View Full Version : The infamous vag-com question... Who has one?

07-13-2012, 02:15 PM
I know the question has been beaten to death over the years, and before I get flamed, I have already searched & PM'd a couple users on here but the only one who's replied is currently on vacation. I'm new into the Audi scene and don't have a whole lot of contacts so please help a brother out.

I just bought a NAV unit for my car and only need to borrow someone's VCDS & cable (or meet up with you) for less than 5 mins; I already have all the codes. If anyone has one that plugs into a B7 S4 (ie. no MICRO-CAN cables), and has a few mins to spare this weekend, please let me know. Your choice of beer or $$ will be provided as appreciation for you time. TIA!

FYI, in case anyone's interested, I just bought an RNS-E 2nd Gen NAV retrofitted with a B6/B7 faceplate. I'm leaving on a roadtrip down to SoCal for a few weeks mid-next week with the S4 and would love to make use of the unit's full potential on the trip.

07-13-2012, 02:18 PM
I have one....that i dont need anymore....and would be willing to sell for cheap :thumbsup:

07-13-2012, 02:32 PM
Pretty sure Concept 1 has one, not sure if they charge you or not. I'm sure if you ask Andrew really nice he might scan it for you but I can't say for sure.

07-13-2012, 02:32 PM
Spike98, do you have a Ross-Tech one c/w VCDS software or just an ebay cable? If you do have a Ross-Tech HEX-USB+CAN, I'd definitely be interested!

I haven't contacted either Concept1 or Tunedub or any of the other stores yet. I thought I'd give beyonders a try first... If by the day I leave on my roadtrip and still no responses, I'll give Andrew a call and swing by just before I take off.

07-13-2012, 04:03 PM

Mine won't work on the B7

07-13-2012, 04:16 PM
What part of the city are you in?

07-13-2012, 04:22 PM
I've checked eurodrivers.ca too. Searching for vag-com comes up with too many results and I haven't had a chance to sort through everything just yet, let alone create an account to PM someone. Go figure, I actually had work to do at work. :nut: I'll do some more hunting around the site tonight if need be.

megavolt, I live in the SE, work downtown, but don't mind travelling to any part of the City. Are you able to help?

07-13-2012, 07:45 PM
I have the Ross-tech micro-can. The VCDS you download from the internet and is registered by the dongle.

Im not sure if the micro-can will work for your needs but if it does and you want to buy it ill let it go for $200 shipped

07-13-2012, 08:35 PM
Micro-can won't be any good, they only work on the A3 and TT, A4's need the Hex-Can.

I'd be willing to help but I don't have the right cable either.

07-13-2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks spike98, but as nickyh says, a micro-can cable won't work for the B7s. I would've picked it up from you otherwise.

nickyh, thanks for your offer too...I'm finding there's plenty of people out there with cables but none so far that have any that work for my car. :cry: Hopefully there's still someone out there who can help and are thirsty for some BEvERages!

07-13-2012, 10:36 PM
Oops! Posted under my wife's account accidentally... But ditto what I said in her post above ^^

07-14-2012, 11:10 PM

If that specific post doesn't help, then make a thread. You won't get flamed there for asking, friendly bunch of guys that will love to help.

07-15-2012, 02:02 PM
Sorry I couldnt help... unfortunately mine is micro-can as well.

07-15-2012, 04:03 PM
Thanks everyone for your replies & PMs. Thanks to Ashers, we were able to meet up yesterday to program what I needed for the car. Everything works great now! :clap: :thumbsup:

If anyone in the future needs a list of who has vag-com, I have a compiled a list of beyonders with cables and what equipment they have - just shoot me a PM!

07-16-2012, 12:14 PM
Did you have much trouble setting up the 2nd gen RNS-E? I would love to get my hands on one. I'm tired of the 2gb mem card limits of the current one I have. More details please! =D

07-17-2012, 01:10 PM
@ducaudi: I actually bought the unit c/w my needed faceplate from a site called "Vagnavs" (google it since we can't post links here) due to my short timeframe before my vacation. They programmed everthing for me, supplied all the cables, and even retrofitted the old faceplate on there for me. I tried ebaying everything but of the units available and after all my retrofitting, it would've only cost $50-$100 less than vagnavs, not to mention all the time & piecing together of different parts for my needs. There's also a guy named Haagie from Holland who also makes them but at a staggering $3-400 more than everyone else; he is well-known worldwide for the retrofits though. I have Haagie's contact info if you need. FYI, I paid just over $1,500 for EVERYTHING, incl. shipping from vagnavs.

Anyway, from what my research, setting up the 2nd gen (2010+) RNS-E is not difficult whatsoever. All you need is access to VCDS (codes can be obtained from Ross-Tech's website) and the right connectors (varies depending on what vehicle you're installing/retrofitting it in). What vehicle do you have by the way? I have all the links at home if you need; I'm currently suffering at work until I leave for the roadtrip in a few hours. :banghead:

As for the benefits, it's great having up to 64GB of memory for music. You don't even need AMI for the hard-drive capabilities! We've only loaded up 30GB of music on one 32GB SDHC card for our trip and even then, there's over 7000 songs already! :eek: The split-screen navigation is also a nice plus when you're approaching intersections since it shows you exactly which lane to be in. It also shows the posted speed limit (if info available) on the screen too. The only thing I wish it had was touch-screen.