View Full Version : Plowing message into farmer's field (visible from the sky)?

06-27-2012, 01:13 AM
Does anyone have any information at all on how I would find a farmer willing to plow a message into his field? Planning a helicopter tour and thought that would be a neat way to propose.

If any of you have family who are ranchers/farmers or even have a large enough acreage in need of a mow, I would be happy to discuss a price.

EDIT: See new thread here (http://forums.beyond.ca/st/356014/attention-beyonders-you-and-your-cars-needed/).

06-27-2012, 02:33 AM

Hope that works out for you!

Mista Bob
06-27-2012, 03:31 AM
You'll likely have to wait longer until it is closer to harvest time. Otherwise it will not look like much.
Price wise expect to pay for the crop that it consumes + an inflated price to cover the labor time of doing it and an extra charge on top of that.

I know someone with a big enough farm however it's in Manitoba not Alberta.
To be honest, IMO I would be surprised if you found a farmer willing to do this.

06-27-2012, 05:48 AM
Great proposal idea!! I think Mista Bob has a point if what you're talking about is farm land though.

Why not consider looking for an acreage or 1/4 section used for cattle grazing or something and lay out a removable material - black or coloured poly or cloth or something? I'm not sure how wide you'd need to make it to be visible from the sky but I'm sure you can figure it out using a little math and / or Google Maps.

cancer man
06-27-2012, 06:45 AM
Worst idea ever.(so gey)
Take her for a walk along the bow river and then toss her in.
When she comes out all pissed off and the headlights on ask her to marry you.
Ask me how i know? 25 years and still going.

06-27-2012, 07:38 AM

I heard these guys have some unique ideas...it will cost you.

Just remember not all women want to share their proposals with the public, I preferred mine romantic and private. I have a friend that had her name flashing at a game, boyfriend in tux, roses, limo ring. All eyes on her and she ran. lol. She wanted a small private engagement and he went all out public and it was embarrassing to her.

All the best, the web is full of fantastic ideas. You have a great group of guys here in Beyond that would, I am sure help you put something fantastic together. Everyone seems to know someone that knows someone that can help!

06-27-2012, 07:44 AM
1. Find a shitload of big rocks (like a couple feet around, at least).
2. Paint them white.
3. Lay them out in a field or on a hillside spelling out whatever you want it to say.
4. Pick them up when you're done.

It shouldn't be that hard to find a farmer willing to help, even if yo have to go door to door. And most farmers have big jesus piles of rocks that you could probably use.

06-27-2012, 07:53 AM
It might be a good time if its just range land - plowing a crop isn't going to happen, but plowing up some grassland - not a big deal....

06-27-2012, 08:24 AM
What about those large hay bales you see in the fields? Rather than plowing, since it's out of season, would a farmer be willing to organize them to spell out the words? Or would that ruin the crops below?

06-27-2012, 08:53 AM
Originally posted by cancer man

Take her for a walk along the bow river and then toss her in.
When she comes out all pissed off and the headlights on ask her to marry you.
Ask me how i know? 25 years and still going.

That's fucking awesome :rofl:

You could also do a Beyond car meet... everyone lines them up to spell it out, lol.

06-27-2012, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
You could also do a Beyond car meet... everyone lines them up to spell it out, lol.
Oh man so good; we have a winner! I've been a part of this community for 6 years, how sweet it would be to get you guys in on it and post another beyond collaboration thread.

Just worked it out and it will take 99 cars though so it would require some major buy-in from members and commitment to show up on the day. What does everyone think?

EDIT: See new sign-up thread here (http://forums.beyond.ca/st/356014/attention-beyonders-you-and-your-cars-needed/).

06-27-2012, 09:51 AM
I'd be willing to help out. You'd have a tough time getting 99 people completely commited to the cause though.

Congrats, btw.

06-27-2012, 10:11 AM
I'm in if you need anything!:thumbsup:

06-27-2012, 10:12 AM
@ Kloubek: I agree the commitment part would be key. I would actually require quite a few extra people to commit so we could ensure success despite the no-shows. May be neat to incorporate as part of a cruise. Oh man I am loving this idea so far.

06-27-2012, 10:14 AM
Awesome proposal idea (w. the cars that is)! I'd be in on it as long as I'm not on vacation. When were you planning on popping the question?

06-27-2012, 10:21 AM
I am glad that my wife was just happy with me simply asking her without some big drawn out plan.

06-27-2012, 10:25 AM
Plow a field alright, just not a farmers.....

Ps. I am in for the meet.

06-27-2012, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

That's fucking awesome :rofl:

You could also do a Beyond car meet... everyone lines them up to spell it out, lol.

Awesome idea...I'm in as long as I'm not on vacation as well!

06-27-2012, 10:36 AM
Fuck.. Just take her to a romantic restaurant, get on your knees and beg... With a 50% divorce rate, you might be kicking yourself later. Just sayin'.... :D

In all seriousness, this may or may not go well. Remember that really, the ONLY outcome of this is that she goes and tells all her friends how it went down. Chicks love the romantic "awwwwww" shit, not some helicopter tour with the words etched in a field or some words spelled out with a bunch of ricer cars. She probably wants to savour the moment with YOU only, not on some helicopter or in front of a billion spectators. I personally never got why people like to do these kinds of things.

And seriously in 10 years after you have a billion kids and toiling away to support them all, you'll wonder why the fuck you even went through all the trouble anyway. Just speaking from experience. ;) LOL no I am not bitter or trying to rain on your parade. Just trying to be realistic ahahaha...

06-27-2012, 10:43 AM
I would be in for the car idea Hehe.

OP Goodluck and congrats. :thumbsup:

06-27-2012, 10:51 AM
Do something original that has meaning for both of you / that she wont see coming.

I faked a break down as I was having turbo issues the year i proposed... A little "on off" throttle surging followed by pulling over (in the mountains). I worked under the hood doing nothing for about 10 minutes, then asked her to come give me a hand...

I had her holding an "oil-soaked line out of the way" (lol) down around the turbo as I "tightened something up", but kept dropping the tools. Nearing the peak of her frustration, I again dropped my wrench but returned up with a ring (one -knee'd it > a must)...

She called me an asshole, said yes, win lol

Something original, it's your future wife, do something that has meaning lol, not a bunch of randoms holding signs lol

06-27-2012, 10:58 AM
1. Roundup
2. Giant Stencils
3. Nose Hill Park
4. Wait 2 weeks and hope you didn't spell anything wrong


06-27-2012, 11:04 AM
Met my wife in Mexico end of September. She was from Seattle and me in Van. Went to visit her one day a week. Got tired of that in 2 months and convinced her to come stay with me in Van to see where the relationship was going. She brought some of her stuff up on December 1st, dropped it at my place and we went out to grab burgers. Siting there at Red Robin I just looked at her and said "Fuck it... Lets get married!" She was kinda shocked and said "what?" So I said it again and she sits stunned for a few seconds, smiles and says "when?" I say "how about New Years Day?" She shrugs and says "all right lets do it!"

Been the best 16 years of my life ever since and every day gets better than the one before...

Romantic? Not really... but we sure as hell remember it to this day...

Do whatever you want and remember it for the rest of your life!

06-27-2012, 11:23 AM
If you need, I could lend a car for the day.

06-27-2012, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by clem24
Fuck.. Just take her to a romantic restaurant, get on your knees and beg... With a 50% divorce rate, you might be kicking yourself later. Just sayin'.... :D

In all seriousness, this may or may not go well. Remember that really, the ONLY outcome of this is that she goes and tells all her friends how it went down. Chicks love the romantic "awwwwww" shit, not some helicopter tour with the words etched in a field or some words spelled out with a bunch of ricer cars. She probably wants to savour the moment with YOU only, not on some helicopter or in front of a billion spectators. I personally never got why people like to do these kinds of things.

And seriously in 10 years after you have a billion kids and toiling away to support them all, you'll wonder why the fuck you even went through all the trouble anyway. Just speaking from experience. ;) LOL no I am not bitter or trying to rain on your parade. Just trying to be realistic ahahaha...
Those are valid points and a logical argument. Here's my perspective:

I met this girl in my first year at university. We were together for four years and then broke up. for a year and a half that I was away from her I considered her the love of my life; (cliche alert) the one that got away. Finally after 18 painful months she came back and offered me grace, forgiveness, trust, and unconditional love.

I changed a lot over those 18 months and became a much better man. Losing her made me reflect on my choices and changed the course of my entire life. There is no way that the man I used to be could be a proper husband for this amazing girl, but I believe that the 'new me' can. I have now known her just shy of 6 years and am committed to spending the rest of my life with her.

The day I ask her to marry me will be the first day of the rest of our lives together so I want to set the bar high. I consider her well worth the effort and understand that a marriage has its bad times and can be hard work. The effort of arranging a memorable proposal pales in comparison to the effort I intend to put into my life with her.

I'm not usually a 'pour my heart out to strangers' type of guy but after 6 years I think I can bare my soul a bit to my fellow beyonders. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions, support, and replies. Keep them coming.

If we get enough buy-in here, I'll probably make another thread or request title change to more accurately reflect the intent.

EDIT: See new sign-up thread here (http://forums.beyond.ca/st/356014/attention-beyonders-you-and-your-cars-needed/).

06-27-2012, 11:32 AM
I think proposals all depend on the girl. If she's someone who will appreciate the effort and potential publicity then go for it!

I love the car idea. That's the type of thing that would go viral online and probably make a few Canadian newspapers!

I'm not in town, but if I was I'd certainly offer to help.

06-27-2012, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Isaiah

The day I ask her to marry me will be the first day of the rest of our lives together so I want to set the bar high.

No no no... Set the bar average! Then you never really disappoint and you can always still impress! Set the bar too high and you may never live up to it long term!

Okay, for real, the marriage is what is important... Worry more about getting that right than the proposal itself. Not saying don't be memorable but really it's not something your going to hold onto for the rest of your lives together measuring everything else against it. If you guys are going to make the long haul, there are a million more important and memorable things that will happen along the way until one day you are on a car forum recounting the story you haven't actually thought about for years because really it is just one of many things that will happen being in a happy marriage...

06-27-2012, 01:35 PM
Everyone I've shown, and everyone my fiance has shown said my idea was the cutest thing ever..


Set my camera up to fire off a shot every second or two, for a few hundred shots.. The idea itself was one of those "I want to stop and take a picture of this waterfall.. Oh hey, we have no shots of us - let me try something out.."

Would have been REALLY smooth if I didn't have an upside down box.. Opened the box for her to look at the logo, with the ring looking retarded.. Don't do that.

A huge thing would have made her punch me, I'm sure..

06-27-2012, 02:24 PM
A friend of mine just did this end of May/beg of June (not sure of the exact date, this pic was posted to FB June 4). Too late now probably! Go with the car meet idea haha.


06-27-2012, 02:34 PM
I can give you at least 5 cars if you need them.

If you want to be a nerd about it, create a fake looking Google page and instead of reading "Google" it reads "Will you marry me" with her name. Put it on her computer, change her .hosts file and bingo. Ask her to look something up for you.

06-27-2012, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by ~Leah~
A friend of mine just did this end of May/beg of June (not sure of the exact date, this pic was posted to FB June 4). Too late now probably! Go with the car meet idea haha.


What's the location, it might still be visible, free marriage proposal! :rofl: