View Full Version : Is it legal that seller photocopy my driver license when buying a car?

10-17-2012, 02:20 PM
With ID fraud so prevalent nowadays, I am not comfortable with it, I have searched and there is no clear answer so I hope beyonder might know better.

Its a private sale.

10-17-2012, 02:22 PM
Why would you do that? Only dealerships can do that.

10-17-2012, 02:29 PM
It's legal if you let him. If he knocks you to the ground, takes you license and photocopies it, that would be illegal.

In reality, you have to write your license #, name and address on the bill of sale, so that should be enough for anyone. I always make sure to see their license and make sure the numbers match what they wrote, just to be sure.

10-17-2012, 02:29 PM
I took a picture of every driver that test drove my car while I was selling :dunno:

10-17-2012, 02:31 PM
If he's selling private sale he doesnt need to know anything about you except the cash you put in his hand..

I kind of see where hes coming from if he wanted it before you test drive the car

10-17-2012, 02:34 PM
For whatever reason, this is becoming a thing that people are trying to do. I tell people the same thing that I will tell you... If you aren't comfortable with it, don't do it. The AB gov bill of sale has a place for identification to be written down, but in all honesty, even that is not something that is mandatory on a bill of sale

10-17-2012, 02:36 PM
thats a lot of valuable info within 30mins

beyond FTW!

10-17-2012, 04:18 PM
One reason for it could be fake bank drafts. Last time I picked up a bank draft (aka certified cheque) teller gave me a business card, which she said was a point of contact for the recipient to verify the authenticity of the draft.

Fake bank draft + no verifiable ID = no car and no way to track who has it.

10-17-2012, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by vtec4life
If he's selling private sale he doesnt need to know anything about you except the cash you put in his hand..

This is so wrong on so many levels.

I always take a pic of everyone's id for one simple reason:

Sold a truck a few years ago. Guy paid cash, I signed the registration and forgot about it. 2 months later I get a call from the police saying that my truck got towed for being abandoned for a month with no plate. I go to the impound lot, they won't let me claim it because I claim that I sold it. I had to go get some form filled out claiming that I did in fact sell the vehicle and did not own it, go back to the impound and have them release me of any shit. Such a fucking head ache and a total waste of 2 days (long fucking lines at the impound lot). I still don't know why someone would buy a 04 2500 sierra and not register it.

10-17-2012, 09:49 PM
you would not like people going through your trash / cell phone / computer taking personal info, yet just hand it over to a random you are buying a vehicle from?

Who is to say what this random is going to do with it.

10-18-2012, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by ddduke

This is so wrong on so many levels.

I always take a pic of everyone's id for one simple reason:

Sold a truck a few years ago. Guy paid cash, I signed the registration and forgot about it. 2 months later I get a call from the police saying that my truck got towed for being abandoned for a month with no plate. I go to the impound lot, they won't let me claim it because I claim that I sold it. I had to go get some form filled out claiming that I did in fact sell the vehicle and did not own it, go back to the impound and have them release me of any shit. Such a fucking head ache and a total waste of 2 days (long fucking lines at the impound lot). I still don't know why someone would buy a 04 2500 sierra and not register it.

That happens a lot. But at the the of the day, whether you take a copy of the Licence or not, is irrelevant because its the same procedure in that situation. It wouldn't have made the process any shorter or easier.

10-18-2012, 08:07 AM
I would refuse that big time, they can take the number down on it. If anything happens he can have the police find me on that.

If he is that paranoid he can look at it and see if it is accurate to me.

10-18-2012, 08:10 AM
alberta is so lax in used car sales. all you need is their signature on the right side of their registration. done.

as a seller i would probably want a copy of it, just in case. but thats all you need

10-18-2012, 08:15 AM
I got stuck with a fake bank draft for a truck last year. I took his DL# on the bill of sale but his licence turned out to be fake. RCMP said to take a photocopy of the buyers DL and take a picture of they purchacer, that way they can get him on a few counts of fraud with the draft and licence. They said most important is the picture of the buyer, if he refuses a pic then somthings up. Im much more careful now.

10-18-2012, 08:18 AM
or... dont take bank drafts :dunno:

10-18-2012, 08:29 AM
In the past I have gotten the person to meet me at the Bank and we cash/transfer (if the guy had the same bank) into my account. Once the teller said it was all good I would sign the paperwork. Have done that three times and all the people were cool with it

10-18-2012, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Rabb
In the past I have gotten the person to meet me at the Bank and we cash/transfer (if the guy had the same bank) into my account. Once the teller said it was all good I would sign the paperwork. Have done that three times and all the people were cool with it

best way to do it!

10-18-2012, 09:30 AM
If you are the seller, sell on your terms. If they dont want to comply them find a new buyer. If they really want it they will comply.

10-18-2012, 10:03 AM
^ Same can be said of the buyer. If the seller really wants to sell, they will comply to the buyer.

In all reality guys, it comes down to both sides compromising. If one doesn't want a copy of their licence taken, as the seller... are you willing to lose that sale?

Personally speaking, I would never let someone take a copy of my licence. They can look at it and verify that my licence number is what I say it is, but thats as far as I would go.

Professionally speaking, as I said before... Only do what you are comfortable with.

10-18-2012, 10:50 AM
i dont see why you would object to it, the bill of sale requires your, name, address, DL#... basically everything contained on your DL anyway, so what's the difference? if you intend to be legit, you shouldn't object to it... i take a picture of people's DL and insurance if i get in an MVA... not sure i'd be concerned with a vehicle sale, i suppose if it's high value, and potential of bank draft fraud or something...

10-18-2012, 10:57 AM
You don't NEED to put your DL# on a bill of sale. Look at the back of your registration. That's all that's needed.

I can get a mortgage by calling a bank, giving them details and "proof of I'd" via email.... Do the math

10-18-2012, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by dannie
^ Same can be said of the buyer. If the seller really wants to sell, they will comply to the buyer.

In all reality guys, it comes down to both sides compromising. If one doesn't want a copy of their licence taken, as the seller... are you willing to lose that sale?

Personally speaking, I would never let someone take a copy of my licence. They can look at it and verify that my licence number is what I say it is, but thats as far as I would go.

Professionally speaking, as I said before... Only do what you are comfortable with.

I had a guy come look at my vehicle that I didn't get a good vibe in the first place. He refused to hand his license over for a phone picture. So I told him to get lost. Wasn't that worried, protecting my car is more important than a "potential" sale :dunno:

10-18-2012, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
You don't NEED to put your DL# on a bill of sale. Look at the back of your registration. That's all that's needed.

I can get a mortgage by calling a bank, giving them details and "proof of I'd" via email.... Do the math

The requirement on a bill of sale for the province of Alberta is:

Signature of buyer and seller
Make and Model

That's it. Easy Peasy. Anything else is above and beyond. You are right

Originally posted by colinxx235

I had a guy come look at my vehicle that I didn't get a good vibe in the first place. He refused to hand his license over for a phone picture. So I told him to get lost. Wasn't that worried, protecting my car is more important than a "potential" sale :dunno:

Exactly. It comes down to what your comfortable with, on both sides. You didn't want to compromise, neither did he.

10-18-2012, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by colinxx235

I had a guy come look at my vehicle that I didn't get a good vibe in the first place. He refused to hand his license over for a phone picture. So I told him to get lost. Wasn't that worried, protecting my car is more important than a "potential" sale :dunno:

-verified funds in your account
-copy of dated bill of sale
-canceled registration for same date as sale


you dont need to prove who started the grown op/robbed the bank/or anything else with your old car. just that it was NOT you. :nut:

10-18-2012, 11:16 AM

nah it wasn't about the payment portion.

I wanted his DL just to test drive my car. He wouldn't show me it, so it was basically gtfo. Because if he damages it or anything happens I don't want him running off.

10-18-2012, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by colinxx235

nah it wasn't about the payment portion.

I wanted his DL just to test drive my car. He wouldn't show me it, so it was basically gtfo. Because if he damages it or anything happens I don't want him running off.

does it matter? you give him permission to drive your car. anything happens your your problem anyway

10-18-2012, 11:24 AM
I like to make sure he has a legal license.

Plus then I know where he lives :poosie:

10-18-2012, 11:25 AM
its still going to do nothing for you

10-18-2012, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
its still going to do nothing for you

he could probably go to his house and egg it? People still do that right?

10-18-2012, 01:17 PM
You can ask to see it and write down the number/scan bar code, but photocopying it is against the privacy act. I actually know of a company that got a huge fine for doing this.

10-18-2012, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
its still going to do nothing for you

sure it will... no license, no drive,,, derrr? makes sense to me..

10-18-2012, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by kvg
You can ask to see it and write down the number/scan bar code, but photocopying it is against the privacy act. I actually know of a company that got a huge fine for doing this. i find this hard to believe, every time i have gone to a dealer for a test drive, especially unsupervised, they always copy my license.

10-18-2012, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by Thaco

sure it will... no license, no drive,,, derrr? makes sense to me..

what the hell does that have to do with taking a photo of the license?

10-18-2012, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by djmr2

he could probably go to his house and egg it? People still do that right?

the egging and tping would be life scarring, traumatized when he wakes up

10-18-2012, 02:18 PM
Meh, i still don't see the big deal...

10-18-2012, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Thaco
i find this hard to believe, every time i have gone to a dealer for a test drive, especially unsupervised, they always copy my license.

report them and see what happens.

10-18-2012, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
its still going to do nothing for you

I think it's more protection from some stupid shit people may do to you. I know of a guy who got his bike stolen, the way the guy did it was by taking a long test drive and getting a key cut.

Now if something like this happened to you then you would know who did it, but then again it probably wouldn't happen if the person knew you took their personal info down.

10-18-2012, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by kvg
You can ask to see it and write down the number/scan bar code, but photocopying it is against the privacy act. I actually know of a company that got a huge fine for doing this. Which company? Where in the privacy act does it state this? I am interested in looking further into it.

10-19-2012, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by blitz
It's legal if you let him. If he knocks you to the ground, takes you license and photocopies it, that would be illegal.

In reality, you have to write your license #, name and address on the bill of sale, so that should be enough for anyone. I always make sure to see their license and make sure the numbers match what they wrote, just to be sure.

This. However, sometimes it is easier just to take a picture/photocopy to ensure authenticity. I can totally understand why the guy wanted to do it - even if it is slightly over the top.

If you were not comfortable, you could refuse... perhaps saying he can take it for 30 seconds to verify the information on the bill of sale.

10-19-2012, 09:02 AM
I photocopy both my license and the other parties license when I'm doing a car deal and make sure we both get a copy.

I think it's worth having the information in case something bad goes down. I'm not really too concerned someone is buying / selling a car in order to steal my identification, which has already been scanned hundreds of times by bars, car rental companies, hostels etc.

If someone resisted having their ID copied, I'd be thinking something strange was up and probably walk away from the deal.