View Full Version : Hottest Chicks

Summa Luvin'
02-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Here's the question, in your opinion which faculty and/or school has the hottest chicks...

(Seeing that I am a chick, I'd have to say nursing does quite well, but then again, only mgmt chicks can get away with those sassy black boots)

02-09-2004, 12:54 AM
mount royal hands down

02-09-2004, 12:55 AM

except alot of them are dumb....but i guess thats a good thing :thumbsup:

its the only reason i get up in the mornings for class :drool:

02-09-2004, 12:56 AM
my house:thumbsup:

02-09-2004, 12:57 AM
I've been to mrc and uofc and for sure mrc!!!!!! Sure theres hotter brown chicks at uofc, but damn!!!!!!! All the other ones at mount royal:drool:

02-09-2004, 01:02 AM
mount royal.. i never went to mount royal but everyone i've heard have said mount royal has the best looking chicks..

02-09-2004, 01:06 AM
YA MRC. i go there. Shit it is worth the $1600 a semester!

:hitit: ALL

02-09-2004, 01:09 AM
awww, i want to transfer to MRC

02-09-2004, 01:14 AM
it's true... MRC does have the hottest chicks... makes me sad cuz I go to the U and I think if I tell people that they'll think I'm ugly :(

02-09-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by fast_girl
it's true... MRC does have the hottest chicks... makes me sad cuz I go to the U and I think if I tell people that they'll think I'm ugly :(

cant argue with the truth haha

02-09-2004, 01:22 AM
ouch..... but hey.... I USED to go to Mt. Royal... does that count?? :dunno:

02-09-2004, 01:22 AM
Well, I go to the U and I know plenty of guys that'd "Hit it" :guns:

02-09-2004, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by Gwen
Well, I go to the U and I know plenty of guys that'd "Hit it" :guns:

well not everyone at the U is good looking muahaha

02-09-2004, 01:50 AM
I think it's a known fact that there are more prettier girls at MRC. Having taken courses there I would agree...but it seems like they take school less seriously. hehe...I guess with high paying jobs at Joey's and drop-dead good looks who cares about good grades :D

02-09-2004, 01:53 AM
Yay for MRC! lol

02-09-2004, 03:05 AM
Another vote for MRC :thumbsup:

5.9 R/T
02-09-2004, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by Gwen
Well, I go to the U and I know plenty of guys that'd "Hit it" :guns:

Since they're at the U they don't have much of a choice now do they.

Personally I perfer high school girls!:thumbsup:

Dave P
02-09-2004, 03:25 AM
U of L has some smokin chicks

02-09-2004, 03:32 AM
MRC has A LOT of hot chicks! Definitely better than U of C!

02-09-2004, 08:17 AM
The lower the acceptance average, the hotter the chicks.

02-09-2004, 09:03 AM
MRC:poosie: :drool: :)

DJ Lazy
02-09-2004, 09:11 AM

it ain't been mentioned, just thought I would toss a good word in for our girls... :bigpimp:

02-09-2004, 09:16 AM
bleh not too many at sait... probably more at U...well maybe not.

02-09-2004, 09:36 AM
i go to MRC and i'm enjoying the scenery. can't say I've been to the U to compare though.

02-09-2004, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by girlRACER
I think it's a known fact that there are more prettier girls at MRC. Having taken courses there I would agree...but it seems like they take school less seriously. hehe...I guess with high paying jobs at Joey's and drop-dead good looks who cares about good grades :D
I wonder how many of them even finish

EK 2.0
02-09-2004, 10:35 AM
Yeah I have to agree with the majority here...Having attended both Insitutions...

MRC wins this contest...yes the U has the hotter E.I. girls...but man oh man MRC in the summer time...yummy...

No offense intended to any women of either school who may be reading ths and disagree with me, BUT if you would like to get togehter for some coffee or dinner later to discuss it...Please feel free to PM me...

Only the MRC girls though ok??...Or if you are a hot U E.I. chick...

02-09-2004, 11:15 AM
MRC used to be better a couple years ago!!! It's still good but it was better back in the day. U of C is weak sauce compared to the girls that I went through High School with but then again most of those girls became bar sluts or gold diggers so...

02-09-2004, 01:06 PM
Yea I gotta toss in an honorable mention for the SAIT girls as well! :D

When I was at U of C all the girls were.... :barf:

SAIT is much better, although I have yet to see Mt. Royal!

02-09-2004, 01:09 PM

02-09-2004, 01:26 PM
Guys if your looking for hot girls... Uvic... Warm weather all year round = Less clothing all year round. It really is incredible...

02-09-2004, 01:29 PM
oh and lots of good beaches...

02-09-2004, 01:36 PM
mrc is by far the best!!

02-09-2004, 01:57 PM
I agree with JDM, but because brown girls are so amazing I'm gonna have to say UofC :D

I go to both though so whatever :)

Actually it's a close tie, I have like 9 girls from Spain in my math class, it's awesome! :eek:

02-09-2004, 02:16 PM
SaiT is the worse.
Not sure about U of L but U of C has a nice selection.
More specifically, the management faculty in the U of C has a nice selection.

Mt.Royal has to be #1 though. That school is filled with sweets!

02-09-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by SI-vic
SaiT is the worse.

:thumbsdow Disagree

02-09-2004, 03:06 PM
SAIT is pretty hurting:rofl:

02-09-2004, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by Luigi
mrc is by far the best!!

wait till i tell your "wife" :rofl:

02-09-2004, 05:06 PM
lol ^^^

02-09-2004, 05:29 PM
yeah man MRC has the craziest girls, it's sort of like high school again, they take 2 hours to prepare before school to look all pretty, most have time to work out, man u of c sucks for girls compared to mrc...

if i was younger, i'd be hittin up the high schools again, THAT's where it's AT

02-09-2004, 05:46 PM
this is a great thread. But i would agree that Nursing always has the hottest chick, and the nursing gown. hahah

02-09-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by nosegrindR

if i was younger, i'd be hittin up the high schools again, THAT's where it's AT

no, no ... no!!!!

I gotta disagree with you, they have way better style outta highscool. And I'm going with MRC for this one also.

02-09-2004, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by Dave P
U of L has some smokin chicks

Supporting this!!!
Although my gf is at UofC


02-09-2004, 06:21 PM
michael jackson's house...

02-09-2004, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by illeagle
michael jackson's house...

whatever floats your boat dude :D

02-09-2004, 07:08 PM
definitely MRC - I wish I was still there!

02-09-2004, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by mo_virgin
Guys if your looking for hot girls... Uvic... Warm weather all year round = Less clothing all year round. It really is incredible...
haha dont give us that :bullshit: :D

02-09-2004, 07:59 PM
ahhahhaha that guys picture is on that ahhha

02-09-2004, 09:28 PM
Mt Royal :thumbsup:

02-09-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Dj_Stylz
ahhahhaha that guys picture is on that ahhha

lol Tcarnage

02-10-2004, 01:04 AM
Should have a Mt Royal Meet

02-10-2004, 02:05 AM
Ha ha, I'd say my school: Rocky Mountain Bible College!

I can't wait for the reaction. 1 or 2 in a school of 350 people isn't bad right?


GTS Jeff
02-10-2004, 03:55 AM
in edmonton, there are LOTS of hot chicks at the u of a, though ive been told that there are even more at grant mac (the edmonton version of mt royal).

now what about ugly chicks? i see a lot of uglies in engg. and i see some freaky lookin girls in fine arts..

02-10-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

well at least you're in the right school for god TO help you.

02-10-2004, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by VWhooligan

well at least you're in the right school for god TO help you.

:werd: And besides I don't have any luck with women anyways. Single for life: it's not fun, but it's safe.

02-10-2004, 05:26 PM
funny... almost everyone who goes to bible college end up married by 3rd-4th year!
what's going on?? lol.
the common nickname for bible colleges is "bridal college" :D


02-10-2004, 05:35 PM
easily mt royal... oooh yea! ;)

common guys what about those devry chicks :rolleyes: :barf:

EK 2.0
02-10-2004, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
easily mt royal... oooh yea! ;)

common guys what about those devry chicks :rolleyes: :barf:

HEY, my gf goes to DeVry...:love: ...Kidding...She's in Ontario...

I love you Kristin...

02-10-2004, 06:34 PM
I'm at uni and I see at least one (or more) good looking girl(s) in all of my econ and business classes. But I see next to none in my history classes.

02-10-2004, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by CuteAsianAngel
I'm at uni and I see at least one (or more) good looking girl(s) in all of my econ and business classes. But I see next to none in my history classes.

:eek: Is anyone else turned on by this?

02-10-2004, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by SI-vic
SaiT is the worse.

That's not very nice! 2 girls in my journalism class are in the finals for the miss hawaiian tropics competition..SAIT may not have AS MANY hotties, but there are some :)

02-10-2004, 07:24 PM
why do you think i'm trying to get into mount royal, to learn?



