View Full Version : Need someone who knows there routers/repeaters Engenius 3500

10-13-2011, 04:07 PM
Alright first off im horrible at computers so bare with me.

I went to my local computer store where they sold me a ECB 3500. They told me i can "search for wifi) then capture it and make that wifi signal my own) If that makes any sence. Now i have figured out how to log into the home screen. Now the computer guy told me to go to system properties and change it from Access Point to Repeater. (I have tried this 10 times and everytime i apply it it gets to 95% then says can not display page (like what it would do if you didnt have internet) I have also tried Client router also which says the same thing (can not display page) HELP! or am i doing it wrong??? There is several options Access Point, clinent bridge, wds bridge, repeater, ap router, client router

Also once it gets to 90 something percent the router disconnects from the computer because when i search for it like i would for wifi theres ECB 3500 its gone. Then i have to push the reset button on the the back of the router and start all over.


10-13-2011, 04:12 PM
What are you trying to do? I assume you are trying to extend your current wireless signal over a greater distance, hence trying to set it up as a repeater?

If so, I'm going to guess that once you apply the setting, your device becomes a repeater, not a router, therefore it no longer has it's router IP address

10-13-2011, 07:22 PM
Yes yes yes...im so lost im still working on this thing...Its been hours!!!!

If i change the access point to a repeater then it says page cant be displayed but i still have no access to internet. Then i have to reset the 3500 just to get access to the main page on that ip address.

Im so lost. And another thing my next door neighbor has internet and some how i changed his network name on my computer and every computer in my house to a name i picked (i thought i was naming my router but instead i named his network. I need help!!!

10-13-2011, 09:53 PM
I think you need to get your own internet connection, and stop messing with other peoples connection.

Did you get permission from your neighbor? (otherwise what you did is not quite legal)

10-13-2011, 09:57 PM
or, to be useful in this thread.

Reset the repeater.

Set it up with the SSID and Password/Encryption type of your neighbors wifi.

Then click the connect to network button, or associate with network.

Then switch it to repeater mode.

You will then lose connection with it, but you should have more wifi signal from your neighbor.

And follow this, start on page 67.

10-14-2011, 09:41 PM
This does not work. As soon as i click repeater and press safe settings i lose access to the routers page .
