View Full Version : AHS official spent thousands on high-end restaurants

08-01-2012, 11:02 PM
Im shocked no one posted this story.


We need more transparency for officials using taxpayers money. I dont live in calgary, but i heard the mayor posts his expensive online. We need something similar, were ppl can view this stuff online

08-02-2012, 07:40 AM
This makes me sad, and somewhat angry that he'll probably walk away scott free.

08-02-2012, 07:49 AM
mmm Ruth's Chris! :drool:

08-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Originally posted by codetrap
This makes me sad, and somewhat angry that he'll probably walk away scott free.

Along with millions in severence pay.

08-02-2012, 08:47 AM
$2000 for a *car phone*?

Thank god they're cutting nursing hours and overtime, god forbid he didn't have an analog car phone that cannot connect to any modern network in his 500SL or skip a $1600 dinner.

08-02-2012, 08:51 AM
After Merali left Capital Health in 2009, he made headlines in Ontario for claiming such items as a $1.39 muffin and a $1.59 pop while being paid $2,700 a day as a consultant to EHealth Ontario, the agency which is to implement the province’s electronic health records system by 2015.

Merali made dozens of similar claims while working for Capital Health, including tea and a muffin, and minor parking fees, despite being paid a salary of, at one point, $487,000 a year.

lol guy takes advantage of everything he can down to the nickels and dimes.

08-02-2012, 08:58 AM
I still fail to understand the car phone. This was betwen 2005-2008. Mercedes still had that as an option then :confused:
Glad they canned him though, no need for waste like that. Would have been nice if done sooner though.

08-02-2012, 10:04 AM
what is scary is listening to the AHS spokesperson discuss the matter. basically, if the foip request hadn't been made then he never would have been fired. they are firing him only to "maintain the public's trust" in AHS. not because they think what he did was wrong but only because they knew a shitstorm is coming. sounds like zero accountability over there. ridiculars.

08-02-2012, 10:10 AM
He deserves to have a few muffins thrown at him... Lucky SOB... I really need to get myself a cushy government job...

08-02-2012, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by 7thgenvic
He deserves to have a few muffins thrown at him... Lucky SOB... I really need to get myself a cushy government job...

At least for the pension! Even if you didn't expense frivolously, you'd have that golden parachute protecting your twilight years.

08-02-2012, 11:56 AM
Found a picture of him:


08-02-2012, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by littledan
what is scary is listening to the AHS spokesperson discuss the matter. basically, if the foip request hadn't been made then he never would have been fired. they are firing him only to "maintain the public's trust" in AHS. not because they think what he did was wrong but only because they knew a shitstorm is coming. sounds like zero accountability over there. ridiculars.

That's what I was thinking too. Like hamplanet, only sorry that because someone busted them. There is accountability only after they've been busted.

I'm always surprised that people like this are contracted for such key positions. He must've been highly recommended by someone in order to get the CFO gig - maybe we should be looking at that because I can't imagine any other reason why they'd bring someone like that in.

08-02-2012, 12:44 PM
The only issue is with the expenses that were not legit.

Who cares if someone makes $10 million a year and expenses a $1 muffin? If it is an allowable and legit expense, go nuts.

08-02-2012, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
The only issue is with the expenses that were not legit.

Who cares if someone makes $10 million a year and expenses a $1 muffin? If it is an allowable and legit expense, go nuts.

Bad optics for someone with this history to be the CFO of a public organization that is supposedly cash strapped. They're already under the microscope for many different things and don't need any more negative publicity.

Other healthcare officials have been turfed for less ("I'm eating my cookie")

08-02-2012, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

Who cares if someone makes $10 million a year and expenses a $1 muffin? If it is an allowable and legit expense, go nuts.
Yeah, but what kind of tool does that?

08-02-2012, 02:01 PM

08-02-2012, 02:42 PM
I honestly think that they should audit every single expense of his, and he should pay back EVERYTHING that was not directly attributable to work.

08-02-2012, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige

Yeah, but what kind of tool does that?