02-10-2004, 09:40 PM
I guess we can all agree on this though:

Life sure doesn't end after high school!:bigpimp: :bigpimp: :hitit: :werd:

02-10-2004, 10:07 PM
ahhhhh MRC:bigpimp:

02-10-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by thich
funny... almost everyone who goes to bible college end up married by 3rd-4th year!
what's going on?? lol.
the common nickname for bible colleges is "bridal college" :D


HAHAHA, so true, my brother went there...

02-11-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

:eek: Is anyone else turned on by this?

a girl in school?:dunno:

02-11-2004, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

That's not very nice! 2 girls in my journalism class are in the finals for the miss hawaiian tropics competition..SAIT may not have AS MANY hotties, but there are some :)

I agree.. this thread isn't very nice to us SAIT girls...

there are definetly some hot girls here!

02-11-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by three.eighteen.

a girl in school?:dunno:

No genius did you see the pics? Not to mention that a girl is scoping out other girls and telling us that she finds some girls to be attractive at the U of C. Maybe I'm just an idiot I don't know.

02-11-2004, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

That's not very nice! 2 girls in my journalism class are in the finals for the miss hawaiian tropics competition..SAIT may not have AS MANY hotties, but there are some :)

and for every 1 hot chick at sait is 500 hot chicks at MRC... i like my odds at my school ;) :thumbsup: GO MT ROYAL!

02-11-2004, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

and for every 1 hot chick at sait is 500 hot chicks at MRC... i like my odds at my school ;) :thumbsup: GO MT ROYAL!

agreed :thumbsup:

02-11-2004, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by hockeybronx

No genius did you see the pics? Not to mention that a girl is scoping out other girls and telling us that she finds some girls to be attractive at the U of C. Maybe I'm just an idiot I don't know.

-yes i know she is attractive, she's the beyond MODEL
-complimenting someone like that across the internet is creepy
-and most girls know when other women are good looking, hell even i know a good looking guy when i see one (im not gay)

02-11-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by three.eighteen.

-and most girls know when other women are good looking, hell even i know a good looking guy when i see one (im not gay)


But internet compliments aren't a big deal unless you're sayin "I see you around and wanna bend you over" etc...

I dated a girl at SAIT once, she was hot, but her roomies weren't (there was one that was ok), and most the girls at residence were nothing close to lookers.

TONS of hot girls at MRC, a bit more Skanky looking though. I like the girls at the U because they're better dressed and more grown up, classier girls for the most part and that's attractive.

02-11-2004, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

TONS of hot girls at MRC, a bit more Skanky looking though. I like the girls at the U because they're better dressed and more grown up, classier girls for the most part and that's attractive.

Agreed, there are a couple business hotties I'd bend over and one damn foine Science girl (told me Playboy wanted her to pose for them).

02-11-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Hakkola

TONS of hot girls at MRC, a bit more Skanky looking though.

I dont see the problem :dunno:...:rofl: :thumbsup:

02-11-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by three.eighteen.

-yes i know she is attractive, she's the beyond MODEL
-complimenting someone like that across the internet is creepy
-and most girls know when other women are good looking, hell even i know a good looking guy when i see one (im not gay)

Okay relax it was a simple statement and you are analyzing it into some kind of study.

Firstly I wasn't complimenting nobody, I was simply marveling over the fact of one girl checking others out. Of course I see and recognize good looking guys all the time, but I would never go onto a mostly girls chat forum site and tell them that I think my school has the most good looking guys.

Stop asking questions you are pissing me off, just forget about it, you've milked the cow so it can't move anymore.

02-12-2004, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by ryder_23

I dont see the problem :dunno:...:rofl: :thumbsup:

yeah man no quam's here

02-13-2004, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by GTS Jeff
in edmonton, there are LOTS of hot chicks at the u of a, though ive been told that there are even more at grant mac (the edmonton version of mt royal).

now what about ugly chicks? i see a lot of uglies in engg. and i see some freaky lookin girls in fine arts..

NAIT > U of A - that's what all my friends who go to the UofA tell me when they come and meet me for lunch here at work (NAIT)

Only at NAIT when it was -15 outside can you see girls in short skirts and knee high boots.

02-16-2004, 04:03 AM
Heard U of A has plenty of hotties.


02-16-2004, 04:04 AM
Heard U of A has plenty of hotties.



02-16-2004, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Melinda

That's not very nice! 2 girls in my journalism class are in the finals for the miss hawaiian tropics competition..SAIT may not have AS MANY hotties, but there are some :)

Originally posted by acuraxx

I agree.. this thread isn't very nice to us SAIT girls...

there are definetly some hot girls here!

I'm sorry, I didnt mean to offend you girls at Sait.
But what 403Gemini said...
there arent as many hot girls in sait as the other schools.

If Devry counted as a college, they'd easily be in last place

02-16-2004, 12:02 PM
damn I'm goin to sait starting september, better scrap that plan and goto MRC

02-16-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by SI-vic

I'm sorry, I didnt mean to offend you girls at Sait.
But what 403Gemini said...
there arent as many hot girls in sait as the other schools.

If Devry counted as a college, they'd easily be in last place No offence is taken but it is true, I'll make it known, SAIT is hurt for girls! It's a trade school, 90% of the population are guys!! haha

02-16-2004, 07:25 PM

02-21-2004, 07:17 PM
so anybody here wanna go drinkin on rez nite at MRC ? (its tuesday nite right?)

drop a post lol (kona u come bring your camera!!! u always have good luck)

02-21-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
so anybody here wanna go drinkin on rez nite at MRC ? (its tuesday nite right?)

Ya its tuesdays and its pretty fucking good too.

02-21-2004, 08:04 PM
you go? goin this tuesday?

02-23-2004, 02:08 PM
what time you guys goin at? I have class tuesday night.

02-23-2004, 07:10 PM
3 pages without one pic? WTH?

02-24-2004, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by angierideswitme
3 pages without one pic? WTH?

Bwahaha - I was lookin too.

Hell, our resident beyond shutterbug (Mel) is in a class with 2 bikini models and we STILL don't have any pics. WTH indeed.


DJ Lazy
02-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by CuteAsianAngel
I'm at uni and I see at least one (or more) good looking girl(s) in all of my econ and business classes. But I see next to none in my history classes.

Originally posted by Melinda

That's not very nice! 2 girls in my journalism class are in the finals for the miss hawaiian tropics competition..SAIT may not have AS MANY hotties, but there are some :)

Originally posted by acuraxx

I agree.. this thread isn't very nice to us SAIT girls...

there are definetly some hot girls here!

I am starting to see a pattern with the girls that are posting... ;)

DJ Lazy
02-24-2004, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by max_boost
No offence is taken but it is true, I'll make it known, SAIT is hurt for girls! It's a trade school, 90% of the population are guys!! haha

As true as that is, I am confined in the one building on Campus that has all the hotties.. If you were to stroll into any of the other buildings then I would have to agree that it turns into a large sausage party...

Business Class is where 'most' of the chicks are... :) :clap:

02-25-2004, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by DJ Lazy

I am starting to see a pattern with the girls that are posting... ;)

what is that supposed to mean!!! remember you better be nice to me since i will see you in class this week! haha.. just joking, i am harmless:rofl:

DJ Lazy
02-25-2004, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by acuraxx

what is that supposed to mean!!! remember you better be nice to me since i will see you in class this week! :rofl:

errrr ummm that just means, ummmmm... hmmmm lets see.. umm nevermind... :rofl:

and hahaha... no you won't.. I am skipping class today..
;) :D

02-25-2004, 11:30 AM
Dammit, there are lots of girls around SAIT.
They just hide during the winter months,
Now that spring is coming they are starting to come out again!

If Mel doesnt feel right taking pictures... I WILL :D

Blue Devil 2
02-25-2004, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by DJ Lazy

I am starting to see a pattern with the girls that are posting... ;)

What's the pattern? Acuraxx is amazing, i drool everytime i see her.

02-25-2004, 01:40 PM
I always goto Rez night on Tuesdays. $4.50 doubles, and $2.50 cans of Canadian. Free pizza at 9pm.
Only downside is after the brawls a couple weeks ago you have to either be a student or get signed in by one. 2 security guards got beat down right in front of me.
Every Tuesday there is a 50/50, you pay $2 and get entered in to win the pot. Last night was $1000 (last tuesday of month it's always $1000).

02-26-2004, 12:35 AM
Originally posted by Blue Devil 2

What's the pattern? Acuraxx is amazing, i drool everytime i see her.

:drool: Did someone say she goes to SAIT.


DJ Lazy
02-29-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Blue Devil 2

What's the pattern? Acuraxx is amazing, i drool everytime i see her.

The pattern was that all the girls that were posting were saying how hot the other girls are.... ;)

Originally posted by FastDak318

:drool: Did someone say she goes to SAIT.


:rofl: :hitit: :angel: