View Full Version : Class 7 restrictions

11-05-2012, 07:58 PM
Me and my friend had this discussion about the restrictions on a class 7 license because his wife just got hers.

according to the handbook,

When practicing, you must have someone that is:

over 18
has a valid class 5 advanced GDL Exit driver's license
sitting in the front passenger of the vehicle that you are driving

You cannot drive during the hours between 12:00am and 5:00am

You must have 0% alcohol levels when driving at all times

You cannot drive with more people than there are seat belts in your vehicle

You are allowed 8 demerit points before receiving a suspension of your license

Now the question is, what if the class 5 holder had a few beers, maybe over the limit allowed. Can he still supervise the class 7 license holder? I told him I don't think so but he said that there is NO LAW that prohibits this.

What do you guys think?

11-05-2012, 08:10 PM

11-05-2012, 08:12 PM
One word answer - no.

11-05-2012, 08:20 PM
I used to drive to Echos all the time and my one buddy who didn't drink and coincidentally only had a class 7 would drive us home atleast twice a week. More then once we got pulled over, nothing ever happened.

I'm not sure if it's legal but I know that when a cop sees you doing the responsible thing and not driving drunk they seem to be pretty lenient.

11-05-2012, 08:38 PM
illegal...and the driver could even end up with an impaired charge if the cop wanted to take it to the extreme....although probably would not happen unless it was noted to be happening all the time.

11-06-2012, 02:25 AM

11-06-2012, 08:38 AM
It is illegal, but it comes down to The lesser of the two evils.

Yes, the 5 non gdl driver is supervising, which means being impaired is not acceptable. But if the class 7 explains the situation, they generally will allow It. That being said, I've seen a number of people get charged and convicited for this exact situation. The judge in each case noted that it was a "gross abuse of authority." Mind you, the driver in everyone of those situations was either a brand new driver or under 18.