
Hello ladies and gents,

I didn't ever think that I would be posting one of these but a friend of mine needs some votes for a fantastic cause.

For those who don't want to read the entire thing, here are the instructions:

Please go to this link and watch the video:

Hit the "Like" button. You do have to register for the site but you can use a fake email account (I just typed in [email protected] and it worked). Registration only asks you for your email, password, confirmation of password and to enter a verification code. Super easy.

Details on what this is about:

Quoted from my friend's email.

"As most of you may know, I am working with a team of physicians in East Africa and Calgary to help create Family Medicine residency training programs in the East Africa Region. Currently, only few programs exist and this is an effort to recruit and retain well-qualified, generalist physicians to work in rural areas - where the vast majority of East Africans live! The project is entirely driven by our East African partners: the Calgary team has essentially been consulted to help facilitate this as we have a long-standing relationship with the University of Bugando in Mwanza, Tanzania.

A few more neat features you should know: this is entirely driven by our East African partners (I can't stress that enough); we host an "East Africa Family Medicine" conference in the region each year to facilitate inter-country dialogue, cooperation and resource-sharing; finally, we are connected with the Global Generation Foundation, a not-for-profit organization in Calgary that uses best business practices to ensure financial longevity and success!

What I need from you:
To help fund this project, I've applied to the "Grand Challenges Canada: Rising Stars in Global Health" program for funding. If successful, we will be awarded $100,000 for the first 18 months with the potential to scale-up to $1 million CAD over 5 years!!! This would be such an amazing boost for the project!
Part of the application process requires a video submission to ensure all applicants can 'engage the public on matters of global health'. It is one of many components they use to judge the applications (mostly, reviewed by academia in global health), but this is something you can help with!
Please check out the link below and hit the like button below our video, if you think this project is worth supporting. To do so, you have to create a login profile... but it's simple and quick to do!
If you like what you see, please pass this on to people in your socially-conscious circles so they can support our submission as well :) Each and every vote helps!


We had a 2 minute time restriction, so if you don't quite understand the project or simply want to chat about it or ask questions, PLEASE email me! I'm always happy, as you know, to engage in all things global health... and would be especially happy to explain the 'East Africa Family Medicine Initiative'. It really is a wonderful project.

Thanks so much!"

If anyone wants her contact information to talk about the project, just pm me.

Any votes are very much appreciated! :clap: