View Full Version : Prerequisite / Corequisite

02-05-2004, 08:00 PM
Here's the question, for my degree at the U of C I have to take Phys323 at some point, so I check it out, and it lists Prerequisites and in a separate section it has a Corequisite of Math253. However, when I check Math253, it lists no Corequisites! WTF is going on??? Do I need to take those two classes at the same time, or is it okay if I take them at separate times?

02-05-2004, 08:11 PM
If it says Math 253 is a co-requisite for Phys 323 then I would assume that you would have to take Math 253 at the same time you're taking Phys 323.

Math 253 may not require a co-requisite but it's all dependant on the program you're in. As far as I remember the only pre-requisite for Math 253 is Math 251 meaning you don't have to necessarily be taking any other course if you're taking Math 253 as long as you've completed Math 251. But since you need this Phys 323 class the Physics department is requiring you to take Math 253 at the same time. Make sense? I hope so cause I'm kind of tired.

02-05-2004, 08:11 PM
A corequesite means that you have to take math 253 while taking phys323.


To take PHY323, you need to have taken math253 or take it along with PHY323.

02-05-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Weapon_R


To take PHY323, you need to have taken math253

Okay, this is what I want to know. I need to have taken it at some point before taking Phys323, are you sure? Reason being is that I can take Math253 next semester, however I need to take two 200 level Phys in order to get to the 300 level, and I'd rather get Math taken care of as soon as possible, then worry about physics (rather than leaving math253 off until when I'm ready to take phys323).