View Full Version : Positive outlook

11-15-2011, 10:15 PM
In this world of collapsing economy, destructive weather and insecurity we are constantly bombarded by negative news. I stopped watching the news because it's feels like the planet is collapsing at an alarming rate. I started thinking about what has changed for the better in the past decade.

Here's a few things that came to mind:

Green technology is advancing rapidly
Cars are getting faster and more efficient
Traveling is getting more affordable

Feel free to post what you think has gotten better since 2000.

11-15-2011, 10:49 PM
I make a fuckload of money, that's pretty good.

11-15-2011, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
I make a fuckload of money, that's pretty good.

Hahahaha. Gold!

11-15-2011, 11:17 PM
Don't stop reading the news... Just temper reading the news with the following knowledge and read up on some history.


We are fortunate to live in the most peaceful era ever experienced by the human race.

11-15-2011, 11:18 PM
My life is way better now than in 2000... But since I turned 12 years old in 2000... I don't have much of a bench mark to measure from haha. But if we even said 2007 before the world blew up...

-lived in basement suit in a shit hole house
-drove 2 cars with a combined value of $4000
-worked stupid hours for pennies (seemed like a lot at the time)
-no girlfriend

-have two homes (with the girlfriend) rental/primary residence
-1 car and 1 bike with a combined value of almost $30k
-make about 40% more money
-basically married (4 year anniversary is about a month away)

So... Yay for life in calgary!

11-15-2011, 11:34 PM
With computer tech I would dare to say we just know whats going on a hell of a lot better and faster everywhere. Oh ya and fuck the news, it way to negative:thumbsdow

11-16-2011, 12:51 AM
Fuck the news.

Positive is that with technology friends and family are a couple buttons away. .

11-16-2011, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
I make a fuckload of money, that's pretty good. :thumbsup:

11-16-2011, 12:57 AM
Used to live in the hood and have no money growing up, now I have a nice place with enough money to do or buy pretty much anything I want :thumbsup:

I'm too young to talk about the past though so life is generally great and don't see a problem with the world :bigpimp:

11-16-2011, 12:58 AM
It's not that there's an abundance of negative events, it's moreso that the media focuses more on the negative because no one really cares when things are going good, but tune in when bad things are happening, especially if its not affecting them.

11-16-2011, 01:06 AM
I actually prefer microsoft outlook

Life is much better though as I basically grew up in that time and am now living on my own, finished school, started a career and other events.

11-16-2011, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by mdeleon
It's not that there's an abundance of negative events, it's moreso that the media focuses more on the negative because no one really cares when things are going good, but tune in when bad things are happening, especially if its not affecting them.

Exactly my point. I'm sure the world is a better place now but you wouldn't be able to tell by reading or watching the news.

As someone else mentioned, it's the speed and access to all this data that make it seem worst than it actually is.

It's nice to see I'm not the only one that blocked most news reports and that most of you guys are doing good and enjoying life.:thumbsup:

11-16-2011, 09:54 AM
Every single day I look into my little girls eye's as she wakes up, smiles at me, and says "good morning daddy.", and I feel hope for the future.

11-16-2011, 10:01 AM
Since 2000... I got a car that starts on it's own. Fuck yeah!

11-16-2011, 10:03 AM
This thread just shows that money buys happiness for some.

11-16-2011, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by snoop101
This thread just shows that money buys happiness for some.

dont make me quote jelleestone again...

11-16-2011, 10:35 AM
With global population increase, and the increase of potential problems that comes along with it, I actually think things are not quite as alarming as they seem.

The fact is that there will always be disasters.... economic breakdowns.... wars... etc. Hell, the Great Depression was not even a century ago - which isn't really very long at all when you think about the history of mankind.

I think the main issue for most right now is the questionable state of the economy, and what lies ahead. And who knows - things may very well get worse. But that implies they are bad now, and I don't know about you guys, but the recent recession almost didn't affect me whatsoever - and I'm confident I can make it through all but the very worst of economic conditions going forward.

Things are fine. As mentioned, media and technology has made access to the crappy information so much easier. And it is also the information that gets the ratings, and what the media wants to sensationalize. At the same time, technology has helped society as a whole communicate. I mean - fuck - if I want to learn how to do *anything* it is now available online. We are so much more ahead now than we've ever been. In Canada, we've seen almost absolute racial and gender equality. We consider those with disabilities. We've campaigned to reduce bullying in schools, and are donating in droves to help fight disease and plight.

