View Full Version : Interesting "Would You Rather" came up at work...

11-11-2011, 04:45 PM
Option #1

You get the job of your dreams and you are amongst the top five in your field (Athlete, Actor, Astronaut, etc.) for whatever a long successful career would be, but you can only make $60,000 net per year (adjusted for inflation) for the rest of your life and you never find true love. You live a long healthy life and can have children if you desire.

Option #2

You find true love, defined as someone you desperately love, care for, are attracted to and vice versa. They will be completely and utterly loyal to you till they die. You live long healthy lives, can have children if desired, however you live the rest of your life at the poverty level.

Option #3

You get fifty million dollars, but you never find true love and you will never have success in business, investments or other competitive endeavors. You will never have children if you want them and if you don't want them you will get someone pregnant and have twins. You will live a long healthy life.


Options #1 and #3 do include relationships where only what you have (ie. success and fame, or money) is the motivating factor and everyone you are with, without exception or hesitation, will be willing to sell you out; only viewing you as means to their own selfish ends. As well your relationship partner will not contribute anything financially to your life.

Don't try to invent loop holes, it isn't a realistic airtight legal contract, just pick which option generally seems preferable to you.

11-11-2011, 04:51 PM
Option 4. Fuck bitches, get money.

11-11-2011, 04:56 PM
They are all extreme scenarios, I pick neither of them.

11-11-2011, 04:57 PM
If I really had to pick, seems Option 2 is pretty obvious.

But it's still tough to imagine because those are very strict rules in each option and highly unrealistic.

11-11-2011, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud
Option 4. Fuck bitches, get money.

Epic answer

11-11-2011, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud
Option 4. Fuck bitches, get money, die at the age of 24.


11-11-2011, 05:19 PM
nah bro aim for 23 and split cause of cocaine od and syph.

btw option 3 ftw

11-11-2011, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud
Option 4. Fuck bitches, get money.


Close thread now.

11-11-2011, 05:44 PM
All terrible choices. I choose ....nuke this thread..


11-11-2011, 05:48 PM

I'd rather be happy than rich.

11-11-2011, 05:55 PM

Ben Affleck says it best..

"Anybody who tells you that money is the root of all evil, doesn't fucking have any. They say money can't buy happiness. Look at the fucking smile on my face!"

Option 3 FTW.

11-11-2011, 06:36 PM

11-11-2011, 07:31 PM
The only option here, is to not play the game.

Goodbye cruel world! :rofl:

11-11-2011, 07:39 PM

11-11-2011, 07:41 PM
Ignore all three, play MW3 for life and pwn noobs.

Nahhhh not really.

Just buy a VW and call it a day.

11-11-2011, 07:43 PM
Option #3 without a doubt.

11-11-2011, 07:45 PM
And the money doesn't buy happiness quote is fairly true.

Honestly I'm pretty happy as is, make a decent amount already...But had I a nice house with a ferrari/porsche/lamborghini/noble/etc in the garage I'd be a tad bit happier.

Like really how could anyone not be happy driving anyone of the aforementioned cars lol

11-12-2011, 12:51 AM
Money can't buy me happiness, but I'm happiest when I can buy what I want, anytime that I want. Get high when I want.

I'll take option #3. Sounds basically like how I ended up with kids in the first place... :rofl:

11-12-2011, 10:55 AM
I don't accept your definition of true love. I don't want a girl that is 'completely and utterly loyal to you'.
I want a girl that is completely and utterly loyal to virtue, but I don't want a girl that is blindly devoted to me, if I become abusive in a relationship I wouldn't respect a girl who stays with me based on a loyalty to my person, I want loyalty not to me but to virtue.

I choose option 1 simply because I haven't experienced a relationship with those qualities of virtue, one day my answer might change.

11-12-2011, 11:12 AM
Option 3 seems to mean that everything I buy with my money goes to shit so I'd constantly be moving and failing. What's good about having money if you can't buy more success? So that leaves options 1 and 2.

I'll go with option 1. No time for a monogamous relationship while I'm a spy who's cover is being the best NHL player around, meeting attractive girls in all 30 NHL cities and beyond and ending evil and what not. Plus, my cap hit would mean I'd always be on a sweet team, Stanley Cups abound. I might only make $60K a year but the perks more than make up for it.

While Option 2 is endearing, no guarantee of living long and healthy means I'll stay away from the bliss. I'd gladly live in poverty to be with the right girl, but not on the terms (or lack thereof) given.

11-12-2011, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by TeamBestBud
Option 4. Fuck bitches, get money.


11-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Option #3.

Money can't buy me happiness but it can me buy alot of really nice things. And its nicer to be sad about being lonely in a mansion than a shack

11-12-2011, 11:59 AM
First off, I apologize to those who thought the thread was a waste of their time. I find plenty of threads that turn out to be a waste of my time, I tend to just close it and move on instead of whining about it.

Secondly, the options were simply an attempt to have success/fame, love, or money isolated and attached to a cost that made them undesirable. We all tend to lump the three together or at least we idealistically hope to attain some mix of the three. It was an interesting way to see what was the most motivating of the three for a given individual.

Way more people at work took the money, in fact nobody chose the job option, and only a handful chose love.

Originally posted by Modelexis
I don't accept your definition of true love. I don't want a girl that is 'completely and utterly loyal to you'.
I want a girl that is completely and utterly loyal to virtue, but I don't want a girl that is blindly devoted to me, if I become abusive in a relationship I wouldn't respect a girl who stays with me based on a loyalty to my person, I want loyalty not to me but to virtue.

Would you become abusive to someone you truly love, care for and are attracted to?

Secondly, even if for some sick reason you did, loyalty to you, would mean removing herself from the situation, then patiently waiting and encouraging you to change your behavior.

Someone who is loyal only to virtue, will only love the virtuous things about you. We are primates who have all kinds of inherant negative attributes, true love means you are loved for all the virtuous and all the negative attributes. None of us can live up to the impossible standards of a (themself fallible) person who is "completely and utterly loyal to virtue".

Now, does true love actually exist? For the sake of the thought experiment it does. In reality that question would be quite a conversation; so start a thread entitled "Does True Love Exist?" and see what comes of it.

11-12-2011, 12:19 PM
Problem with money option is every chick you bang takes 1/2 of it because you knock them up.

Option #3 means no sex with women to keep said money.
Option #3 requires homosexual activity.

I don't like option #3.

11-12-2011, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by sillysod
Problem with money option is every chick you bang takes 1/2 of it because you knock them up.

Option #3 means no sex with women to keep said money.
Option #3 requires homosexual activity.

I don't like option #3.

Nope, you can have all the casual relationships you want, but if you don't want kids at some point you will knock up one woman who will have twins. This will only happen one time, and it will only happen if you genuinely never wanted kids to begin with. For the sake of the question, she takes off, gets no money, and you get custody of the kids.

It was assumed that most people would want to choose kids to make the option more appealing by sharing the money with little iterations of themselves. So when taking away the option of children we had to negate any positive aspect for those that genuinely didn't want kids.

11-12-2011, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by ixlr8
Would you become abusive to someone you truly love, care for and are attracted to?

Secondly, even if for some sick reason you did, loyalty to you, would mean removing herself from the situation, then patiently waiting and encouraging you to change your behavior.

Someone who is loyal only to virtue, will only love the virtuous things about you. We are primates who have all kinds of inherant negative attributes, true love means you are loved for all the virtuous and all the negative attributes. None of us can live up to the impossible standards of a (themself fallible) person who is "completely and utterly loyal to virtue".

Now, does true love actually exist? For the sake of the thought experiment it does. In reality that question would be quite a conversation; so start a thread entitled "Does True Love Exist?" and see what comes of it.

