View Full Version : Philosophical debate, care to weigh in?

12-05-2012, 03:25 PM
Alright, so I saw one of my FB friends became a bleeding heart, which to be fair is not outside her standard MO. But me being me, I had to jump on her statement to try and show her why I believed she was in err.

Quotes below in red are from me, Blue from her, and black will be from a random.

While I'm happy for Will and Kate, a typhoon just killed 283 people in the Philippines...where are our priorities!!!

well, I suppose we could put a story into every paper around the world where more than 5 people died, or 50 people affected, or something bad happens. I for one am happy to see the occasional good news story. It is not about priorities, but about what is most news worthy, and affects the most people. As bad as it sounds, a new heir in the British Monarchy is bigger news that a typhoon that killed those people.

I'm not saying I don't like happy news...however, we've all heard about the Royal pregnancy. I don't think it needs to continue to be front page of the Herald everyday. Also, it's celebrity gossip, it doesn't actually affect anyone. The Typhoon however, probably affects a whole lot of people who live in this city and country who have friends and family in the Philippines.

It affects more than you know. In case you had forgotten, Canada is still a British Colony, and Queen Victoria is STILL our Monarch and head of government. The Queen still has official representation in our government, and has the right to veto bills presented. So yes, while I agree it can be seen as celebrity gossip, it is important to us as Canadians, and affects millions, versus the thousands that will be affected by the deaths in the Philippines, Hence why one is in the news versus not.

Um, it affects me when 283 people lose their lives. I hope that there are millions of others like me.

oh granted, it affects me too. But the argument here is which is the bigger news story.

People dying is ALWAYS the bigger news story...

No it isn't. Society as a whole sucks. People die every day, be it from natural causes or otherwise. But to honestly think that it is news to the world that a murder happened in Mexico, or a man in Rome had a heart attack, or a pedestrian in New York was hit by a car? Time to give our head a shake. While it is nice to carry the notion that every life is valuable, it is not valuable to everyone. If it was, every time a person died in the world, we would all be attending the funeral.

I should ammend that previous statement to read, "while every life is valuable, the value is variable depending on who the person is."

even that is not what I wanted to convey. If a person dies in China that I know nothing about or met, while I may shrug and say that is too bad, I would not lose any sleep over it, versus someone that knew them personally might be an emotional wreck.

I'll lose sleep for you then.

I realize I am taking the unfavorable viewpoint in the public eye, and it shows a total lack of empathy, but am I wrong in what I have stated?


12-05-2012, 03:35 PM
You were wrong to argue with a woman about something like this in the first place.


12-05-2012, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
You were wrong to argue with a woman about something like this in the first place.


Fuck. :facepalm:

12-05-2012, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
You were wrong to argue with a woman about something like this in the first place.



I was about to post something similar.

I'll lose sleep for you then.

12-05-2012, 03:41 PM
You're not wrong to have your own opinion. Nobody can tell you how to feel.

The media runs with the story they feel is going to garner the most viewer interest; like any broadcast, they wouldn't be around if nobody watches. The newspaper is the same way.

You're right in saying that we're still linked to the Monarchy and as such, it may be of more interest to some people than a bunch of asians dying on the other side of the planet from yet another natural disaster exasperated by poor living conditions and substandard communication and warning systems.

You picked a poor example for me though, since my wife is Filipino so I do have a particular interest in what goes on there. But that aside, I must admit I find reporting a major incident like a Typhoon far more important than that of a celebrity having morning sickness.

Maybe I can sum it up with this: While reporting on natural disasters overseas is of particular importance to those who care, it is not of as much overall importance to the general public... who the media caters to.

Media aside, should you or anyone else not care about a large amount of people dying on the other side of the planet? I can see it from both perspectives. On one hand, there isn't much you can do about it and that area of the world holds no particular significance to you. On the other hand, we're talking about human lives. I'd venture to guess that if those people were killed in Calgary you would suddenly become very, very interested. (As the media would be) I suppose its all relative, and a pretty personal decision that nobody should be shunning you for imo.

12-05-2012, 03:41 PM

12-05-2012, 03:43 PM

12-05-2012, 03:43 PM
and Queen Victoria is STILL our Monarch and head of government.

You lost the argument there :(

12-05-2012, 03:47 PM
LOL eglove. Perfect.

12-05-2012, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by spikers
I realize I am taking the unfavorable viewpoint in the public eye, and it shows a total lack of empathy, but am I wrong in what I have stated?

You're wrong for having tunnel vision, and being blind to other dynamics other than "am I wrong in what I have stated?".

I recommend you avoid marriage until you get this fixed.

12-05-2012, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

I recommend you avoid marriage until you get this fixed.

Too late:rofl:

12-05-2012, 04:03 PM
News is about what sells...or an agenda. It typically isn't about unbiased information or morality. Just the way it is these days for the most part.

12-05-2012, 04:04 PM
For the next year, everytime she posts something positive on Facebook, google the most depressing news story that day and post it in the comments. Bonus points if you can make it related to her post.


"My son took his first steps today!"

"How can you be happy about that when 3000 starving children died in Africa today"

12-05-2012, 04:11 PM
at the end of the day, it's a matter of opinion which new story is bigger. by arguing about it on facebook, you're just coming off as a giant insecure dickhead. :dunno:

12-05-2012, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by BananaFob

You lost the argument there :(



Originally posted by LollerBrader

You're wrong for having tunnel vision, and being blind to other dynamics other than "am I wrong in what I have stated?".

I recommend you avoid marriage until you get this fixed.

No, i understand her viewpoint, and I sympathise with it, hell, in my recent trip the the Philippines, I made quite a few friends there, and have reached out via FB to make sure they are ok. I disagree that I have tunnel vision.

12-05-2012, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
at the end of the day, it's a matter of opinion which new story is bigger. by arguing about it on facebook, you're just coming off as a giant insecure dickhead. :dunno:

Oh I know I did. insecure, not at all. Dickhead...absolutely.

12-05-2012, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by spikers



Uh no... our head of state is Queen Elizabeth II not Victoria.

12-05-2012, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
You were wrong to argue with a woman about something like this in the first place.


Ding. Arguments with women are bad enough, but on facebook? Good luck.

12-05-2012, 04:21 PM
Tell her to get back in the kitchen?

12-05-2012, 04:22 PM
Queen Victoria? Is spikers like 100? LOL :D

12-05-2012, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by spikers
No, i understand her viewpoint, and I sympathise with it, hell, in my recent trip the the Philippines, I made quite a few friends there, and have reached out via FB to make sure they are ok.

So, let me get this straight. You're arguing that she is in "err" for thinking that being concerned about people dying overseas is more important than the royal family's minor issues... yet you now say that you contacted friends from over there to make sure they were ok.

Did you write the royal couple as well? Because if not, it really makes it look a wee bit hypocritical when looking at your FB posts....

12-05-2012, 04:24 PM
I read news most days. Skipped both these stories as irrelevant. Something like 40,000 people die every day in the world. At the same time, while the monarch may be head of state, I doubt that would remain the case for very long if he/she ever vetoed anything important.

12-05-2012, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

So, let me get this straight. You're arguing that she is in "err" for thinking that being concerned about people dying overseas is more important than the royal family's minor issues... yet you now say that you contacted friends from over there to make sure they were ok.

Did you write the royal couple as well? Because if not, it really makes it look a wee bit hypocritical when looking at your FB posts....

Yes, You got it right. I am not saying I don't have an emotional attachment there. What I am saying is that the story of a new heir in the Monarchy affects ALL Canadians, versus the few thousand that will be affected by <300 people that died in the Philippines, thus demonstrating which would be the bigger news story.

As for being a hypocrite, come on Jeff, don't grasp for too many straws there.

12-05-2012, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by spikers

What I am saying is that the story of a new heir in the Monarchy affects ALL Canadians, versus the few thousand that will be affected by &lt;300 people that died in the Philippines, thus demonstrating which would be the bigger news story.

This is the hill you're making your stand on?


12-05-2012, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by BananaFob

Uh no... our head of state is Queen Elizabeth II not Victoria.

Ahh gotcha, I knew as I was typing it that something was wrong...LOL

12-05-2012, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

This is the hill you're making your stand on?


prove me wrong? I am always up for a debate, and I don't mind being wrong.

12-05-2012, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by spikers

Yes, You got it right. I am not saying I don't have an emotional attachment there. What I am saying is that the story of a new heir in the Monarchy affects ALL Canadians, versus the few thousand that will be affected by &lt;300 people that died in the Philippines, thus demonstrating which would be the bigger news story.

