View Full Version : my idea to fix Crowchild trail

11-23-2011, 09:46 PM
So basically anybody commuting on the west side during rush hour knows how backed up crowchild gets. Considering its the only major highway the west side of the city has, while the east side has deerfoot.

And what makes it so bad is the 4 set of lights starting from 24 ave north
banff trail
5 ave
to the kensington lights in the south part.

soooo I came up with a proposol since I haven't heard anything in the planning to fix this issue for the past few years or ever.

And this is what I came up with about 15 min of photoshop and since I don't get paid through the ass like the alderman, this is the best I can do so no mocking necessary at my beautiful sketch. Although if this idea goes through, I should be compensated.
May have missed some detours but whatever you get the idea.

Idea is to basically turn these four set of lights off every weekday starting from 7am to 9am and 3pm to 5:30pm and set up detour signs, sorta similar to the lane reversals they have on memorial and construction zones.


So thoughts? would it work? is it too much detouring? or is it worth it to just wait however years longer to get enough money for bridges?

11-23-2011, 09:50 PM
I agree that Crowchild sucks! as i drive it daily....

But to be honest, your drawing makes no sense to me.
Are the lines routes to bypass lights, so cars aren't waiting?

im confused.

11-23-2011, 10:02 PM
Are those arrows supposed to represent routes when the lanes are reversed? :dunno:

11-23-2011, 10:21 PM
Interesting idea but basically you are suggesting anyone sw of the uni trying to head north on crowchild has to add 20-30 mins to their commute?

I used to take crowchild to work, I would hit banff trail around 6:30, never had any issues. Maybe get up earlier?

11-23-2011, 10:25 PM
There are alot worse roads in Calgary then crowchild for traffic that should be addressed first. It honestly is not even that bad...maybe 5-10 minutes added to the trip.

11-23-2011, 10:29 PM
I think what's going on here is that there are no left turns onto or off of crowchild, so the lights can pretty much always be green for people on crowchild.

That would kinds work, as long as nobody ever needed to cross crowchild at any of those intersections.

11-23-2011, 10:37 PM
what he's trying to say is all greens on crow child at all times, and if you are on kensington or 5th ave or 24th etc. to get across you have detours to get you where you needed to be.

11-23-2011, 10:45 PM
Seems like a lot of detours for people who wisely chose to live closer to their work so that people in the burbs can make it to work faster...

11-23-2011, 10:48 PM
I don't even take crowchild during rush hour anymore. Tons of shortcuts through the numerous communities inbetween. I can go from Arbour Lake to my office downtown on the worst snow days in 25 mins without leaving my house at 7am.

But ya, crowchild isn't that bad at all compared to other roads. Of course it'd be awesome to cut out those 4 sets of lights, but even as a NW'er I agree that other roads should be prioritized.

11-24-2011, 12:18 AM
You think Crowchild is bad now, rewind 10 years ago to a time when it was all traffic lights.

It's not that bad at all. I think McKnight Blvd takes the cake for a major artery in dire need of upgrading.

11-24-2011, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by masoncgy
You think Crowchild is bad now, rewind 10 years ago to a time when it was all traffic lights.
Fast fwd a few years to the massive construction that replaced 7 intersections with bridges. That was pure hell for traffic. There were days where I'd be on crowchild for 90 mins just to get from McMahon to Nose Hill!

11-24-2011, 12:51 AM
The map indicates the detours that could be utilized to allow traffic lights to stay green for crow child traffic. It makes sense but memorial would turn into a gong show. The crowchild corridor is too small for any bridges at these intersections. And when i was commuting on crowchild it is bad. 30- 40 min wait. Its a band aid fix.

I've got a an idea for some small area required bridges but i doubt that the city will accept it anytime soon.

Plus if the city ever gets started in the ring road between highway 9 and 16 ave will relieve a lot of traffic on crowchild and sarcee

Masked Bandit
11-24-2011, 09:24 AM
I like the idea!

