View Full Version : Skunk 2 offering a cash reward/bounty

02-03-2012, 09:01 PM
Apparently someone badmouthed skunk2 and now they're offering a cash reward for personal information on those members. They've never been known for making quality products so I can only see this hurting their reputation.


Cody D
02-03-2012, 09:13 PM
This is the craziest thing, what kind of company would do this so publicly? I like how the signalpuke guy is in some dangerous country and couldn't care less, haha.

02-03-2012, 09:36 PM
they are getting rocked! lol h-t and k20a all are against "junk2"

02-03-2012, 09:53 PM
Bad move for skunk 2 for sure. I makes them look way too worried about peoples opinions of their product.:dunno:

02-03-2012, 09:55 PM
The fact they don't QC anything blows my mind. Especially with such tight tolerances. Lol 300 dollar reward , that's pocket change. I bet the states is really hurting for money. I heard its bad there for them since the recession . But 300 to be a snitch I'd never do even if it was for over a million .

02-03-2012, 10:28 PM
Lolz, I`ve been hearing that they didn`t do Quality control since like 2008. Same quality as Ebay apparently.

to counter the previous statement,
Skunk2 is awesome! Buy their stuff! their QC is great!

02-03-2012, 10:35 PM
What a bunch of bums (Junk 2) :thumbsdow Kinda confused what they are so pissed about though, just a bad product review???

02-03-2012, 10:46 PM
from what i read is one of the issue was a bunch of people with k series had shitty cams causing the chain not to tension properly which resulted in damaged heads... :dunno:

02-03-2012, 10:58 PM
:rofl: is this for real?

WTF are they going to do once they get the information

02-03-2012, 11:00 PM

02-03-2012, 11:08 PM
Soooo the guy they are bounty hunting "signalpuke" is now sueing Skunk2 for identity theft? hahaha thats epic. I hope he wins. Stupid Junk2

02-03-2012, 11:10 PM
Interesting thread that is. Talk about a shit slinging fest.


$300? LMAO. You know you're hurtin' when....

(K, make it $312.23 & a 6pack of Old Milwaukee and we have a deal) :rolleyes:

02-03-2012, 11:13 PM
:werd: junk2 is going down....they will return with a different name... probably skunk1+1 cause from the sounds of it these guys arent that smart

02-03-2012, 11:47 PM
They sure didn't handle what seems to be a legit complaint professionally at all. And then they go on a warpath trying to get people to rat them out for a measly couple hundred bucks?? Guess what: you make garbage products and you get called out you need to make it right, not attack your customers.:guns:

02-04-2012, 05:42 PM
never had a problem with their products before, but i certainly won't be buying anything form them after watching how they handled this. embarrassing.

02-06-2012, 09:58 PM
dido ^^

02-06-2012, 10:50 PM
Weaksauce Skunk2, weaksauce.

02-06-2012, 10:56 PM
From Skunk2 camp,

Well, for better or for worse, it looks like we created quite the stir on the interwebs this past week. We sincerely apologize if we've offended any and all enthusiasts that disagreed with how we went about getting the legal contact information behind two screen names.

Now judging from ensuing buzz online, we thought we should clarify a few things. First, the assertion of “attempted identity theft” is untrue. We were only seeking the contact info for people whom we did not know their names or general locations. For those who question the legality of what happened, the following link should shed some light: http://nsxprime.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1528742 Again, we apologize about how we went about it. But we do not apologize for why we are doing it.

It is also unfortunate that the discussions online have led to discussions by certain individuals about actually committing criminal acts in retaliation, to which we have already responded by filing a complaints with local and federal law enforcement.

For those who think we are upset about someone “exposing” the countries of origin of Skunk2 products, that is far from the truth. On the Skunk2 website we have explicitly acknowledged that we have products manufactured in Asia (including Taiwan, China, Thailand, and Vietnam) as well as in the USA, Canada, Europe, and in-house in Norco, CA. So, obviously we are taking issue with false statements being made as there have been numerous and repeated mis-representations being made about Skunk2.

For those who expect us to make everything in the USA, that is an unrealistic expectation for Skunk2 as well as for numerous other companies in the import industry. But what we find so puzzling is why some people, upon finding import records from YoYo RD Int'l, would feel compelled to misrepresent Skunk2 as just a “trading” company that buys ready designed/made products from an overseas supplier; nothing could be further from the truth. What is the motive for incessantly trolling Skunk2-related threads and making misrepresentations about the company? If you are willing to make repeated public statements that we are just a trading company that has no R&D capabilities, copies products, rebadges copycat products, or does not have quality inspection in place, then you'd better be ready to back that up with real evidence and not with hearsay, innuendo, and mis-direction. The sad thing is that we've never been adversarial with these people. We still aren't. At this time we have not made any threats of legal action or any other. In fact, in the past we've extended invitations (expenses paid) to some of them to visit our facilities so that they might get a more accurate understanding of what we do, and they refused. But I'll tell you what, as a peace offering, we will keep that invitation open and we can discuss things if these individuals do come out.

To clarify, though we outsource much of our manufacturing, Skunk2 currently has seven people in its R&D department and does virtually all of its design, engineering, and testing out of its Norco, CA facility. Over the past 15 years we have been responsible for numerous industry product firsts, and in the past 24 months we have been issued seven US Patents, with another seven applications pending. Furthermore, over the next several months Skunk2 will be introducing several new and exciting products for the Honda marketplace as well as adding an additional 3,500 sq ft of new engineering space. And for those who just have to know, YoYo RD Int’l was set up in 2003 as an independent overseas logistics company responsible for the production management, inspection, assembly, and packaging of Skunk2 products sourced from the Pacific rim, as well as for handling overseas contract manufacturing and engineering projects for Group-A. In fact, the meaning of the name “YoYo” is actually short for “Skunk-Skunk.”

Now with regards to product quality, the idea that we don't care about product quality and don't inspect products is ludicrous. In addition to innovation, Skunk2 is 100% committed to the continuous improvement of our product quality and customer service. If you take all product issues over the course of 15 years and let them sit out on the web and present them as ongoing, you pretty much make any company look bad. The reality is that Skunk2 warranty claims track at a fraction of one percent of total sales. We try our best to reduce that number every year, and we always try to do right by our customers. In case there are unreported claims, we ask that anyone who has an unresolved issue with our product to please contact our customer service department at 951-808-9888 or [email protected] or [email protected].

To those who support us, we say “Thank you.” To those who hate us because of a bad experience, we say “If you have an issue with our product, give our customer service department a chance to make right.” To those who hate us just because, we are always open to constructive input. And to those who are undecided, we say “Ultimately what defines us is our tireless commitment to developing innovative products, our quality and performance, and our commitment to customer service.”

Source: Skunk2 (http://cms.skunk2.com/id/778/UPDATE/)

02-06-2012, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Crks&Cstls
dido ^^


02-06-2012, 11:01 PM
I thought Skunk 2 was the same kind of ricer crap being sold at Canadian Tire. You know the type, hat turned sideways pants on the ground, spinner LED hubcaps on his grand am.

02-07-2012, 02:00 PM

02-07-2012, 03:32 PM
Theres alot of internet hoopla going on lately. I know COR wheels caused quite a stir with a "vote for my car" for a set of wheels program that went sideways and someones car got vandalized over it. Crazy stuff!!! Skunk2 definitely didnt do themselves any favors by approacing it the way they did.

02-07-2012, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Overall I am tending to side with Skunk2, minus the bounty approch.

LOL. the whole issue is over their bounty approach.

02-08-2012, 04:41 PM
^ Exactly. I didn't really look into it but regardless of who's at fault I wouldn't expect any respectable company to offer a 300 dollar bounty to find personal information on someone on a forum. Honestly, that approach has probably done them a lot more harm than anything.

02-08-2012, 08:34 PM
I just read the whole thread and it was a bit anti-climactic