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11-16-2012, 12:42 AM
I started a small log in regards of my fitness on facebook but there wasn't much fun, I was pretty much the only one doing it.

But then I found out Beyond has fitness logs too!

I started working out last year in the first week of December 2011 during my fourth semester at SAIT (2yr diploma).

Prior to getting back at the gym in December, my weight was ~190lbs at January 2011, totally overweight at 5'6". Started re-adjusting my diet and lowered to ~170lbs

Some historical logs I've been keeping on Facebook:

- February 2011: average mass ~165lb
- March: average mass ~160lb
- Goal: ~155lb by April 21 [succeeded]
- April: average mass ~152.81lb
- May: average mass ~151.81lb
- June: average mass ~152.81
- Goal: ~145lb by Sept 31 [TBC] June 31

- February2011 : B.F. ~20%
- March: B.F. ~18.6%
- April: B.F. ~17.9%
- Goal: ~17% by April 21 [TBC] May 31 [succeeded]
- May: B.F. ~15.7%
- Goal: ~14% by June 31 [succeeded]
- June: B.F. ~14.4%

- March2011 : Max bench 170(1RM), default 135(8R), 155(3R)
- Goal: +180(1RM) E.O.M. [succeeded]
- April: Max bench 205(1RM), default 135(8R), 155(8R)
- May: Max bench TBA(1RM), default 135 (10R), 155(8R)
- Goal: +225 by April 21 [TBA]

* where TBA = To Be Announced if goal has been "Succeeded" or "TBC (To Be Continued)

Current Strengths 2012/11 :

- 21y/o
- Average mass: ~170lb :banghead:
- B.F.: ~18% :banghead:
- Bench: 3x 225lb (on good days) :dunno:

After graduating from SAIT with a EDDT diploma, I have finally found a job, however the adverse effect was gain in fat due to increased sitting hours, consumption of breakfast (I rarely eat breakfast, not until I started working), and restriction of working out 2 times a day compared to going to SAIT (before class starts and after)

Is eating breakfast fucking me up?

- Bench: 3x 225lb
- Leg press: 5x 310lb
- Squat/Deadlift: 5x 155lb (started beginning of October)
- Leg curl (machine): 5x 155lb
- Bicep curl (machine): 3x 110lb
- Seated Triceps press: 3x 80lb
- High Row MTs (machine): 3x 220lb

Current Measurements:...............Grecian Ideal.....Steeve Reeves Ratio
Shoulders ....49.0

Waist:Hip 0.9
Wrist-Forearm-Biceps: 7-11-13.5|1:1.6:1.9
Ankle-Calves-Knee-Thigh: 9.5-15.5-15-22|1:1.6:2.3

Checkstop: 2012-11-15

Just got my supposed 3 month supply of Whey Isolate Protein, Casein Protein, and Pre-workout
5lb Muscle Gauge American ISO
4lb Dymatize Elite Casein
2x36 servings Dymatize Xpand 2x caffeine-free
(180$, saved 100$ from bodybuilding.com)

Working full-time 8hours a day, 5days a week, 8-5

Day 1: Chest/Upper back
Day 2: Bi/Tris/Upper back
Day 3: Legs/Lower back
Day 4: rest
Day 5: Shoulders

11-16-2012, 01:12 AM
Good to see another log on here.

You should definitely be eating breakfast. Over night your body will be in a catabolic state so getting those morning carbs / protein will get you anabolic again. That's the whole point of your casein supplement - to feed your muscles later into the night. No point in supplementing if you're not even feeding your muscles when you're awake with whole foods!

It looks like your goal is to both increase muscle / strength and decrease fat at the same time? The key will be to figure out how many calories you need to be taking in each day and strive to find a correct macro balance C40/P40/F20 is not a bad place to start and you can adjust from there.

You shouldn't have to work out twice a day to reach your goals. Just work smart.

What sort of workouts are you doing? I've recently started Wendler's 5/3/1 and am a big supporter of it. It's structured, smart, and efficient so it's easy to get in and out of the gym quickly and still see results. It will help you get your squat / deadlifts up as well.

11-16-2012, 08:21 AM
3 thingss I noticed

1)why is bench your only goal for a lift? Deadlift and Squat should have more of a focus as it appears they are a weakness
2)Leg press <<<<<<< Squat
3) why are you using so many machines?

11-16-2012, 09:04 AM
Can you post your diet?

11-16-2012, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by davidI
What sort of workouts are you doing? I've recently started Wendler's 5/3/1 and am a big supporter of it. It's structured, smart, and efficient so it's easy to get in and out of the gym quickly and still see results. It will help you get your squat / deadlifts up as well.

Just got my casein yesterday!

Increase strength/lose weight at the same time worked ideally until I got a full time job, from there its just strength more than losing weight.

I've forgotten to paste my workout routine. However its

Day 1: Chest/Upper back
Day 2: Bi/Tris
Day 3: Legs/Lower back
Day 4: rest
Day 5: Shoulders

Originally posted by austic
3 thingss I noticed

1)why is bench your only goal for a lift? Deadlift and Squat should have more of a focus as it appears they are a weakness
2)Leg press &lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt; Squat
3) why are you using so many machines?

Bench wasn't the only goal, but more focused upon. When I started in December my bench was only 45lbs.

I wasn't sure of my base strength so I didn't start doing deadlifts/squats until now. I use cable and dumbbells too, but machines supported me in using higher weights.

Originally posted by j.garner
Can you post your diet?

A very shitty one though...

Breakfast: 3 eggs, toast
Lunch: pre-cooked frozen noodles with chicken/veg (~900 calories)
Dinner: Random stuff.

11-16-2012, 11:24 AM
Make sure you start eating properly or you won't get where you want to be.

11-16-2012, 11:26 AM
If you get your diet in check things will move a lot faster for you. Check out http://www.myfitnesspal.com/ setup an account and track everything. You can setup your calorie goals and macro % you can get the mobile app to track on the go. I don't want to preach any kind of bro science so just figure out your macros, hit your goals and you will be golden.

Good luck

11-16-2012, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by trollolhah

Bench wasn't the only goal, but more focused upon. When I started in December my bench was only 45lbs.

I wasn't sure of my base strength so I didn't start doing deadlifts/squats until now. I use cable and dumbbells too, but machines supported me in using higher weights.

If the machines are what allows you to lift heavy then you are probably lacking the support/stabalizer muscles which are just as if not more important.

11-20-2012, 05:27 PM
So Monday was chest/upper back day

What I found interesting is the posture of which is ideal for benching, either arched/flat back when lifting.

What would you suggest, arched or generally flat back relative to the bench?

Other than that, the sad thing was taking the pre-workout a bit too early :cry:

11-21-2012, 12:05 AM
Wendler states: "Your lower back should be arched and kept that way. This does NOT mean you lift your butt off the bench. Again, do NOT lift your butt off the bench."

As far as your routine goes, I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense to me.

Day 1: Chest/Upper back
Day 2: Bi/Tris
Day 3: Legs/Lower back
Day 4: rest
Day 5: Shoulders

Think about the size of your Bi/Tris or Shoulders vs. the size of your Legs / Lower Back? Seems silly to focus 2 days on the smallest muscle groups and 1 day on the biggest muscle groups, doesn't it?

I think it's important to have a separate squat and deadlift day with assistance workouts tagged on to them. Squats and Deads will help your arms grow, possibly even more than isolation work, no joke.

Also, working Shoulders before Chest doesn't make a lot of sense as your bench heavily incorporates shoulders...so it will impact those lifts.

I've never been one to recommend programs before as I always followed a split routine similar to what you're doing. I started Wendler 5/3/1 this month and I'm sold on it. I've had better gains this month than I'd previously had in 6. This probably sounds like a sales pitch, but I'm honestly making more progress with less work than I ever had before. It pays to work smarter rather than harder!

11-21-2012, 01:57 PM
My routine isn't all that structured, it merely shows what I do. Somedays are switched around due to awesome muscle pain, and days 6/7 weren't listed as they could either be rest or do what I feel like.

I have a very poor routine, some parts I focus on more and might forget the other. I'm currently working on that.

Wendler 5/3/1 eh..., Imma have to look into that.

11-21-2012, 02:52 PM
You have to structure yourself a routine. Going into the gym aimlessly isn't the way to do it. You're not getting the most out of your time in the gym. Make a plan and stick to it. You'll see much better results. :thumbsup:

12-04-2012, 11:18 AM
Just started working out using Steve Reeve's full body workout, 3 gym days per week Monday-Wednesday-Friday.


Triceps extension
Military Press
Barbell curl
bent-over row
calf raise


Alternating Dumbbell Military Press
Parallel Bar Dip
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Triceps Extension Bench Press
Front Squat
Seated Calf Raise
Back Raise
Hanging Leg-raise


Upright Row
Incline Press
One-arm Dumbbell Row
Concentration Curl
Lying Triceps Extension
Dumbbell Lunge
Standing Calf Raise

I have to say Monday was quite different and I felt the intensity.

Mark - Day 1 - Dec 04

12-17-2012, 01:23 PM
Today is start of week 3 with Steeve Reeve's full body workout routine.

I have to say, I do feel sore on the day after, which is rest day.

On the other hand, I have recently ordered in BCAA powder from BB.com, help with the recovery on workout and rest days.

12-20-2012, 01:37 AM
Hallo Everyone.
I am new here.
No doubt this is a great forum for learn more knowledge about health and fitness. So i think you focus on your food on regular bases for good health...

12-20-2012, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by trollolhah
Just started working out using Steve Reeve's full body workout, 3 gym days per week Monday-Wednesday-Friday.


Triceps extension
Military Press
Barbell curl
bent-over row
calf raise


Alternating Dumbbell Military Press
Parallel Bar Dip
Alternating Dumbbell Curl
Triceps Extension Bench Press
Front Squat
Seated Calf Raise
Back Raise
Hanging Leg-raise


Upright Row
Incline Press
One-arm Dumbbell Row
Concentration Curl
Lying Triceps Extension
Dumbbell Lunge
Standing Calf Raise

I have to say Monday was quite different and I felt the intensity.

Mark - Day 1 - Dec 04

Personally, there is no way I could get through that Monday workout doing squats, bend, deadlift, and rows and mil press. I'd do two of those exercises per day max, otherwise i wouldn't be going hard enough to see any gains.

12-21-2012, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by littledan

Personally, there is no way I could get through that Monday workout doing squats, bend, deadlift, and rows and mil press. I'd do two of those exercises per day max, otherwise i wouldn't be going hard enough to see any gains.

Same. For me the huge red flag comes when you see any arm isolations before a compound movement.

Be careful bro.

12-21-2012, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by littledan

Personally, there is no way I could get through that Monday workout doing squats, bend, deadlift, and rows and mil press. I'd do two of those exercises per day max, otherwise i wouldn't be going hard enough to see any gains.

Well this is a full-body workout routine. At around 3 sets per exercise, I get out of the gym in around 1.5-2 hours, depending of Mon/Wed/Fri routine. I do feel the soreness the next day, hence rest on Tues/Thurs, sometimes even feeling on the next workout day.

Originally posted by warcaster

Same. For me the huge red flag comes when you see any arm isolations before a compound movement.

Be careful bro.


12-21-2012, 01:20 AM
Doubled my pre-workout intake, from 1 scoop.

The feel is quite energetic, lots of power and more focus after 8hours of work[desk job].

12-21-2012, 01:46 AM
Make sure you aren't taking too much pre-workout, well more than what they tell you to... it could be unsafe.

wow 1.5-2hrs at the gym is a hella long time

12-21-2012, 08:52 AM
Max is 3 scoops for my product. Dymatize Xpand 2x caffeine-free

Well my workout routine list per day is quite long, number of reps/sets and rest in-between for a breather.

01-28-2013, 05:16 PM
Been a while since I've touched my log here
(pun intended, just rustling my jimmies).

Following Steeve Reeve's full-body workout routine
was a completely different feel for me (dem feels) compared
to my previous workout patterns at 5days a week rather
than the current 3 days a week with rest between workouts.

Started getting back to cardio, sorry gains, getting them
feels for my quads, pulled both quads after 45min run
on treadmill, then attempted the stepper :rofl:

As of last week, rest days are now cardio days. And as of today,
2-3 more sets are to be added to each workout day, the fusion
of Christopher Mason's "30lb bench increase in 30 days" in
addition to Steeve Reeve's full-body workout, where workout
days on both routines are Mon-Wed-Fri.

Reading Mason's routine, it is to start off first week
Mon-Wed-Fri at 1RM 65%-75%-85%, 3sets3reps-2sets3reps-2sets2reps,
increasing 10lbs every week to each previous weight.

Since I find benching 145x3x3 is quite easy, 225 1RM, I'll jump to adding
10lbs at start, therefore Mon-Wed-Fri is:
Week 1: 155-180-200
Week 2: 165-190-210
Week 3: 175-200-220
Week 4: 185-210-230

Routines are now:
(/=change, - = current/Steeve Reeve's routine, + = addition from Mason's routine)

Monday: 1.5-2hours
/ Bench press 155X3X3
- Bent-over Row
- Barbell curl
- Standing Triceps
- Parallel Squat
- Deadlift
+ Triceps Pushdowns 1x10
+ Dumbbell Bench Press
+ Ab Crunch 2x10, till failure

Tuesday: 1-1.5 hours
- Cardio

Wednesday: 1.5-2hours
- Alternating Dumbbell Military Press
- Alternating Dumbbell Curl
- Lying Triceps Extension
- Pull-up
- Dips
- Front Squat
- Hanging Leg Raise
+ Triceps Pushdown 1x10
+ Bench Press 180x2x3
+ Ab Crunch 2x10, till failure

Thursday: 1-1.5hours
- Cardio

Friday: 1.5-2hours
- Incline Press
- Upright Row
- One-Arm Dumbbell Row
- Concentration Curl
- Sitting Triceps
- Deadlift
+ Incline Dumbbell Press
+ Triceps Pushdown 1x10
+ Bench Press 200X2X2
+ Ab Crunch 2X10, till failure

- dramatically increase workload
- increase calories burned
- loss fat
- increase strength overall
- increase bench press
- end with an ideal body proportion

Current improvements:
- deadlifts increased to 205X8 from 185X5 (first day)
- parallel squat increase to 205x4 from 185x5
- bench press 225x3 (no spotter)

01-30-2013, 03:59 PM
Popped in 2 caps of new fatburner yesterday for rest day cardio day, lots of energy/longer duration at high speed (9-11)

Same as previous fatburner, i do fart during my cardio, sucks for the ppl beside my machine lol :rofl:

Infinite Labs Final Cutz fatburner

can't wait to try the fatburners on today's wednesday routine with extended exercises

02-13-2013, 05:56 PM
Popping 2 fatburners at 8pm was worst decision so far, only 3 hours of actual sleep :'(

Today is Wedesday, tomorrow is Thursday, and yesterday was lift day.

Today is rest day cardio day, also thinking of adding on leg press, couldn't fit it into the other lift days as those days are around 2-2.5hrs sesh's.

Deadlift and Squat weights increasing, stabilizers too