View Full Version : How to act when pulled over for speeding?

02-05-2004, 09:32 PM
If you're a guy, what's the best way to behave if you want to get off with a warning?

I'm just calm and courteous. That doesn't seem to work so well.

02-05-2004, 09:35 PM

what do you say when the officers says,

"do you know why i pulled you over"

when you obviously been speeding,

02-05-2004, 09:38 PM
do this when you get pulled over for speeding

Officer: May I see your driver's license?

Driver: I don't have one. It was revoked when I got my 5th DWI.

Officer: May I see the registration for this vehicle?

Driver: It's not my car. I stole it.

Officer: The car is stolen?

Driver: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the registration in the glove box when I was putting my gun in there.

Officer: There's a gun in the glove box?

Driver: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the woman who owns this car and stuffed her in the trunk.

Officer: There's a BODY in the TRUNK?!?!?

Driver: Yes, sir.

Hearing this, the officer immediately called his Captain. The car was quickly surrounded by police, and the Captain approached the driver to handle the tense situation:

Captain: Sir, can I see your license?

Driver: Sure. Here it is. It was valid.

Captain: Whose car is this?

Driver: It's mine, officer. Here's the registration. The driver owned the car.

Captain: Could you slowly open your glove box so I can see if there's a gun in it?

Driver: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the glove box.

Captain: Would you mind opening your trunk? I was told you said there's a body in it.

Driver: No problem. Trunk is opened; no body.

Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole the car, had a gun in the glovebox, and that there was a dead body in the trunk.

Driver: Yeah, I'll bet the lying s.o.b. told you I was speeding, too!
:rofl: :rofl:

02-05-2004, 09:39 PM
i know it's a repost, but hey!:thumbsup: :drama:

02-05-2004, 09:40 PM
I say thanks and play my tunes

02-05-2004, 09:43 PM
:repost: haha

But still a good read!:thumbsup:

02-05-2004, 09:47 PM
yah,, doesen't matter how you act if you look around 25 or younger... your f*cked..

The best thing to do is BEFORE the cop gets to your car, have all your information ready, ie Licence, pink slip, reg papers...

Answer ONLY the questions he asked without sounding cocky, use common sense, if there is a beam of flashlight on your hands, but the cop is not saying anything.. show him/her your hands...

I haven't had the pleasure of being pulled over by this Hot chic cop that goes up and down 52nd near mcknight, I try to get pulled over when i see her (not doing anything expensive), but, if she did, I'm not sure i'll be able to take her seriously...:poosie:

02-05-2004, 09:52 PM
this a months worth of tickets, from the first month I started driving, non are for bad driving, only equipement/regualtions

although almost every time i got pulled over i was doing something alittle illegal(speeding a bit, squealing tires)

so the best way to get out of a speeding ticket is having something on your car wrong, like one headlight or uunderglow, that way, attention from your wrong doing is taken away(or the cop feels sorry and doesn't want to give you any demerits)

by getting a equipment ticket you don't have any demerits which is better then having to pay and demerits..............but having something illegal on your car has it's risks also(getting pulled over for them)

so the only thing you can do to avoid a ticket, is not speed.

o yeah, the ones with blue writting on them are the ones i didn't have to pay, god I love youth court. and yeah, I have not one demerit!!!:thumbsup: :poosie: :)

02-05-2004, 09:53 PM
i dont know what i do but i havent got one ticket yet and ive been pulled over 4 times and i was let off with a warning every time

02-05-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by illeagle
The best thing to do is BEFORE the cop gets to your car, have all your information ready, ie Licence, pink slip, reg papers...

Thats actually the WORSE thing to do. Don't admit fault! Just sit there, turn your music down and wait for the cop to come to you.

D'z Nutz
02-05-2004, 09:59 PM
When you get pulled over, cross your legs, clench the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white, bite the bottom of your lip and when he comes, ask him (politely) to hurry up because the reason why you were speeding was because you had to go to the bathroom. Sounds funny, but a friend of mine got off twice by doing that! Hahaha!

