View Full Version : What to do with old textbooks?

11-02-2011, 06:56 PM
I have around 15-20 university textbooks of which I'm sure none are still being used (graduated in 2009). I don't want to throw them out, and I don't think used bookstores take them. Does anyone know if I can do anything with them? Ie. are there companies that take old textbooks and give them out to 3rd world countries or something similar? I'm hoping that at least someone can get use out of them, otherwise I have a couple thousand dollars in paperweights lol

11-02-2011, 10:05 PM
have you checked your all your books? I had an old tb from 2001 that the bookstore still took. I only got $14 for it, but it's better than nothing.


or use their app and scan your barcodes instead of typing them:

11-02-2011, 10:25 PM
my suggestion would be to put them up at bound and copied at the university of Calgary for consignment.

Their policy is that if you sell it, you'll get 75% of what you sold it for written to you in a cheque, and if it doesn't sell in a year you'll have to come pick them up

the beauty is that if you dont come to pick them up, they get put on a "free textbooks" table outside Bound & copied, so eventually some inquisitive university student will take it and make use of it

win win IMO

11-02-2011, 11:42 PM
I donated all of mine and my wifes old texts to my old faculty club at the university. old texts can still be used as reference

11-02-2011, 11:47 PM

I believe this organization collects engineering textbooks at the u of c, bringing them to afghanistan to help the restoration of their educational system. I am sure they would collect other books as well.

11-03-2011, 02:18 PM
Put them in a gunny sack and give them to Modelexis to beat kids with. Anyone who is THAT vehemently oppossed to something almost always practices it in the darkness of their own home.

11-03-2011, 07:11 PM
what kind of books are they? I might be interested in buying some for cheap.

11-05-2011, 09:23 AM
You can post them on kijiji with Titles and stuff or just post some paper around university and hope someone calls. I usually always download my textbooks or buy them used. I'm also in engineering. Also depends whether or not the professors are writing their own text books. Scammers!!