View Full Version : Goalie mask fraud

04-26-2012, 07:41 AM
Since this thread is already up...

How about this situation:
I buy two goalie masks from Ontario, on the premise that they are super rare and collectible. The seller answers all questions perfectly so I dont hesitate to send the money before I hear back from a few people that I had emailed to verify authenticity. Price agreed upon was $430 shipped, and if shipping was over 30 Id pay the difference. It was 69 for shipping, so i send the extra $29. Stupidly I pay via EMT since he didnt have paypal.

Masks have been shipped

Day later one of the people I check with tells me the masks arent real..but knock-offs. Kid admits some of his story is fake, and initially agrees to a full refund that night, and I am to ship them back when I get them. (Basically I agree to pay one way shipping)

Day later he comes back and only says he will only refund the money for the masks, and no shipping... basically Id be out $120 because he lied.

Do you:
1.Agree...pay shipping and bite the $120?

2. Go to the Police and report fraud

3. File Police report, meanwhile forwarding that Police report to the school he has a scholarship to.

04-26-2012, 07:52 AM
Get the refund, but then send it back COD? So either he has to pay, or he won't get it.

04-26-2012, 08:04 AM
Get the refund then tell him to pound sand

04-26-2012, 08:37 AM
As it stands, the other party has all the power. They have the money, and I have the masks. (Well on route) He said he will not send one cent until he gets the items back, and even then it wont be the full amount.

04-26-2012, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by A790

This is why we have a generation of entitled "customers" who believe they can get away with whatever demand they wish.

OP, don't enable this kind of behaviour.

That's it. We're fighting now, Cam.

I agree with you though, partly. If it we're say $100...I wouldn't consider it. but like I said, in my opinion, offer a 50% refund, get the deck back, then resell it again and you're actually making more money. For $40 that's what I'd do.

04-26-2012, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by freshprince1

That's it. We're fighting now, Cam.

I agree with you though, partly. If it we're say $100...I wouldn't consider it. but like I said, in my opinion, offer a 50% refund, get the deck back, then resell it again and you're actually making more money. For $40 that's what I'd do.
This might be fair of the deck could be proven to be in the exact condition it was sold in.

Fight over, amigo :)

04-26-2012, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi
As it stands, the other party has all the power. They have the money, and I have the masks. (Well on route) He said he will not send one cent until he gets the items back, and even then it wont be the full amount.
My friend, you are about to be scammed (even worse) if you send those masks back.

Notify the police in his area and ask them what they believe you should do. They may investigate due to the fraudulent nature of the items, but they will likely tell you that it is a civil matter. Regardless, contact them to make sure your bases are covered.

It may be worthwhile to look into civil court and determine if it's worth it. From my perspective, the money itself is irrelevant. I'd pursue it civilly just to prove a point.

04-26-2012, 09:22 AM
One thing that could make this a bit easier for me is classifying it as fraud. (WHich goes straight to the RCMP) He sold me the masks claiming them to be something they clearly are not, and I have two professional opinions stating this.

Not sure if it was the best thing to do, but I also have a thread up on a popular Goalie forum that now comes up on the first page of google when you search his name!

04-26-2012, 09:59 AM
Get the refund and learn your lesson for buying before verifying things and paying via EMT.

04-26-2012, 09:59 AM
i would try to split the shipping charges 50-50 so you'd be out $60. if he doesnt agree to that then i would still pay the whole shipping because technically you shouldnt have sent the money before confirming authenticity either.

however in this situation i would be worried about sending the masks back and not getting any money at all

04-26-2012, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by turbotrip

however in this situation i would be worried about sending the masks back and not getting any money at all


You're pretty trusting that he's going to pay you back. He did rip you off in the first place.

D'z Nutz
04-26-2012, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by R-Audi
3. File Police report, meanwhile forwarding that Police report to the school he has a scholarship to.

In my opinion, this is the best option and make sure he knows your intent since it gives you some leverage to make sure he does the right thing, including paying for the shipping.

No fucking way I'd send the masks back before he returns the money. If you can send money before getting the masks the first time around, why can't he do the same thing especially considering he's already demonstrated he's a less than trustworthy person?

Dave P
04-26-2012, 10:27 AM
The obvious answer is to post all his personal details, and let beyond ruin his life haha. Tried, Tested, True! hahaha.

