View Full Version : Calgary psychic?

10-28-2011, 11:18 PM
Has anyone here been to a psychic in Calgary? I was told that one might be able to tell me where I lost my gold chain.

This then got me thinking, are these people for real? I have heard stories of psychics being able to tell you amazing things that end up being true.

Thoughts, recommendations?

10-28-2011, 11:21 PM
I sense you're seeking answers to many questions in your life. That'll be 20 bucks.

10-28-2011, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by 2.2vtec
Has anyone here been to a psychic in Calgary? I was told that one might be able to tell me where I lost my gold chain.

This then got me thinking, are these people for real? I have heard stories of psychics being able to tell you amazing things that end up being true.

Thoughts, recommendations?

There's one at Cross Iron Mills if you're interested. Last time I walked by there she had a 10 dollar special going on. Only the best, in that line of work.

10-28-2011, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by Jay Leno

Here's something to think about…how come you never see a headline like 'Psychic Wins Lottery'?

10-29-2011, 12:11 AM

10-29-2011, 12:31 AM

Originally posted by max_boost

Excellent point :D

10-29-2011, 01:36 AM
Theres two seperate things. Story tellers, and actual psychics...

95% of them are story tellers, and that makes the good ones, frowned upon.

The only psychic in Canada I would trust is Kjarlune Rae. www.askkj.ca


10-29-2011, 01:54 AM
There are masterminds through out our entire history. Brilliant off the chart people with ideas that have revolutionized our world and it is a hard stretch to believe that a person’s brain has the ability to expand past the typical limits and find answers we are searching for? See the problem is not whether it is possible, we all know or would have to come the conclusion that it is. The problem is just like Newton was classed as crazy, people have created a fictitious knowledge base about what a "psychic" is and what they can do.

LOL. :rofl:

But in all seriousness


10-29-2011, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by DeeK
Theres two seperate things. Story tellers, and actual psychics...

95% of them are story tellers, and that makes the good ones, frowned upon.

The only psychic in Canada I would trust is Kjarlune Rae. www.askkj.ca


Can't tell if serious???

You know there is no such thing as a real psychic. It's all BS... I pitty those that buy into that crap

10-30-2011, 01:34 AM
I'll just leave this here


:bullshit: :banghead: :guns:

10-30-2011, 03:00 AM

10-30-2011, 07:44 AM
You can try praying to St Anthony, the patron saint of lost things. I have a feeling that will be about as effective as going to a psychic but at least its free.

10-31-2011, 12:53 PM
I feel like it will be in the last place that you look.
I also feel like someone in your life has passed on. A grandparent, great grandparent, uncle's brother's great great aunt? That person says hi.

10-31-2011, 01:22 PM
Ive been to one in Calgary several times... while I was quite skeptical going in, there are things that were said that would be near impossible to guess. It typically takes 3-4 months to get to see this particular one.. that is unless she says to have to come in right away, but thats not usually a good thing!

10-31-2011, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi
....... that is unless she says to have to come in right away, but thats not usually a good thing!

Yeah, it likely means if you don't get there quick she won't have the money to pay her phone bill before they cut service off.

10-31-2011, 05:06 PM
LOL @ people who believe in that shit

Ask her what numbers to pick for the lottery when you go see her plz

10-31-2011, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Ive been to one in Calgary several times... while I was quite skeptical going in, there are things that were said that would be near impossible to guess. It typically takes 3-4 months to get to see this particular one.. that is unless she says to have to come in right away, but thats not usually a good thing!

Dude please tell me you are kidding I've got a lot of respect for you but really? I imagine it takes 3-4 months for her people to dig up all your info :D

10-31-2011, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

Dude please tell me you are kidding I've got a lot of respect for you but really? I imagine it takes 3-4 months for her people to dig up all your info :D


:facepalm: :facepalm: I can't believe people fall for this crap! But then again people still go to church every week...

