View Full Version : WTB: XBox 360 S Hard Drive

01-03-2012, 10:30 PM
Size isn't really that important, 250gb, 320gb. Whatever.

01-04-2012, 12:48 AM
pm genocider - i was looking for one and he messaged me last week about a 250gb for 100 buck.

also there's a guy on kijiji selling one as well.

01-10-2012, 04:00 PM
check this out!! Ive done it myself and it works flawlessly..


01-10-2012, 04:05 PM
Thanks, I'll check the video out later, it's probably what I've found elsewhere that shows how to initialize a compatible drive and throw it in. Cheaper than buying the xbox version. I can now get a 250gb in there for like $60 vs $110 from futureshop for example.

In short, I'm not looking for one to buy anymore! :thumbsup:

01-29-2012, 11:45 PM
these are the only Hard drives that will work with Xbox 360, so no seagates or other drive manufacturers will work

Works with the following Western Digital Drives:
- WD Scorpio Series BEVS/BEAS
- WD Scorpio Blue Series BEVS/BEVT
- WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT
- WD VelociRaptor Series

I've got a 250GB WD Scorpio Black Series BEKT/BJKT works great and with the 7200 RPM the installed games load much quicker


Greek Wizard
01-31-2012, 12:29 AM
Not sure why this was bumped, as the OP said he found one, but for anyone else interested, although I have hacked my own in the past, EB Games has/had the 320GB Official HDD for $99. Might want to check them out, not sure if still on sale. They also had the 250GB for $75 on clearance if you can find stock.

Normally not a great deal, but with the cost of hard drives these days, it would cost you very close to that buying your own and hacking it.

01-31-2012, 09:49 PM
Actually, $99 would be a good price. Best I've found is $59 for a 320gb, plus $10 shipping, so..it's starting to not be that great of deal to do it yourself. If hard drive prices weren't going back up, then it'd be a no brainer.

Thanks for the heads up, I haven't bought anything just yet. I'll check out EB asap. I found one online for $79 but now can't remember the website.

Greek Wizard
02-01-2012, 09:18 PM
A little late now, as the deal was a couple of weeks ago, but keep an eye here too:


They had them for $70, and I completely forgot about it until they called to say my drive arrived (was back ordered when I grabbed it on Jan 19th).

Reason I am saying keep an eye out, is these are discontinued and they ordered a whack of them to cover all the orders for the $70.

I would not be surprised to see it drop to that price again very soon.