It'll never happen in a million years of course but I like the idea.

11-24-2011, 09:35 AM
The problem with Crowchild NW is fairly straightforward in that you have a freeway that all of a sudden hits three lights in succession in Kensington, 5th and 24 Ave. IMO it's more than an just oversight that the city made this freeway exiting the city at the NW and left three age old intersections in place right in the middle.

Sure I know and have used the shortcuts as well but traffic going through communities isn't really a solution as kids play in communities and any traffic not there specifically for that area shouldn't be there as I had a son hit by a car (survived) this summer on Citadel Drive which has seen traffic increase in a major way and most speeding as people use it as a shortcut now to get to Sarcee Trail and avoid the Country Hills/Sarcee Trail intersection.

IMO these intersections should be a high priority.

11-24-2011, 09:37 AM
It would work for traffic on Crowchild. Then most likely it would clog up 16ave and memorial because of the left turn traffic, both are quite heavily loaded as is during rush hour.

Crowchild in the morning isn't that bad, after work though it is another story. I just find my way around that area :) .

11-24-2011, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by heavyD
The problem with Crowchild NW is fairly straightforward in that you have a freeway that all of a sudden hits three lights in succession in Kensington, 5th and 24 Ave.
4 lights. Don't forget 23rd, Stadium Nissan.

A lot of work needs to be done to get rid of those lights, as they're needed to feed McMahon stadium right now. Unless of course you force all traffic to go in through University Drive.

11-24-2011, 09:56 AM
I think an elevated through-fare is the only thing that might work. That won't happen though.

11-24-2011, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by rage2

4 lights. Don't forget 23rd, Stadium Nissan.

A lot of work needs to be done to get rid of those lights, as they're needed to feed McMahon stadium right now. Unless of course you force all traffic to go in through University Drive.

I realize it's a lot of work but it's something that will have to be done especially as the city sprawls out further in that direction. If you are heading from the south to north on Crowchild at rush hour it's a gong show to get through those lights as Crowchild stops moving. I rarely have to take that route as I work in the NE but when I do I just shake my head at the madness.

11-24-2011, 10:36 AM
THat's a pretty decent band-aid. It doesn't solve much though. Really, an elevated system for Crowchild traffic would be the best. I honestly think that it would cut down time, but with the amount of traffic merging onto Crowchild would keep the pace very slow-moving. The biggest hurtle to fix this would be coming up with something that doesn't cost $2 billion+. I can see anything going on there for cheap.

I want to see sarcee completed before crowchild. It may take some of the pain out of some other areas, including Crowchild.

11-24-2011, 11:38 AM
just knock some of the surrounding communities/business down and make it a super highway from bow trail to past 24th...

fuck ittttt

11-24-2011, 11:52 AM
Crowchild is by far the most annoying road I use on a daily basis. Deerfoot and Glenmore back up, but at least they MOVE.

I think one of the biggest problems is that there are no shoulders at some of the key stretches of the road... The second there is an accident or an ambulance/firetruck/cop car needs to get by the road is completely FUCKED.

11-24-2011, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by J-D

I think one of the biggest problems is that there are no shoulders at some of the key stretches of the road... The second there is an accident or an ambulance/firetruck/cop car needs to get by the road is completely FUCKED.

and where there are shoulders people use them as a lane to get as far forward as possible then force themselves into traffic at the last minute.

yeah the elevated roads were pretty much the idea i had. right from EB memorial to university drive ( and widening the roads there too). put the traffic lights under the bridges and crowchild on/off ramps between the bridges.

11-24-2011, 03:25 PM
There are so many points on the road network in the city that you just have to shake your head at i.e. the city planner that thought it was a good idea to go from 4 Lanes (130th Ave) down to 2 Lanes (overpass over Anderson) on Deerfoot (SE) should be skinned alive infront of his children.

11-24-2011, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by 94boosted
There are so many points on the road network in the city that you just have to shake your head at i.e. the city planner that thought it was a good idea to go from 4 Lanes (130th Ave) down to 2 Lanes (overpass over Anderson) on Deerfoot (SE) should be skinned alive infront of his children.

