View Full Version : Rogers BS

06-25-2012, 07:46 PM
So the story is my contract to my knowledge ended in april for my phone. I thought this because i was in a rogers store 4 or 5 months before that looking for a new phone and the guy told me to just wait untill april when my contract ends to get a new phone. Anyways i did that but i decided to switch providers this month and went with bell. Now i have rogers who sent me a bill for 325$ in early cancelation fees. I called them and i guess i made a few changes to the plan to lower the cost in 2010 and apparently when you do that they renew your contract, i was unaware they do this but i guess they wrote on their notes they told me on the phone they did this. I dont remember i mean it was a long time ago, thats why i would assume there needs to be some kind of papertrail with my sig for it to be valid. Can they do this? dont you need to sign off on the new contract or anything or can they just tell you by word of mouth? The agent was no help wouldnt give me any credit nor would the billing department work out a payment plan that was suitable for my needs as i am a student and cant afford to be paying 2 phone bills and told me they will give it to the collections agency.

06-25-2012, 08:18 PM
you kinda fucked up for trusting a guy at a store that u dont really know

2d, yes they can renew ur contracrt over the phone, as when they ask you ur personal info and u give it to them then u prove to them that it is you.

3d, see if bell would give you something for free or something to help you out with it...

I canceled my wifes with rogers and went to FIDO best thing i ever did, anyways there was a 250 cancelaion fee and i called fido and asked them to work something out for me and they offered me 2 mons free on my data plan that is 25$ a month on both the numbers i have with FIDO... saving of 100$ better then nothing but its still 100$ saving on my part

06-25-2012, 08:30 PM
Welcome to rogers! Haha, fucking croocks, canceled with them just a while ago. If you ported your number, you can at least get the 30 days of fees back, just call and tell them, or fill out a CCTS complaint and they will reinburce you for 30 days of service, as right now they are charing you based on the fact that you have to give them 30 days notice, but you can't use your number anymore since its ported, so its against rules. I did just this like 2 month ago on both of my phone lines, one under contract, and the other month to month.

every time they give you some promo they renew you for 3 years, now you know. They are sneaky bastards, unfortunatelly you should have called rogers first and asked when your contract is up, instead of just blindly going for it. With rogers after 2 yaers you qualify for a hardware upgrade, so perhaps thats why the dude told you to wait.

06-25-2012, 09:45 PM
Every 2 years you are eligible for a HUP with Rogers, the contracts that get you good deals are 3 years, so when you become eligible for a HUP you still have 1 year left in your contract. You have to check these things before going ahead, also, read your contracts, they were fully within their rights to renew your contract over the phone. They can also change the ToS on you with only one billing periods notice and if you don't object first you are legally bound to them, along with lots of other nasty tricks in that contract... Give it a good read, and while you're at it, read the Bell one too so you don't make this mistake again.

06-26-2012, 04:13 AM
op make it a habit to say will this renew my contract as reps do that. As a thread hijack...

Okay so I have had the 6Gig data plan for quite some time (back from when the iPhone 3GS was released) and just last summer I changed over to a blackberry. I called in to get the blackberry code put on the 6gig data but the rep on the phone said he could switch my contract to save me some money and I said sure as long as I was not losing my 6 gig data. He ended up putting me on a blackberry plan that had 1 gig data included and said I still had the 6 gigs of data (showed up as 6gb shared data for 10 bucks). MyRogers showed that I could used 6 gigs of data so I thought nothing of it. Few weeks ago I broke my berry and have been using my old iPhone as a temp phone until the Galaxy S3 comes out. I called in today to reserve the Galaxy S3 and they told me that they are kicking people off the blackberry plans that are not using blackberry's and I said that's fine when I get my S3 I will call in (to retentions, my plan ends in a month) and change my plan. She tells me though that I will lose my 6 gig data plan though. I don't understand why I would lose that, so I ask her and she says that it's no longer offered.

My question is what the hell is going on. I'm confused as to why I would lose my 6gigs (she offered me a plan for 3 gigs that costs 5 bucks more); also any advice on what to do would be great (should I be calling retentions).

Lastly, does anyone know if Bell is still offering the 6 Gig data plan (didn't see it advertised on there website). I am willing to switch as I use lots of data.

06-26-2012, 07:12 AM
Talk to retentions about keeping your 6 gig plan, the normal reps probably don't know the code to put it on your account since it doesn't show up in sales central any more when it is no longer available.

Alternatively you could try getting the people at the store to call in, they have a different number and talk to people (DIG) that should be able to add it for you. This method is hit and miss since lots of Rogers reps don't know about calling DIG or are too dumb to get it right. Honestly, the people in retentions are better.

My wife's plan is up this month so I will be calling retentions shortly, either they will be sharing my 6gb plan with her for $10 and letting her have the full discount on a HUP or she will be moving to another carrier :poosie:

06-26-2012, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by elite
op make it a habit to say will this renew my contract as reps do that.

Make it a habit to say that you don't want your changes to effect your contract. I've done that the last few times when making account changes and the person on the other end had no issues changing my account and keeping my old contract term.

06-26-2012, 08:54 AM
Sorry for the minor hijack but I have a question.

Fido called me and said my contract is coming to and end and asked if I liked to renew. I said no, I'd rather go month-to-month and avoid any future cancellation fees if I switch providers.

The guy told me that was silly because a new law was passed that makes it so it only costs $10 (or some very cheap amount) to buy out of a cell phone contract now. I didn't do it because I didn't believe him.

Is this true? Maybe it only applies to contracts signed after a certain date?

06-26-2012, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Sorry for the minor hijack but I have a question.

Fido called me and said my contract is coming to and end and asked if I liked to renew. I said no, I'd rather go month-to-month and avoid any future cancellation fees if I switch providers.

The guy told me that was silly because a new law was passed that makes it so it only costs $10 (or some very cheap amount) to buy out of a cell phone contract now. I didn't do it because I didn't believe him.

Is this true? Maybe it only applies to contracts signed after a certain date?

What's silly is signing up for another contract for no good reason.

06-26-2012, 09:04 AM
A similar thing happened to me. When I was at school I talked to some wench at a Rogers booth. I asked if I could change my contract to save some cash each month. She informed me that my plan was indeed rather crappy and old; she then proceeded to change my plan and save me 30$ a month! Awesome! Saving money is always nice. When my contract expired with Rogers I went and purchased a new phone and contract with Virgin. They took the liberty of contacting Rogers and telling them to cancel my contract, sweet less work for me. I got my last bill with Rogers and it was well over $500.00! Apparently when the wench at the Rogers booth changed my contract she really signed me up for an additional 3 year contract without telling me. After talking to some manager at Rogers it was discovered that this chick had done this to a number of people as she quit shortly after.

Ask to talk to a Manager and tell him you want to hear the recording of the conversation in which you agreed to the new terms of said contract. If he can't produce the conversation tell him you will be calling your credit card company and filing the charges as a false claim. :rofl:

06-27-2012, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Sorry for the minor hijack but I have a question.

Fido called me and said my contract is coming to and end and asked if I liked to renew. I said no, I'd rather go month-to-month and avoid any future cancellation fees if I switch providers.

The guy told me that was silly because a new law was passed that makes it so it only costs $10 (or some very cheap amount) to buy out of a cell phone contract now. I didn't do it because I didn't believe him.

Is this true? Maybe it only applies to contracts signed after a certain date?

Since fido is owned by rogers, this may actually be true. Rogers recently (end of Jan 2012) changed their terms for cancelations which are somewhat better than before. For example, if you buy a $600 dollar phone for $100 on a 3 year term, the $500 dollars is called something like "phone endoresement", which is then devided by the number of month in your contract ($500/ 36 month), so each month you stay with Rogers, your endoresemnt gets smaller and smaller. If you decided to cancel at any time, you have to pay out whatever is left of the endoresemnt given, plus like $12.50 processing fee. If you sign up for a contract and don't take a new phone, you can cancel at any time just by paying the admin fee. If you had a phone given to you by rogers less then 2 years ago, they will still include it in the new endorsement contract, so whatever subsity they gave you before will carry over to the new contract. So if you got a new phone 23 month ago, and decided to now sign up for another 3 years, that 1 month will carry over to the new contract, and if you were to cancel the same day, you would still have to pay for 1 month. I know this all cuz I went through great deal of trouble with Rogers recently and had CCTS involved ect.

Basically, if you are due for a hardware upgrade, but don't take any hardware upgrade when renewing a contract (perhaps to get a good deal), then you can cancel with just the admin fee.

Keep in mind however that the Data is a whole other beast and is its own contract, so they will charge you for that cancelation seperately at $10 a month remaining up to a max of $100

06-27-2012, 09:14 AM
That is interesting - thanks for the explanation.

Sounds like there was some truth to what he told me, but he said nothing about data, and he offered me a hardware upgrade AND told me I could cancel any time for only the admin fee, so I think that part was incorrect on his part.

I bought my phone outright in December, so hopefully I won't need to sign any more contracts.

06-27-2012, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
That is interesting - thanks for the explanation.

Sounds like there was some truth to what he told me, but he said nothing about data, and he offered me a hardware upgrade AND told me I could cancel any time for only the admin fee, so I think that part was incorrect on his part.

I bought my phone outright in December, so hopefully I won't need to sign any more contracts.

Yah, ability to cancel just for the admin fee is not going to happen, they are not that stupid, else everyone would be getting their iphones for $10 bucks.

The good in this situation is that you can find the phone you like, make sure the phone has all the bands that can work with any other provider (like my lumia 710 for example) and then sign up with rogers if you on the fence of staying with Rogers or going elsewhere. By the time you decide to actually switch out, all you would pay is the difference, but if you never switch out, then rogers paid for the bulk of your phone. This is pretty good for customers who want to switch, but don't want to switch just yet as they would get the benefit of a discount while they wait for the opportunity to jump, and when they do they pay outright whatever is left over on the phone

06-27-2012, 06:31 PM
thanks, for all the info. Will try some of the stuff in here, but its looking grim , should have never trusted the rogers guy

06-29-2012, 08:26 AM
Usually, the "crap" that I hear about Rogers is mostly because of user ignorance (no offense).

I've been with Rogers for >10 years and all I've experienced was great customer service. Their coverage in Fort Mac is hella spotty but I informed them of my concern and took it into consideration.

I had issues with Rogers similar to your case; when they renewed my contract when I changed an option. I told them about it and continued the change while rescinding the extension.

Now they tell you beforehand that it will extend your contract if you make a big change in plans.

That's why you always get the name of the person that talked to you and you play a game of chicken. :)

EDIT: Any conversation with the provider or confirmation after they give you heads-up is as valid as a signature. That's why they say "would you like to continue?" after stating a bunch of jargon.