View Full Version : 1999 Civic Sir coupe passenger space question

08-02-2012, 06:48 PM
For anyone who has owned one of these. ( i know quite a few beyonders have ) How does the back seat fair up for traveling.

Im quite big 6"2 200+ pounds, and im wondering if people will be able to fit in the back if i buy one.

Like for short trips is it okay ?

Are extended ones going to be horrible for the non "shotgun" callers ?

The specs don't seem too bad, i just wanna hear an owners opinion

08-02-2012, 06:53 PM
Civic rear seats are useless for anyone over the age of 12 or 5' tall.

08-02-2012, 06:59 PM
What about the 2003 sir hatchback then ? any better ?

08-02-2012, 07:02 PM
They're better. Still a compact car but a lot more bearable in the rear.

08-03-2012, 08:11 AM
I've owned a 2000 civic sir coupe, being a smaller asian male, if the person in the front passenger seat is sitting comfortably, the person in the back may be alright for a short trip. But for a longer duration trip, chances are you'll need a good stretch every now and then. The 2003 sir hatchback is slightly better in terms of height, but leg room is about the same.

If you can go sit in both, but make sure the front seats are positioned as if there is a driver/shotgun passenger, makes a huge difference depending on how they sit.

08-10-2012, 11:17 AM
having owned both a 6th Gen Coupe and a 7th Gen Hatch i can categorically say that the rear seats of a coupe are not a nice place to be for long periods...and i'm only 5'8"

the 7th gen hatch has a lot more room in the back, infact i think the 7th gens are a bit like a TARDIS from Dr.Who, as they look like a small compact, but are rather spacious on the inside....i've transported some rather odd things in my 7th gen haha