View Full Version : night time teeth grinding

10-25-2012, 10:04 PM
So for years I've been wearing a mouth guard for night time grinding (I destroyed several teeth before the actual problem was discovered by dentist #3).

However, now I've developed something a little worse the past month - night time jaw smashing - so much so that now I have a couple of sensitive teeth as a result and this is with a dentist-provided mouth splint (I'm changing to a softer, rubber one as a result).

Have any of you guys had success with alleviating the issues related to bruxism? I can certainly identify the cause years ago (I worked in the aviation business... HUGE stress ) ... but now life is all good.

I've read that bruxism can stick around LONG after the initial trigger is gone, but also that some people have had success with hypnotherapy and relaxation technique. Thoughts?

10-25-2012, 10:38 PM
I've been dealing with bruxism for years now, I wear a mouth guard to bed at night as well and haven't come across anything that has helped me stop it, I also work in a stressful environment so that doesn't help much.

Hypnosis freaks me out and I refuse to do it.

I used to wear a splint many years ago that my dentist made for me but someone in the house threw it out by accident so since then I've been using a cheaper alternative that you can still mould to your teeth and its helped with the night time grinding.

Do you get headaches when you wake up in the morning from the jaw smashing?

10-25-2012, 11:07 PM
No oddly enough I had none of the normal morning symptoms for grinders, and still dont save for the fact that I have a few sensitive teeth now from teeth snapping.