View Full Version : Good deal on a truck?

12-05-2012, 08:57 AM
Just watched on the news in Lethbridge

Buy a 2012 Diesel Ram and get a 2012 Jeep Patriot for $1

12-05-2012, 09:21 AM
That's not as great of a deal as it sounds. they've run this promotion before. You pay full siticker price on the ram, so you miss out on $15k+ in rebates, and that jeep is only worth somewhere around 16k after rebates.
Aaaand, both of those vehicles are old stock, so you could probably
negotiate a lower total price on those two vehicles without this promotion. Plus the obvious negative that it's a shitty 2x4 jeep with no options.

So it's not a bad deal, but it's not a great deal.

12-05-2012, 09:32 AM
Looks like it's good for people who don't want to haggle. But in the end they're clearing 2 cars when you could have negotiated on the Ram and just have purchased one instead with the same discount.

12-05-2012, 09:59 AM
If it sounds to good to be true...

12-05-2012, 10:18 AM
Cochrane dodge was the first to do this as I recall.

Started with buy a Ram, and upgrade to the diesel for free, then it went to buy the truck and get a Caliber for free, then it went to buy a Jeep GC and get a free caliber.

Then Stadium Nissan picked up on it with buy the Titan, get the Versa for free.

and then it went away for a few years, until this.

Basically, the rebates on the higher end truck cover the cost of these low end cars they "give away".

For example, a $60k truck has $15k in rebates, and dealer cost is still $3k under that, and a base model Versa or Caliber is $13-$14k dealer cost.

The dealership sells you both, and keeps any and all rebates, but you pay full cost of the truck BEFORE rebates.

So, you can decide to pay $60k and get a truck and car, OR pay $45k for the truck.