View Full Version : New Laptop Reccomendation

07-16-2012, 10:21 AM
I need to get a new laptop and have no idea where to start...I know nothing about computers. This will be my main computer for about 6 months until my new house is finished. I do most of my work on my office computer.

This laptop will be used for watching Jays games, browsing internet, email, etc. Just the basics.

Nothing pisses me off more than a slow computer/browser.

Any recommendations? And what is a good place to buy from? Tigerdirect?

07-16-2012, 10:29 AM
What is your budget? This will help us narrow down what we can suggest for you.

07-16-2012, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by KRyn
What is your budget? This will help us narrow down what we can suggest for you.

Don't really have a budget per se, just whatever fits my needs.

07-16-2012, 10:38 AM
For your needs I don't think you need to spend anything over a grand. Will you be playing any games or using photoshop or similar programs for anything?

07-16-2012, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by KRyn
For your needs I don't think you need to spend anything over a grand. Will you be playing any games or using photoshop or similar programs for anything?

Nothing like that. Honestly I spend most of my time on wikipedia haha.

07-16-2012, 10:42 AM
Oh what about size? Do you mind having a larger and heavier laptop or do you want something small and compact?

Something like this perhaps...


If you are watching a lot of media on your laptop I wouldn't suggest getting anything less than a 15" also if you ever work from your laptop a larger screen is nice to view documents and work on excel.

07-16-2012, 10:52 AM
Or even smaller and cheaper like a netbook might work fine.

07-16-2012, 10:56 AM
You can do everything you need on an Android tablet.

07-16-2012, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by flipstah
You can do everything you need on an Android tablet.

My God...Im effing lost already...Tablets, Netbooks, Laptops...

My wife has an iPad and its pretty sweet but the screen is too small, and I really like having a mouse and keyboard.

07-16-2012, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by kgeig254

My God...Im effing lost already...Tablets, Netbooks, Laptops...

My wife has an iPad and its pretty sweet but the screen is too small, and I really like having a mouse and keyboard.

If you don't like touch screens (I hate my Iphone and dislike all touch screen devices more or less) just get a laptop. Go down to Memory Express and check out the laptop I linked for you. Good buy for the money, not super heavy and has a nice big screen for you to watch sports and anything on the web.

07-16-2012, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by KRyn

If you don't like touch screens (I hate my Iphone and dislike all touch screen devices more or less) just get a laptop. Go down to Memory Express and check out the laptop I linked for you. Good buy for the money, not super heavy and has a nice big screen for you to watch sports and anything on the web.

I agree, thanks for the help.

07-16-2012, 11:15 AM
If I were getting a new notebook for what you are going to use it for, I'd pick up something like this:


Asus Zenbook Prime. Great screen (might be a bit small to watch games on) but portability is more important for me for a day to day laptop.

07-16-2012, 11:21 AM
The laptops mentioned here are all overkill, haha. For someone that is just looking for the basics, and for just 6 months primary use at that, you wouldn't need to spend more that $500-$700.

The two ASUS' here are great, but way more than you need. Something like this $500 Lenovo would probably be perfect:


07-16-2012, 11:27 AM
For what you plan on using the laptop for, a $400.00 HP will be more than sufficient.