Things are way better now than ever before. Yes, we've had some speedbumps over the last decade or so with the economy and terrorism, and - news flash - there will *always* be something to bitch about. And, similiarily, you can be guaranteed that the media will always cover it. But how often do they do a story (Obama aside) of a black person getting an executive position, or someone in a wheelchair who can now access services they could not before?

Doesn't make for much of a story.

11-16-2011, 10:44 AM
One thing that has bothered/thinking of lately is how the younger population in Canada expect so much and seem to not have any respect anymore for what they have. I understand that its only a handful, but having to take the Ctrain this last month its just amazing how these kids/teens are now a days.

Im not that old (33) and things were a lot different when I grew up. I think of my dad and how he went through the war in Germany and how much they appreciated life.

When I was 15 I was working full time at min wage. By the time I was 20 I was only making a few dollars more and was a supervisor. I only took 1-2 days off a month. Now I work in IT and we have a young guy who is 20 years old and is making $25/h and comes in late all the time, takes days off randomly, and could just care less about his job. Sad part is hes having a baby too.

11-16-2011, 10:57 AM
Personally i read the news everyday. Not all of it is negative. Lots of good news as well most days.

As far as positive outlook, well i am finally working in oil and gas and i can am making maybe 100$ less per pay than my previous job, but i only work 80 hours to make that amount rather than work 150ish sometimes more to make 100$ more. With overtime i end up making significantly more which is nice.

New place in marda loop, getting rid of car to pay clear up some more $$$. All in all much happier now than ten years ago

11-16-2011, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
My life is way better now than in 2000... But since I turned 12 years old in 2000... Since 2000? I have way better friends. Most of the people I knew back then are up to some form of their same old shit. I don't really drive a nicer vehicle, but that was a concession I made so that I could go to school - I was looking at a new AWD C class over the summer :(. I've met a lot of great ladies though ;).

11-16-2011, 11:40 AM
Moved to Calgary in 2007 from Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. I was making $11 an hour as a cook at a restaurant. Living with Mom at 20 years old, no car & no girlfriend :banghead: :cry:

A year or so after moving to Calgary started making real money , easily double what I was making in BC. I have my own apartment, car, girlfriend. Life's pretty damn good :thumbsup:

11-16-2011, 05:29 PM
The last few years has been a grind. Working jobs to pay for school, grinding it out. Now 2 classes away from a Finance degree, working a full-time co-op finance position in O&G making great money (for me) and starting to see a career/future take shape.

Still waking up breathing every morning. Oh ya, and more girls :poosie:

11-16-2011, 06:05 PM
Life is great! I grew up in the hood back when the hood was still "the hood"... and ive been stabbed, shot, the whole fifty cent story that i attempt to hide and forget about. Now i am in the NDT field, making great cash! own 2 vehicles with a combined value of 40k. me and my brother are into a house and its been 4 years.

Oh, and i have a "suck my dick on command" GF! ahah i love her but geeze its great when are like that!

11-16-2011, 08:30 PM
For investors, the last couple of years have never been better for making easy money. Especially since our US taxpayer buddies are footing the bill for any risk involved, generally speaking.

11-16-2011, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
With global population increase, and the increase of potential problems that comes along with it, I actually think things are not quite as alarming as they seem.

The fact is that there will always be disasters.... economic breakdowns.... wars... etc. Hell, the Great Depression was not even a century ago - which isn't really very long at all when you think about the history of mankind.

I think the main issue for most right now is the questionable state of the economy, and what lies ahead. And who knows - things may very well get worse. But that implies they are bad now, and I don't know about you guys, but the recent recession almost didn't affect me whatsoever - and I'm confident I can make it through all but the very worst of economic conditions going forward.

Things are fine. As mentioned, media and technology has made access to the crappy information so much easier. And it is also the information that gets the ratings, and what the media wants to sensationalize. At the same time, technology has helped society as a whole communicate. I mean - fuck - if I want to learn how to do *anything* it is now available online. We are so much more ahead now than we've ever been. In Canada, we've seen almost absolute racial and gender equality. We consider those with disabilities. We've campaigned to reduce bullying in schools, and are donating in droves to help fight disease and plight.

Things are way better now than ever before. Yes, we've had some speedbumps over the last decade or so with the economy and terrorism, and - news flash - there will *always* be something to bitch about. And, similiarily, you can be guaranteed that the media will always cover it. But how often do they do a story (Obama aside) of a black person getting an executive position, or someone in a wheelchair who can now access services they could not before?

Doesn't make for much of a story.

Politicians are probably thinking or planning that we need more wars to reduce the 7 billion population problem...WW3, anyone?

Who knows?