04-26-2012, 11:15 AM

04-26-2012, 11:28 AM
Well it looks like the internet has come to my help.

I posted the story last night on the biggest goalie forum and someone on it forwarded him the story along with some advice and he has totally changed his tone.

We have come to the following agreement:

-I will delete the post immediately
(It came up on the first page when you google his name)
-I will refuse shipment at the post office
-When the tracking number shows refused, he will refund my money.

Easy as pie... and if it doesnt work I have the ability to post the story once again.

D'z Nutz
04-26-2012, 11:31 AM
I hope you don't delete the post until after you've received your money....

04-26-2012, 11:32 AM
This is a classic scam. He will keep all of your money and get the product back and not pay a cent for any shipping.

04-26-2012, 11:39 AM
I hope you receive payment back within 24 hours.

04-26-2012, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi
Well it looks like the internet has come to my help.

I posted the story last night on the biggest goalie forum and someone on it forwarded him the story along with some advice and he has totally changed his tone.

We have come to the following agreement:

-I will delete the post immediately
(It came up on the first page when you google his name)
-I will refuse shipment at the post office
-When the tracking number shows refused, he will refund my money.

Easy as pie... and if it doesnt work I have the ability to post the story once again.

You seem like a nice guy. Who's still going to get scammed.

04-26-2012, 12:36 PM
Refusing delivery is the same as shipping it back first without a refund.

He scammed you. The items are not worth what you paid. You should be refunded right away.

04-26-2012, 12:37 PM
So instead of accepting the masks as collateral and physical evidence of his fraud, you are going to refuse the shipment, thereby sending the package back to him, giving him the masks AND the money... Not a good move. I'd tell him to refund the money and you will send him a tracking number of the shipment. You hold the power here, do not give it right back to him.

04-26-2012, 12:42 PM

04-26-2012, 12:57 PM
Why are you being nice. Just call the cops and then call the kids school and tell them that since he might have have used their computers to defraud you, you need their info to forward to the RCMP fraud division.

You get your money back, he gets charges and booted from his program.

04-26-2012, 01:02 PM
^ I like where this guy is going!

04-26-2012, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Why are you being nice. Just call the cops and then call the kids school and tell them that since he might have have used their computers to defraud you, you need their info to forward to the RCMP fraud division.

You get your money back, he gets charges and booted from his program.


Fuck this kid. He's clearly trying to scam you again.

04-26-2012, 01:27 PM
Like above said. The best move it to get him to send you the cash right away. Then explain to him when the masks arrive you will refuse shipment ( that way you wont pay to ship then back ) And if you dont, You are the dirty scammer, and he can come on here, and that goalie website,and say so:dunno:

04-26-2012, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Why are you being nice. Just call the cops and then call the kids school and tell them that since he might have have used their computers to defraud you, you need their info to forward to the RCMP fraud division.

You get your money back, he gets charges and booted from his program.


I would get the school involved right away. I most definately WOULD NOT remove that thread. Let him sit at the top of google, should be a great lesson.

He gets off easy, he'll turn around and do it again.

04-26-2012, 02:39 PM
Like a few have said, the minute you refuse that shipment all your leverage goes out the door with it, on top of the fact he now gets the $$ and the items which he will use to scam another nice guy like yourself.

I'd go the police/school route myself immediately, at least ask them for advice. In the end you may get screwed out of both anyway..but at the same time he won't just get off scott free and will likely face some sort of disciplinary action via the local authorities or even his school.

04-26-2012, 02:43 PM
The thread is saved, and very easy to put back up. Already covered my tracks with a mod on the board.

I am not out to ruin anyones life and if for any reason I dont get the money as soon as the shipment is refused the thread will go back up.. and he knows that.
Refusing the shipment is just a good way for him to know Im not shipping back a box of dog shit. IMO the masks are worthless, and by all means he would rather me keep them and he keep the cash.

He has a lot more to lose than just the money... and is now aware that the internet is serious business! ha!

04-26-2012, 03:12 PM
I suggest donning one of the goalie masks and stabbing him to death on a stormy night.

Guaranteed they'll pin it on someone else.

04-26-2012, 04:41 PM
cant you at least get a partial refund till he gets the masks?

04-26-2012, 05:33 PM
I would certainly fuck him over, he tried to scam you, on purpose. I'm generally on of those nice guys too like yourself. However, I would do what others are advising and mess everything up, teach him a real lesson.