Don't worry the SE will get LRT to fix it! :rofl:

11-24-2011, 04:52 PM
McKnight - the city is quietly buying up properties as they come on the market. My suggestion for this mess would be for an interchange at Edmonton Trail, another at Centre Street and an underpass at 4th Street NW with no access from 4th onto McKnight or McKnight onto 4th. 12th Street NE has already got great plans on the city's web site the would fix that mess.

Crowchild - fly 24th Ave over Crow and get rid of the level intersection between 24th and 16th via new side access roads from 24th and 16th as well as improved access to the stadium off of University Drive. Make 5th Ave go over Crow with no access from/to either and put an interchange at Kensington (or whatever it's called there)

11-24-2011, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I don't even take crowchild during rush hour anymore. Tons of shortcuts through the numerous communities inbetween. I can go from Arbour Lake to my office downtown on the worst snow days in 25 mins without leaving my house at 7am.

Originally posted by heavyD

Sure I know and have used the shortcuts as well but traffic going through communities isn't really a solution as kids play in communities and any traffic not there specifically for that area shouldn't be there as I had a son hit by a car (survived) this summer on Citadel Drive which has seen traffic increase in a major way and most speeding as people use it as a shortcut now to get to Sarcee Trail and avoid the Country Hills/Sarcee Trail intersection.

IMO these intersections should be a high priority.
I'd like to hear these shortcuts you guys talk about.
I'm basically sick of waiting in traffic. Yes the morning isn't as bad and I know some shortcuts but the afternoon is where its really fucked if your coming from the south.

The problem is, there is only 4 BRIDGES CROSSING THE RIVER from the SW to the NW.
10 st
14 st
....then nothing till 16 ave

I've tried every route I could think of in the afternoon and most days, I'm stuck sitting there.

Basically you take glenmore to crowchild, you either wait minimum 45min if you stay in the left lanes of crow, if you be a dick and get on the merge lanes and merge right at the end, then its still a 25 min wait.

And in my opinion, if you solve the crowchild gong-show, it automatically solve ALOT of the other roads in the area. Sure maybe the 20,000 people in the route of the detours might be affected, but I think it would help alot till we get some bridges going.

Because as soon as you cross the river, yes there are alot of alternatives to get where your going but having crowchild turn into one lane over the bridge, plus the 4 set of lights and it just ruins everything.

We could probably get rid of the 5ave and banff lights, with a bridge over 24 and kensington but those developments won't be cheap, so realistically another 10 years just to get them started.

11-24-2011, 10:12 PM
I don't know any shortcuts going SW to NW. Just NW to downtown.

11-24-2011, 10:51 PM
Crowchild is as good as it will ever get. There is no way for them to change out those 4 lights unless there is major development in the neighborhood.

11-24-2011, 11:07 PM
^^no way, they could easily put overpasses and just buy the properties on the corner to put in ramps.

11-25-2011, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Guillermo
^^no way, they could easily put overpasses and just buy the properties on the corner to put in ramps.

Waste of effort and time. No point fixing this LITTLE backlog of traffic when there is waaaayyy worse roads in the city. I drive it everyday and honestly it makes a 5-10 minute difference in rush hour compared to normal time.

I suppose everyone just wants to have "their" route fixed and doesn't care about the rest of the city though. Try driving on McKnight during rushhour, or anytime for that matter...what a gongshow.

11-25-2011, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1

Waste of effort and time. No point fixing this LITTLE backlog of traffic when there is waaaayyy worse roads in the city. I drive it everyday and honestly it makes a 5-10 minute difference in rush hour compared to normal time.

I suppose everyone just wants to have "their" route fixed and doesn't care about the rest of the city though. Try driving on McKnight during rushhour, or anytime for that matter...what a gongshow.

5-10 mins? You must not travel far on Crowchild.