02-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Best thing to do is not get into a situation of being busted for speeding in the first place. However, there are certain times and areas of the city where speeding is relatively safe (know for certain that cops won't be there at that time). Whereas certain areas you shouldn't even think about it (14th Street, Country Hills Blvd., John Laurie, or any street nearby a cop station).

02-05-2004, 10:03 PM
Also, don't keep al your tickets in the glove box, it messes them up and the police get really mad when they see your glove box full of them, lol.:nut: :rofl: :rofl:

02-05-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
When you get pulled over, cross your legs, clench the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white, bite the bottom of your lip and when he comes, ask him (politely) to hurry up because the reason why you were speeding was because you had to go to the bathroom. Sounds funny, but a friend of mine got off twice by doing that! Hahaha! :rofl: :rofl: thats halarious. im going to try that next time.

02-05-2004, 10:17 PM
Ive only got caught once i was going baout 70kmh on a 50kmh road light turned yellow it was a big intersection so i just drove through. cop waiting in the other side in the turning lane. Im busted. cop pulls me over says why were you speeding and went through a red light. i said i was speeding so i could beat the yellow light... The cop said well you didnt make it your to slow. i was ok lol.

Next thing i see him pull his ticket booklet out. Then out of nowhere a call comes over his radio and he says ive got an emergency this is your warning and he left. now i think i got off by luck.

Now i dont really think there is an EASY way of not getting a ticket i guess it depends on the cop and his mood and if it was your 1st time or your 20th time that decides if you get a ticket...Unless you have a straight cop one who sticks to his job duty, then id say you are screwed. Sweet talking may help a bit but if i were a cop i wouldnt fall for it.

02-05-2004, 10:37 PM
Best thing to do is hold your breathe before he comes and make your face red then say your sick and you have to REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY go the washroom or your bladder is going to explode . Worked twice for me

02-06-2004, 12:37 AM
Get your wife or Girlfriend to start screaming and yelling at you before the cop gets to the car. They figure your in enough crap and give you a warning :thumbsup:

If your by yourself... yell at yourself "STUPID STUPID STUPID" bang the steering wheel a bit.. you know but you have to look truly crazy not just like you dont want a ticket.:nut:

02-06-2004, 12:48 AM
Yea just be honest... if the cop really want to give you a ticket, there's no stopping it. Accept your destiny :D

02-06-2004, 01:41 AM
When I was 18 I got a ticket for speeding.

I asked the cop about going to a drivers school etc. to get the points deducted...

Never ended up paying the ticket, this was almost two years ago. Either the cop tore it up, which I don't think they can do, or it got lost in the system...

So basically I'm 50/50 for speeding tickets.

02-06-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
When you get pulled over, cross your legs, clench the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white, bite the bottom of your lip and when he comes, ask him (politely) to hurry up because the reason why you were speeding was because you had to go to the bathroom. Sounds funny, but a friend of mine got off twice by doing that! Hahaha!


Tell him/her you forgot to take some immodium before you went on your date and took her for spicy thai food or something... Cops NEVER want to deal with bodily functions...

02-06-2004, 10:32 AM
My father just retired from the CPS a few years back. Apparently the other constables like him:angel: :angel: :angel:

02-06-2004, 11:18 AM
I got off a ticket for the first time a couple of months ago.

I got pulled over on Shaganappi across from Market Mall. She walks up (That's right a chick, she was pretty cute too!) and asks for my information, asks if I know how fast I was going, I say about 75 knowing I was actually probably closer to 85. She says, do you know what the speed limit is here, I say I think it's 80, she says nope it's 70. I figure I'm screwed so I play dumb and tell her that I made a mistake and appologize for missing the sign. She tells me to be more vigilant and to have a better night.

When dealing with cops, I'm always curtious and say thank you sir/ma'm. I figure that I have a better chance of getting it reduced or kicked in court anyways, so I don't even try to get off of the ticket.

02-06-2004, 12:20 PM
Heres what not to say when getting pulled over at a alberta check stop.

Officer. May I see your drivers licence and registration

Driver. Yess offiecrer I gootss it right heress

Officer. Are you drunk Son?

Driver. Yeah a little horney too wanna suck my dick?

GTS Jeff
02-06-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by RC-Cola
I got off a ticket for the first time a couple of months ago.

I got pulled over on Shaganappi across from Market Mall. She walks up (That's right a chick, she was pretty cute too!) and asks for my information, asks if I know how fast I was going, I say about 75 knowing I was actually probably closer to 85. She says, do you know what the speed limit is here, I say I think it's 80, she says nope it's 70. I figure I'm screwed so I play dumb and tell her that I made a mistake and appologize for missing the sign. She tells me to be more vigilant and to have a better night.

When dealing with cops, I'm always curtious and say thank you sir/ma'm. I figure that I have a better chance of getting it reduced or kicked in court anyways, so I don't even try to get off of the ticket. if u get a ticket for going 15 over, the cp will just toss it out.

DJ Lazy
02-06-2004, 12:55 PM
The lasttime I got a ticket was like a month after I got my licence, which was when I was 16... I am now 22 and have never been pulled over... :thumbsup: I must have an :angel: looking over me or something...:dunno: :D

02-06-2004, 03:41 PM
Funny this thread is up, I have been pulled over 2 times in the last week. Both were for speeding, but when I got pulled over the first time I couldnt find my current insurance card (it was under my seat the entire time) so the cop wrote me a $1,150 ticket along with the $90 for the speeding infraction.

The second I got off of because I asked the cop if he could prove to me that I was doing 68 in a 25.....I asked If I could see the numbers "68" in the gun...he said ok, so he disconnected the gun and showed me it I was like "how do you intend to prove that I was speeding?..Do you have a log?" He said "......" I got a ticket still, but with no bail amount so I dont have to pay anything, just a suvenior.

02-06-2004, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
When you get pulled over, cross your legs, clench the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white, bite the bottom of your lip and when he comes, ask him (politely) to hurry up because the reason why you were speeding was because you had to go to the bathroom. Sounds funny, but a friend of mine got off twice by doing that! Hahaha!


iam gonna go try that!!!!, cuz last time i got pulled over for some unknown reason the cop didnt even tell me and gave my friend a seat belt ticket:banghead:

02-06-2004, 04:13 PM
im just guessing here... but quite a few of this posts could be filed under "B.S."

02-07-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by sputnik
im just guessing here... but quite a few of this posts could be filed under "B.S."

:werd: If I was a cop and it looked like you had to take a big piss, I'd take my sweet ass time and hope you flood your seats. :rofl: Not only that, I wouldn't let you off of any traffic violation because you don't know how to manage your pissing schedule. :)

02-08-2004, 08:54 AM
The best way is to not drive until you are over 30....Once you are 30, the cops seem to realize that you are probably smarter than they are, and arent going to play the game with them anymore...
If you are older, you have to be doing something really blatent to get a ticket, and most times they will let you off, with younger kids, they know that you don't have have the resources to fight the ticket, so you will either pay it, or pay it at a reduced charge, if a ticket gets thrown out, all tickets issued that day by that cop have to be re-checked and it means a big loss of revenue for the gubberment....They know how to pick their targets, I don't agree with it, even though being older, I get away with more than say some kid whos 21 with a rx-7 ever would, its profiling, we have all sorts of rules about not being able to profile when it comes to race, sex, religion or background, however they turn a blind eye to such equality when it comes to age, I was young once, and I know it happens, it costs the youth alot of money to drive, and I think thats wrong, why stack the odds of success against our next generation just for greed today...
My best advice is to constantly check you mirrors, look for the police, they are not hard to spot, and never be the guy that leads traffic, ego be damned, in the city I always pull to the side and let someone else "take the heat", if you do get pulled over get out of the car , lay on the road at the cops feet , cover your head, and roll around alot, the cop will probably pannic and take off out of fear of being caught on video...Hey it made Rodney king rich for awhile...Maxt

02-08-2004, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
When you get pulled over, cross your legs, clench the steering wheel until your knuckles turn white, bite the bottom of your lip and when he comes, ask him (politely) to hurry up because the reason why you were speeding was because you had to go to the bathroom. Sounds funny, but a friend of mine got off twice by doing that! Hahaha!

ahahahaha i've actually done this!!!!! when the cop came over i asked if i could run into the field to take a piss :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: