View Full Version : Quitting Automotive Photography

08-02-2012, 02:24 AM
Hey everyone!

My automotive photography really blew up & began to snowball because of Beyond.ca and it's members. First off I would like to thank everyone on here who has sent me support, allowed me to shoot their vehicles, or helped me out with shoots.

It's been an amazing journey and photography has taken me all over North America, I've been part of insane things I would never have imagined (one biggie is the Enzo crash). As of recently I have decided to take a different direction with my life and this will be my final season shooting seriously/professionally.

As a last hurrah this fall I will be travelling to Japan for 4-5 weeks with a good friend who is close with many shop owners, builders, & well known icons in the automotive scene. One key shop I will be documenting, shooting, and showing like never seen before will be the infamous RAUH-Welt BEGRIFF (RWB).

I have created this thread to see if I can generate some interest in shoots before end of September to help fund my overseas finale to this chapter of my life.

I've had tons of PM's over the years with requests for shoots once people's cars were finished up, etc. and I thought I'd throw up a thread on here for basically a last call.

I have put together a series of pricing packages ranging from $200 - $600 which are available via PM for anyone interested. All of which include prints & range in the amount of shots and types. In addition to offering shoots I will be doing a limited amount of prints in the near future, if you would be interested in a print of any of my work, please PM me regarding that as well.

Anyway, thanks again Beyond for the past 5 years of fun!

For those who may be interested, or have any questions, please PM me or email me at [email protected]

Here is some of my work for those who are not familiar with it, also you can check out my website at the following links:
















- Mike

**Mods please do not close - Permission granted by Kenny**

08-02-2012, 06:31 AM
That's too bad Mike, you know I'm a big fan of your work.

I hope this new direction in your life turns out to be rewarding for you. Good luck. :thumbsup:

08-02-2012, 08:34 AM
Good luck man,

I always love seeing your work on here

I may be interested. just got a new truck and would love to have a photo shoot of it.

can you PM me what packages you offer?


08-02-2012, 08:47 AM
I think you're nuts Mike. I've always enjoyed seeing your work being posted and actually made a thread on a local forum listing a few select photographers that have inspired me over the years with you being one of the 4..

Gotta do what you gotta do, hope your next adventure brings you happiness.

08-02-2012, 08:56 AM
I don't know you, but you're a phenomenal photographer. I thoroughly enjoyed the pics you posted, and what was on your website.

08-02-2012, 09:14 AM
Hope you keep us up to date on what you're up to while you're in Japan!

08-02-2012, 09:59 AM
Always loved your work. The last shot of the R8 blew my mind when I saw it!

08-02-2012, 10:26 AM
I have liked a lot of your work, even thought about buying some of your prints i saw in the market place. Congrats on finally becoming a sponsor!

08-02-2012, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by spikers
I have liked a lot of your work, even thought about buying some of your prints i saw in the market place. Congrats on finally becoming a sponsor!

An I reading it wrong. Thought Mike is taking a break/quitting from the photo scene?? :confused:

Anyways good luck Mike. Always nice to see ppl improving and not just purposely being a big fish finding a small pond to swim in.

08-02-2012, 11:51 AM
Your Flickr link is not working! I have never heard of you or seen your photos before... but they are very impressive!

I would love to see your flickr account!

08-02-2012, 12:02 PM
You do great work, good luck in the future!

08-02-2012, 12:03 PM
some memorable photos over the years, Mike. good luck in future endeavours!

08-02-2012, 12:21 PM
Good luck! Always enjoyed seeing your work.


08-02-2012, 12:27 PM
Hey guys! Flickr link has been fixed.

Also, I am not a full sponsor but just worked a deal with some of the mods in exchange for the use of a couple of my images at the Driven Beyond.ca booth. =)

Thank you everyone for the kind words and I'm getting back to PM's as quickly as possible.

08-02-2012, 12:52 PM
Are you a sponsor? :rofl: :rofl: Had to

08-02-2012, 01:01 PM
any chance you'll be swinging by the re amemya shop while out there???

08-02-2012, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by ekguy
any chance you'll be swinging by the re amemya shop while out there???

I'm hitting as many spots as possible... Top Secret, RWB, Up Garage, Spoon, J's Racing, and more are on my list. I will be there for a little while but we will be moving around quite a bit and attending a few events. A large portion of my trip will be spent with RWB, as we are working on a special project with them.

08-02-2012, 01:19 PM

08-02-2012, 03:31 PM
Great pictures

08-02-2012, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by mboldt

I'm hitting as many spots as possible... Top Secret, RWB, Up Garage, Spoon, J's Racing, and more are on my list. I will be there for a little while but we will be moving around quite a bit and attending a few events. A large portion of my trip will be spent with RWB, as we are working on a special project with them.

I'm sure all the rotary enthusiasts on this site would be very thankful for some re pics!!!


08-02-2012, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by ekguy

I'm sure all the rotary enthusiasts on this site would be very thankful for some re pics!!!

:D They'll both be ecstatic.

08-02-2012, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
They'll both be ecstatic.

Love it.


08-02-2012, 08:16 PM
Wow this comes as somewhat of a surprise. Your shots of my humble cars have always turned out amazing. best of luck in all your future endeavours.

08-02-2012, 08:39 PM
You sure do take some stunning photos. :thumbsup:

08-02-2012, 09:01 PM
Mike, its crazy to see the progress over the years from your pure passion.

I remember seeing your pictures up from local Calgary metal/hardcore shows circa 2008, the progress to now is stunning.

Wish you luck in your future endeavours.

08-02-2012, 09:49 PM
Can't wait for the Rauh Welt pics! Any chance you'll visit yashio factory?

08-02-2012, 11:20 PM
I'd be interested in purchasing a print or two of the RWB Porsche's after your trip!

Just out of curiosity, will you still be doing photography in the future? Your automotive photography has always been top notch, I can see you doing well in other types of photography if you chose to do so.

Best wishes!

08-03-2012, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by ekguy

I'm sure all the rotary enthusiasts on this site would be very thankful for some re pics!!!

Already got 'em..;)

08-03-2012, 09:33 PM
you have got major talent man. Although I have never met you I have really enjoyed your work and wish you all the best with your future endeavors! :thumbsup:

08-04-2012, 12:11 AM
Thank you everyone!

I've had a lot of people requesting framed stuff... I picked up a decent inventory of various frame sizes tonight. PM me!

I will also be doing a bunch of prints & putting them up in the marketplace with frames.

Tram Common
08-06-2012, 02:27 AM
What are you going to do now?

08-06-2012, 09:47 AM
nudes? hopefully not tasteful ones either.

kobe tai
08-06-2012, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by MrSector9
nudes? hopefully not tasteful ones either.

i like where this is going.. where do i sign up for that?

but on serious note - looking forwrad to the japan pictures. good luck.

08-08-2012, 04:10 PM
Print thread is started... Will be updating it every couple days.


Thanks for all the PM's and people wishing me luck!

08-15-2012, 12:46 PM
Headed to Vegas August 22-29th for Formula Drift, so if anyone wants prints / shoot let me know so we can book around it!

In September I take off for another trip as well. So time is limited!

09-13-2012, 05:23 PM
I'll be up in Edmonton next weekend doing some photowork if anyone is interested in setting something up, email me!

09-13-2012, 05:29 PM
What direction have you decided to go, Mike?

09-13-2012, 06:50 PM
Not sure right now. Business in January for school probably.

Japan is looking postponed. Had a lot of expenses lately that I didn't expect! Gaaaah!