11-01-2011, 07:56 AM
Hey now... I went for entertainment purposes only, started out being very skeptical and I left in complete awe. Whether or not you believe me is fine with me. Im not a religious person, and the Psychic stuff goes against the religion I was raised with. (Catholic)

You arent allowed any recording devices in the room, but she allows for someone else to come in and take notes.. basically she goes through and gets a general reading off of you with the help of tarot cards, and then proceeds to answer any questions you have. For the most part I try to forget about the reading and then go back months or a year later to read the notes again and see if anything has come through.
Now I will openly admit not everything has come through, and she can be way off on some thing, but there are others that are just so out of left field that had me convinced.

Here is one example that seemed so far fetched that I scoffed at the idea:

"You will be going to Asia for work"
At the time I worked for a large bank in the gas trading sector..(Lehman Brothers) I figured they had a Hong Kong office, so maybe it would be some kind of work trip....

I forget about the reading and life goes on... Months later I end up leaving Lehman Brothers (luckily months before the collapse) and started working for the family business in Real Estate Consulting. One of our major clients was building out new space and purchasing new furniture for their office.. which eventually lead to us being sent to Hong Kong and mainland China to check out the factories and product!

Now I know how some people will jump on the suggestive thinking process, that I somehow influenced the outcome. The Asian furniture came as a suggestion from the President of the company we worked for, and at the time I was green and had zero influence on any decisions being made... but there I was.. going to Asia for work!

Coincidence? Sure it could be... but that was one of MANY things that came true. Others including personal details about my would be Wife at the time that I hadnt started dating. (And not things that I could pick out either... ie. I have zero influence that her Dad would pass away soon after we started dating and she would be in mourning for quite some time)

As for the "Come in right away" reading... I've only heard of this happening once... and to a close family friends friend. (I know sounds fishy already) Anyways, what happened was our friend called for two appointments... she was told that the friend had to come in the next day...and the other lady (our friend) had to wait. She went in and was told to get a restraining order on her ex-husband immediately, and stay away from him.. Her being skeptical ignored her warning... Within a month the lady was in the hospital as her ex broke into her house and physically abused her.

Anyways, I guess its just one of those things... you either believe it or you dont! Like anything else, dont hack it till you try it... and try a good one. I wont post the ladies name or contact info on here, but if anyone is really interested shoot me a pm!


11-01-2011, 11:54 AM

NSFW language. Part 2 is here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE5bm9UZJZA&feature=related).

11-01-2011, 03:30 PM
*loads up Mystic Cleo sound board*

Alright OP, pm'd you my # to give me a call. Only $3.99 a minute brotha!

11-01-2011, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Hey now... I went for entertainment purposes only, started out being very skeptical and I left in complete awe. Whether or not you believe me is fine with me. Im not a religious person, and the Psychic stuff goes against the religion I was raised with. (Catholic)

You arent allowed any recording devices in the room, but she allows for someone else to come in and take notes.. basically she goes through and gets a general reading off of you with the help of tarot cards, and then proceeds to answer any questions you have. For the most part I try to forget about the reading and then go back months or a year later to read the notes again and see if anything has come through.
Now I will openly admit not everything has come through, and she can be way off on some thing, but there are others that are just so out of left field that had me convinced.

Here is one example that seemed so far fetched that I scoffed at the idea:

"You will be going to Asia for work"
At the time I worked for a large bank in the gas trading sector..(Lehman Brothers) I figured they had a Hong Kong office, so maybe it would be some kind of work trip....

I forget about the reading and life goes on... Months later I end up leaving Lehman Brothers (luckily months before the collapse) and started working for the family business in Real Estate Consulting. One of our major clients was building out new space and purchasing new furniture for their office.. which eventually lead to us being sent to Hong Kong and mainland China to check out the factories and product!

Now I know how some people will jump on the suggestive thinking process, that I somehow influenced the outcome. The Asian furniture came as a suggestion from the President of the company we worked for, and at the time I was green and had zero influence on any decisions being made... but there I was.. going to Asia for work!

Coincidence? Sure it could be... but that was one of MANY things that came true. Others including personal details about my would be Wife at the time that I hadnt started dating. (And not things that I could pick out either... ie. I have zero influence that her Dad would pass away soon after we started dating and she would be in mourning for quite some time)

As for the "Come in right away" reading... I've only heard of this happening once... and to a close family friends friend. (I know sounds fishy already) Anyways, what happened was our friend called for two appointments... she was told that the friend had to come in the next day...and the other lady (our friend) had to wait. She went in and was told to get a restraining order on her ex-husband immediately, and stay away from him.. Her being skeptical ignored her warning... Within a month the lady was in the hospital as her ex broke into her house and physically abused her.

Anyways, I guess its just one of those things... you either believe it or you dont! Like anything else, dont hack it till you try it... and try a good one. I wont post the ladies name or contact info on here, but if anyone is really interested shoot me a pm!


I think you really hit the nail on the head with your suggestion comment. That is the key to psychics, they suggest a connection for you to make in your head and when something even remotely close happens you instantly make a connection because you've been preconditioned to make that connection. Take you asia for work example, Asia covers 30% of the worlds land mass, I know tons of people that have been there for work reasons, it is hard to believe that telling you in the next 40 years of your life you are going to visit te worlds largest continent for business, means someone has any sort of predictive power. They leave enough vagueness in their predictions the you can fit just about anything to their predictions.

Interesting thing is, do you believe in free will? Because you can't if you believe psychics are real. They are trying to suggest to the world that they are tapping into the future, which would mean the future is already predetermined and you don't have free will you are simply following tr path already set out for you.

It's an interesting and sad thing to believe in IMO, I like to think I can make my future my own.

11-02-2011, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by J-hop

Interesting thing is, do you believe in free will? Because you can't if you believe psychics are real. They are trying to suggest to the world that they are tapping into the future, which would mean the future is already predetermined and you don't have free will you are simply following tr path already set out for you.

It's an interesting and sad thing to believe in IMO, I like to think I can make my future my own.

I'm not trying to convince anyone else to believe, but from what I have experienced there is something quite real to it all. Suggestive thinking or not, I cant help but think that its more then just coincidences.
Also at what point are these coincidences not a coincidence anymore?? I know ~5 people that have gone to this same lady, and every single person has had thing happen that are completely out of their influence.

As far as the free will part goes, thats why I get the notes then put them away for months if not a year. I dont want to base any of my decisions from what anyone else has said, and let things happen as they will. It just makes you wonder about this free will when you make your own decisions and its exactly what someone predicted might happen?

I'd like to see the skeptics go and see what they think.. All you have to lose is the $40 or whatever it costs!

11-02-2011, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by ClearBluewater
Ask her what numbers to pick for the lottery when you go see her plz

Originally posted by 2Legit2Quit
Alright OP, pm'd you my # to give me a call. Only $3.99 a minute brotha!

The.... win... ning... num.... bers... for... the.... Lotto... Max lot... tery.... this.... week.... Nov.... em.... ber.... fourth... two... thou... sand... and... ele... ven... are... thir.... teen.... and... twen... ty... one....

11-02-2011, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi

I'm not trying to convince anyone else to believe, but from what I have experienced there is something quite real to it all. Suggestive thinking or not, I cant help but think that its more then just coincidences.
Also at what point are these coincidences not a coincidence anymore?? I know ~5 people that have gone to this same lady, and every single person has had thing happen that are completely out of their influence.

As far as the free will part goes, thats why I get the notes then put them away for months if not a year. I dont want to base any of my decisions from what anyone else has said, and let things happen as they will. It just makes you wonder about this free will when you make your own decisions and its exactly what someone predicted might happen?

I'd like to see the skeptics go and see what they think.. All you have to lose is the $40 or whatever it costs!

Not to dwell on it but again your argument for the validity of psychics is self refuting. If you were to pull out your predictions and say, she said I'm going to go to Asia for work then I will refuse any opportunity that arises for me to go to Asia for work then you would never have gone to Asia correct? No unseen force made you go to asia against your will did it? you made a concious choice to go didn't you?

If you believe you have the power to refuse going to Asia for work than you believe in free will and can't believe in psychics because their premise is that your future is already determined and that is what they are "reading".

If you are saying well the psychic knew that my choices would lead me to Asia for work, than that means those choices were already made for you, you have no free will and you could never have chosen the opposite and not have gone.

Now if a psychic told you that you were going to be a millionaire and you said forget that and started living on the streets and then one day you awoke to find a winning lottery ticket in your pocket I'd put some stock in that.

But stuff as vague as what you've mentioned is pretty tough to put any stock in. Also out of curiosity if psychics were real why do you think that the good ones like the one you went to haven't been snatched up by the US/canadian govt yet?? I can assure you that if anyone had those powers they would be in lab a long time ago. But humans naturally want to believe there is something going on behind the curtains and throughout history predicting the future has always been something people have wanted to accomplish. That is what makes it so easy for psychics to pray on the general public, the only reason you believe it to be true is because you want it to be true, not because it is true.

11-02-2011, 01:51 PM
I'm not trying to make a believer out of you or anyone else.. Based on my experiences I will choose to believe in certain things, and you can do the same; much like religion.

There are many things in this world that logically/scientifically can't be explained or shouldnt be able to happen, but they do. How you interpret those things is up to you!

11-02-2011, 02:01 PM
tomorow the sun will rise.

11-02-2011, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by desi112
tomorow the sun will rise.
Perhaps not. It sure didn't today ;)

11-02-2011, 04:01 PM
stay the fuck away from psychics! in russia we call those mutha fuckas gypsies!

my girlfriend was influenced by her other friend who is a bit of a "free spirit" to go check out a psychic two years ago. They went hard on this whole tarot card shit around that time, and my gf knew that i disagreed with the whole concept.

so i come home from the gym one day and the two of them are on the couch with super guilty looks on their faces. so i say "what's up with you two?"

and thats when i spotted the tarot cards on the coffee table. i'm pretty superstitious so i was quite upset that they were doing that shit in my house! i stopped short of telling her friend to GTFO but made it known that if they ever pulled that again they would both be taking the exit off the balcony.

apparantly the tarot cards predicted that I was an alcoholic and would hurt myself in the near future. nice fucking prediction! anyways that night we head out to the bar, i end up getting pretty drunk but still under control. some douche at this hipster bar shoves my gf on the dance floor as he is pushing his way through the crowd. so instead of calling my surrey boys to come smash him, i grab him and demand that he apologize. he realized he fucked up and apologizes to my gf and i figure everything is all good. then my gf freaks out at me and yells at me saying i'm an asshole for acting like that and that "i scared that guy half to death" .... uhhhh.... i'm 5'7" and weigh 155lbs and this guy was 6' so i wouldnt agree with that at all. but she keeps yelling and pulling AGFS for the next hour! (AGFS = Asian GF Syndrome)

so we get back to the appt and she keeps going off so i lose my temper and punch the doorframe which causes my hand to fracture(boxers) and blood to pour out of the tiny puncture wound like a freaking slaughterhouse. i'm talking blood on the ceiling, wall, floor, fricken everywhere!

So she blamed the incident on me, when myself and all of my superstitious friends realize that it was the devil's tarot cards that fucked me over! dont fuck with that shit people!!

btw every prediction from the psychic they went to turned out to be false.

11-02-2011, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Now I will openly admit not everything has come through, and she can be way off on some thing, but there are others that are just so out of left field that had me convinced.

How much of it would you say has come through? She's got some basic knowledge of who you are and what you do, correct? From there, I think you can group her "psychic advice" into two categories. The first is a grouping of stats for someone with your background (weight/height/income/job type/ect). High chances of it coming true. Secondly, she might throw out a few more far-fetched suggestions (Although for someone at Lehman Brothers, I think the Asia one would qualify in the "obvious" category). You leave and look back a few years later and notice "Oh my goodness, most of the stuff in the first category has come true! As well, these ONE or two far off predictions came true, let's just disregard the other stuff that she got totally wrong and call her a psychic."

If psychics were real, shouldn't they be right on almost everything? I think you have better odds of figuring out your next 5 years by looking at stats of similar people.

Originally posted by A790
Perhaps not. It sure didn't today ;)
You know even if there are clouds, the sun still did rise right? :rofl:

11-02-2011, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Feruk
You know even if there are clouds, the sun still did rise right? :rofl:
I was making fun of people who believe everything they see/hear. :)

11-02-2011, 04:32 PM
I swear it works every time 30% of the time.

11-02-2011, 06:14 PM
People this stupid actually exist?

11-02-2011, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by googe
People this stupid actually exist?

Not only do they exist, but they make up the majority of the human population.

11-03-2011, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by Feruk

How much of it would you say has come through? She's got some basic knowledge of who you are and what you do, correct? From there, I think you can group her "psychic advice" into two categories. The first is a grouping of stats for someone with your background (weight/height/income/job type/ect). High chances of it coming true. Secondly, she might throw out a few more far-fetched suggestions (Although for someone at Lehman Brothers, I think the Asia one would qualify in the "obvious" category). You leave and look back a few years later and notice "Oh my goodness, most of the stuff in the first category has come true! As well, these ONE or two far off predictions came true, let's just disregard the other stuff that she got totally wrong and call her a psychic."

If psychics were real, shouldn't they be right on almost everything? I think you have better odds of figuring out your next 5 years by looking at stats of similar people.

I'd have to go back and check notes to say what percentage has and hasnt come true. I havent been in like 4 years or so.

As for her doing research on you, she asks nothing. Appointments were booked on a first name basis, and she doesnt ask any of those prying questions to find out what you do etc... From what I remember, she typically sits down with you, shuffles around with the tarot cards and then proceeds to tell you a bit about yourself..

Im not sure what else to say to anyone.. If you dont believe thats fine by me. Im certainly not offended by anyone calling me out and making fun, some of my closest friends are the same way!
In fact I did the same thing to the people that had gone until I experienced it first hand!

Ive been surprised by the number of people who have PM'd me for her contact info...hopefully they come away with a good experience too. Really, at the end of the day what do you have to lose? Ive spent $40 on way worse things....

11-03-2011, 09:04 AM
I booked an appointment yesterday but it's not till the December which sucks but what can you do.

Worst case scenario I don't find my chain and I lose 75 bucks

Best case: She locates my chain

11-03-2011, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by 2.2vtec
I booked an appointment yesterday but it's not till the December which sucks but what can you do.

Worst case scenario I don't find my chain and I lose 75 bucks

Best case: She locates my chain

Dude cancel you appt., even if you believe in them that isn't how they work, don't you think they would be solving missing children cases if they could find something like a gold chain. That isnt what they do (if you believe them in the first place).

I can't believe this thread anymore. I'm going to have to stop reading it before I start beating my face in with my keyboard.

11-03-2011, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by 2.2vtec
I booked an appointment yesterday but it's not till the December which sucks but what can you do.

Worst case scenario I don't find my chain and I lose 75 bucks

Best case: She locates my chain

Real life scenario: you're going to lose $75.

A fool and his money...

11-03-2011, 11:11 AM
Don't believe in any psychic powers and I don't hate on anyone who does unless they try to push it on me. Mother in law is super duper supersticous and had a so called psychic friend come over for dinner. After dinner she talked to my wife because I didn't want to hear any of her nonsense and she amazingly noticed a couple of things about me. There is something wrong with my leg, OMG, so that's why I was limping around after I banged it earlier in the day. I have problems with my eyes, again OMFG I thought nobody noticed my lazy eye other then my parents, wife, kids, friends, co-workers, pets, cats, dogs, strangers, etc... And about the lottery numbers, they are only supposed to use their super powers to help people, not themselves :facepalm:

11-03-2011, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by 2.2vtec
I booked an appointment yesterday but it's not till the December which sucks but what can you do.

Worst case scenario I don't find my chain and I lose 75 bucks

Best case: She locates my chain And ask her to locate that brief case full of cash as well. :thumbsup:

11-03-2011, 11:19 AM
Also, since when do you have to book appointments for psychics? I thought they were just walk ins? :confused:

11-03-2011, 11:29 AM
^^ They need the time to research you..... So when you see "Gypsy queen" wants to add you as a friend on facebook you'll now know who that was.