I only make that trip during the rush hour once every 2 months (thank Christ), and can say that my commute from Douglasdale - Crowfoot goes from 15-20 mins with no traffic, to 1 1/2 hours. The last trip I made took just over 2 hours. In fact, every trip I made during rush hour on Crowchild has been well over an hour EVERY time.

I agree there is more important things to complete, but saying that it is only a 15 minute add-on is either a small sample from your experience, or your route doesn't use much of the system. Crowchild is a major route that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

11-25-2011, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Tomaz

5-10 mins? You must not travel far on Crowchild.

I only make that trip during the rush hour once every 2 months (thank Christ), and can say that my commute from Douglasdale - Crowfoot goes from 15-20 mins with no traffic, to 1 1/2 hours. The last trip I made took just over 2 hours. In fact, every trip I made during rush hour on Crowchild has been well over an hour EVERY time.

I agree there is more important things to complete, but saying that it is only a 15 minute add-on is either a small sample from your experience, or your route doesn't use much of the system. Crowchild is a major route that needs to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

I come off shaganappi through to downtown, then downtown back up to the University or Shag. I hit all the "major" lights and honestly have like 10-15 minutes added on most days, maybe half hour if it is REAALLY bad(every 2 weeks or so.

Just stay in the right lane, swerve in and out when merges are coming up, and you don't see much of a difference. Sure you have to be the dick to eventually cut someone off near the stadium but :dunno:, get back in the far right lane all the way up to memorial and cut back in after the lights...and your set :thumbsup:

It's kind of like taking deerfoot north during rush hour. Stay in the far right lane, take the 16th ave overpass and back down the otherside, stay in the far right all the way up to the merge on32nd and quickly cut into the 2nd right lane, right after the merge far right lane again and cut someone off in the 2nd rate lane right before the mcknight overpass.

Drive smart(and safe) and save time :clap:

11-25-2011, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by Type_S1

Waste of effort and time. No point fixing this LITTLE backlog of traffic when there is waaaayyy worse roads in the city. I drive it everyday and honestly it makes a 5-10 minute difference in rush hour compared to normal time.

I suppose everyone just wants to have "their" route fixed and doesn't care about the rest of the city though. Try driving on McKnight during rushhour, or anytime for that matter...what a gongshow.

I take McKnight every day and Crowchild very little but can say that Crowchild is much, much worse as McNight is a shorter stretch with less arteries in and out. Not sure where you got your 5-10 minutes from but that's not even close to how backed up Crowchild gets. I don't believe there is any stetch of road in the city that backs up as far daily as Crowchild at rush hour at the end of the day. Literally stops from 17 Ave. SW to 24 Avenue NW every single day. Take a look at a map and see how much road that covers where you go bumper to bumper.

11-25-2011, 10:05 AM
Although I agree that the lights on crowchild dont help, it isnt like the rest of crowchild is a clog free zone. Look at crowchild south anywhere past 33rd. It has been stopped. Thankfully I dont live that way but I think the first set of lights you encounter going south crow is at the Rockyview Hospital or never if you go onto glenmore.

So there are no lights and it is still a cluster. There is obviously something else going on there. I think we are just blaming the lights. Yes it would fix some problems but I dont think it would be a smooth commute instantly.

Hell look at deerfoot! No lights anymore and it still is a parking lot at the right time of the day.

Originally posted by Type_S1

Just stay in the right lane, swerve in and out when merges are coming up, and you don't see much of a difference. Sure you have to be the dick to eventually cut someone off near the stadium but :dunno:, get back in the far right lane all the way up to memorial and cut back in after the lights...and your set :thumbsup:

Ahhh you are that guy. Well shit why not just drive the shoulder? No one ever is on there. I could get from my house to my office in 15 minutes every day down deerfoot, no matter the time.

11-25-2011, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by heavyD
Literally stops from 17 Ave. SW to 24 Avenue NW every single day. Take a look at a map and see how much road that covers where you go bumper to bumper.
Yea, those lights won't fix the problem if you're looking at the south side. From 17th Ave SW --> Kensington, it's just a massive design flaw in itself right on the bridge.

You have 3 lanes heading northbound, and it forces ppl to squeeze into the left 2 lanes (right lane goes downtown to bow).

From those 2 lanes, everyone moves to the left lane because the right lane exits on Memorial.

To add to the gong show, a single 3rd lane on the left comes in from all downtown traffic (bow trail + 10th Ave offramps) that wants to get on Crowchild, where 1/2 the traffic tries to change into the 1 lane that all northbound traffic got forced into, to get onto Memorial or Kensington.

It's the worst lane design I've ever witnessed.

As for the 5-10 min, I think it's just the NW'ers talking about getting in and out of downtown. The South --> North needs that whole bridge to be redone haha.

11-25-2011, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by heavyD

I take McKnight every day and Crowchild very little but can say that Crowchild is much, much worse as McNight is a shorter stretch with less arteries in and out. Not sure where you got your 5-10 minutes from but that's not even close to how backed up Crowchild gets. I don't believe there is any stetch of road in the city that backs up as far daily as Crowchild at rush hour at the end of the day. Literally stops from 17 Ave. SW to 24 Avenue NW every single day. Take a look at a map and see how much road that covers where you go bumper to bumper.

I've waited on the deerfoot overpass heading east on mcknight for literally 30 minutes at times because of the retarded turning lane onto deerfoot and the light that is a complete mess. Earlier this week I waited 25 minutes in rush hour in this spot. You cannot tell me any stretch of crowchild is that bad. My 5-10 minutes as I said is from going to shag-downtown and back. There is no way it should add the amounts of time some people are saying in this thread.

Ahhh you are that guy. Well shit why not just drive the shoulder? No one ever is on there. I could get from my house to my office in 15 minutes every day down deerfoot, no matter the time.

What guy? Am I breaking any laws on the road? Last time I checked driving in the shoulder is breaking the law. I drive smart in the system, never leave a designated lane nor merge into traffic with a solid white line, and I have a nice leisurely drive :thumbsup: :D

11-25-2011, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1

What guy? Am I breaking any laws on the road? Last time I checked driving in the shoulder is breaking the law. I drive smart in the system, never leave a designated lane nor merge into traffic with a solid white line, and I have a nice leisurely drive :thumbsup: :D

Hahaha, yeah, the thought has crossed my mind when I see the one or two drivers doing your tricks.

Either way, deerfoot backing up in that direction is still far more of an efficient system. Even during the bridge construction I had better luck getting to the NW using Deerfoot to 16th and up. I honestly don't care about time now I'm thinking about it. I rather not need to use my clutch as much. My left leg is now far stronger than my right thanks to stop-go traffic. lol

11-25-2011, 12:35 PM
So what do you guys think can be done with Mcknight between John Laurie and Deerfoot?

I know it's always backed up going WB towards centre street and there's no good detour that you could do to avoid the area.

11-25-2011, 12:57 PM
It's kind of like taking deerfoot north during rush hour. Stay in the far right lane, take the 16th ave overpass and back down the otherside, stay in the far right all the way up to the merge on32nd and quickly cut into the 2nd right lane, right after the merge far right lane again and cut someone off in the 2nd rate lane right before the mcknight overpass.

Even better if you don't mind breaking the rules a bit.... drive up the 32 Ave ramp off Deerfoot and just cut across the lights up top and go down the other side and cut on to Deerfoot just before the McKnight West lane goes off the side... you will cut like 10 minutes off the commute.

It's illegal, of course. ;)

11-25-2011, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by masoncgy

Even better if you don't mind breaking the rules a bit.... drive up the 32 Ave ramp off Deerfoot and just cut across the lights up top and go down the other side and cut on to Deerfoot just before the McKnight West lane goes off the side... you will cut like 10 minutes off the commute.

It's illegal, of course. ;)

I would def. do that if you could cross 32nd legally back onto deerfoot. Your sarcasm makes no sense considering crossing 32 ave would be impossible...there are barries. You fail, please try again.

I don't understand why people get upset with saving time on your commute as long as your staying within the law. I guess some people don't have more important things to get to :dunno:

11-25-2011, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by Artega
So what do you guys think can be done with Mcknight between John Laurie and Deerfoot?

I know it's always backed up going WB towards centre street and there's no good detour that you could do to avoid the area.

- Underpass or overpass at 4 St NW with no access.
- Some kind of interchange/flyover at Centre St N. The majority of turning traffic makes a left from Centre to McKnight at afternoon rush... so flyover here.
- Open up 4 St NE and make it a feeder route again... the fact they have this closed off in Thorncliffe is ridiculous. Interchange at Mcknight.
- Make a proper cloverleaf at Deerfoot and get rid of that stupid light going to Deerfoot North.
- Interchanges at 12 St NE, 19 St NE & Barlow.

11-25-2011, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1

I would def. do that if you could cross 32nd legally back onto deerfoot. Your sarcasm makes no sense considering crossing 32 ave would be impossible...there are barries. You fail, please try again.

I don't understand why people get upset with saving time on your commute as long as your staying within the law. I guess some people don't have more important things to get to :dunno:

Ummm... you can easily scoot across 32nd and back down. People do it all the time. Not nearly as many as those who go up to 16 Ave and back down again... but still, people know they can do this and they do it every day.

I wouldn't have mentioned it otherwise. :dunno:

11-25-2011, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Guillermo
^^no way, they could easily put overpasses and just buy the properties on the corner to put in ramps.


Underpass and traffic circles to replace the 4 lights?

11-25-2011, 04:08 PM
Crowchild in the NW is about as good as it gets... I am in Tuscany and it takes me about 30-35 mins when I leave at 7:30AM to get to work (parkade @ McDougall). So not sure where everyone is coming from.

I've always thought about what it would be like to build a flyover between 5th Ave and Kensington road. But personally, I don't think this would fly because then Bow Trail and Memorial would just become the bottlenecks and Crowchild will still back up as a result (kind of like how Deerfoot backs up at certain off ramps). So the best result might be to just leave it be for now.

As Rage pointed out, the biggest problem with Crowchild is the northbound section over the River. When it boils down to it, there is ONE through lane for that entire section. It's pretty effing ridiculous. It would've been nice if the city had done something with this as they were building the CTrain. Obviously the city never thought that the NW would grow so big while they originally planned the road. I don't even know how they can fix this, short of building a whole new bridge across the river. I suppose this will happen when end of life for the current bridge draws near (whenever that is).

As for OP, your plan won't fly. No community would ever let that happen, and besides, closer to Kensington Rd., isn't that Druh's turf? ;)

And to all the posters who thinks Deerfoot is better than Crowchild... Sometimes. The S to N section by the bridge, yes, but the rest of Crow, NO FREAKIN' WAY!!!

11-25-2011, 05:27 PM
If they implement some changes north of the river, the life of the current design would probably be extended after which time traffic levels would probably necessitate a new bridge of some sort.

- 5 Ave intersection removed completely (merging right turn only traffic would probably interfere too much with traffic flow)

- Kensington Rd. interchange

- 24 Ave interchange

- 23 Ave intersection removal (only right turns allowed)

Longer term:

- Eliminate the weave caused by 10th ave traffic (going to Memorial) by having this traffic merge onto Crowchild on the right of the NB lanes (new bridge?)

I think theres a Crowchild corridor study being done, would be interesting to see what they come up with.

11-25-2011, 05:57 PM
As mentioned before crowchild southbound onto glenmore backs up every single day all the way back to 33ave, they spent all that time repairing glenmore and it still backs up. People driving down crowchild slow down to 50-60 km/hr, people start merging at 40km/hr from 50 ave and then everyone slows down to 20km/hr to drive up the ramp. It becomes a parking lot. They should build a barrier on that merge lane to the end and put up big neon signs that say do not merge until 80km/hr and have a cop there with a radar gun. They actually need to do this at a lot of merges in the city.