The person that entered a love based relationship would have done so based on good and bad, obviously no one is perfect but we choose to love people that meet our standards of virtue. If that standard after a few years evaporated into abuse or just a general lack of virtue that was displayed at the beginning I see no reason for anyone to blindly just stick with that person. By definition that act of blind following is a deviation from a standard of virtue.

Even if true love existed, this is not my goal, my goal is to be with someone that at least matches my level of virtue, and me to match their level as well. If one of us deviates in any major way and is not responding to help, I see no reason to blindly follow that person and call it love.

11-12-2011, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis

The person that entered a love based relationship would have done so based on good and bad, obviously no one is perfect but we choose to love people that meet our standards of virtue. If that standard after a few years evaporated into abuse or just a general lack of virtue that was displayed at the beginning I see no reason for anyone to blindly just stick with that person. By definition that act of blind following is a deviation from a standard of virtue.

Even if true love existed, this is not my goal, my goal is to be with someone that at least matches my level of virtue, and me to match their level as well. If one of us deviates in any major way and is not responding to help, I see no reason to blindly follow that person and call it love.

The transactional nature of human love is often addressed in the way you propose, as a get what you give arrangement.

This is one way of dealing with it, the simplest and easiest way for most of our logic loving species. I should get what I give, so when I begin to get less than I give, I simply remove myself from the arrangement and once again search for equilibrium. I am glad for your sake that such conceptions are desirable to you, you have much company in theory.

However, love at its purest is illogical, so when trying to make it conform to systems of logic, something is lost, something powerful, something incredible; the ability of love at its purest to be a give everything and take nothing arrangement.

Again, does this exist anywhere but the ethereal? Well as I said, that is another very interesting and complex discussion.

As for me, I know that many times I need to get more than I could ever give, and I know that there are many other times in which I am able to give more than I will ever get back.

If you are actually interested in growth of perception I suggest you pick up the book The Price of Altruism about the work and life of geneticist George R Price.

If you just want to stay comfortable in your own nest of self reinforcing conception, avoid the book, and I truly wish you good luck in your search for a mirror.

11-12-2011, 03:00 PM
I think when you use the word love you're talking about something different than when I use it. It can be used to mean a lot of different things.
Your definition I suspect deals more with eternal infatuation while mine deals more with specific virtue commitments.

I would assume we could agree that love in whatever your definition is not something that you 'set and forget'. It's a lot of work by both parties and there is no such thing as love that you just fall into one day and you're set for life and don't have to worry about emotional conflict the rest of your life.

I will look up your book btw.

11-12-2011, 03:32 PM
Eternal infatuation? That is what you got from what I wrote? I expected more from you.

Subjective definitions of love are irrelevant, only empirically observed manifestations in sentient beings matter. This, objective action itself, is the only "definition" that matters.

"Specific virtue commitments" is simply a long winded way of saying, get what I give. I promise x in order to receive x, I promise y in order to receive y. This, your subjectively preferred arrangement was clearly addressed above.

This arrangement is not love, it is merely an effort to deal with a lack thereof. Which is completely fine, and even necessary for many people, but this arrangement is nowhere near the pinnacle of the aforementioned empirically observed manifestations in sentient beings.

Again, you want a mirror, many people do, take comfort in that.

Originally posted by Modelexis
I would assume we could agree that love in whatever your definition is not something that you 'set and forget'. It's a lot of work by both parties and there is no such thing as love that you just fall into one day and you're set for life and don't have to worry about emotional conflict the rest of your life.

Yes I agree, a very limited conception, but one most people would do well by understanding as a first step, and many never do.

11-12-2011, 03:59 PM
If your definition of love is to give everything and take nothing, the other person in the relationship would have to take everything and give nothing, or they could both give everything and take nothing?

11-12-2011, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
If your definition of love is to give everything and take nothing, the other person in the relationship would have to take everything and give nothing, or they could both give everything and take nothing?

Now you're thinking! Keep going, let it simmer in your mind, wrestle with it.

It gets bigger, far bigger, in fact it is an infinite question and it has an equally infinite answer.

There may be hope for you yet lexy.

11-12-2011, 04:27 PM
Sucks, cause eharmony doesn't have a check box for infinite altruism as a desired trait!

haha. :thumbsup:

11-12-2011, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by sillysod

Option #3 means no sex with women to keep said money.

who says:dunno:

It just said 'no true love'.
So it's $50 million and no true love.
Charlie Sheen called- he wants his option back.

11-13-2011, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by 95teetee
who says:dunno:

It just said 'no true love'.

Originally posted by ixlr8
You will never have children if you want them and if you don't want them you will get someone pregnant and have twins.

Pregnant bar chick with twins = major $$$ loss....

Someone that gets knocked up with twins is definitely going for atleast 1/2.

Seen it happen many times, and the more you're worth the more likely she's going to lawyer up and shit's going to get nasty.

My struggle is with Option 1 and Option 2

11-13-2011, 02:55 AM
Option 3..... Take my money and do w.e i want. Ive never cared for love. in the end, a woman is like a T.V channel. You get bored, and change it/her.

I'd be too busy with all my cars and houses and toys and parties to care about love and kids, and i'd probably die around 35-40 due to my "fuck the world/scarface" attitude(that give i had 50mil.)

11-13-2011, 11:13 PM
i pick option 1 because even though i wont have love of my life, i will still have a woman:angel:

Love is important but living a normal life is more important.

11-13-2011, 11:47 PM

11-14-2011, 01:14 AM
No.1 You have the same boring life because you cannot afford anything else...

No.2 You have the same boring life because you cannot afford anything else, but also because you are blind...

No.3 You end up on the street because you suck in the business world... No.3 does not reflect that money make you happy....

If it were 50 000 000 + you are good in the business world than that is the option for me... Ofc no kids what so ever!

Rat Fink
11-14-2011, 01:38 AM

11-14-2011, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Modelexis
I choose option 1 simply because I haven't experienced a relationship with those qualities of virtue, one day my answer might change.



Tram Common
11-15-2011, 05:32 AM
Option 2... without a doubt.

11-15-2011, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by shakalaka
They are all extreme scenarios, I pick neither of them.


I pick work hard rest of my life to achieve all my goals, be a good person, have a family.

Wait that is my life

11-15-2011, 10:17 AM
#3 easily. Bitches love money, and you don't have to love the bitches

11-15-2011, 10:21 AM
#2. Honestly, if I knew I'd never beat poverty, I think life would be so much simpler, lol.

#3 is tempting, but if you never have success in business or investments... that money won't last. $50mill is a lot, but if you get the bug in you that you want to be successful at something, you'll blow it all with multiple business attempts.

11-15-2011, 12:11 PM

11-15-2011, 01:00 PM
Here's a question for you chaps:

Can you truly love with out loving yourself?

Good luck loving yourself being poverty and not even knowing if you can give your family a proper future.

#1 anytime, all the time.

You have to love YOURSELF.

11-16-2011, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by Darkane
Here's a question for you chaps:

Can you truly love with out loving yourself?

Good luck loving yourself being poverty and not even knowing if you can give your family a proper future.

#1 anytime, all the time.

You have to love YOURSELF.

I assumed that didn't need to be stated.... so I took it as " i love me now " what would I want... ha!

11-16-2011, 03:09 PM
So option #1 I can have ANY job I want and still remain healthfully financial?

Yeah... #1.... I mean based on status alone, you get tons of freebee's depending on the job you choose ;) Same with sex life, pretty sure if you said "I've been to space..." or "Have you seen the movie..." or "I won a gold medal in..." you'd pull in some pretty good tail.

And on top of that, you do something you LOVE every day.