Originally posted by Kloubek

It will probably happen. But not because our politicians desire it - I think that is just conspiracy theories talking - but because there are some countries which still feel war is the best solution to obtain what they want. Even the US buys into this - such as the war in Iraq. I think it will take another half century to rid developed nations of their urge to get engaged in wars, and less developed countries anywhere from 50-150 years... or perhaps even more.

But I do think that there will be a time in the not too distant future where large-scale war will be virtually eliminated, and the major violence you see will be primarily due to revolutionary movements and terrorists. Perhaps its just wishful thinking.

Well.....war is still profitable to this day.

11-16-2011, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Merritt

Politicians are probably thinking or planning that we need more wars to reduce the 7 billion population problem...WW3, anyone?

Who knows?

It will probably happen. But not because our politicians desire it - I think that is just conspiracy theories talking - but because there are some countries which still feel war is the best solution to obtain what they want. Even the US buys into this - such as the war in Iraq. I think it will take another half century to rid developed nations of their urge to get engaged in wars, and less developed countries anywhere from 50-150 years... or perhaps even more.

But I do think that there will be a time in the not too distant future where large-scale war will be virtually eliminated, and the major violence you see will be primarily due to revolutionary movements and terrorists. Perhaps its just wishful thinking.

11-16-2011, 09:45 PM
By the way, I like how you guys made some changes to your lives....you guys must feel beyond accomplished. Kudos to you.

I've yet to get out of the shithole I'm in...

11-16-2011, 10:01 PM

11-16-2011, 10:32 PM
For some reason I seem to strive to maintain my life as a shithole haha. I've made great strides to better myself and then go and fuck myself over royally like I usually do.

At the very least I have a new great job and a new great apartment for me and my cat lol.

Priorities change, life changes it's how we roll with it that makes us. So I am looking forward to yet another round of fixing my fuck ups lololol.

And for those thinking WW3 is coming it sure as hell is. We've been due for it for a long time unfortunately and I think it's unavoidable at this point, as is the demise of our planet.

Too many things to fight over and some we definitely shouldn't. Religion will be a hinderance to us as a race until we abolish it. Too many poor countries are probably faced with a fight for what we want or we won't get it since the rest of the world lets them die and suffer while doing nothing.

Honestly I think we are past the point of no return when it comes to our psyche and honestly think we will actually end up killing ourselves off at this point. Seems like defeatist thinking but in reality it's pretty hard to ignore all the signs. We have watched so many horrible things happened, Rwanda, Darfur just to name 2. We sit idly by and watch as our planet dies and only when an eco-system is beyond saving do we get up and do something.

I get through every day by trying to read, watch something positive in the news and try to do positive things or nice things for people at work, strangers, friends, etc.

I think people need to shed their blind beliefs and realize we do not need religion to turn our lives into a positive direction, if we all just accepted the fact that if we all were nice to each other and all watched out for each other the planet would be a better place to live but alas this will never happen since there will always be a few people deciding the fates of millions and willing to let those suffer so that they may have 5 houses, 45 cars, etc, etc...

The direction, we as a society are heading to very often makes me feel sick but there is nothing really one person can accomplish, and sadly the protests going on are a clear example of how things will go for people wanting change. Although i didn't really believe in their cause, I still feel that it was like letting a screaming baby scream itself out for a little while before then turning around and saying ok enough you need to shut up.

11-16-2011, 10:45 PM
ekguy....take my approach.

I don't give a shit what happens to anyone else...I need to be a millionaire ASAP and buy a private island, small and useless enough for nobody to give a shit about and a fortress big enough to fuck anyone up that tries to join me on my island.

I would also have a vast underground castle to of course live in with an abundance of food and hydrants to live while war is taking place and nuclear waste is all over the world.

I am giving myself 20 years before this is needed. :D

11-16-2011, 11:25 PM
You, good sir....have...a BRILLIANT APPROACH!!!


I like the way you think.


Rat Fink
11-16-2011, 11:49 PM

11-17-2011, 10:41 AM
I was only a youngin' when the year 2000 came around, so I guess we will start off with my low point:

In 2005 I was involved in a large collision that could have turned out a lot worse. I was criminally charged and lost my chance to finish my schooling as a commercial pilot. Two months after the collision, I joined a volunteer program and took off across the country.

Life was no much better when I got back. Living at home, shitty jobs, left a girl on the other side of the country, no license, no money, and was begging, stealing, and borrowing to feed myself.

Fast forward to now: I have had 3 promotions in 4 years with my current company, drive a brand new car, Have a clean record, have great friends, and live in a little shack to call my own. :thumbsup: