View Full Version : Beyond members you'd like to meet in RL

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10-07-2012, 08:39 PM
I was thinking about this the other day when I was reading one of ZenOps posts - fuck I'd like to meet that guy in real life.

So to begin this thread - Who would you like to meet, and why? I'll edit this post when I come up with a solid list, but obviously ZenOps is on there. He's got some fascinating posts (and some ridiculous ones as well :rofl: ), but I haven't a fuarking clue what the guy would look like.

Fire away!

EDIT - My list:

Tik-Tok - good posts
TomcoPDR - generally lulzworthy
Analbumcover - username lulz
R-Audi - disgustingly sick stage 3 s4
Cug - extrovert speaks his mind
GTS_Jeff - extrovert hilarious shit talker
Spoons - for the lulz
C_Dave45 - outspoken, interesting
Kryn - lifter
Lint - lifter
JAYMEZ - lifter
Warcaster - lifter
Darkane - lifter
JfuckinC - lifter
Max_Boost (actually had a dream I met you, no homo)
liquidboi69 - lifter
Modelexis - outspoken
Cos - cause I talked shit to him once, seems like a decent guy and I felt bad
M. Alex / 2EFNFAST - To shake his hand for being such a good sport. Maybe a photo op. Maybe a shoe-in to get baller status job.
goog - hilarity
ercchry - talked shit about his stretched tires. would like to meet him cause he would probably spank me around a circuit!

10-07-2012, 08:45 PM
Mar. So I can teach him math.

Or how to use a calculator.

10-07-2012, 08:45 PM
Tomco, so I can see the ONE beyonder I sent a valentine's card to

10-07-2012, 08:52 PM
Oddly enough I haven't met flipstah. I'd like to meet btimbit as well, considering I eat at his restaurant a lot.

I think I've met 20+ Beyonders, including Tomco.

10-07-2012, 08:57 PM
I think I've met pretty much all the regular posters on here, except for m.alex or modelexis.

Actually, I don't think I've met mibz....?

10-07-2012, 08:59 PM
Rage2 :love:
I think I have met like three people from beyond :rofl:

10-07-2012, 09:00 PM
I think JRSC00LUDE is the only one that I really want to meet that I haven't yet. Also GTS Jeff, though not for the obvious reasons.

Originally posted by Squishy
Actually, I don't think I've met mibz....? I didn't think we'd met but I didn't want to say anything, haha.

Originally posted by Z_Fan
If there was one person you'd want to miss meeting, Mibz would be it. So count yourself lucky. Pretty much this.

10-07-2012, 09:27 PM
modelexis so i could see if he actually looks like this :

10-07-2012, 09:31 PM

10-07-2012, 09:32 PM
Wait .. I'm your avatar and you don't want to meet me??? :(

10-07-2012, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by drtoohotty1
modelexis so i could see if he actually looks like this :

Lol, just had supper with him today, he's a good guy! hahaha. Although a lot different then I think most people were expecting.

Personally, I wouldn't mind meeting NewLextasy, or 483hp. Id like to pick their brains, Such young guys that drive such nice cars, I want to know what they do. If I can be in my mid to late 20's driving $400k car's, I'd be quite happy. ;)

Same with Jordan Lotski. He seems like an awesome stand up guy. My hat's off to him.

10-07-2012, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by Squishy
Actually, I don't think I've met mibz....?

If there was one person you'd want to miss meeting, Mibz would be it. So count yourself lucky.

10-07-2012, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by drtoohotty1
modelexis so i could see if he actually looks like this :

I thought that was Kriftao?

Originally posted by FraserB
Oddly enough I haven't met flipstah. I'd like to meet btimbit as well, considering I eat at his restaurant a lot.

I think I've met 20+ Beyonders, including Tomco.

I'll pop up to one of these Wednesday meets eventually. Or if there's a winter cruise for 2012. :burnout:

I actually know several people here on Beyond. Some I wish I didn't know *coughcoughD'zNutzcoughcough*

10-07-2012, 10:21 PM
I invited ZenOps to the Beyond 10 year party because everyone wanted to meet him. Didn't get a reply tho.

DJ Lazy
10-07-2012, 10:27 PM
I think I've met most of the people that I've wanted to. Most of them either being part of the OG photography group or F1 fans at Rages place.

10-07-2012, 10:50 PM
Definitely ZenOps. Although I may mock some of his posts I like the flavor that he brings to Beyond :thumbsup:

10-07-2012, 11:06 PM
There are a few that I've tried excessive drinking in hopes of forgetting about meeting. Does that count?

10-07-2012, 11:18 PM
I've met and have become friends with a bunch of beyonders, but I would like to have beers with cDave45 as he lives in my neibourhood and were from the same place. Why don't we set up a wing night or what ever?

10-07-2012, 11:29 PM
I've met a ton of beyonders. But the one I want to meet the most is Syritis.

10-07-2012, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I think JRSC00LUDE

I think most of his posts are hilarious.

10-07-2012, 11:44 PM
Yeah guys like cDave and Tik-Tok for sure. It would be fun to meet a few people I've "fought" or argued with over the years like b_t or Desi to because odds are they're pretty rad guys. Same goes for M.alex and 89coupe.

Oh, and mibz! :love:

10-07-2012, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by drtoohotty1
modelexis so i could see if he actually looks like this

I met you briefly once before, at a beyond meet.
Seems odd but I actually don't lead out with a rant about emotionally charged topics when I first meet people.

I also don't hold e-grudges so if you meet me and expect me to remember a debate we had online I probably won't remember.

I generally have good experiences meeting other members in person.
I would for sure buy Zenops a coffee though if the chance was presented, haha.

10-07-2012, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I invited ZenOps to the Beyond 10 year party because everyone wanted to meet him. Didn't get a reply tho.


10-08-2012, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Yeah guys like cDave and Tik-Tok for sure.

Phhht, good luck with that, I'm as elusive as hipster without a intragram app on his iphone.

Seriously though, I'm disappointed I was working the night of the Beyond anniversary, lots of people on here I'd like to meet.

10-08-2012, 07:39 AM
CUG, he always seemed to articulate what I was thinking.

I only know a couple of beyonders, A790 (hired him once), and civic styles (did work on my Legacy at Tunerworks).

10-08-2012, 07:49 AM
Trev0006. I'd like to know that he's a real person. I haven't seen him put up a legit post, just links to videos.

I'd like to be invited to one of Rage2's Blood Alcohol vs driving ability nights.

I've met about a dozen beyonders. I buy and sell stuff in the marketplace, so usually they are 5 minute front door kind of interactions. Still, everyone seems like chill guys (and gals).

10-08-2012, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Modelexis

I met you briefly once before, at a beyond meet.

Well alright then my hat is off to you sir because there is only a couple people of people i have met at the meets that i wouldn't care to see again, and i know their beyond names. Like a lot of people have said on here its amazing how different people are in the RL........ except B_T he's a huge fag :D

10-08-2012, 08:50 AM
J-Lude so i could troll him in real life versus just on here lol.

10-08-2012, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Phhht, good luck with that, I'm as elusive as hipster without a intragram app on his iphone.


I vaguely remember meeting tik-tok ;)

I've met ludeluvr, but I wanna go drinking with him sometime :rofl:

10-08-2012, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by FraserB
Oddly enough I haven't met flipstah.
It's actually quite amazing following his fitness thread and watching it all happen. I'm mirin/jelly.

List of beyonders I'd like to meet is ridiculously long.

A drive with rage2 through downtown is pretty high on my list though. Reference (http://forums.beyond.ca/st2/rules-for-pedestrians-entering-crossing-a-controlled-intersection/showthread.php?s=&postid=3989410&#post3989410)

10-08-2012, 09:05 AM
I have met a bunch of peeps from here selling stuff, but I would never be able to tell who is who....they were mostly all asian :D

10-08-2012, 09:13 AM
Ive met a few through selling and buying stuff. Everyone has been awesome from those brief encounters. :D

Would like to meet quite a few here.

10-08-2012, 09:15 AM
Pretty much same for me, I've met a bunch selling and selling, everyone was nice. I assume the rest I meet will be nice too.

Oh and I miss Mibz. It's been a while since I've seen him.

10-08-2012, 09:27 AM

10-08-2012, 10:04 AM
I've met a handful as well. Everyone I've met has been very nice. Masked Bandit and I interact a lot (great guy if you've not met him) and msommers seems awesome as well. I would wanna meet zenops as well to see if he actually wears a tinfoil hat :)

10-08-2012, 10:25 AM
ZenOps for sure. I've seen a lot of people over the years. Also wouldn't mind going for a Beyond Wing Night!:thumbsup:

10-08-2012, 11:40 AM
Originally posted by GoChris
Oh and I miss Mibz. It's been a while since I've seen him. We'll meet up again when your car is running.

It was nice knowing you.

10-08-2012, 12:15 PM
Met Leo (Ludelvr) awhile back at a friend's pub as I was selling him something and he actually stuck around for a drink or two, I remember him saying " I should be called legendboy instead", can't remember why though. So I guess legendboy is the one beyonder I'd like to meet. Type_S1, tirebob, tomco would be a pretty interesting guys to have beers with, IMO.

10-08-2012, 12:23 PM
No one wants to meet me :cry:

10-08-2012, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by beyond_ban
No one wants to meet me :cry:

Ive met you! You bought a douchey shirt from me :rofl:

big A
10-08-2012, 03:03 PM
I think speedog seems like he would be cool. He appeears to be a car enthusiast, always has positive and/or educational input on threads and doesn't go into a fit of rage if someone criticizes anything he has posted.

Probably wouldn't be too hard to go out of your way to meet him Just figure out which pet store he owns and shop there :dunno: . I only have fish tanks though and he just talks about cats and dogs.

I've met mar once, Jordan used to live a few doors away from me, said hi to Rage at the exotic car cruise and done a few purchases with Gary at Urban South.

I tried to figure out who people were at the exotic car cruise especially who owned that green and yellow Aston because he looked in his twenties only and talked about his other cars.

10-08-2012, 03:12 PM
i've met way more people off beyond over the years than i would've liked to

10-08-2012, 03:26 PM
I'd want to meet heavyD, I'm curious if he's as antagonizing in real life lol. ZorroAMG is probably the most memorable person I've met from beyond. On the computer you want to punch him through the screen, then IRL you find out he's the nicest guy.

10-08-2012, 03:29 PM
Type_S1 and Scat because they're some of the biggest douchebags on here. I want to measure my level of douchbaginess against theirs in real life.

10-08-2012, 03:51 PM
Met a buncha people, had Ludelvr stay over and party one night in Lethbridge, that was entertaining hahaha.

10-08-2012, 03:54 PM
ZenOps for sure! Just really curious. :D

I've met a ton of Beyond members, and good experiences so far for all the active users on here.

All the -real- douches are too scared to meet up in person anyways. Wonder why ;)

10-08-2012, 04:12 PM
ZenOps for sure! Awesome thought process.

I think I've met a huge number of beyonders over the years,

Official winter wigns Wednesdays meet at Max_Boost restaurant! Lol

10-08-2012, 06:15 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Trev0006. I'd like to know that he's a real person. I haven't seen him put up a legit post, just links to videos.
he showed up at For A-Bodies Only (a mopar site) and posted links to a couple videos.
Quite surreal.

10-08-2012, 06:20 PM
Modelexis, Zedge, Toma, Heavy_D just to name a few.. I usually hold same views as they do for alot of topics on here.

Then some mouthy ones, just to see how quiet they go in real life...:poosie:

10-08-2012, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by projekz
Also wouldn't mind going for a Beyond Wing Night!:thumbsup:

I was thinking of having another Poker Party/Wing night/beyond meet. We could have a "beginners' table" for those that don't really play.

I've met probably 30 or 40 "beyonders", from either my work or through poker. I can say, without a doubt, they've all been "good experiences"! (Okay, there was that one guy asking for a job and quit two hours later! ROFL)

The really funny part is, every time I'm expecting an Asian, it turns out to be a white guy...and then when I'm expecting a white guy, he's Asian!! (Tomco!!) hahaha.

The biggest surprise came when InRich phoned me for a tile job. To be honest, I was trying to get out of it, and I was really expecting to have a difficult client...based on his and my dealings on the forum...turned out to be one of the classiest customers I've ever had, and a top-shelf decent guy!! Went and played poker at his house after the job.

But there's lots still that I'd like to meet!!

10-08-2012, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by 95teetee
he showed up at For A-Bodies Only (a mopar site) and posted links to a couple videos.
Quite surreal.

Hes shown up on Jeepforum as well lol:nut:

10-08-2012, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Trev0006. I'd like to know that he's a real person. I haven't seen him put up a legit post, just links to videos.

I'm fairly certain he's made a couple of non-video-post comments, although I think they were only in his video threads.

10-08-2012, 06:41 PM
Hes on the Mustang forums as well...

10-08-2012, 06:43 PM
Oh yeah I forgot about InRich, I bet he's a good guy for sure. There are a lot of interesting people on here, it's a good place.

10-08-2012, 06:57 PM
If I had a chance I would love to meet Zen_ops, JRS, C_dave, D'z Nuts and Leah. That's just off the top of my head, most on here I wouldn't mind meeting...I think it would be easier to list members I wouldn't want to meet:rofl:

10-08-2012, 06:57 PM
I was wondering if I'd see my name in here.
I'd have to say ZenOps as well, anytime I see his name on the thread list I click to read it no matter what the title is.

10-08-2012, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by 86max
ZorroAMG is probably the most memorable person I've met from beyond. On the computer you want to punch him through the screen, then IRL you find out he's the nicest guy.

I'll take your word on it.. ;)

I'm sure he feels that way about me.. haha. I have no doubt hes great in person. Truth be told I am very easy going, pretty much the opposite IRL. Wallflower is my middle name. :D

Originally posted by A3GTiVR6SC
Modelexis, Zedge, Toma, Heavy_D just to name a few.. I usually hold same views as they do for alot of topics on here.

Then some mouthy ones, just to see how quiet they go in real life...:poosie:


10-08-2012, 07:12 PM
We came close baygirl/spikers, next time!

10-08-2012, 07:51 PM
I'd have a beer with mar and cdave ;) oh and gretz at his shop ;)

but, yeah scamergee and arash- now those would be fun :rofl:

10-08-2012, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

I was thinking of having another Poker Party/Wing night/beyond meet. We could have a "beginners' table" for those that don't really play.

I've met probably 30 or 40 "beyonders", from either my work or through poker. I can say, without a doubt, they've all been "good experiences"! (Okay, there was that one guy asking for a job and quit two hours later! ROFL)

The really funny part is, every time I'm expecting an Asian, it turns out to be a white guy...and then when I'm expecting a white guy, he's Asian!! (Tomco!!) hahaha.

The biggest surprise came when InRich phoned me for a tile job. To be honest, I was trying to get out of it, and I was really expecting to have a difficult client...based on his and my dealings on the forum...turned out to be one of the classiest customers I've ever had, and a top-shelf decent guy!! Went and played poker at his house after the job.

But there's lots still that I'd like to meet!!

I would be in for a n00b poker tourney. :)

10-08-2012, 08:25 PM
Bah, fuck you guys, nobody finds me interesting?

:english: :english: :english: :english: :english:

Its ok, i must be doing something right then, im like a ninja, gliding thru the forums unnoticed.


Ive heard so much about M.Alex, so he would be one of them, along with zenops. I pretty much have met all the other whack jobs...(Toma, modelexis, etc....)


10-08-2012, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Oddly enough I haven't met flipstah. I'd like to meet btimbit as well, considering I eat at his restaurant a lot.

:thumbsup: Feel free to say hi! Ask for Brandon. Hell, if you say timbit they'll know who you mean. :rofl:

I've met Squishy and nismodrifter. I think that might be all though. Hoping to join in on some Beyond trail runs soon though!

Here's another question that sort of goes along with that too, I'm always curious how old some beyonders are.

I'm 20

10-08-2012, 08:55 PM
m.alex really isnt exciting... he's just a big nerd

hey KVG, is wings tomorrow a public thing, or no? it would be cool if it was an open beyond invite!

10-08-2012, 09:00 PM
i'd like to meet most if not all of the regular posters here, but if i have to call some people out by name:

toma. he's the only person on here besides me who actually "gets it" (lol)

dave. even though he and I always argue on here, i can tell he'd make a great neighbour or buddy.

sugarphreak and codetrap. they're smart, mature, and don't hold grudges over stupid internet forum bs (haha).

finkprof. that dude knows some cool shit.

dannie. always willing to help people out with her expertise. she even helped me out over the phone once. :love:

tomco. i went to his house once, he's one of the nicest and most outgoing people i've ever met. would hang with again A+++++.

ludegirl, so i can tap dat ass. :poosie:

10-08-2012, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by C_Dave45

The biggest surprise came when InRich phoned me for a tile job. To be honest, I was trying to get out of it, and I was really expecting to have a difficult client...based on his and my dealings on the forum...turned out to be one of the classiest customers I've ever had, and a top-shelf decent guy!! Went and played poker at his house after the job.

I went to Vegas with InRich - when I first met him I didn't know he was a beyonder. When he introduced himself, I shit you not, the first thing that went through my head was "this guy reminds me exactly of InRich on the forums". Turns out it was the same guy! I thought it was a funny coincidence.

10-08-2012, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

I went to Vegas with InRich - when I first met him I didn't know he was a beyonder. When he introduced himself, I shit you not, the first thing that went through my head was "this guy reminds me exactly of InRich on the forums". Turns out it was the same guy! I thought it was a funny coincidence.


10-08-2012, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Shlade

Ive met you! You bought a douchey shirt from me :rofl:

Haha! Oh ya, i remember that. Wear it everyday :rofl: :rofl:

Rat Fink
10-08-2012, 09:53 PM

10-08-2012, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
m.alex really isnt exciting... he's just a big nerd

hey KVG, is wings tomorrow a public thing, or no? it would be cool if it was an open beyond invite!

For sure! Anyone who wants to come your more than welcome there will be Beyonders and non Beyonders alike @ Muldoons @ 7 on 130th Ave SE :thumbsup:

10-08-2012, 10:20 PM
Totally forgot about Heavy_D.

Oh, and everybody here wants to meet nismodrifter when he's been drinking :P

10-08-2012, 10:28 PM
All the Beyonders I would want to meet I've already met :P

So, I think if I had to name one other to meet, it'd probably be Zedge, so I could apologize face to face for a couple of my bad MMO recommendations :nut:

10-08-2012, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Mibz

Oh, and everybody here wants to meet nismodrifter when he's been drinking :P

Funny, not the first time I've heard that:rofl:

10-08-2012, 10:43 PM
so happy I managed to skate under the radar, but then again, I am pretty uninteresting. But then again, I have already met a good chunk of the regulars on Beyond.

10-08-2012, 11:00 PM
Originally posted by Mibz

Oh, and everybody here wants to meet nismodrifter when he's been drinking :P

Originally posted by zipdoa
I went to Vegas with InRich - when I first met him I didn't know he was a beyonder. When he introduced himself, I shit you not, the first thing that went through my head was "this guy reminds me exactly of InRich on the forums". Turns out it was the same guy! I thought it was a funny coincidence.
I'm positive I ran into InRich waiting in the Vegas airport last year coming back to Calgary as well.... or maybe it was just some other random person from Calgary bragging to strangers how much money they had just spent partying :rofl:

10-09-2012, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by FixedGear

dannie. always willing to help people out with her expertise. she even helped me out over the phone once. :love:

Pop by the office any time I'm actually there. It'd be great to put a face to the name :)

10-09-2012, 08:10 AM
I've actually met quite a few people from here, some may not have even known how I was.

big A - got some custom cut glass shelving from him
Khyron - bought $350 worth of his childhood Transformers
Kavy - picked up 2 Dinobots from him
Disoblige - various meets
4doorj - various meets and mutual friends
Alterac - picked up various computer parts from him at his work at different times
gkAeris - bought a Beyond hat out of her trunk years ago
carzcraz - bought a Transformer from her
ricosquave - sold him things on 2 different occasions
shadowz - I think I sold him my Burton snowboarding boots, either that or bindings, can't remember
Kenny - my ex-girlfriend works with his girlfriend, I went to one of their work parties and had a bit of a chat with him about cars and things
JordanLotoski - he found me (us) my house

10-09-2012, 08:42 AM
^ Do I really have to pull out my trader rating posts! :D

I've met a couple of mods for buying stuff and a few others.

I would like to meet everyone, don't have any ecrush on you guys that makes me want to specifically meet! :love: :rofl:

Maxx Mazda
10-09-2012, 08:44 AM
Surprised no one wants to meet Sean Banerjee?? :dunno:

10-09-2012, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Maxx Mazda
Surprised no one wants to meet Sean Banerjee?? :dunno:

Hahaha forgot he was a user... yeah he's on the list. And GTS_Jeff!

10-09-2012, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Mibz

Oh, and everybody here wants to meet nismodrifter when he's been drinking :P

Good times! :rofl:

10-09-2012, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by Mibz
Oh, and everybody here wants to meet nismodrifter when he's been drinking :P

Originally posted by btimbit
Funny, not the first time I've heard that:rofl:

Originally posted by CRXguy
Good times! :rofl:
Yea, he's got quite the rapist wit.

10-09-2012, 10:40 AM
Beyond dating section haha

10-09-2012, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Maxx Mazda
Surprised no one wants to meet Sean Banerjee?? :dunno: nobody has mentioned Arash yet, either.

does 'the claw' count as 'someone from beyond?

10-09-2012, 07:10 PM

10-09-2012, 07:57 PM
Zenops that's it.

10-09-2012, 07:58 PM
ZenOps is at the top of my list! :rofl: :nut:

I met Toms-SC and Toma before I found Beyond... probably a 1/2 a year later Toms-SC posted a link (in a forum I frequented back then) to some crazy ricer thread and I started lurking Beyond after than... finally joined after the Claw tread! :rofl:

I also quickly met Squishy & her BF when they came to Edmonton to drop off the Blackvue cameras, thanks again! :D

10-09-2012, 08:03 PM
I'd like to meet the other dude with Adam C as a username..

and murder him

10-09-2012, 08:12 PM
I've had the privledge of meeting quite a few beyonders, many of whom are my patients. Never met Rage2, Kenny and Zenops, so they would top my list. One of my fav beyonders I have met in person is zipdoa, hands down a great guy.

10-09-2012, 08:21 PM
ive met a good amount of beyonders and all of them were really cool, but i dont necessarily want to meet anyone in particular.

actually now that i think about it, i think JRSC00LUDE would be cool to hang out with and have beers......alot of them.

10-09-2012, 08:23 PM
I don't post enough on here anymore to really want to meet anyone I haven't yet...Maybe a few of you tin-foil hat wearing fuckers would be fun and it would be good to have beers and debate shit with some of you WinDroid geeks too.

I'm already friends with all of the truly cool assholes on here, anyway.

So I win.


10-09-2012, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Hallowed_point
Definitely ZenOps. Although I may mock some of his posts I like the flavor that he brings to Beyond :thumbsup:


Could you imagine Zenops at a party .lol...

The chick would be like, "Zenops, I don't know what the fuck you're saying, but just do me.

Zenops: Ok, but remember my dick is made of nickle.

10-09-2012, 09:05 PM
^ :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Holy fuck

10-09-2012, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
Zenops: Ok, but remember my dick is made of nickle.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Added! :thumbsup:

adam c
10-09-2012, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by adamc
I'd like to meet the other dude with Adam C as a username..

and murder him

we can debate this all you want, the fact still remains I was here first

10-09-2012, 09:59 PM
I think I've met everyone on beyond that I'd feel is worth knowing outside the forums. Lol. I just hope they all remember who I am when we meet again (though I have no doubt that they will, it's just that I don't get out much anymore)

10-09-2012, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by 03ozwhip
ive met a good amount of beyonders and all of them were really cool, but i dont necessarily want to meet anyone in particular.

You could not have had me in mind when you typed that. I still remember first meeting you because I was hunting down the owner of the pimped out cutlass in the parking lot at work...

*EDIT* Fuck, that was spikers. I just had her computer in front of me.

10-10-2012, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by jibber
I think I've met everyone on beyond that I'd feel is worth knowing outside the forums. Lol.

Well that's mighty close minded of you! :nut:

10-10-2012, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

Well that's mighty close minded of you! :nut:

Well, some may see this as being closed-minded, but there are a lot of really interesting and cool people I haven't met on this forum, such as yourself. My fear is meeting someone and being disappointed thus changing my view of how this person is on the forums forever. Some things are just best left to the imagination! Of course, I may be surprised by equally as many so maybe this is the wrong way to look at things. I need to make it out to more meets :P

10-10-2012, 07:49 AM
Yeah, I've met a few people who I thought were tools on the forum but turned out to be pretty decent.

Then there's people like Tomaz who blend in on the forum but are hi-godamn-larious in real life.

10-10-2012, 12:53 PM