View Full Version : LF/WTB: Need somebody with a chainsaw to cut logs.

10-07-2012, 10:28 AM
I cut down some trees in my yard and would like them cut into logs. I've already started but my handsaw is just too slow.

There are about 5 lengths of log remaining (see picture) which range in diameter from 3" to 8". The shortest log is about 5 feet long and the longest one is about 15 feet long. I'd need about 20 cuts made.

I live on the west side of the city in Wentworth and I'd be willing to pay $50.

Any takers?

10-07-2012, 10:29 AM
picture 1

10-07-2012, 10:32 AM
For that price, couldn't you rent a chainsaw from Home Depot?

10-07-2012, 10:38 AM
picture 2

10-07-2012, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by frozenrice
For that price, couldn't you rent a chainsaw from Home Depot?

Probably, but I'm lazy and not really feeling up to the task.

10-09-2012, 10:25 PM
I could do it but am working out of town. Let me know if you still need this come next week.