You'd be surprised how cheap wealthy people can be but then again, if I was a millionaire and could write-off a $1 donut, I would. Why wouldn't you?

08-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Baller? Really though its no different than paying Rob Anders to insult black, brown, yellow, red and other white people - and then to fall asleep.

Ron Jeremy gets paid millions to have sex with pornstars.

Olympic atheletes who come in third get $1.60 worth of bronze and a handshake.

08-02-2012, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Olympic atheletes who come in third get $1.60 worth of bronze and a handshake.
They also get $10k ($25k for gold, $15k for silver). Get your facts right!


08-02-2012, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by rage2

They also get $10k ($25k for gold, $15k for silver). Get your facts right!


Do Canadians get paid? I'm not sure. Many nations, all you get is the $1.60

A football player in the US can get millions, but in Canada you'd be lucky to score $80,000.

08-02-2012, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by msommers

You'd be surprised how cheap wealthy people can be but then again, if I was a millionaire and could write-off a $1 donut, I would. Why wouldn't you?
If someone does it for me, I wouldn't care if they did or not.
I'm not wasting my time nit-picking on those expenses. My time is more valuable than that, even if it's just keeping the receipt. Not doing it.

Example: I could expense the $3 in gas I technically used to drive myself to a week long course my company is paying for. Am I going to? Seriously? Of course not. What the fuck?

08-02-2012, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

Do Canadians get paid? I'm not sure. Many nations, all you get is the $1.60

A football player in the US can get millions, but in Canada you'd be lucky to score $80,000.

Yeah Olympians are getting compensated for medal standings. Even still in the grand scheme of things, that is peanuts and many aren't living any sort of lavish lifestyle. Olympians not competing anymore, I hear, have it pretty rough after if they have no schooling or job experience because typically, swimming for example, is all they pretty much know.

Originally posted by Disoblige

If someone does it for me, I wouldn't care if they did or not.
I'm not wasting my time nit-picking on those expenses. My time is more valuable than that, even if it's just keeping the receipt. Not doing it.

Huh, your valuable time to keep a receipt? That's what the bean counters are for :D

08-02-2012, 04:06 PM
White Collar Criminals. We have to change the laws soon to properly punish these motherfuckers. They do more harm than 'street criminals'. Our criminal & judicial system needs to be changed

08-02-2012, 09:40 PM
According to Obama, he is just doing his part to grow the economy:


You got the publics money, spend it back into services from the public as pizza. Consume your way to prosperity.

IE: If noone buys Maine lobster at $1.25 per pound, then the lobster fisherman are simply going to stop going for lobster. And thats whats known as a deflationary death spiral the likes of which hasn't been seen since the great depression.

Although personally: I'd still pay twice as much per pound for a good bologna than lobster, and given the choice between one ounce of nickel in my pocket or a pound of lobster - Its nickel all the way.

08-03-2012, 01:11 AM
Makes you wonder what the rest of them are spending.... And why they keep hiring buffoons like this...

08-03-2012, 06:03 AM
Shouldn't we as the people, stop putting the people that hire these types in power? We just had an election and put the same people in power, they keep doing the same things and we keep complaining about it. By the time the next election comes around we'll forget all about it and do it all over again...

Oh! And I'm waiting for the wrongful dismissal suit to be filled, that should be worth a few million in the news and then settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.

08-03-2012, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by Dilmah
Shouldn't we as the people, stop putting the people that hire these types in power? We just had an election and put the same people in power, they keep doing the same things and we keep complaining about it. By the time the next election comes around we'll forget all about it and do it all over again...

You are naive that voting makes a difference.

If ethics really matters, less than 1% of population can serve in public sector.

Everyone is dirty. It's just how dirty.

But one thing for sure. Stop hiring with pretty exit packages. It's rewarding and condoning fuck ups. They probably knew about the expenses but it's probably far cheaper to keep him than give him to boot.

08-03-2012, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

You are naive that voting makes a difference.

If ethics really matters, less than 1% of population can serve in public sector.

Everyone is dirty. It's just how dirty.

But one thing for sure. Stop hiring with pretty exit packages. It's rewarding and condoning fuck ups. They probably knew about the expenses but it's probably far cheaper to keep him than give him to boot.

IMO its a quick fix. More transparency. We as citizens should be able to view these expenses online (we're in the computer age! Its common sense!). Its 'our' money & we should be able to see how 'our' money is being spent. It doesnt matter whos in power, Wildrose, Liberal, etc.. This shit happens. Ppl are money hunger. If there is more transparency, ppl in office will be more cautious of how they spend 'our' money because they will be in the public eye and scrutinised

A fuckin muffin! How cheap is this motherfucker!

08-03-2012, 08:19 PM
This is classic AHS. I have worked for the massive piece of shit for just over two years and everyone wins except for low level practitioners and the patients. I recently found out that AHS has a 4 managers to 10 employee ratio. The average in North America is 1 to 10. AHS needs to be exposed for what it is, the way they're operating the hospitals and EMS is complete garbage.

08-03-2012, 08:53 PM
She can't be serious... We already know where the money she is spending went.

08-03-2012, 09:01 PM
I've been self employed, I've worked for companies with a spending account...

how the hell can one, regardless of title, rationlize or justify putting through expenses, like repairing his car window or groceries?

that's unheard of, you can't write that off as taxes, how the hell is a company (even if it is the health region) going to absorb that cost as an expense?

I'm all for writing off what I "should" not can...
its like my buddy who writes of everything he possibly can and finding that when you do get audited, it ain't fun.

08-03-2012, 09:53 PM
Everyone needs to eat, even lottery winners:


I'd dig up the old thread, but can't find it. Win a million dollars, but still assume you are eligible for food stamps.

Now she has seen the error of her ways, and paid back the food stamps she collected after her win, but now claims its impossible to find a job with this conviction.

Uh huh, thats the system we are in.

D'z Nutz
08-08-2012, 08:56 AM
I'm sure this is nothing more than a dog and pony show to save face with the public.


Former AHS CFO Allaudin Merali won’t be getting severance package

Expenses incurred also under review

By Jamie Komarnicki August 6, 2012

The former Alberta Health Services chief financial officer at the centre of a health care spending controversy will not receive severance, the medical board announced Monday.

Allaudin Merali’s $346,208 in expenses racked up during his tenure as finance boss at the former Capital Health Region between 2005 and 2008 — and expenses during his three-months in the same position at AHS — will also be subject to an independent forensic audit, the board said in a news release.

“An arm’s-length audit is essential,” AHS president and chief executive Dr. Chris Eagle stated in the release.

“Although we cannot speak to concerns prior to the creation of AHS, Albertans want and expect a thorough review and complete accounting.”

Health Minister Fred Horne directed the audit be conducted by an external accounting firm, which the AHS board is set to appoint this week. It will look at whether Merali’s expense claims followed policies and practices in place under the former Capital Health and AHS’s current policies.

The results will be made public.“I believe there are still many unanswered questions with respect to the expenses,” Horne said Monday.

“I believe AHS needs to get an independent auditor in there to look at it, and if anything else is found at the same time that suggests there should be more investigation, then that auditor should be able to recommend that.”AHS officials have previously said the expenses Merali claimed between 2005 and 2008 were allowable under Capital Health policy in place at the time, and that the current AHS expense rules are more stringent.

Horne said the explanation doesn’t go far enough.Questions raised about the expenses warrant “a much better explanation than what’s been made available to Albertans,” the minister said.

Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith said Monday the government is in “damage control” mode, first claiming the expenses were allowed, then, in the face of mounting public outrage, calling the forensic audit, which can have potential legal ramifications.

Smith said other senior health executives, some of whom were involved with the former regional health boards and now have top jobs at AHS, should also have their previous expenses scrutinized, and the forensic auditor should report back to the Legislature.

Horne is “trying to do the least amount possible to quell taxpayer anger. It’s not an isolated incident with one guy,” Smith contended.

“We need to shine the light on that so that those executives are also shown the door. We can’t allow this kind of mismanagement and abuse of tax dollars to continue happening here.”Acting board chair Catherine Roozen said the audit will be expedited.