As for being a hypocrite, come on Jeff, don't grasp for too many straws there.

Well, I already agreed that it would probably be of more interest to the majority of Canadians. But her argument was that perhaps our priorities were skewed... and I actually agree with her in that regard.

And honestly, at the end of the day, how many Canadians truly feel the Monarchy is of major benefit to Canada by this point? I'm willing to guess people's interest is more akin to reading the tabloids than it is being concerned about worthwhile reporting or how it could possibly affect them in any way whatsoever.

As for my mention of hypocrisy - I just don't see the point in arguing with someone when you actually agree with them in principle.

12-05-2012, 04:49 PM

12-05-2012, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by spikers

prove me wrong? I am always up for a debate, and I don't mind being wrong.

It's not a question if you're right or wrong - You're just a fucking moron.

12-05-2012, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

It's not a question if you're right or wrong - You're just a fucking moron.

I hope you guys have a previous negative history... because this seems like a hopelessly excessive thing to say...

12-05-2012, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by LollerBrader

It's not a question if you're right or wrong - You're just a fucking moron.

Thanks for that!

Name calling is such a fantastic way to prove your point.

12-05-2012, 05:08 PM
When i found out they were having a baby I cried for three hours....True story...No really I didn't. I don't care about either pieces of news...People have babies each day and people die each day.

Both points are moot and no one gives a shit.

12-05-2012, 05:09 PM
I think both your arguments weren't really to the point.

Are our media priorities skewed? sure. Becuase we reconized a royal birth over a storm in the Philippines? probably not.

My condolences to the Philippines but storms happen. (and it does deserve recognition)
Someone had a baby, congrates bro.

I don't think either are all consuming stories that everybody MUST know, sure they both should be reconized, and have an outlet. but there are way crazier things happening in the world that have the potential to directly effect humanity that the genreal public should be educated on.

I get her point. As a global community, compassion for all other fellow humans is probably key to our race's longevity. But how much does it help, to front page the news in the western world about these deaths...

12-05-2012, 05:32 PM
This is a 100% unwinnable argument because it's based soley on opinion.

I'd say it's idiotic to even enter into this kind of argument with the intent to be "proven wrong" or win anything.

12-05-2012, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat


Best post of the thread.

12-05-2012, 05:35 PM
Sorry, beyond, this is what happens when I leave spikers unsupervised(well pointless arguments and the whole bag of Oreos disappears :( ). I won't let it happen again..

12-05-2012, 05:41 PM
Just get Zenops to debate her. She'll be walking rather sorely the next day.

12-05-2012, 05:54 PM
I agree with spikers entirely, it is an important issue to some but at the same time this is Canadian media and what matter to us Canadians is what should be front page. I know my family is following the pregnancy closely and cares about our royal family......

12-05-2012, 05:56 PM
Queen Victoria was the only one to ever release a quarter farthing.

Thats 1/16th a penny for you peasants out there.

12-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by egmilano
I know my family is following the pregnancy closely and cares about our royal family......

Is that the shit you were sworn by when you came to Canada?

..or, is that what you say as an illegal immigrant?

12-05-2012, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968

Is that the shit you were sworn by when you came to Canada?

..or, is that what you say as an illegal immigrant?

It's what I say as a proud Canadian who's ancestors fought and survived WWI and II.

12-05-2012, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
Just get Zenops to debate her. She'll be walking rather sorely the next day.
:rofl: Winning post!

12-05-2012, 08:06 PM
Personally, I'd much rather read news about a natural disaster than celebrity news. I don't really care in the slightest about the lives of celebrities and the royal family is no different.

12-06-2012, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

I hope you guys have a previous negative history... because this seems like a hopelessly excessive thing to say...

I can't tell spikers from the scores of other morons I've met in my life who would shit out some half-digested opinion, and then fart out a demand that someone prove them wrong.

12-06-2012, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
You were wrong to argue with a woman about something like this in the first place.


haha yes! So true. But more like he was wrong to try to argue logic with a woman period.

Morals and such are human qualities and inherently illogical as are women. Plus I assume that statement was posted on her wall / status. If someone posts a response like yours to something that I put on my wall, I'd tell them to F@#$ off and die and unfriend them. I'd treat them the same way as certain people who go around posting various clauses on other people's walls. If you don't like or agree with something, fine go post it on your own damn wall, but leave it off of mine. :dunno: