View Full Version : So I was being stupid recently..

01-28-2004, 08:43 AM
Last wednesday was going out for wings w/ a buddy and headed up nose hill drive from sarcee..

There was another red 4gen prelude bootin it down the road behind me so ... i was like booya!

We were whippin accross 16ave, stoney trail and nose hill drive ... speeds excess of 100 ... there was some other vehicle behind me i didnt pay much attention to and slowed down before the Esso before the crowfoot crossing ..

Turns out that vehicle behind me was a cop in an intrepid unmarked car ... DOH! :banghead:

This is bizarre ... I was 3 cars back in the left lane at a red light and the other lude was first car in the right lane at the lights ..

This intrepid pulls into the left lane at the front of the intersection 1 car back .. puts on NO lights .. 2 guys jump out not dressed like cops ... passenger comes running at me, driver at the other guy .. I ALMOST did not pull my window down because that just isn't copish behavior even though he flashed a badge .. im like.. these guys are off duty, they cant do shit .. unmarked car, unsafe pullover zone ... i really should have drove by but .. sure as shit they were legit ..

BAM .. .$264 later ... the ticket says 100+ in a 60zone.. I Guess them Intrepids can't keep up to find out how fast I was going

Anyways, ironically this guy is selling his prelude now ... It had altezza's and gross vinyl down the side ... here it is on auto trader now for $7600 (http://www.canadatrader.com/trader/result/affich.asp?rubno=4000&r=%27CAL%27&ste=&sid=&issr=1&yfr=1984&yto=1997&kfr=0&kto=0&pfr=0&pto=0&dm=1&dp=8&mk=HONDA&md=PRELUDE&kw=&rc=&or=0&oby=7&pg=2&vid=2900706) .. not a plug for sellin the car or nothing, but I'm gonna call him still to see what his ticket was / what he's gonna do about it ..

Bizarre coincidence ?? ... just though I'd share.

In any event .. I think imma slow it down for a long while .. mebbe a couple years ... except the highway :bigpimp:

Oh yeh, the cop wasn't a prick so this round I've nothin to bitch about... I would have given me the ticket too .. in fact, I think I got off easy .. countin blessins on that one...

01-28-2004, 10:11 AM
That's rough... Unmarked cars keep a pretty low profile. I didn't know they could even write you tickets.

I bet that guy's insurance was skyrocketing and he's forced to sell his car. That's a pretty good price for a 92 Prelude. For anyone too lazy to click the link...

1992 HONDA PRELUDE , red, 5 spd, clear lights, exhaust, fully loaded, CD, eye catcher, immac cond, very fast, must sell, low mileage, 144,000 kms, $7,600.

EK 2.0
01-28-2004, 10:16 AM
I wanna commend you for knowing you did wrong and admitting to it...I know a lot of ppl who would have come on here, or some other forums I am a memeber of and sat there and bitched and whined about how they got a ticket...

I am sorry you got th ticket, cause I know the scrilla loss hurts...BUT they are there to teach us to ease off that long pedal...

01-28-2004, 11:21 AM
^^ CycloneAWD .. Well if you check my last post its all about being 3 days before xmas and a speeding ticket not being enough .. so I got an additional exhaust ticket plus the cop was a total dick ..

This guy didnt bitch at all and just said "ok heres your papers back and heres your ticket. We dont want to see you wrapped around a pole and you dont want to get into any accidents for doing stupid stuff, especially for insurance ... so slow it down and be safe, all the payment/court information is on the back ... "

It was wierd, guy was in casual jacket, shirt and tie .. he also said, as you can see we drive cars not like cop cars and dont dress like other cops so we can be anywhere ...

Adrenaline sux but hopefully I can get no demerits ... these are the fair tickets I dont even care about reducing cost .. im guilty as charged :(

And yeah, 7600 is pretty good for a 4gen with only 144k .. I think its just S model though so no ABS/heated seats/defog mirrors i dun think ..

01-28-2004, 12:48 PM
lots of undercover cops in c-town ;) they had a thing about 2 years ago (not sure if they are still doin it now) by suppin up cars, or at least makin em look riced out (there was a black cavalier, and a orange golf that i know of, im sure there are others) and just wait for people to try and race em, and then when these peeps peeled off the line, the lights went on ;)

01-28-2004, 01:03 PM
Yes, it is a bit strange that they would stop you, but at the same time If you were driving wrecklessly and racing then they sort of have to because if something happened and they just let you drive by they would be have alot of explaining to do... Plus if the intrepid wanted to catch up to you they would have, those cars have balls :D