The medical board has also asked the auditor general to review its current expense policies, and has said it will publicly post records of paid expenses for its CEO and other top executives with the organization.

When announcing Merali’s exit from the organization last week, AHS said Merali will “receive a severance in accordance with the terms of his employment contract.” Acting chief executive Chris Mazurkewich said last week the severance package was still being finalized, however, the standard contract for executives is a one-year payout.

Merali’s annual base salary as AHS chief financial officer was $425,000.

Merali left the organization last Wednesday, hours before news broke about the claims he rang in during his tenure with the former Capital Health. The claims included receipts for swanky restaurant bills, including a $220 dinner in 2005 with Horne, who was a health consultant at the time, and car repairs to Merali’s Mercedes-Benz.

His boss who signed off on the claims, former Capital Health chief executive Sheila Weatherill, also stepped down last week from her position on the AHS board.

Horne said Monday the forensic auditor will only be asked to look at Merali’s expenses, but could expand the review if questionable practices and expenses are found.

“I’m not going to dictate what that is,” he said. Horne said he would “answer any questions that were posed to me,” by the auditor in relation to the 2005 dinner Merali expensed in his name, though he can’t specifically recall the situation and who else may have attended.Merali previously pocketed a $1 million severance and 10-year executive retirement package worth $13,303 monthly when Capital Health was amalgamated into AHS.

This spring, the government was prepared to hire Merali as its chief controller in the Department of Finance and Treasury Board, though the executive instead took the AHS finance job.

The Tory government has said it was aware of public reports that Merali, while a consultant for eHealth Ontario, had come under criticism for numerous expenses he charged on top of his $2,750 daily fee and $75 per diem.

Horne said Associate Minister of accountability, transparency and transformation Don Scott will also be launching a further review of hiring, selection and contracting priorities at AHS, “in conjunction with a government-wide initiative.”[email protected]
© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

Read more: http://www.calgaryherald.com/health/Former+Allaudin+Merali+getting+severance+package/7047453/story.html#ixzz22y0OYTDN

08-08-2012, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Merali previously pocketed a $1 million severance and 10-year executive retirement package worth $13,303 monthly when Capital Health was amalgamated into AHS.

WHAT THE FUCK! $1M in severance AND $1.5M retirement package and then get hired back on a few years later???? That is beyond crooked. It's ridiculars!

08-13-2012, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by st184
This is classic AHS. I have worked for the massive piece of shit for just over two years and everyone wins except for low level practitioners and the patients. I recently found out that AHS has a 4 managers to 10 employee ratio. The average in North America is 1 to 10. AHS needs to be exposed for what it is, the way they're operating the hospitals and EMS is complete garbage.

This. All the budget cuts generally affect the actual health care providers/patients in the system itself. Wasn't there some funny business with them donating the the conservative party recently?

08-14-2012, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by st184
This is classic AHS. I have worked for the massive piece of shit for just over two years and everyone wins except for low level practitioners and the patients.


10-31-2014, 03:26 PM

10-31-2014, 03:38 PM


10-31-2014, 04:01 PM


10-31-2014, 04:03 PM
Diner's Club? LOLOL.

10-31-2014, 04:15 PM
Wonderful :banghead:

10-31-2014, 04:22 PM
people would be SHOCKED what happens in the private sector. It just reinforces the reasoning why the public sector gets the bottom of the barrel of talent.

10-31-2014, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by g-m
people would be SHOCKED what happens in the private sector.

I don't think many people would be shocked and I don't think anyone would care other then shareholders.

10-31-2014, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by g-m
people would be SHOCKED what happens in the private sector. It just reinforces the reasoning why the public sector gets the bottom of the barrel of talent.

Ouch, that stings a bit. All this time i've been thinking I was middle of the barrel talent :(

10-31-2014, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by roopi

I don't think many people would be shocked and I don't think anyone would care other then shareholders.

And people would be turfed if they didn't perform.

Regardless, it's not like big wigs at AHS are getting tiny salaries either.