11-25-2011, 07:21 PM
this idea would work on slower over passes and not a chance on deerfoot, but should would well for crowchild.

if more room is available then right turn ramps can be used. but otherwise right turns would be through the single traffic light on the under the bridges. the traffic light would only have to negotiate left turns and east/west traffic (much like mcleod and glenmore)


11-25-2011, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Artega
So what do you guys think can be done with Mcknight between John Laurie and Deerfoot?

I know it's always backed up going WB towards centre street and there's no good detour that you could do to avoid the area. From my post above...

McKnight - the city is quietly buying up properties as they come on the market. My suggestion for this mess would be for an interchange at Edmonton Trail, another at Centre Street and an underpass at 4th Street NW with no access from 4th onto McKnight or McKnight onto 4th. 12th Street NE has already got great plans on the city's web site the would fix that mess.

11-25-2011, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by clem24

As Rage pointed out, the biggest problem with Crowchild is the northbound section over the River. When it boils down to it, there is ONE through lane for that entire section. I don't even know how they can fix this, short of building a whole new bridge across the river. I suppose this will happen when end of life for the current bridge draws near (whenever that is).

And to all the posters who thinks Deerfoot is better than Crowchild... Sometimes. The S to N section by the bridge, yes, but the rest of Crow, NO FREAKIN' WAY!!!

adding another lane both north and south bound under the WB memorial bridge would help. but then EB memorial to SB crowchild traffic would have to learn how to actually merge with a short lane.

there is nothing wrong with deerfoot itself. it's just the retarded fucks that slow traffic by merging at half the speed of traffic. and sometimes the douche bags that cruise the fast lane until 100m before their turnoff then use the brakes to changes lanes half dozen times.

01-22-2012, 05:22 PM
The city has an online survey for feedback regarding Crowchild trail up right now.


01-23-2012, 02:58 PM
done. Thanks J-D

01-23-2012, 03:46 PM
Put in my 2 cents.

01-23-2012, 04:01 PM
driving from the SW to NW is probably the worst thing to do during rush hour. since 14th street sw is always backed up, and crowchild turning into 1 lane on the bridge (even though its a small distance, it counts) just makes it the worst commute ever. i'm so glad i work in the industrial area, the commute has never been so much better. its gonna suck going back to school in September....

01-23-2012, 09:20 PM
Completed the survey... from the questions asked in the survey, it seems like the City is leaning toward HOV lane or dedicated bus lane... as some the the questions and available choices for answers are biased toward those improvements.

01-23-2012, 10:04 PM
A HOV lane isn't going to fix everyone changing lanes heading north between 17th ave SW and 16th ave NW.

01-23-2012, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by rage2
A HOV lane isn't going to fix everyone changing lanes heading north between 17th ave SW and 16th ave NW.


I don't see any problem! :D

01-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by rage2
A HOV lane isn't going to fix everyone changing lanes heading north between 17th ave SW and 16th ave NW.

Whoever even come up with HOV doesn't drive that stretch at all.

Give us 3 lanes Crowchild end to end before even talk about HOV.

01-23-2012, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by J-D
The city has an online survey for feedback regarding Crowchild trail up right now.


Nice thanks. I did and included a link to this thread as well.

I sure hope an HOV lane isn't their solution, 90% of cars going through the bridge over the river are not car pooling.

Only real solution is get rid of the lights.
Get a bigger bridge going over the river
and during rush hour, traffic from 10 ave merging onto crowchild, should not be allowed to jump three lanes if they wanna get on memorial.

01-30-2012, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by J-D


I don't see any problem! :D
That'd only work if the left and right lane traffic doesn't need to switch to the other sides. Unless you want to force all traffic that's not car pooling onto memorial by banning lane changes lol.

Looks like there's new condos being built at Kensington as well as 24th, so say goodbye to any chance of interchange/lights removal. :thumbsdow

01-30-2012, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by rage2

That'd only work if the left and right lane traffic doesn't need to switch to the other sides. Unless you want to force all traffic that's not car pooling onto memorial by banning lane changes lol.

Looks like there's new condos being built at Kensington as well as 24th, so say goodbye to any chance of interchange/lights removal. :thumbsdow

I was trying to be sarcastic haha. HOV isn't going to fix anything when 80% of the vehicles are single occupant.

01-31-2012, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by black13
I sure hope an HOV lane isn't their solution, 90% of cars going through the bridge over the river are not car pooling.

That's the point of the HOV lane. 90% of you QQ while the 10% of us who aren't forever alone speed by.

The point is to encourage the use of carpooling and transit as a faster way of getting to where you want to go.

01-31-2012, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by whiskas

That's the point of the HOV lane. 90% of you QQ while the 10% of us who aren't forever alone speed by.

The point is to encourage the use of carpooling and transit as a faster way of getting to where you want to go.

And it's also been shown that these lanes just simply don't work and ends up making traffic worse. Basically it's a shitty solution to design fuck up/disaster that is the Crowchild Trail Bridge. The only real solution is build a new bridge and/or get rid of the lights at Kensington.

Maybe another solution is to just build another 3 lane bridge to carry SB traffic, and convert the entire existing bridge to NB traffic. The current SB lanes can be new NB through lanes while the current NB lanes can be used for traffic exiting to/entering from DT.

Or if they can resolve the cluster fuck that is the SW ring road, congestion on Crowchild might finally ease.

01-31-2012, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by whiskas

That's the point of the HOV lane. 90% of you QQ while the 10% of us who aren't forever alone speed by.

The point is to encourage the use of carpooling and transit as a faster way of getting to where you want to go.

HOV only work on long stretches of road with exits far apart. Otherwise, it's just a bunch of people changing lane at the wrong spot trying to get to their exit and make it a worse mess.

01-31-2012, 12:39 PM
I think adding a bicycle lane should do the trick. May I also suggest shutting down half the bridge in the weekend for family oriented festivities? you know like sun bathing on Crowchild day, would really benefit us calgarians.

01-31-2012, 12:59 PM
I think if they polled people, they would be willing to pay an extra $100 in their taxes to bring this route up to date/current population. Or prorate it to the distance you need to drive to reach downtown.
But you know there would be abuse and they would just vote in for another 5% salary hike or spend it elsewhere.

Another issue is South on Crowchild, turning onto 24th Ave. Lights at non peak times are only set for dedicated turn signals. I think I can judge speed and turn appropriately here at 10pm on a Sunday. If I see Crowchild lights are green, I turn towards the Uni, pull a U-turn and hit the light on 24th upwards of 5 minutes sooner.

Along with this, McMahon needs a total revamp. A parking structure would allow for the city to take over some of that land while probably allowing for even more parking.

01-31-2012, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
I think adding a bicycle lane should do the trick. May I also suggest shutting down half the bridge in the weekend for family oriented festivities? you know like sun bathing on Crowchild day, would really benefit us calgarians.

Lol, I guess that is Druh's tuff too. Fuck Druh.

01-31-2012, 01:31 PM
The issue is the bridge! there is only one lane of through traffic during rush. We are forcing the three lanes of crowchild down to one.

01-31-2012, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by jacky4566
The issue is the bridge! there is only one lane of through traffic during rush. We are forcing the three lanes of crowchild down to one.

This is my biggest issue. The second issue is how many points of access there are to the road. Heading northbound, these are the only ramps I want to see in the area:

17th > Bow > Memorial > University/16th > 24th >Charleswood

I want it 3 lanes that DO NOT END! In theory, I would want to be able to take one lane from Glenmore all the way to Cochrane.

No other access. Freeway style. It will cut down a lot of unnecessary intersections or merges off the road. Of course businesses and residences in Kensington might disagree with my plan.