View Full Version : Beyond Vote Rigging - North Pole Marathon!

10-22-2012, 01:23 PM
Beyond, i'm gonna need your help with this one...
I've never made one of these threads - if theres one on my accounts history, i dont remember doing so anyways haha..

Vote for this kid!
Don't know her, but a good friend does...

Gonna need your help with this one Beyond.
Apparently one of her competitiors is blatantly paying for votes:
a) i'd like to show we can kick some ass rigging this for her for FREE
b) and just to show the other girl that paying for votes is a chumps game.
c) her goal seems kick ass! Just vote for her!

"I finished the Antarctic Marathon, my next goal: North Pole Marathon"


shes only ~400 votes behind

*Have until Tuesday at 10pm