View Full Version : ADT Alarm installation.

07-03-2012, 10:29 AM
I am getting this installed tomorrow for the 2nd attempt. I was called yesterday by some guy to confirm my appt but he left a crackly message and half the number is missing. Of course ADT is a very annoying company to deal with as the 1866 agents know nothing about local installations.

Does anyone know/remember the number you call to confirm installs with them.

07-03-2012, 01:01 PM
My question is why do people even install these?

Maybe I'm being naive but I have zero worry about a break in. I live in a pretty decent part of town. Fuck my door is never locked even when I'm not home, neither is my girlfriends, or numerous others.

My view point is if they are going to break in to my house, locked door or not, they are going to do it.

07-03-2012, 01:07 PM
Gives them a time limit :rofl:
I know one or two houses in my culdesac prior to people moving in had all of their applicanes stolen. With an alarm, people would have woken up and they would have only been able to remove a few appliances! :nut:

07-03-2012, 01:50 PM
ADT has a local office with a local #. I have the number at home but you should be able to search for it or get it from the 1800 number people.
The local office can then put you in touch with your installer. I found the loval guys are much better to deal wih compared to the call centre.