View Full Version : Gift Ideas

12-09-2012, 03:54 PM
I'm sure i'm not the only one on this forum that is terrible at coming up with gifts for the holidays... Let's hear some ideas!

Post for who (mom, dad, bro, sis, gf, etc) and what you're getting them (unless they're also on this forum and you want to keep it secret ;))

12-09-2012, 07:23 PM
Sister - Logitech Squeezebox, was on sale at amazon for $99.99, can't go wrong, already have this at my own house and at my parents house. Awesome for my wife to listen to Japanese radio stations, my parents listen to Russian radio stations, as will my sister, plus probably some Spanish as well as she is very much into latin culture


Parents - PixStar 10" Wifi Picture frame. Bought 3 of these total, one for myself, one for my inlaws in Japan, and one for my parents. I travel a lot and take a ton of pictures, and this thing just syncs with my SmugMug account and is controlled from the web. Pretty awesome how from the comfort of my own home I can control what the picture frames at my parents show, as well as the one all the way in Japan. My mom really loves to watch pictures from my trips, so this is an easy gift. Also scanned over a 1000 pictures from the soviet days and loaded them onto an old non-wifi picture frame they had, will be a good use for the old frame.


Wife - We don't really give each other presents for Christmas, but just buy things as gifts throughout the year. This year got the heated seats installed in her car, installed the compustar remote starter, got her a new phone, and swimsuits from Victoria Secret that she liked. Only other thing I MAY get is a stress map for the kitchen, as she loves to cook and gets back pains from standing all the time (her work requires her to stand all day long as well, so she wants one)

Myself - nothing so far that I can think of. I just buy stuff when I want it. A new 1U server for the server rack in early JAN to act as a firewall and maybe some tablet (surface pro perhaps). Waiting for the work benefits to roll over to the new year :D

12-09-2012, 07:36 PM
Good emergency car kits for parents and sister, a couple of the LifeHammer things as well.

12-09-2012, 07:40 PM

12-09-2012, 07:52 PM
Totally buying a Life Hammer now. Thanks for that one!

12-09-2012, 07:57 PM
with exams and stuff i've barely even started thinking about gifts lol except for the gf and her mom i have those and have had them for a few weeks now

for gf's mom (it has been done over and over but she really could use a nice getaway) spa package at oasis.

and for the lady an ipad mini.

12-09-2012, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Good emergency car kits for parents and sister

While super useful, I would not be happy with an emergency and I assume most sisters wouldn't be either.

I got my dad an hp laptop
Mom a galaxy nexus
old lady gets a vacation to cabo with me and am gonna kick her a $1000 spending cash for when she goes to vegas at the end of jan.
me and my brother don't exchange gifts

12-09-2012, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by FraserB
Good emergency car kits for parents and sister, a couple of the LifeHammer things as well.

Originally posted by ddduke

While super useful, I would not be happy with an emergency and I assume most sisters wouldn't be either.

He's a single guy; they will be happy with anything that didn't come from the local gas station, bought on his way over...

Spikers got a Nixon watch(I gave it to him already lol)
Our daughters are spoiled rotten
Everyone else got gift cards.

12-09-2012, 09:16 PM
Oddly enough, they asked for them after they saw mine. Probably also pick up a GPS for the parents since theirs was stolen.

Parents are paying for the second BlackVue I bought from the Spikers group buy, so I'm happy. Don't want anything from my sisters since both are still in school, so they have better things to spend money on.

rob the knob
12-09-2012, 09:21 PM

12-09-2012, 11:49 PM
I am going to buy the Life Hammer thing for my daughters BF

We got the kids ipad mini's and a bunch of stuff they wanted.